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Gross domestic product (GDP) is the standard measure of the value added created
through the production of goods and services in a country during a certain period. As such, it
also measures the income earned from that production, or the total amount spent on final
goods and services (less imports).1

Country GDP (Billions of USD ) (2023)2

Czechia 335.243
Germany 4,429.838
Poland 842.172
Slovakia 133,044
Austria 526.182
Total: 6,266,479 Ave: 1,253.2958

Czechia has a GDP of 335.243 billions of USD which is under the average GDP of the
surrounding countries.

%20(GDP)%20is,and%20services%20(less%20imports). Access date : 27.02.2024
2 access date: 27.02.2024

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