Dinesh Resume

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Name: Dinesh V

Phone: 469-573-4083
Email Id: dinesh.vujuru@gmail.com

 Overall, 10 years of experience in development and implementation of large - scale, Object-
Oriented, high-performance Web-based Client-Server applications by using Java/J2EE Technologies.
 Hands-on experience in building Rich UI and RWD Applications using AngularJS, Angular 2/4/6/8/9,
ReactJS, Redux, Flux, Backbone JS, Node JS, JavaScript, TypeScript, ECMA Script, HTML5, CSS,
BootStrap, JSP, JSTL, JSON, AJAX, JQuery.
 Experience in utilizing Java 1.8 features like Lambda expressions and Stream API for Bulk data
operations on Collections which would increase the performance of the Application.
 Extensive experience in developing multi-threaded applications, utilizing threading concepts and
techniques to improve performance and responsiveness.
 Extensive experience working with PostgreSQL, an open-source relational database management
system known for its robustness, reliability, and advanced features.
 Expertise in designing and developing enterprise applications using J2EE technologies like Struts 2.0,
Spring 3.x/Boot, JDBC, JNDI, JMS, JAXB, SAX/DOM, Web services, Apache Kafka.
 Skilled in implementing thread synchronization mechanisms such as locks, mutexes, semaphores,
and condition variables to ensure thread safety and prevent race conditions.
 Extensive work experience on Spring Framework modules (Spring Core, Spring Web, Spring JDBC,
Spring Rest Services, Spring Data Access/Integration, Spring Batch, Spring AOP, Spring
Transaction and Spring Security).
 Developed and customized Drupal modules and themes to extend site functionality and UI.
Leveraged Drupal hooks, APIs, and best practices for robust module development.
 Proficient in design patterns such as MVC (Model-View-Controller), Singleton, DAO, DTO, Composite
View, Business Delegate, Controller Factory, Abstract Factory, Service Locator, Observer, Iterator,
Session Facade, Decorator, Adapter and View Helper Pattern.
 Experienced in developing an enterprise application by writing server-side code with NodeJS and
Express Framework, a database to store and retrieve data with MongoDB and front-end web pages
designing with ReactJS.
 Created custom Drupal content types, views, blocks, and fields to capture and display content as per
business needs. Configured content type permissions.
 Experience in working with concurrent data structures like thread-safe queues, concurrent hash
maps, and concurrent collections to facilitate safe and efficient data sharing among multiple
 Well experienced in developing Database components like Stored Procedures, Triggers, PL/SQL,
GraphQL, packages and Cursors for Oracle, SQL Server and DB2 databases.
 Skilled in designing and modeling relational databases using PostgreSQL, including entity-
relationship modeling, normalization, and schema design.
 Extensive knowledge of Python libraries and frameworks, leveraging them to streamline
development processes and deliver high-quality solutions.
 Extensive experience with NoSql Databases like MongoDB, Cassandra and Couchbase.
 Developed Micro-Services using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka, Ribbon, FeignClient.
 Hands on Experience in AWS Services like EC2, S3, Elastic Beanstalk, ELB (Load Balancers), RDS, VPC,
Route53, Cloud Watch, Cloud Formation, IAM, SNS.
 Experience in Continuous delivery/ Continuous Integration tools Docker, Jenkins to deploy this
application to AWS and used GIT for version control of code for incremental development.
 Experience on creating Docker container images, pushing images, integration of Spring Boot.
 Hands on experience in working with Kubernetes for managing related, distributed cluster
 Experience in working with messaging systems like Kafka, Kafka event Sourcing, JMS, Rabbit MQ,
Active MQ.
 Experience in developing the applications using Python and Ruby programming.
 Developed API's and REST API proxy using APIGEE Edge for sending mobile notifications,
implemented payment gateway on APIGEE Edge API Management Platform.
 Proficiency in deploying J2EE Applications archives (JAR, WAR and EAR) on IBM Web Sphere
Application server, Apache Tomcat Web Server, and BEA Web Logic Application Server.
