Pubmed 32519446

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PMID- 32519446

DCOM- 20210420
LR - 20210420
IS - 1440-1800 (Electronic)
IS - 1320-7881 (Linking)
VI - 27
IP - 3
DP - 2020 Jul
TI - Nursing's metaparadigm, climate change and planetary health.
PG - e12356
LID - 10.1111/nin.12356 [doi]
AB - This paper offers a theoretical discussion on why the nursing profession has
a delayed response to the issue of climate change. We suggest this delay may
been influenced by the early days of nursing's professionalization.
we examine nursing's professional mandate, the generally accepted
and the grand theorists' conceptualizations of both the environment and the
nurse-environment relationship. We conclude that these works may have
nurses to conceptualize the environment, as well as their relationship with
mainly in terms of the individual patient, and as such, nurses have not been
encouraged to understand these concepts from a broader perspective. By not
the philosophical and theoretical foundations to understand the environment
relation to society, it is not surprising that nurses have had a delayed
to climate change and may not have viewed it as a professional concern. A
planetary health perspective is suggested as a theoretical basis for nursing
education, research and practice. Taking on a planetary health perspective
help nurses progress the profession and move healthcare systems towards
supporting a climate-resilient future.
CI - © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
FAU - Kalogirou, Maya Reshef
AU - Kalogirou MR
AUID- ORCID: 0000-0003-2709-488X
AD - Faculty of Nursing, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
FAU - Olson, Joanne
AU - Olson J
AUID- ORCID: 0000-0002-8702-3605
AD - Faculty of Nursing, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
FAU - Davidson, Sandra
AU - Davidson S
AD - Faculty of Nursing, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada.
LA - eng
PT - Journal Article
DEP - 20200609
PL - Australia
TA - Nurs Inq
JT - Nursing inquiry
JID - 9505881
MH - *Climate Change
MH - Global Health/*trends
MH - Humans
MH - Nursing/*trends
OT - advanced nursing practice
OT - climate change
OT - climate resiliency
OT - environment
OT - nursing
OT - nursing metaparadigm
OT - paradigm
OT - planetary health
EDAT- 2020/06/11 06:00
MHDA- 2021/04/21 06:00
CRDT- 2020/06/11 06:00
PHST- 2020/03/07 00:00 [received]
PHST- 2020/04/24 00:00 [revised]
PHST- 2020/04/24 00:00 [accepted]
PHST- 2020/06/11 06:00 [pubmed]
PHST- 2021/04/21 06:00 [medline]
PHST- 2020/06/11 06:00 [entrez]
AID - 10.1111/nin.12356 [doi]
PST - ppublish
SO - Nurs Inq. 2020 Jul;27(3):e12356. doi: 10.1111/nin.12356. Epub 2020 Jun 9.

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