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Saint Valentine´s day

Every year on the 14th of February we celebrate Valentine's Day. Most people celebrate by giving a card to someone
special they care about or by giving gifts like chocolate and flowers. and that's why St. Valentine is known as patron St. of
love, but did you know there are lots of Saint Valentine's. there's St. Valentine of Genoa or Saint Valentine of Risha and
even St. Valentina of Palestine. Our St. Valentine is the one and only St. Valentine of Rome, patron saint of love. Though
he's also the patron saint of people with epilepsy and beekeepers. And if you think that's confusing it's not clear how much
of the stories of St. Valentine of Rome is actually true.
The most popular story is that Valentine was a Roman priest and doctor who lived in the 3rd century. Around that time the
Roman emperor, Claudius Gothicus banned Roman soldiers from getting married. Gothicus loved war and spent most of
his time fighting on the edges of the empire. He believed that marriage destructed his soldiers from war, and that made
them soft, but Valentine was brave and stood up for the soldiers helping them to get married in secret. Although this was a
kind act, it was a very risky. For many years Valentine also worked in Roman hospitals. He spent his days treating patients
with terrible war wounds and diseases like plague and smallpox. And his nights performing secret marriages for grateful
soldiers in love. But Gothicus soon found out about Valentine's secret weddings. He was furious and had Valentine
arrested and thrown in jail. now in prison Valentine couldn't help the soldiers anymore.
The story goes that he was placed under the watchful eye of Asterius the jailer. Asterius only believed in Roman gods and
didn't like Christians like Valentine at all. Asterius had a daughter called Julia who was blind, he challenged Valentine to
pray to his Christian God and restore her eyesight, so Valentine placed his hands gently on Julia’s eyes, prayed to God and
suddenly she could see again. Asterius was shocked as a thank you, he freed Valentine and all the Christians in prison. But
emperor Gothicus soon found out about mysterious change of heart. Even angrier than he was before. He announced that
Asterius and Valentine would both die. Before he was taken to be executed, Valentine wrote a goodbye letter to Julia he
signed a letter from your Valentine. It was February the 14th and so the letter became the very first Valentine's Day letter
in history.
the story of Saint Valentine was passed down through the centuries and is even featured in the work of the famous English
poets Geoffrey Chaucer in the 1300s and William Shakespeare over 200 years later. when postage stamps were introduced
in the 19th century people were able to send letters and cards cheaply, reliably, and anonymously which means the person
receiving the letter doesn't know who sent it. it's became so popular that factories all over the world had to begin
producing millions of Valentine's cards each year. and that's why on the 14th of February we celebrate Valentine's Day by
writing cards to our loved ones just like sin Valentine did all those years ago.

INSTRUCTIONS: After watching the video write down all the words that are new for
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer the next questions about the video.
1. Why was Valentine put into prison?

2. What is the reason Asterius freed Valentine?

3. Why is 14th February celebrated with cards?

INSTRUCTIONS: Match the following phrases with their meanings.

1.You are my one and only ____ A) When a person is really attracted to another person.
2.To love with all your heart and soul_____ B) It is when you still have love for someone, even though the
relationship is over and may have ended a long time ago.
3. Falling head over heels in love _____ C) This is usually said by one person to another about a third party,
as it is comic and revealing of our innermost feelings about
4. To be smitten _____ D) A relationship that is certain to succeed. It is often used by
newspapers when two celebrities fall in love or announce their
5. Take my breath away _____ E) To discard carelessly or without much feeling. When a
relationship ends, there is usually sadness on both sides.
6. A match made in heaven _____ F) To hold a deep and absolute love for a person.

7. To fancy a person _____ G) This is when you love someone as much as you can possibly
imagine loving someone.
8. To have a crush on someone _____ H) It is when the person will be your only and lifelong love.

9. To dump, or be dumped _____ I) It is an animal-inspired idiom used to describe a couple.

10. To have butterflies in one’s stomach _____ J) To experience deep, sudden, and absolute love for someone.

11. Love you to the moon and back _____ K) In other words, to be so in love that breathing is impossible.

12. Lovebirds ______ L) To become obsessed by. To think about someone all the
13. Carry a torch for _____ M) This idiom can refer to anything that makes you nervous, whether
that’s someone you have a crush on or a big speech.

INSTRUCTIONS: Write a Saint Valentine´s card for someone special to you. Use some of
the phrases above to express your feelings.

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