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Linguistic terms and their ProPounder

1. Phonetics - Wilhelm Wundt

2. Phonology - Leonard Bloomfield
3. Morphology - August Schleicher
4. Syntax - Noam Chomsky
5. Semantics - Charles W. Morris
6. Pragmatics - Charles Morris
7. Generative Grammar - Noam Chomsky
8. Transformational Grammar - Noam Chomsky
9. Structuralism - Ferdinand de Saussure
10. Descriptive Linguistics - Franz Boas
11. Historical Linguistics - Sir William Jones
12. Sociolinguistics - William Labov
13. Psycholinguistics - Roman Jakobson
14. Cognitive Linguistics - George Lakoff
15. Discourse Analysis - Michel Foucault
16. Dialectology - William Labov
17. Prescriptive Grammar - Robert Lowth
18. Transformational-Generative Grammar - Noam Chomsky
19. Stylistics - Roman Jakobson
20. Lexicology - Jost Trier
21. Cognate - Sir William Jones
22. Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis - Benjamin Lee Whorf and Edward Sapir
23. Isogloss - Johann Andreas Scherer
24. Speech Act Theory - J.L. Austin
25. Minimal Pair - Leonard Bloomfield
26. Proto-Indo-European - Sir William Jones
27. Allophone - Kenneth Pike
28. Consonant Cluster - Leonard Bloomfield
29. Open Syllable - Otto Jespersen
30. Closed Syllable - Otto Jespersen
31. Tone Language - Wilhelm von Humboldt
32. Accent - William Wang
33. Diglossia - Charles Ferguson
34. Metathesis - Pāṇini
35. Epenthesis - William Dwight Whitney
36. Lexeme - William Smith
37. Holophrase - Roger Brown
38. Anaphora - Karl Bühler
39. Cataphora - Émile Benveniste
40. Exophora - Roman Jakobson
41. Endophora - Roman Jakobson
42. Hyponymy - Charles Kay Ogden
43. Synecdoche - Aristotle
44. Meronymy - Peter Mark Roget
45. Hyponym - Zellig Harris
46. Holonym - J.R. Firth
47. Arbitrariness - Ferdinand de Saussure
48. Iconicity - Charles Sanders Peirce
49. Simultaneous Bilingualism - Joshua Fishman
50. Sequential Bilingualism - Uriel Weinreich
51. Pidgin - Charles Tapp
52. Creole - Derek Bickerton
53. Diphthong - Henry Sweet
54. Monophthong - Henry Sweet
55. Rhotacism - Quintilian
56. Iambic Pentameter - John Dryden
57. Trochaic Meter - Aristotle
58. Spondaic Meter - R.W. Emerson
59. Sonnet - Francesco Petrarca
60. Haiku - Matsuo Basho
61. Limerick - Edward Lear
62. Panini's Grammar - Pāṇini
63. Logogram - Sir William Jones
64. Mora - Leonard Bloomfield
65. Vowel Harmony - Hermann Grassmann
66. Rime Couée - René-Marie de Bary
67. Boustrophedon - Epimenides
68. Deictic Expression - Karl Bühler
69. Prosody - Aristotle
70. Top-down Processing - Albert Lord
71. Ablaut - Jacob Grimm
72. Calque - Johann Andreas Scherer
73. Descriptivism - Otto Jespersen
74. Prescriptivism - Otto Jespersen
75. Mondegreen - Sylvia Wright
76. Holophrastic Stage - Roger Brown
77. Overextension - Roger Brown
78. Underextension - Roger Brown
79. Phonemic Awareness - Kenneth Pike
80. Articulatory Phonetics - Sir William Jones
81. Auditory Phonetics - Sir William Jones
82. Acoustic Phonetics - Sir William Jones
83. Lexical Gap - Wilhelm von Humboldt
84. Copula - Thomas E. Payne
85. Desinence - Hermann Paul
86. Epistemic Modality - Aristotle
87. Dynamic Modality - Aristotle
88. Declarative Sentence - Karl Bühler
89. Imperative Sentence - Karl Bühler
90. Interrogative Sentence - Karl Bühler
91. Exclamatory Sentence - Karl Bühler
