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Progress Test 2A – 7th grade

Name: ___________________________ Class: ______ No. ___ Date: ___________________

Teacher: _______________ Mark: ____________________  Enc. Educação___________________

I – Reading

Read the texts carefully.

Famous stars’ routines

Harry Styles is a famous singer from England. He is 24 years old.

(Beep! Beep!) It’s 7:30 a.m. Harry looks at the alarm clock. He hates getting up early! He
has breakfast and after that he makes his bed. He leaves home at 9 a.m. and he arrives
at the studio at 9:30. He practises a lot and he loves writing new songs! He has lunch at
midday and in the afternoon. When he doesn’t have concerts, he likes to go to the gym
or hang out with friends.
In the evening, he cooks dinner and after dinner he watches TV or listens to music. He
goes to bed at midnight.
Look at him in this photo! He is playing golf, his favourite sport!

Sara Sampaio is a Portuguese model. She is 27 years old and she lives in
New York.

Sara likes to get up early for a morning walk in the park, so she gets up at
around 6 a.m. She gets dressed and goes to work. Sara participates in a lot
of fashion events. She usually has lunch at a restaurant at 1 p.m. and after
lunch she goes back to work. After work she always goes to the gym and
in the evening she usually does the laundry and cooks dinner.
She doesn’t go to bed late. She goes to sleep at around 10:30 p.m.
Look at her in this photo! She is sleeping with her dog!

Inglês – 7.º ano – Ana Santos, Catarina Pedrosa, Clara Bugalhão

A. Complete the sentences with Harry or Sara.
1. ___________ is English.
2. __________ is twenty-four years old.
3. ____________ is a model.
4. __________ has lunch at twelve o’clock.
5. ____________ always goes to the gym after work.
6. ____________ goes to bed at midnight.

B. Answer the questions. Give complete answers.

1. Does Harry make his bed after breakfast?
2. What time does he arrive at the studio?
3. What does he do after dinner?
4. Where does Sara usually have lunch?
5. What is she doing in the photo?

II – Language

A. These are some activities from Harry and Sara’s daily routines. Label them.

1. _____________________ 2. ______________________ 3. ______________________

4. _____________________ 5. ______________________ 6. _______________________

Inglês – 7.º ano – Ana Santos, Catarina Pedrosa, Clara Bugalhão

B. Complete the sentences with ’s or ’.

1. Harry doesn’t have a big family. Harry____ family is small.

2. His sister is also a singer. His sister ____ house is in America.
3. Sara has Portuguese parents. Her parents ____ names are Armando and Cristina.
4. She loves pets. Her puppy ____ name is Luigi.

C. Complete the sentences with the correct personal or object pronoun from the box.

him them her she he

1. Sara is a model. _________ is very nice.

2. Look at Harry and Sara! Look at _________!
3. Sara doesn’t speak with her mother every day. She speaks with
_________ twice a week.
4. Oliver is Sara’s boyfriend. _________ lives with her.
5. Sara likes her brother a lot. She gives _________ lots of hugs and kisses.

D. Complete the gaps with the present simple of the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
1. I ______________________ (play) football twice a week.
2. My sister ______________________ (cook) dinner every evening.
3. Mel ________________ (have) a shower and after that she ________________ (do) her homework.
4. On Saturdays, Jim and Peter always ______________________ (listen) to music. They
______________________ (not like) watching TV.
5. What ___________________ (Sophia / do) every Sunday? She ______________ (ride) her bike.
6. ______________________ (they / go) to the gym together? Yes, they _________________.

E. Rewrite the expressions in the correct column from the table.

the weekend the evening half past six Tuesday summer 25th December


Inglês – 7.º ano – Ana Santos, Catarina Pedrosa, Clara Bugalhão

F. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the present simple or
the present continuous.
Harry – Hi, Sara! What (1)_________________________ (you / do) now?
Sara – Hi! I (2)_________________________ (play) with my dog at the moment! He
(3)_________________________ (love) playing every day! I usually (4)_________________________
(not have) much free time, so he needs some attention.
Harry – You’re right! I also (5)_________________________ (go) for a walk with my dog every
evening but today it (6)_________________________ (rain), so we (7) ______________________
(stay) at home.

III – Writing

A. Write a text describing your day (40-60 words). Follow the guidelines and use time expressions
and adverbs of frequency (Example: after; before; then; always; usually; sometimes; never...).

What you do in the ___________________________________________________
What you do in the
What you do in the
evening ___________________________________________________

Good work!
Your teacher

Inglês – 7.º ano – Ana Santos, Catarina Pedrosa, Clara Bugalhão

Answer key

I – Reading

A. (6 x 2 = 12%)

1. Harry | 2. Harry | 3. Sara | 4. Harry | 5. Sara | 6. Harry

B. (5 x 5 = 25%)

1. Yes, he does. | 2. He arrives at the studio at 9:30/half past nine. | 3. After dinner he watches TV or
listens to music. | 4. Sara usually has lunch at a restaurant. | 5. She is sleeping with her dog in this photo.

II – Language

A. (6 x 1 = 6%)

1. get up / wake up | 2. have breakfast | 3. get dressed | 4. watch TV | 5. do the laundry | 6. go to bed

B. (4 x 1 = 4%)

1. ’s | 2. ’s | 3. ’ | 4. ’s

C. (5 x 1 = 5%)

1. She | 2. them | 3. her | 4. He | 5. him

D. (10 x 1 = 10%)

1. play | 2. cooks | 3. has / does | 4. listen / don’t like | 5. does Sophia do / rides | 6. Do they go / do

E. (6 x 1 = 6%)

IN – the evening; summer

ON – Tuesday; 25th December

AT – the weekend; half past six

F. (7 x 2 = 14%)

1. are you doing | 2. am playing | 3. loves | 4. don’t have | 5. go | 6. is raining | 7. are staying

III – Writing
A. 18%
Personal answer

Inglês – 7.º ano – Ana Santos, Catarina Pedrosa, Clara Bugalhão

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