CLC 12 - Capstone Draft Proposal Worksheet

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Capstone Draft Proposal Worksheet

Name: Aemrick Mariano

Topic: Music Production, Music Video / Short Film
Focus Area: Product
Inquiry Question: “How can music help to portray a certain feeling, emotion in relation to a
visual product?”

1) Capstone Project Summary:

In the box below, please type out 200 – 300 words explanation of what you are planning to do with
your Capstone Project. It should be as specific as possible, detailing what you hope to accomplish.
My capstone consists of two parts: One, the production of a song. From composition, lyrics,
production, instrumental, vocals, backing, track, etc. This part of my capstone is the base—it is the
main product and focal point of my entire project. Part two relies on part one and is what I hope to
truly bring to fruition from all the experience and learning I have developed my entire life. Song
production is expected to be completed alongside the help of my sister who has plenty of experience
playing guitar, and my co-worker and friend—JV, who succeeds in producing, singing, and using
electronic equipment. With a song, I hope to get across a meaningful and essential lesson that I have
learned over the past eighteen years of my life.
While part one of my capstone is something you listen to, part two is something you watch.
Part two is the development and creation of a music video or short film. This is to go alongside my song
to further drive an emotion, meaning, and story across. What I am truly trying to portray is crucial to
me. This means that with the best of my ability, I want to show people not just a song and music video
—but a look into what it is like to be—me. This music video is to be created with a team, with actors,
videographers, photographers, digital artists, creative directors, etc. I know in full honesty my capstone
is not going to be easy to achieve especially if I were to do it by myself, but what I know for sure is that
with the right people I will be able to bring my creativity and necessities in my life into something to
share with everyone that wants to see.
You know I love this project idea. It’s meaningful, challenging and will require a lot of discipline,
planning and creativity. I can’t wait to see you pull this off!!!
2) Core Competencies:
In the boxes below, explain how your project will demonstrate your abilities and skills from each
section of the Core Competencies. (You must choose at least two points from each skill area of the
core competencies. All the core competencies are attached in the assignment.)
Fantastic work tying your Capstone project to the Core Competencies!
Core Competency (skill area): How you demonstrate it in your Capstone Project:
Personal Awareness & - Well-Being (My project will demonstrate well-being by
Responsibility incorporating its meaning into the music video. The film aspect of
my capstone has a lot of personal takeaways, some in which may
demonstrate well-being and what that truly is like for people.

- Self-Determination (The self-determination area comes in with

the entire process. This capstone is not easy, and no shortcuts
have revealed itself to me. This requires tons of self-
determination since my capstone has so many diverse levels and
unknown areas to it.
Social Responsibility - Valuing diversity (Diversity will be valued through the team that I
pick out. I want a team that is diverse so that the song and video
can reach to not just my audience—but to everyone.)

- Building relationships (As an ENFP, this is my favourite part!

Building relationships and connecting people to work together to
create and establish something entirely new, and in distinct ways
so that coming out of this we will not just be a team, but a group
that can always rely on each other.)
Critical Thinking - Develop and Design (A song and music video is a process in which
may require multiple paths to reach one specific point. This
means, exploring and finding new ways to present learning
through a wide range of brand-new ideas.)

- Question and Investigate (This process can be done when

communicating through our team, in which everyone has
separate roles. Asking questions and investigating unknowns will
help bring the team on a different level.)
Creative Thinking - Generating Ideas (With my friends and team, they can help
generate ideas especially since we all live in different areas- to
use the area between everyone to our advantage and the
widespread locations of the team.)

- Novelty and Value (Because of the team being diverse, more

ideas are bound to be generated throughout the entire process of
my capstone. Within this resides unique and distinct ideas and
Communication - Collaborate to plan, carry out, and review (I plan on creating a
Discord server to help generate and carry out plans throughout
my capstone. This helps plenty with communication, problem
solving, and mapping out dates to film!)

- Connect and engage with others (I can utilize the Discord server
as mentioned above to possibly have any sort of meetings
pertaining to gathering new and fresh ideas, perspectives, etc.)
Personal & Cultural Identity - Personal Values and Choices (Knowing this and using my personal
values to make brighter choices is a key and essential piece in my
capstone. I am going to try my best and push myself to the best
of my ability to help show others my personal values through my

- Relationships and Cultural Identity (As someone who stands

proud of their culture, race, ethnicity, and sexuality, the concept
of relationships and cultural identity are important to me and as
well has a piece in my capstone. My capstone will help to put out
and represent said topics.)

3) Rationale/context: Detail your reasons for choosing this inquiry question.

Explain WHY you are choosing to investigate this topic as a major area of focus. How does this area of inquiry
connect to your passion(s), purpose? Why is it of personal interest to you?
I am choosing this area to investigate because it helps to mirror a reflection of not just who I am on the
outside, but who I am from the inside. From crucial values, sexuality, ethnicity, etc. My goal and want for this
project are to have more people who are unaware—to become aware of the invisible battles happening
around them. This area of inquiry connects to my passion since many artists use music and film as an
expression to help show people what they may be feeling inside. This ability and this idea of using a creative
outlet to demonstrate struggles to me has always been so interesting, powerful, and moving. I hope to
accomplish this same outcome as others have. It comes as personal interest to me since I feel I have gone
through many invisible battles and want to share them. I also believe as though this may be able to help
others going through similar struggles!

4 ) Background: What background knowledge / connections / prior learning do you have that can help
you to be successful with your project?

Some background origin and roots that may be helpful to me in this project is a wide variety of things.
Back in grade six to grade nine, I had a huge passion for video editing. Through this, I learned transitions,
key framing, multi-layering, audio splitting, etc. For music, I played piano for around four to five years,
where I learned plenty of music theory. I believe these two components really can help me pull off my

5) Career connections: What is your intended career area at this point in time? What connections does
this inquiry question have to your life, academic and/ or career goals? What are you hoping to gain from
completing this project (other than graduating or passing CLC 12)?

At this point in time, my career area is something to do in medical and medicine, such as nursing,
psychology, etc. While this does not directly connect to my capstone or my inquiry question, I do hope to
gain a wider and more broad view on careers since my plan to be a nurse has existed for a while. I believe
my capstone my help me to maybe even consider looking at arts as a career.

6) Capstone presentation medium: select one or more project mediums you wish to use to present your
project. Outline and give details about how you will present your project once completed. You may use a
combination of mediums.

- Video presentation

I may record an entire vlog into what it is like to record music and films, while after showing the final
produce (the song alongside the music video)

- Live performance

Since it is a song I am creating, I feel as though a live performance in front of the teacher or to whoever I
am presenting would be a great way to

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