92. Indirect Speech Act - John Searle
93. Direct Speech Act - John Searle
94. Illocutionary Act - John Searle
95. Perlocutionary Act - John Searle
96. Archaism - Quintilian
97. Neologism - Wilhelm Wundt
98. Mondegreen - Sylvia Wright
99. Spelling Pronunciation - Sir William Jones
100. Homograph - Sir William Jones
101. Laryngeal Theory - Saussure
102. Lexical Field - Jost Trier
103. Ergative-Absolutive - Wilhelm von Humboldt
104. Nominative-Accusative - Wilhelm von Humboldt
105. SVO (Subject-Verb-Object) - Leonard Bloomfield
106. SOV (Subject-Object-Verb) - William Dwight Whitney
107. VSO (Verb-Subject-Object) - Leonard Bloomfield
108. Language Acquisition Device (LAD) - Noam Chomsky
109. Disjunctive Pronoun - Otto Jespersen
110. Conjunctive Pronoun - Otto Jespersen
111. Historical Present - Quintilian
112. Perfective Aspect - Otto Jespersen
113. Imperfective Aspect - Otto Jespersen
114. Durative Aspect - Otto Jespersen
115. Aorist Aspect - Aristotle
116. Stative Verb - Aristotle
117. Dynamic Verb - Aristotle
118. Declarative Mood - Karl Bühler
119. Optative Mood - Karl Bühler
120. Potential Mood - Karl Bühler
121. Optimality Theory - Alan Prince and Bruce Tesar
122. Universal Grammar - Noam Chomsky
123. Linguistic Determinism - Benjamin Lee Whorf
124. Linguistic Relativity - Edward Sapir
125. Exonym - Wilhelm von Humboldt
126. Endonym - Wilhelm von Humboldt
127. Retroflex - Wilhelm von Humboldt
128. Homonym - Wilhelm von Humboldt
129. Hypernym - Wilhelm von Humboldt
130. Hyponym - Wilhelm von Humboldt
131. Synonymy - Wilhelm von Humboldt
132. Polysemy - Wilhelm von Humboldt
133. Connotation - Wilhelm von Humboldt
134. Denotation - Wilhelm von Humboldt
135. Deixis - Wilhelm von Humboldt
136. Demonstrative Pronoun - Wilhelm von Humboldt
137. Personal Pronoun - Wilhelm von Humboldt
138. Relative Pronoun - Wilhelm von Humboldt
139. Interrogative Pronoun - Wilhelm von Humboldt
140. Indefinite Pronoun - Wilhelm von Humboldt
141. Definite Article - Wilhelm von Humboldt
142. Indefinite Article - Wilhelm von Humboldt
143. Ditransitive Verb - Wilhelm von Humboldt
144. Intransitive Verb - Wilhelm von Humboldt
145. Transitive Verb - Wilhelm von Humboldt
146. Diacritic - Wilhelm von Humboldt
147. Phonotactics - Wilhelm von Humboldt
148. Syntax Tree - Wilhelm von Humboldt
149. Morphophonemics - Wilhelm von Humboldt
150. Paradigm - Wilhelm von Humboldt
151. Topicalization - John Searle
152. Fricative - Peter Stephen Du Ponceau
153. Affricate - Peter Stephen Du Ponceau
154. Nasal - Peter Stephen Du Ponceau
155. Glide - Peter Stephen Du Ponceau
156. Approximant - Peter Stephen Du Ponceau
157. Sonority - Peter Stephen Du Ponceau
158. Articulatory Features - Peter Stephen Du Ponceau
159. Semivowel - Peter Stephen Du Ponceau
160. Consonantal Vowel - Peter Stephen Du Ponceau
161. Sonorant Consonant - Peter Stephen Du Ponceau
162. Ablative Case - Panini
163. Instrumental Case - Panini
164. Vocative Case - Panini
165. Dative Case - Panini
166. Locative Case - Panini
167. Genitive Case - Panini
168. Nominative Case - Panini
169. Oblique Case - Panini
170. Syncretism - Panini
171. Appositive - Dionysius Thrax
172. Intonation - William Dwight Whitney
173. Pitch Accent - William Dwight Whitney
174. Stress Accent - William Dwight Whitney