 Expertise in using Maven, Apache Camel, ANT, and Jenkins for automating software builds processes
and artifacts.
 Solid understanding of source controllers like GIT, CVS and SVN.
 Coordinated with team for analysis and requirement gathering in methodologies- Agile (Scrum),
TDD, XP, Waterfall.
 Experience in J2EE Testing in developing test cases with JUnit, MOCKITO, Karma, Jasmine for Unit
testing, and logging using Log4j.

Programming Java 1.8/11, PL/SQL, C, C++
Application/Web WebSphere, Jenkins, JBoss, Tomcat, IBM WebSphere
Frameworks Struts, Spring 4.x, Spring Boot, Hibernate 4.x, JSF, MyBatis, Log4J
IDEs Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans
Web technologies JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, XML, HTML 5, DHTML, CSS 3/4, Angular JS, Angular
2/4/6/8/9, NodeJS, Bootstrap
Methodologies Agile, Scrum, TDD (Test-Driven-Development), OOAD, SDLC
Testing Tools JUnit, JIRA, Selenium
Database Servers Oracle, SQL server, MySQL, DB2
NoSQL Databases MongoDB, Cassandra, Couch DB
Cloud Technologies AWS, Azure, PCF, EC2, EBS, S3, Docker, ECS, EBS, EKS, SQS, RDS, S3, Lambda,
Kubernetes, Docker
Build Tools ANT, Maven, Gradle
Platforms Windows, Mac, LINUX, UNIX
Version Control GIT, CVS, SVN, Rational ClearCase

Client Name: Office Depot, Boca Raton, FL May 2021 – Present

Role: Sr. Java Fullstack Developer
 Involved in the complete Software Development Life Cycle including Requirement Analysis, Design,
Implementation, Testing and Maintenance. Used Agile approaches, Including Test-Driven
Development (TDD).
 Used HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JSP, JQUERY, ReactJS, Angular 9, AJAX and Bootstrap in front end.
 Developed http requests using Rxjs observables to communicate between server and client with
Angular 9.
 Implemented logging library using Angular 9 to share components and services between the
 Strong understanding of parallel computing paradigms, including task parallelism and data
parallelism, utilizing multi-threading to perform concurrent processing and optimize resource
 Implemented the Rules module to set up automated actions and triggers based on events. Used for
complex workflow automation.
 Used NodeJS to sign up for lightweight web server to hos application locally. Used NPM to manage
dependencies like adding dependencies, removing some and updating package.json.
 Used Spring Boot which is radically faster in building cloud Microservices and develop spring-based
application with very less configuration.
 Integrated Drupal with external systems and databases using custom modules, views data source,
and REST APIs. Passed data between Drupal and other apps.
 Strong command of SQL (Structured Query Language) for data manipulation, querying, and
management in PostgreSQL, including complex joins, subqueries, and advanced aggregate functions.
 Strong familiarity with ActiveMQ, an open-source message broker, and its features like message
persistence, message queues, and topic-based publish-subscribe messaging.
 Implemented Drupal caching and performance optimization techniques. Leveraged CDNs, CSS/JS
aggregation, image optimization, memcached to improve performance.
 Experience in optimizing database performance in PostgreSQL, utilizing indexing, query optimization
techniques, and analyzing query execution plans.
 Designed and developed API specification with testing case (Swagger).
 Utilized Linux command-line tools and shell scripting to automate repetitive tasks, improving
operational efficiency.
 Designed logical and physical data models for optimal Drupal database performance. Used devel
module for debugging and profiling.
 Familiarity with PostgreSQL's advanced features, such as table inheritance, partitioning, materialized
views, JSONB data type, full-text search, and extensions like PostGIS for spatial data.
 Configured and maintained Linux-based web servers (Apache/Nginx) to host and deliver high-traffic
websites and applications.
 Implementing Spring MVC with Spring Boot which includes writing Controller classes for handling
requests, processing form submissions and performed validations.
