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Personality Theory

Yulissa Vargas

South Texas College

TMGT 3305 Artifact

Professor: Laura Garcia

December 05, 2022



There is no doubt that our personalities will influence how well we work with others and

even how we will perform on a certain task, that is why it is easy to understand why some

employers like to offer assessments, like the DISC assessment, before they hire someone or they

might also do this to make sure that they are assigning a task to an individual or group that is

capable of completing it on time and has a higher chance of exceeding expectations, by doing so,

they increase the productivity and effectiveness. That is why a manager must be able to identify

the personalities of each member of the group.

DISC Assessment

Our personality is composed of multiple characteristics and can be better understood

when we examine the person in its entirety. The DISC assessment that I took at the beginning of

the course gave me insight to my personality. I was expecting to receive the results I did or

something similar. According to the assessment, I am a formalist. I tend to be very reserved with

my emotions especially when there is an outcome that is still unknow. I also tend to be very

thorough and cautious with my work. If there is anything I am working on, I try to get as much

information as possible so that the end results are what is expected. Although I might not share

my emotions as much, I still care about the people I work with and make sure that they know that

by giving feedback and get rewarded when it’s needed.

Additionally, there are areas as a formalist that I can work on. Being a formalist can take

away creativeness and innovation (Greenberg, 2004). Because I am afraid of the unknown, I tend

to do things the way that they have been done before to get acceptable outcomes, and that is not

the best way to do things. To have an organization that continues to grow and stay relevant, we

must try different things and take risk and that is something that I would like to work on.

Knowing this, I would like to encourage my team members to think outside the box and not

always go by the book, this way we can create something unique that we can be proud of and

hopefully motivate us all to try new techniques.

Motivation is imperative in the workplace and should be a priority to organizations and

top management. It’s so important that there is much research focused on motivation in

organizations. Motivation is the key to become successful and, in this case, and organization will

benefit the most from motivating its members. Lynh (2017) Motivations comes in many forms.

One of the most common and effective ways to motivate a person would be by providing a

monitory incentive. Bonuses are effective and, although its’ not a permanent raise, employees

can get one based on their performance monthly or yearly. Other forms of motivation would be

the work balance, type of work, training etc.

The Influence of a Good Compensation System

To have a good compensation system, the manager must get the know their subordinate

well, like what their goals, needs and desires are. As stated previously, some people’s interests

revolve around the monetary benefit and will stick around for that reason, however there are

others that will get on board because the organizations values lines up with theirs. Based on these

factors, the leaders will make choices what will better suit everyone. The understanding of

personalities will also help the leader come up with ways to bring the group together to

successfully perform (Nguyen, 2017).

Conflicts can arise if there is no communication or proper guidance’s from leaders. A

clear overview of what is expect will get everyone on the same page and can get thing going

smoothly. Diversity has become increasingly popular and for all the right reasons. It might take

some time for a manager to get to know everyone when the group is so diverse, but having a

variety of backgrounds, ethnicity, gender and age differences is proven to generate capital and

also create opportunities of growth and success for the organization. The differences in the group

can help them come up with multiple ideas and this is always good because we want to have


Leadership Traits

Although there are no specific guidelines on how to be a good leader, there are many

characteristics that will benefit a manager who wants to become a leader or wants to improve

their leadership. Being charismatic and optimistic has been considered a trait desirable for

leaders. Some believe that these characteristics will make a good leader. Since I completed the

DISC assessment at the start of the course, I was able to compare and take note on what a good

leader would do and how the personality would affect the way that they interact with their team

(Smircich, n.d.).


Communication is something that has to be ongoing in a team to have an interaction and

weather is to agree or disagree its always important to voice your thought and this will allow the

leaders and team members to get to know the individual better and hopefully work as a team. I

will be taking tips and theories that will enhance the way that I interact with others and hopefully

achieve a leadership status. I have also learned that by getting to know my team members I we

can increase engagement and achieve greatness, ultimately resulting in reaching our goal.


Greenberg, Josh. "Diversity in the workplace: Benefits, challenges and solutions." Retrieved

July 29 (2004): 2010.

Nguyen My, Linh. "The impact of employees motivation on organizational effectiveness."


Smircich, Linda, and Gareth Morgan. "Leadership: The management of meaning." The Journal

of applied behavioral science 18.3 (1982): 257-273.

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