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Written Assignment Unit 2

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Written Assignment Unit 2

Exploring the musculoskeletal system’s fundamental physiology and anatomy

necessitates us to understand the location and name of the entire bones within the body. Bones

interconnect with each other at joints and interact with different muscles via the ligamentous and

tendon attachments. Ligaments and tendons undergo considerable biochemical changes that

directly threaten their biochemical operation.

The joint’s human anatomy described the joint’s structure as well as function. A joint,

which is also identified as an articulation comprises any place in which adjoining bones or

cartilage and bone join or articulate with one another to establish a connection. Further, the

joint’s structural classification discusses the aspect that connects the two bones joining, which

may be cartilage, fibrous connective tissue, or in the joint cavity, which is a space filled with

fluid. The functional categorisation, which discussed the joint’s physiological aspect took into

account the extent to which movement is allowed without the joint’s structural classification.

Additionally, to appreciate what a joint means, it can be regarded as a point of the union

or junction of more than two body bones. It primarily seeks to offer flexibility and motion to the

body’s frame and act as protection for several body organs.

This written assignment will assess the synovial joint’s anatomy. The synovial joint is

regarded as the most prevalent with fluid-filled space’s presence identified as the joint cavity.

This joint cavity is the point where the bones’ joining surfaces contact one another although not

directly linked like cartilage or fibrous connective tissue, which permit increased joint mobility.

The joint cavity characterizes the synovial joint and an articular capsule, usually accessory

ligaments, surrounds the bones. They are largely found in the elbow, knee, neck, hip and

phalanges and the synovial joints are categorized into the plane, ball and socket, saddle, hinge,

pivot and condyloid joints.

The movement within the joint might be angulation, gliding, rotation or circumduction.

Due to their constant usage and location, joints are susceptible to injury, inflammation or stress.

Additionally, several diseases such as rheumatic fever, gout, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid

arthritis plague the joints yet they are vulnerable to injuries such as sprains, penetrating wounds,

contusions and dislocations.

The synovial joint has several physiological terms, which are associated with the joint’s

function. Additionally, the bursae or bursa in plural comprises a thin connective tissue sac full of

lubricating fluid that is located in the areas in which muscles, skin, muscle tendons or ligaments

may rub against one another often close to a body joint. Notably, bursae minimize friction within

the synovial joints through stopping them from rubbing one another, which may easily result in

joint damage. The synovial lining within the tendon sheaths and bursae, like that in the joints,

comprises a slippery non-compliant surface enabling movement between tissue planes. Also, the

bursa’s location decides where it will work to minimize friction and the bursa’s presence may

slow down rheumatic arthritis within the joint.

Additionally, a tendon sheath comprises a connecting tissue sac, which neighbors a

muscle-tendon in points where that tendon crosses a given joint. The tendon sheath’s

physiological function has a lubricating fluid, which permits the tendon’s smooth motion during

joint movements and contraction. Also, it is considered to be a resilient band that can withstand

tension, just like a ligament. Notably, tendons connect the muscles to the structures or bones, to

which they are specifically attached.


The joint’s functional organization offers stability and the tendon’s elasticity and their

capacity to act as a spring permits tendons to calmly modulate forces throughout locomotion,

hence offering extra stability without active work (Pope (2020). Additionally, synovial joints

attain movement during the articulating bones’ contact and they permit bones to glide past one

another or rotate around one another. This generates movements known as adduction (towards),

abduction (away), flexion (close), rotation and extension (open).

Skeletal physiology’s study assists us to appreciate the bone and joint’s role as a

protection means of the body’s organ. The skull safeguards the brain while the spine eases and

facilitates axial and spinal cord movement. Additionally, the ears’ bones, are engaged in sound

vibration and transmission. Notably, the bones work in essential minerals’ homeostasis

especially minerals like phosphate and calcium and are central to blood formation as well as

immune functioning.

Additionally, the joint is largely categorized by function and structure and the structural

joint is categorized into three classes including fibrous, synovial and cartilaginous whilst the

mobility amount within the joint determines the category where a joint would fall into especially

under synarthrosis, diarthrosis or amphiarthrosis. Notably, movement may be in a single plane

known as the uniaxial joint, several directions identified as the multiaxial joint or two planes

identified as biaxial joint. Joint movement offers mobility, shape and stability to human bodies.

Conclusively, the human’s body’s 206 bones may be unhelpful and not work well in the

absence of joint that assisted us establish the body’s shape that we possess today. This joint’s

significance is considerable in the history of human anatomy and we should embrace cognitive

actions in caring for the human body. Any fault within the joint such as the rheumatoid arthritis

may leave humans permanently disabled, handling pain and being frustrated. The most efficient

way to care for the joints and bones to grow the size is to enhance physical activity level together

with cognitive behavioral interventions. Additionally, it involves eating a healthy meal, which

would supply the human body with the needed nutrients as well as enough sunlight that the body

required to conceal vitamin D, which helps with calcium’s release in the human body and

calcium’s absorption from the food taken.



Davis, S. R., Pinkerton, J., Santoro, N., & Simoncini, T. (2023). Menopause—Biology,

consequences, supportive care, and therapeutic options. Cell.

Pope, J. E. (2020). Management of fatigue in rheumatoid arthritis. RMD open, 6(1), e001084.

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