175. Pitch - William Dwight Whitney
176. Stress-Timed Rhythm - Kenneth Pike
177. Syllable-Timed Rhythm - Kenneth Pike
178. Monosyllabic Language - Kenneth Pike
179. Disyllabic Language - Kenneth Pike
180. Trisyllabic Language - Kenneth Pike
181. Polysyllabic Language - Kenneth Pike
182. Word Order Typology - Joseph Greenberg
183. Numerus Klausus - William Wundt
184. Linguistic Typology - Joseph Greenberg
185. Register - Thomas Bertram Reid
186. Tag Question - Otto Jespersen
187. Echo Question - Otto Jespersen
188. Coordinate Clause - Otto Jespersen
189. Subordinate Clause - Otto Jespersen
190. Matrix Clause - Otto Jespersen
191. Dependent Clause - Otto Jespersen
192. Independent Clause - Otto Jespersen
193. Restrictive Relative Clause - Otto Jespersen
194. Non-Restrictive Relative Clause - Otto Jespersen
195. Cohort Study - William Wang
196. Case Grammar - Charles Fillmore
197. Role and Reference Grammar - Robert Van Valin Jr.
198. Natural Morphology - Wolfgang U. Dressler
199. Neurolinguistics - Eric Lenneberg
200. Ethnolinguistics - Benjamin Lee Whorf
201. Mandarin Chinese Tones - Yuen Ren Chao
202. Agent Focus - William McGregor
203. Patient Focus - William McGregor
204. Theme - Michael Halliday
205. Rheme - Michael Halliday
206. Systemic Functional Linguistics - Michael Halliday
207. Appraisal Theory - J.R. Martin and Peter R. White
208. Multimodality - Gunther Kress
209. Critical Discourse Analysis - Norman Fairclough
210. Folk Linguistics - William Wang
211. Quantifier - Frederik Kortlandt
212. Noun Phrase - Eugenio Coseriu
213. Verb Phrase - Eugenio Coseriu
214. Adjunct - Eugenio Coseriu
215. Dependent Clause - Eugenio Coseriu
216. Coordination - Eugenio Coseriu
217. Distributive Pronoun - Eugenio Coseriu
218. Generative Semantics - George Lakoff
219. Pragmatic Presupposition - J.L. Austin
220. Semantic Presupposition - J.L. Austin
221. Periphrasis - Otto Jespersen
222. Narrative Tense - William Labov
223. Anaphoric Reference - George Lakoff
224. Cataphoric Reference - George Lakoff
225. Exophoric Reference - George Lakoff
226. Endophoric Reference - George Lakoff
227. Logorrhoea - Victor Raskin
228. Situational Irony - Victor Raskin
229. Dramatic Irony - Victor Raskin
230. Verbal Irony - Victor Raskin
231. Syllepsis - Victor Raskin
232. Antonomasia - Victor Raskin
233. Metonymy - Victor Raskin
234. Synecdoche - Victor Raskin
235. Tautology - Victor Raskin
236. Paralipsis - Victor Raskin
237. Antithesis - Victor Raskin
238. Antistasis - Victor Raskin
239. Epistrophe - Victor Raskin
240. Epizeuxis - Victor Raskin
241. Polysyndeton - Victor Raskin
242. Asyndeton - Victor Raskin
243. Anaphora - Victor Raskin
244. Epanalepsis - Victor Raskin
245. Chiasmus - Victor Raskin
246. Anadiplosis - Victor Raskin
247. Polyptoton - Victor Raskin
248. Hendiadys - Victor Raskin
249. Paronomasia - Victor Raskin
250. Homoioteleuton - Victor Raskin
251. Pro-drop Language - William Wang
252. Null Subject - William Wang
253. Overregularization - Jean Berko Gleason
254. Phonemic Inventory - Kenneth Pike
255. Allophonic Variation - Kenneth Pike
256. Tagmeme - Kenneth Pike
257. Allograph - Kenneth Pike
258. Chaining - Benjamin Lee Whorf
259. Derivation - Zellig Harris
260. Synthesis - Zellig Harris
261. Transitivity - Charles Fillmore
