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Disorders Symptom Cause Treatments

1. AUTISM • Impaired social skills • Dysregulation of • NO CURE

(ASD) • Verbal and nonverbal immune system • Respond well to
communication • Abnormal, specialized
difficulties accelerated growth behavioral
• Narrow, obsessive of brain between 1 therapies.
interests or repetitive and 2 years old.
behaviors. (potential marker for
early evaluation).
2. ATTENTION • Inattentive, hyperactive • Catecholamine • NO CURE
DEFICIT or impulsive behaviors transmission • Parent education
HYPERACTIVITY • Hard concentration problems • Meds such as
DISORDER • Reduced stimulants, but just
(ADHD) catecholamine overall drugs for
transmission lead to enhancing
weakened prefrontal catecholamine
circuit, and because transmission.
prefrontal circuit is
important for
attention, therefore
less attention.
3. DOWNS • Intellectual disabilities • Extra copy of • NO CURE
SYNDROME • Upward slant to the eyes chromosome 21,
• Increased risk of usually present in
congenital heart defects, eggs.
respitaroy problems • Increased risk with
• Develop as typical the age of the mother
children but slower rate
4. DYSLEXIA • Reading disability • Damage to three • Break words into
important left smaller units
hemisphere neural • Practice reading
systems stories
1. Parieto-temporal,
2. Broca’s area
• Damage to Posterior
Activiate brain reward system to make people keep
wanting more

Addictive material Cause Treatments

1. Nicotine • Acts through the well-known • Nicotine gum, nasal spray etc. that are
acetylcholine nicotinic receptor helpful in producing less severe
physiological alterations than using
• Releases dopamine in the brain tobacco products.
regions that control motivation,
resulting in addiction • Buropion, a medication for treating
nicotine addiction, directly prevents
• Stimulates the adrenal glands, nicotine from activiting brain reward
and release epinephrine and circuitry through acetylcholine nicotinic
that causes a sudden release of receptor.
glucose with increase in blood
pressure, respiration, heart rate.
2. Alcohol – (cause • Easily absorbed in bloodstream • Naltrexone, a medication meant for
mental heroin addiction, works by blocking
retardation, liver • Decrease the function with opiod receptors.
problem) NMDA receptors, lead to coma.

• Activate the endogenous opiod

system, people have a similar
feeling with opiod
3. Marijuana • THC, the active ingredient in • NO CURE
marijuana, binds to cannabinoid
receptors, which coordinate

• Hippocampus also have a lot of

receptors for THC, explaining
why people have poor short-
term memory and problems
processing compex information.
4. Opiates • Increase the amount of • Methadone, an oral opioid that helps
(discomfort to dopamine released in the brain to keep craving, withdrawl, and relapse
severe muscle reward system and mimic the under control.
pain, diarrhea, effects of endogenous opioids. • Naloxone, a medication that use for
unpleassant blocking the the opiate receptors that
mood) opiates produce no pleasuable effects
when they are taken.
• Buprenorphine, are use for heroin
addiction, and that causes a weaker
effect on the receptors than
5. Psychostimulants • Greatly elevate the brain • NO CURE YET
(Cocaine and chemical dopamine in specific
amphetamines) brain regions leads to addiction.

Disorders Symptom Cause Treatments

1. Alzheimer’s • Forgetfulness, • Too much beta- • ONLY TEMPORARY

Disease disorientation as to time amyloid cause the MITIGATION OF
or place, difficulty with decrease in SOME SYMPTOMS
concentration and neurotransmitter and
language. the interconnection • Five drugs, four
between neurons, prevent the
• In the final stages, the and that eventually breakdown of
affected individual is causes death of acetylcholine and
incapable of self-care neuron. the last one
• Shrank of cerebral glutamate.
• Anti-amyloid
therapies are the
goal for future

2. Amyotrophic • Paralysis of muscle, first • Motor neuron in the • NO CURE

Lateral in thehands and feet, brain and spinal cord
Sclerosis and eventually all begin to disintegrate, • Anti-glutamate
(ALS) muscles under under and the signals can drug slows the
voluntary control are not carried to the rest disease’s
affected. of the body. This will progression slowly.
result in the lack of
• Death is usually caused stimulation and the
by respiratory failure disuse of muscles.
5. Huntington’s • Involuntary movements • Hereditary brain • NO CURE
Disease and also accompanied disorders
with mood swings,
depression, slurred • The huntington’s
speech. protein, which is
widely distributed in
the brain and it is
associated with
turning genes on.
People with
Huntington’s usually
have abnormal and
toxic function among
these proteins.

