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Scrum: - Scrum Master: Facilitates the meeting, ensures it stays on track, and helps resolve any
impediments or issues.
When you use scrum for project management you form a team that will work together to quickly
develop and test a deliverable, the work is completed in short cycles and the teams meet daily to - Development Team: They are responsible for selecting the Product Backlog items they believe
discuss current tasks and clear up anything that’s blocking their progress. they can complete in the upcoming Sprint.

The main idea behind Scrum and, ultimately, Agile is to continuously deliver value to customers. 3. Agenda:

Empiricism: The idea that true knowledge comes from actual, lived experience. - Review of the Previous Sprint: The Scrum Team discusses the outcomes of the previous Sprint,
including the completed and uncompleted Product Backlog items. This helps in understanding the
Product Backlog: The central artifact in Scrum, where all possible ideas, deliverables, features, or team's velocity and any lessons learned.
tasks are captured for the team to work on.
-Review of the Product Backlog: The Product Owner presents the top-priority items from the
Sprint: A time-boxed iteration in Scrum where work is done. Product Backlog.

Daily Scrum: A meeting of 15 or fewer minutes every day of the Sprint. - Clarifications and Questions: The Development Team can ask questions to clarify any aspects of
the backlog items. This is an important part of ensuring everyone understands what needs to be
Scrum ceremonies (Events): done.

 Sprint Planning: A scrum event where the backlog and sprint goal are established. - Selecting Backlog Items: The Development Team, based on their capacity and velocity from
 Daily Scrum: A daily forum for team members to share progress and elaborate on what they are previous Sprints, collectively decides which items they can commit to completing in the upcoming
working on for the day. Sprint.
 Sprint review: A session where team reviews the work that was completed.
 Sprint retrospective: A meeting where the team reflects on progresses identifies areas for - Defining Tasks: For each selected backlog item, the Development Team may break them down
improvements. into smaller tasks or subtasks. This helps in detailed planning and tracking progress during the
In Scrum, a Sprint Planning meeting is a key event that marks the beginning of a new Sprint. The
purpose of this meeting is to set the direction, goals, and plan for the upcoming Sprint. It typically - Estimations: The Development Team estimates the effort required for each task. Common
occurs on the first day of a Sprint and involves the entire Scrum Team, which includes the Product estimation techniques include story points, hours, or relative sizing.
Owner, Scrum Master, and the Development Team.
- Commitment: Once the team has a clear plan and understands the work ahead, they make a
Here's an outline of what happens in a Sprint Planning meeting: commitment to deliver the selected backlog items by the end of the Sprint.

1. Time Frame: The meeting is time-boxed, meaning it has a predefined duration. ex: a 2-week 4. Outcome: - At the end of the Sprint Planning meeting, the Development Team should have a
Sprint might have a Sprint Planning meeting scheduled for 4 hours. clear plan for the upcoming Sprint, including the selected Product Backlog items, tasks breakdown,
and estimates.
2. Attendees:
Remember, while the Development Team commits to delivering the selected items, this
- Product Owner: They present the prioritized Product Backlog items and answer any questions the commitment is not a guarantee. If unforeseen circumstances arise during the Sprint, the
team may have about them. Scrum Team can adjust their plan in the Sprint Review meeting or through a formal process
called "Sprint Cancelation."

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