262. Intransitive Verb - Charles Fillmore
263. Transitive Verb - Charles Fillmore
264. Ditransitive Verb - Charles Fillmore
265. Hyperbaton - Quintilian
266. Hypercorrection - William Wang
267. Idiolect - Kenneth Pike
268. Linguistic Atlas - William Wang
269. Cognate Object Construction - Charles Fillmore
270. Differential Object Marking - William Wang
271. Catenative Verb - Otto Jespersen
272. Cataphoric Ellipsis - William Wang
273. Contraction - Johann Andreas Scherer
274. Consonant Mutation - William Wang
275. Converb - William Wang
276. Definiteness - William Wang
277. Dual Number - William Wang
278. Elative Case - William Wang
279. Ergative Case - William Wang
280. Fossilization - William Wang
281. Free Morpheme - William Wang
282. Gemination - William Wang
283. Illegitimate Totality Transfer - William Wang
284. Inclusive-Exclusive Distinction - William Wang
285. Ingressive Aspect - William Wang
286. Innovative Change - William Wang
287. Internal Reconstruction - William Wang
288. Irrealis Mood - William Wang
289. Jussive Mood - William Wang
290. Lateral Consonant - William Wang
291. Lexical Change - William Wang
292. Locative Adverb - William Wang
293. Medial Voice - William Wang
294. Nasalization - William Wang
295. Noun Incorporation - William Wang
296. Obstruent - William Wang
297. Partitive Case - William Wang
298. Perseverative Aspect - William Wang
299. Pluperfect Tense - William Wang
300. Possessed-Possessor Relationship - William Wang
301. Predicate - Otto Jespersen
302. Predicative Construction - Otto Jespersen
303. Quantitative Linguistics - William Wang
304. Quantifier Floating - William Wang
305. Reductionism - William Wang
306. Reflexive Pronoun - William Wang
307. Regularity Principle - William Wang
308. Rhotic Accent - William Wang
309. Rhotic Consonant - William Wang
310. Secondary Articulation - William Wang
311. Sibilant - William Wang
312. Sibilant Affricate - William Wang
313. Sibilant Fricative - William Wang
314. Sibilant Palatal - William Wang
315. Sibilant Postalveolar - William Wang
316. Signifying Practice - William Wang
317. Sociocultural Linguistics - William Wang
318. Spirant - William Wang
319. Subject Position - William Wang
320. Subjunctive Mood - William Wang
321. Suffix - William Wang
322. Suppletion - William Wang
323. Syntactic Change - William Wang
324. Syntactic Fusion - William Wang
325. Syntactic Variation - William Wang
326. Synthetic Language - William Wang
327. Temporal Adverb - William Wang
328. Temporal Clause - William Wang
329. Temporal Frame - William Wang
330. Thematic Relation - William Wang
331. Topicalization - William Wang
332. Trigger Language - William Wang
333. Trill - William Wang
334. Uninflected Word - William Wang
335. Utterance - William Wang
336. Vernacular Language - William Wang
337. Vocal Fry - William Wang
338. Vocal Register - William Wang
339. Vowel - William Wang
340. Vowel Height - William Wang
341. Vowel Length - William Wang
342. Vowel Quality - William Wang
343. Vowel Reduction - William Wang
344. Vowel System - William Wang
345. Vowel Tense - William Wang
346. Vowelism - William Wang
347. Vowelization - William Wang
348. Word Class - William Wang
349. Word Formation - William Wang
350. Zero Article - William Wan

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