 Proficient in Python GUI development, utilizing libraries like Tkinter or PyQt to create intuitive and
user-friendly desktop applications.
 Skilled in utilizing RabbitMQ, a widely adopted message broker, for asynchronous communication,
task distribution, and event-driven architectures.
 Used Gradle as a build tool automating the building, testing, publishing, and deployment loading all
the dependencies from the nexus artifact repository.
 Developed and integrated endion and decryption functionality into Java applications to protect
sensitive data.
 Proficient in utilizing thread pooling techniques to manage and reuse threads efficiently, improving
application performance by reducing thread creation and destruction overhead.
 Deep understanding of Python's object-oriented programming paradigm, employing it to create
modular and reusable code.
 Developed Microservices using Spring Boot, Netflix OSS, Spring Cloud and deploying to AWS Cloud.
 Deployed Spring Boot based microservices Docker container using Amazon EC2 container services.
 Developed Microservice to provide Restful API utilizing Spring Boot with various data persistence
frameworks such Hibernate, JPA and messaging engines.
 Familiarity with identifying and preventing deadlock and thread starvation scenarios, employing
techniques such as resource allocation ordering and deadlock detection algorithms.
 Conducted thorough testing of GraphQL APIs using testing frameworks like Jest or Mocha, and
utilized tools like GraphQL Voyager or GraphQL Debugger to identify and resolve issues efficiently.
 Designed and developed a project that reads messages from Kafka topic and applied conversation
from JSON to pipe delimited String data format to be saved in OracleDB and NoSQL (MongoDB).
 Designed and maintained GraphQL schemas, defining types, fields, and relationships, while adhering
to best practices and ensuring a clear and intuitive API structure.
 Development of web modules and middleware components using AWS and spring integration.
 Developed server-side software modules and client-side user interface components deployed
entirely in Compute Cloud of Amazon Web Services (AWS).
 Used Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) CLI for deploying applications and other Cloud Foundry
management activities.
 Optimized GraphQL queries and resolved N+1 query issues by implementing data loaders, batch
fetching, and caching techniques, resulting in improved API response times and reduced database
 Worked on developing AWS cloud formation templates and setting up Auto scaling for EC2 instances
and involved in the automated provisioning of AWS cloud environment using Jenkins and chef.
 Demonstrated understanding of OWASP, an open community dedicated to improving the security of
web applications. Familiarity with OWASP's mission, projects, and resources.
 Proficient in identifying and mitigating web application security vulnerabilities, following OWASP's
best practices and guidelines.
 Used Continuous delivery/ Continuous Integration tools Docker, Jenkins to deploy this application to
AWS and used GIT for version control of code for incremental development.
 Used Hibernate, object/relational-mapping (ORM) solution, technique of mapping data
representation from MVC model to Oracle Relational data model with a SQL-based schema. Writing
service methods and SQL queries, Mark Logic, PL/SQL to interact with the Oracle DBMS.
 Queried and analyzed data from Datastax Cassandra for quick searching, sorting and grouping.
 Involved in Splunk development – Splunk search language, Splunk Web Framework, simple xml,
alerts configuration, report building, custom dashboard building and data modeling.
 Used Jenkins for CI/CD Continuous Implementation and Continuous Delivery.
 Worked on unit test cases using Karma and Jasmine on client side.
 Experience in implementing inter-thread communication mechanisms, such as wait/notify, signaling,
and message passing, to facilitate coordination and data sharing among threads.
 Used Jira to track bugs, prioritize and discuss team's work in full context.
Environment: Java 1.8, Microservices, Spring, Hibernate, Spring Cloud, Spring Boot, Gradle, JavaScript,
Angular 9, ReactJS, Node.js, HTML5, CSS3, Eclipse, Drools, MySQL, Apache Camel, log4j, Junit, TestNG,
Selenium, XML, Restful Web Services, SOAP UI, Kafka, MongoDB (NoSQL), AWS, Docker, Kubernetes,
PCF, Jenkins, Jasmine, Karma, Junit, Jira, Git, Agile.