6. Parkinson’s • Slowness of movement, • Loss of dopamine in • Drug: levodopa,

disease rigidity and walking and substantia nigra. which is converted
balance impairment. to dopamine in the
• 40 percent of cells brain.
must be lost before
symptoms occur • Deep Brain


Disorders Symptom Cause Treatments

1. Anxiety • Housebond OCD: OCD:

Disorders • Occur with depression • Abnormalities in • Seretonergic
• OCD cortical and deep antidepressants
• PTSD OCD: areas of the brain, • SSRIS
• Repetitive thoughts and which means the
behaviors central nervous Panic disorder and
system changes Phobias:
Panid disorder and Phobias: • SSRIS
• Impending doom PTSD: • Antidepressants
• Sweating • Norepinephrine
• Weakness released in the brain PTSD:
• Dizziness… during stress remain • Treat with similar
at heightened levels drugs used for
PTSD: lower blood
• Helplessness or horror • Alterations in certain pressure
• Hyperarousal GABA receptors in • Antidepressants

2. Tourette • Motor and vocal tics, • Abnormal activity in • SSRIS

Syndrome repetitive, involuntary basal ganglia • Antidepressants
movments or uterrance • Behavioral
that are rapid • Maybe excess in therapies
certain chemicals,
• Problems with learning, such as dopamine
difficulties with
3. Major • Sadness, Hoplessness, • Disturbances in the • Deep brain
Depression Pessimism hypothalamus, too stimulation
much production of • Antidepressants
• Disturbance of sleep and stress hormones drugs that increase
appetite the level of
• Fail to shut down norepinephrine or
• Difficulties with secretion of the serotonin in
concentration stress hormone synpases
4. Bipolar • Deep depression • Influenced by genes • Lithium, improve
disorder • Manic highs all manic
symptoms and
stablizie moods
5. Schizophrenia Positive: • GABA, glutamate and • Antipsychotic
• Delusions, hallucinations other chemicals drug:
• Disorganized speech and might have to do with chlorpromazine.
behaviors this disorder.
Negative: • Dopamine also
• Removal of normal • Several genes
processes mutation
• Decrease in emotions

Disorders Symptom Cause Treatments

1. Brain • Develop within brain • Release glutamate at • Surgery

Tumors tissue toxic concentrations,
• Primary or metastatic glutamate kills • Radiation-used to
neurons near the stop a tumor’s
Primary tumors start tumor and making growth and cause it
from brain, whereas room for its to shrank
metastatic expansion.
• Seizures and headaches
• Chemotherapy
destroys tumor cells
that remains after

• Steroid drugs relive

brain swelling and
antiepileptic drugs
control seizures
2. Multiple • Numbness, clumsiness • Body’s natural • NO CURE
Sclerosis and blurred vision due defenses attack the • Steroids are
to impaired spinal cord, myelin sheath that effecctive for
cerebellum and optic cover the axons of shortening attacks
nerve. neurons in the CNS.
• Also a lot of other This then lead to a
symptoms damage to the nerve
Relapsing MS will have
temporary symptoms, and • The axon’s sheath,
progressive MS is the as a result, is either
accumulation and repaired or replaced
permanent symptoms. by scars.

3. Neurological • Depends on different • Different accidents • NO CURE

Trauma scenarios • New nerve cells will • Removal of
be born in adult cerebrospinal fluid
brain after injury, • Methylprednisolone,
but these new cells only FDA approved
are not sufficient treatment for spinal
enough to cord injury.
regenerate the
4. Pain • Pain • NSAIDS work by • Local Anesthesia,
inhibit the COX loss of sensation in
enzymes, which a limited area of a
make the person’s body, used
inflammatory and in surgery. It works
pain-producing by temporarily
chemical interrupting the
prostaglandin action of all nerve
fibers by interfering
with the actions of
sodium channels.

• Four types of pain

killers, AKA NSAIDS.

• NSAIDS and Opioids

are for physical

• Antipileptic and
drugs are for
neuropathic pain.
Pain including, but
not limited to,
numbness, post-
stroke pain.

• Opiod receptors are

in the spinal cord

5. Seizures and • Generalized seizures: • Sudden disorderly • Antiepleptic drugs,

Epilepsy discharges of target on ion
Loss of consciousness interconnected channels or
and can cause a range neurons in the brain neurotransmitter
of behavioral changes, that temporarily receptors
including sudden alter one or more
changes in muscle tone brain functions.
• Partial seizures: • Generalized • Generalized
Seizures: eplepsies can be
Maintains controlled by drugs
consciousness and has Stimultaneous
behavioral changes, can excessive electrical • Partial eplepsies are
produce localized activity over a wide difficult to treat, so
visual, auditory, and area of the brain, surgery come in
skin disturbance. often involving the place.
thalamus and
cerebral cortex. • Electrical
stimulation is also a
• Partial eplepsies: therapy.

Excessive electrical
activity in one area
of the brain

6. Stroke • Paralysis on one side of • Blood vessel bringing • tPA, clot dissolving
the body and loss of the oxygen and nutriens drug, restore
speech were blocked by a circulation before
blood clot or some oxygen cause
other particle, permanent
causing death of damage.
neurons • Surgery can also
clear clogs in
• Anticoagulant drugs
can reduce the
likelihood of clots

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