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What causes fear of hospitals?


Most people have, at least, two or three big fears. They are not born with them, but they
acquire or learn those fears through the process of growing up. Fears that come from
childhood such as fear of darkness, height and imaginary creatures like monsters are quite
common, but some other fears also find a way to enter our lives. Then we experience similar
situations like getting burnt, getting involved in a car accident and probably the most
common one: fear of hospitals. There are so many reasons why people are afraid of
hospitals, but two stand out: physical pain and being around sick people.

First of all, the first thing that comes to mind when visiting a hospital is the physical pain
we will probably go through unless we are there just for simple things like check-ups or
having flu. Since we are not doctors, we cannot know anything for sure. We do not know
what will happen to us, what the doctors will tell about our situation and how painful it will
be. The fact that there are a lot of possibilities makes us create scenarios that sometimes do
not make any sense, but they are still enough to scare us. Due to the fear of physical pain ,
we tend to be more vulnerable, so we postpone our doctor’s appointment and avert going
to hospital as long as we can.

Secondly, we all know that hospitals are full of sick people and lots of different stories
usually with sad endings. Therefore, we see hospitals as places full of sadness and do not
want to be there. Some people even think that being around sick people will bring bad luck
and make them sick, too. Seeing people suffering and not being able to help them in any way
make other people feel extremely depressed and worthless. Definitely, this feeling is enough
for them not to want to be there.

To sum up, the thought of going through physical pain and being in a challenging
atmosphere are two major reasons why people have a fear of hospitals. Although it is
difficult to get rid of this fear, we hope that medical care will improve in the future, and
people will not be as scared as they are now when going to hospital.

Word Count: 382

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