Client Name: United Airlines, Chicago, IL Mar 2020 - Apr 2021
Role: Sr. Java Fullstack Developer
 Involved in all phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) including analysis, design,
development, and testing of the project.
 Used Spring MVC framework for implementing Model-View- Controller (MVC) architecture at the
Web tier level to isolate each layer of the application so that complexity of integration will be
reduced, and maintenance will be very easy.
 Implemented client-side interface using ReactJS, flux pattern and Redux framework for SPA.
 Experience in working with hosted message broker services like AWS IoT Core, Azure Service Bus, or
Google Cloud Pub/Sub, leveraging their managed infrastructure for scalable and reliable messaging.
 Expertise in using Python for automation, scripting, and task scheduling, improving productivity and
efficiency in various domains.
 Implemented Linux-based virtualization technologies like KVM or VMware to optimize server
resources and facilitate scalable deployments.
 Used ReactJS to create Controllers to handle events triggered by clients and send request to server.
 Used ReactJS with Redux to create a single page web application with efficient data flow between
the client and server and used to create Controllers to handle events triggered by clients and send
request to server.
 Skilled in analyzing and identifying potential thread safety issues, race conditions, and thread
interference through code reviews and static analysis tools.
 Proficient in implementing message queuing systems to decouple components, enable
asynchronous processing, and ensure fault tolerance in distributed systems.
 In-depth knowledge of the OWASP Top Ten Project, which identifies and highlights the most critical
web application security risks, such as injection attacks, cross-site scripting (XSS), and insecure direct
object references.
 Proficient in database integration with Python, leveraging libraries like SQLAlchemy and psycopg2
for seamless interaction with relational databases.
 Proficient in optimizing multi-threaded applications for performance, including load balancing, task
partitioning, minimizing synchronization overhead, and maximizing parallelism.
 Designed and developed using the Java collection API with Java 1.8 features and for Authentication
and authorization extensively Spring Security is used.
 Strong understanding of topic-based publish-subscribe patterns in message brokers, allowing for
flexible and scalable communication between producers and consumers.
 Implemented Spring Circuit breaker pattern, integrated Hystrix dashboard to monitor Spring
 Experience in diagnosing and debugging issues related to multi-threaded applications, utilizing
debugging tools and techniques to identify and resolve thread-related errors and deadlocks.
 Skilled in developing RESTful APIs using Python frameworks like Flask and Django REST Framework,
facilitating smooth communication between applications.
 Proficient in developing stored procedures and functions using PL/pgSQL, enabling encapsulation of
business logic and enhancing database efficiency.
 Experienced in conducting vulnerability assessments and utilizing OWASP tools, such as OWASP ZAP
(Zed Attack Proxy), to identify potential security weaknesses in web applications.
 Used JSP and JSTL Tag Libraries for developing User Interface components.
 Implemented Spring Boot services in combination with React.js as front end to form a
Microservice oriented application.
 Experience in PostgreSQL database administration, including installation, configuration, backup and
recovery, monitoring, and security management.
 Integrated GraphQL with various data sources and databases like SQL, NoSQL, or RESTful APIs,
ensuring seamless data fetching and mutation capabilities across different systems.
 Developed microservices architecture using Rest APIs, spring boot and pivotal cloud foundry (PCF).
 Implemented Spring Boot Microservices to divide the application into various sub modules.
 Implemented modules into Node.JS to integrate with designs and requirements.
 Experience in configuring message persistence in message brokers, ensuring messages are durable
and not lost in case of failures or system restarts.
 Prepare the Azure cloud infrastructure Azure Resource Manager Templates.
 Research the REST APIs of Azure and Office 365 and integrate them with current code.
 Used Azure Functions to integrate applications and run backend process according to schedules
without managing the servers.
 Involved in building Kafka cluster with Azure.
 Skilled in applying secure coding practices outlined by OWASP, including input validation, output
encoding, proper session management, and secure authentication and authorization mechanisms.
 Familiarity with load balancing techniques in message brokers to distribute message processing
across multiple instances, ensuring scalability and high availability.
