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Second Semester Grade: IV A-B-C-D-E Teachers Mercedes Agreda – Henry O’Hara

COMPETENCIA: COMUNICA: Se expresa oralmente en inglés como lengua extranjera.

CO1.Recupera información explícita, relevante y complementaria acerca del turismo, eco y geo turismo para
promover un turismo responsable, seleccionando datos específicos en los textos orales para identificar
información relevante relacionada al tema.
CO2. Deduce el significado de palabras, frases y expresiones sobre diferentes actividades humanas y el impacto
ambiental que éstas generan, participando espontánea y conscientemente en las actividades propuestas para
reflexionar y ser conscientes de las medidas de prevención.
CO3. Adapta el texto oral a la situación comunicativa para reconocer las consecuencias del turismo y el impacto
ambiental que esta genera, manteniendo el registro y los modos culturales, considerando el tipo de texto, el
contexto y el propósito.


I. Read the information about the Galápagos Islands. Then answer the questions.
The Galápagos Islands are located 620 miles (1,000 km) off the coast of Ecuador.
Thousands of different species live on the islands, many of which cannot be found
anywhere else on Earth. The naturalist Charles Darwin studied the animals of the
Galápagos—particularly the finches (a bird species) and tortoises. From his study of
finches, Darwin saw how animals change to adapt to their environments. This
research inspired his development of the theory of evolution, which he described in
detail in his 1859 book On the Origin of Species. Today, tourists from around the
world are able to interact closely with the islands' animals.

1. What is special about the animals on the Galápagos Islands?

2. How did the Galápagos Islands contribute to our scientific knowledge?

II. The words in bold are used in the video. Read the sentences. Then match the
correct form of each word to its definition.
Contaminants, such as gasoline and other fuels, can contribute to water pollution.
Tourism can bring revenue to a place, but it can also bring problems.
Jonathan Tourtellot believes that by managing tourism, we can
avoid ruining destinations for future travelers.
A global cyberattack by a computer virus, WannaCry, was a wake-up call for many
countries to strengthen their cyber security measures.
1. Revenue (n) money that a company or an organization receives.
2. Contaminants (n) a substance that makes something unsuitable for use.
3. Ruining (v) to destroy or severely damage something.
4. Wake-up call(n) an event that is serious enough to make people aware of a big


III. Watch the video. Choose the main ideas of the video.
1. _____ Human presence on the islands has increased significantly in the last few
2. _____ Tourist revenue has been used for some major construction projects on
the islands.
3. _____ Tourism is negatively affecting the natural environment of the islands.
4. _____ The local people have started adopting more environmentally friendly
IV.Watch the video again. Choose the actions that are being taken to make the
islands greener.
1. _____ Older oil tanks have been replaced with more modern ones.
2. _____ The number of tourists on the islands have been restricted.
3. _____ Gas stations have barriers to prevent oil leaks.
4. _____ Cars will be replaced with vehicles that are more environmentally
5. _____ The locals are reducing their waste and recycling more.
Vargo, M. y Blass, L. (2018) Pathways 3 A Reading, Writing and Critical Thinking. National Geographic Learning.

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