Test Clasa 5a unit 4 - копия

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Unit 4
Let’s test your skills
1) Read the text and answer the questions. Give it a title.

One day a boy looked outside and saw a bank of grey clouds in the sky. The boy was
called Jack. Jack wanted to be a weather scientist. A noise came from outside. It was
thunder. His mum looked at the sky and said, “There might be a thunderstorm
Jack said, “There could be but, then again, it is probably just going to rain!”
Just then, on the other side of the world, a tornado was sucking up cars and destroying
roads. Back in Australia, Jack was watching the news and it said that this storm was
coming to Australia and everyone should stay indoors until tomorrow.
Back on the other side of the world, roads cracked and people ran to try to find a safe
place to wait out the storm. Back in Australia Jack was playing his Gameboy. Flashes of
lightning came from outside. Jack went outside but his mum pulled him back inside.
Jack watched TV. The news came on and the newsreader said, “We have a special
report about the severe weather on the other side of the world. Roads have cracked
and people are in fear for their lives. A tornado is threatening the other side of the
world!” The film of the storm showed the tornado and how it sucked up cars and
people! A man called Zack was reporting live a special report about the severe weather.
He saw a crack appear in the ground under him and he was sucked down!
Back at Australia, Jack was watching the report and then the TV turned off!
AAAAAHHHHH!!! Jack screamed.
“It’s just a TV!” said Jack’s mum. Then the lights turned off but at least Jack’s mum had
candles. Then Jack’s Gameboy turned off.
“NNOO!! I was up to level 56!” Jack screamed. Jack and his mum went to bed….
When Jack woke up the TV was on and the news was going and it said, “The severe
weather is over! Everything is back to normal!” (4x5=20p)

 Who is Jack? ___________________________________________________

 What Jack wanted to be?____________________________________________________

 What natural weather phenomena are described in the text?

2) Can you fi ll in Who or What? (7x1=7p)

1. _____________is it? Is it a game?

2. ______________ wears this coat?

3. ______________is that girl? I don’t know her.

4. ____________is her name?

5. __________speaks English in your family?

6. __________ have you got in your bag? It is so heavy.

7.___________ fl ies in the air?

3) Answer the questions: (3x1=3p)

 Which is the shortest month?______________________________

 Which is the coldest month?_______________________________

 Which is the hottest month_________________________________

4) Write some rules that can help save our nature. (2x6=12p)

______________________________________ __________________________________

______________________________________ _________________________________

_______________________________________ __________________________________

5) Describe your favourite month.(5-7 sentences) (7p)

My favourite month of the year is__________________________________________________





6) Fill in with must or musn’t. (2x2=4p)

You ___________wash your hands before lunch.

You__________ eat lots of sweets if you want to lose some weight.

points 53-49 48-41 40-37 36-29 28-21 20-13 12-10 9-0

mark 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3

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