 Created HTML, CSS and React.JS to develop and customize the User Interface to show the reports in
various dimensions.
 Used Spring-boot-starter-parent as the parent POM and inheriting sensible default settings from
Spring Boot and the spring-data-Mongodb dependency provides integration with the MongoDB
 Implemented SOA to develop REST Based Web services using Apache Tomcat.
 Implemented and used Rest Web Services with the help of JAX-RS to get updates from the third
 Strong knowledge of Python testing frameworks, including unittest, pytest, and coverage, ensuring
the delivery of bug-free and reliable code.
 Skilled in setting up clustered message broker environments to achieve fault tolerance, data
replication, and seamless failover in case of node failures.
 Involved in creating and extracting data from database using SQL Queries, PL/SQL Stored
procedures, triggers, and packages on Oracle database.
 Created plugins to extract data from multiple sources like Apache Kafka, Database and Messaging
 Responsible for installation & configuration of Jenkins to support various Java builds and Jenkins
plugins to automate continuous builds and publishing Docker images to the Nexus repository.
 Used Docker to provide virtualize deployment containers and push the code to EC2 cloud using PCF.
 Used AJAX to call the REST API methods and connect to the backend. Restful web services have been
used to retrieve and update the data using this AJAX.
 Implemented Log4J for Logging Errors, debugging and tracking using loggers, appenders
Environment: Java 1.8, Spring, Spring Boot, Microservices, Azure, Azure Functions, Hibernate, React.js,
Bootstrap, Redux, Flux, Node.js, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Kakfa, DAO, Rest, Web-Logic, EJB, JSON, AJAX,
Apache Tomcat, SQL, PL/SQL, Oracle, MongoDB (NoSQL), Windows, Docker, PCF, Jenkins, Git,
Kubernetes, Agile.
Client Name: 7-Eleven, Irving, TX Aug 2018 – Feb 2020
Role: Java Fullstack Developer
 Designed and developed the application using Agile Methodology.
 Used Spring Boot, which is radically faster in building cloud Microservices and develop Spring based
application with very less configuration.
 Worked on developing front end pages in a professional manner using HTML, CSS, JavaScript,
jQuery, React.js, Angular.js, and AJAX.
 Used Redux for state management along with React.js.
 Designed and developed the REST based Microservices using the Spring Boot, Spring Data with JPA.
 Developed Microservices to provide Restful API utilizing Spring Boot with various data persistence
frameworks such Hibernate, JPA and messaging engines.
 Developed a modularized application using n-tier J2EE architecture, application server, spring
framework, Hibernate.
 Familiarity with PostgreSQL's replication mechanisms, including streaming replication, logical
replication, and tools like pgpool-II or Patroni for achieving high availability and fault tolerance.
 Skilled in implementing error handling and retry mechanisms in message brokers to handle message
processing failures and ensure reliable message delivery.
 Implemented secure hashing algorithms, such as MD5, SHA-256, or HMAC, for data integrity
verification in Java.
 Skilled in migrating data from other database systems to PostgreSQL using tools like pg_dump,
pg_restore, or logical replication methods.
 Developed custom Drupal Forms with validations. Programmed submission handlers to process and
save form data.
 Proficient in implementing security controls recommended by OWASP, such as using proper access
control mechanisms, enforcing secure communication protocols (e.g., HTTPS), and preventing
server-side and client-side vulnerabilities.
 Experienced in working with Python-based content management systems (CMS) like Django CMS or
Wagtail, enabling the efficient development of dynamic websites.
 Implemented secure authentication and authorization mechanisms using GraphQL-specific solutions
like JWT (JSON Web Tokens) or OAuth, ensuring data privacy and access control.
 Experience in performing message transformation and routing within message brokers, enabling
data enrichment and intelligent routing based on message content.
 Conducted regular Linux system audits and applied necessary patches and updates to mitigate
vulnerabilities and ensure compliance.
 Created custom Drupal plugins and extenders to modify and override default behavior of entities,
blocks, views etc.
 Used the fundamentals of Java 1.8 features like parallel streams and filters through lambda
expressions to handle searching.
 Used Drush commands extensively for Drupal administration, deployments and migrations.
Automated tasks using Drush scripts.
 Proficient in analyzing and optimizing complex SQL queries in PostgreSQL using techniques like
query rewriting, indexing, and analyzing execution plans.
 Involved in transpiring, bundling, and developing React components for the partner homepages
using React.js.
 Implemented Linux-based backup and disaster recovery solutions, ensuring data integrity and
system resilience.
 Familiarity with OWASP's Secure Development Lifecycle guidelines, which emphasize integrating
security practices into every phase of the software development process, including requirements,
design, coding, testing, and deployment.
 Implemented robust error handling and validation mechanisms in GraphQL APIs, providing
meaningful error messages and handling edge cases to enhance the user experience.
 Implemented various screens for the front end using React JS and used various predefined
components from NPM (Node Package Manager) and Redux library.
 Developed Microservices using Spring Boot, Netflix OSS, Spring Cloud and deploying to AWS Cloud.
 Deployed Spring Boot based microservices Docker container using Amazon EC2 container services.
 Designed and developed the Simulator API for Amazon S3.
 Proficient in working with Python for natural language processing (NLP) tasks, utilizing libraries like
NLTK or spaCy for text analysis and language understanding.
 Maintained AWS infrastructure and developed back-end services.
 Created Stacks using Amazon Cloud Formation templates to launch AWS Infrastructure and
resources. Used AWS Lambda to run the code in the AWS.
 Building search feature based on open-source tool Elastic Search. Implemented system logging
solution using Elastic Search, Kibana and Logstash.
 Configured spring security in the application with LDAP Template and access controls using Spring
security annotations based on user roles.
 Involved in Integration of Amazon Web Services (AWS) with other applications infrastructure.
 Developed Spring Jersey resources for various HTTP methods and to send the requested data in
JSON format to the web interface.
 Deep understanding of Python concurrency and parallelism, utilizing modules like multiprocessing or
asyncio for efficient utilization of system resources.
 Worked on AWS, High Availability Practices and deploying backup/restore infrastructure.
 Implemented Enterprise Integration Development using Apache Camel Framework.
 Created Collections and documents and performed CRUD operations with Mongo repositories.
 Written variety of filter queries in Mongo DB to retrieve JSON data and passed to service layer.
 Developed ORM mappings using Hibernate and wrote Criteria, Named and HQL queries for data
retrievals in the DAO layer.
 Implemented JAX Web services by applying SOA concepts in conjunction with SOAP.
 Used Apache AXIS on Eclipse Web Tools platform for developing creating the Web Services.
Integrated with Spring IOC while implementing Web services.
 Implemented RESTFul web services API using HTTP and REST principles.
 Involved in working, updating and closing the tasks created in Microsoft Team Foundation Server.
 Worked with WAS admin to deploy applications on Websphere Application Server.
 Developed software for data transfer and validation using Apache Camel and shell scripts
 Involved in Writing and Executing SQL Scripts and responsible for fixing the issues and monitoring it
to make sure it releases in time.
 Used Docker to provide virtualize deployment containers and push the code to EC2 cloud using PCF.
 Created a CI/CD pipeline using Maven, Jenkins, Ansible, Docker and AWS container service.
 Used GitHub version controlling tools to maintain project versions supported the applications
through debugging, fixing and maintenance releases.
 Created comprehensive documentation for GraphQL APIs using tools like GraphQL Playground,
GraphQL Docs, or GraphiQL, enabling developers to easily understand and consume the APIs.
 Configured Jenkins to handle application deployment in Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) server and to
integrate with Git Hub version control.
 Experience in performing security testing techniques advocated by OWASP, such as penetration
testing, code reviews, security scanning, and threat modeling, to identify and address potential
 Actively participated in Linux communities and forums, staying up-to-date with the latest
advancements and best practices in Linux administration.
 Strong advocate for promoting security awareness and conducting training sessions on secure
coding practices based on OWASP principles to educate development teams and stakeholders.
 Involved in unit testing of various modules by generating test cases using Jest and Enzyme.
 Active participation in the OWASP community through attending conferences, contributing to
OWASP projects, or engaging in security-related discussions and knowledge sharing.
 Involved in writing JUNIT test cases and day to day builds and deployments using MAVEN and
Environment: Java 1.8, Spring Boot, Microservices, AWS, EC2, S3, Docker, Bootstrap, Hibernate, Agile,
Websphere, Oracle, Eclipse, TFS, HTML5, Css3, AJAX, Git, React.js, PCF, Node.js, Maven, Jenkins, Mongo
DB, Rest, JUnit.

Client Name: Idea Labs, Hyderabad, India Aug 2015 – nov 2017
Role: Java Developer
 Actively involved in Analysis, Design, Development, System Testing and User Acceptance Testing.
Successfully followed agile methodology in the Scrum Cycle model.
 Involved in the development using Java/J2EE Technologies, Web Services and Hibernate ORM
 Designed and developed Microservices using REST framework and Spring Boot and used Bootstrap
along with Angular JS in creating the Application.
 Refactored legacy J2EE EJB based application services into Spring Boot based Microservices for
Docker containerization.
 Performed upgrades of Drupal cores and contributed modules. Ran update.php and resolved issues.
 Used Node JS for doing non-blocking design operation for server-side code and Angular.js
framework in developing various UI components.
 Experienced in Python web scraping and data extraction, utilizing libraries like BeautifulSoup or
Scrapy to gather information from websites and APIs.
 Developed the responsive UI web pages using XHTML, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, Angular JS, JavaScript,
 Developed projects leveraging Angular 6 and MVC framework.
 Implemented robust Drupal backup and recovery procedures; leveraged entity export/import for
content migrations.
 node JS and has worked with Angular JS filters in expressions and directives to filter data in the UI.
 Extensively used MVC, Factory, Delegate and Singleton design patterns.
 Skilled in utilizing Python for system administration tasks, including file manipulation, directory
operations, and system monitoring.
 Used spring framework including spring core/IoC, Spring Web, Spring Security and implement the
authentication, authorization, and access-control features by using Spring Security.
 Used React JS for templating for faster compilation and developing reusable components.
 Used Spring Inversion of Control (IOC) for injecting the beans and reduced the coupling between the
classes and implemented the Model View Controller using Spring MVC.
 Strong understanding of enforcing data integrity using constraints, such as primary keys, foreign
keys, unique constraints, and check constraints, in PostgreSQL.
 Implemented the application using Spring Boot Framework and handled the security using Spring
 Application and developed cross browser and multi browser compatible web pages using HTML5,
CSS3, and Bootstrap.
 Implemented code according to create Angular JS Controller, which isolate scopes perform
 Experience in implementing full-text search capabilities in PostgreSQL using features like tsvector,
tsquery, and text search dictionaries, enabling efficient text search and indexing.
 Implementing the Microservice architecture with Spring Boot based services interacting through
acombination of REST and Apache Kafka and zookeeper message brokers.
 Implemented REST based web services using JAX-RS annotations, Jersey provider and consumed
using HTTP services from angular JS modules.
 Developed Hibernate with Spring Integration as the data abstraction to interact with the database of
Mongo DB.
 Developed single page applications, components using Angular JS directives, controllers, view and
routing, service modules.
 Used Microservicesto communicate using synchronous protocols HTTP and REST for implementing
 Worked with NoSQL database Mongo DB and worked with it to perform many different operations.
 Used spring framework configuration files to manage objects and to achieve dependency injection.
 Used Cassandra for achieving denormalization through features like collections.
 Developed unit tests with JUNIT and Mockito. Write automated regression tests using JMeter.
 Developed build tasks to run the unit tests on Jenkins and maintaining separate build in Maven for
the module for easy integration to the portal build and configure with Jenkins.
 Focused on Test Driven Development; thereby creating detailed Unit tests for every single piece of
functionality before actually writing the functionality.
 Mostly Used Sybase for analyzing databases.
 Implemented microservices using Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) platform build upon Spring Boot
 Cloud Foundry is the leading multi-cloud application development and deployment platform, and it
supports continuous integration.
 Used Rational Application Developer (RAD), which is based on Eclipse, to develop and debug
application code.
 Used Apache Maven for project management and building the application.
 Used Log4j utility to generate run-time logs and used Clear Case for project management and
version management.
Environment: Java, Spring Boot, PCF, Spring MVC, Hibernate, JSP, AJAX, SOA, Web Services,
Microservices, XML, Ext JS, Node JS, Angular.js, JQuery, JavaScript, IBM RAD, WebSphere, Agile
Methodology, Apache Maven, Apache Cassandra, Mongo DB, JUnit, React Js, JENKINS, Kafka.

Client Name: Zero Touch, Hyderabad, India May 2013 – July 2015
Role: Java Developer
 Involved in designing, developing, and testing of J2EE components like Java Beans, Java, XML,
Collection Framework, JSP, spring and hibernate, Perl scripting.
 Used Spring/MVC framework to enable the interactions between JSP/View layer and implemented
different design patterns with J2EE and XML technology.
 Developed the application with angular libraries ng2-datepicker, angular/material, Angular6 Web
 Proficient in using Python for network programming, implementing client-server architectures and
communication protocols.
 Involved in handling transactions using Spring Declarative Transaction management.
 Implemented DAO layer using different hibernate techniques like strategies, Inheritance,
annotations, and criteria interfaces.
 Migrated existing Monolithic architecture to full-fledged Microservices architecture using Spring
Boot in multiple stages.
 Designed and Developed application based on Microservice Oriented Architecture using Spring Boot
and node with Express JS.
 Integrated spring with Hibernate for data insertion and manipulation.
 Deployed and tested the modules using Eclipse & Web Logic Application Server.
 Implemented Spring AOP for calling a class before and after submission of form data.
 Used Annotation capabilities of RESTful API by providing ease development and client adoption.
 Implemented Spring Validator for domain level validation.
 Implemented XML Web Services using SOAP to authenticate user from external application and
Apache Axis is used to serve Web Service.
 Strong familiarity with Python package management, utilizing tools like pip or conda for dependency
management and project isolation.
 Used Node JS, Angular JS and MVC Frameworks in the development of the web application
 Used SOAP UI for the functional testing and inspection and invocation of spring-based Web Services.
 Designing new components to fit in the already existing architecture using core Java, multi-threading
different design patterns like the factory method, Abstract factory pattern, Singleton. While
developing web-based applications used Web Services, both SOAP/WSDL and REST.
 Developed Web application using JavaScript, AJAX, Java applets and servlets, HTML, and XML.
 Worked on server-side web applications using Node.js.
 Worked with Spring JDBC Templates, JMS Templates, Spring EAI, Spring Rest Templates.
 Involved in configuring the GIT repository and maintain the version control using GIT.
 Implemented Ajax and JQuery based navigation system visually identical to previous table-based
system to improve ease of maintenance and organic search engine placement.
 Experienced in mentoring and coaching junior developers in Python best practices and guiding them
through complex projects.
 Support the code builds by integrating with continuous integration tool Jenkins.
 Developed real time tracking of class schedules using Node JS (socket.io based on socket technology,
Express JS framework.
 Developed the war/ear file using Ant script and deployed into Web Sphere Application Server.
 Developed specialized search system using AngularJS, Java Servlets, JUnit, Maven.
Environment: Java, HTML, UML, XML, Ajax, Javascript, Spring, Spring Boot, MVC, Microservices,
Hibernate, Rest API, JMS, AngularJS, Node JS, GIT, Servlets, JSP, EJB, Jenkins, JDBC, JNDI, JAXP, SQL,
PL/SQL, Oracle, Eclipse, Tomcat, WebSphere, JUnit, Maven, Selenium.

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