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Prenatal malnutrition and development of the brain

Article in Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews · February 1993

DOI: 10.1016/S0149-7634(05)80234-9 · Source: PubMed

638 3,187

8 authors, including:

Robert Austin-LaFrance Sofia Díaz Cintra


Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Thomas Kemper Janina R Galler

Boston University Harvard Medical School


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Lifespan and Intergenerational Effects of Childhood Malnutrition View project

Effect of tibolone on dendritic spine density in the rat hippocampus View project

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Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, Vol. 17, pp. 91-128, 1993 0149-7634/93 $6.00 + .00
Printed in the U.S.A. All rights reserved. 1993 Pergamon Press Ltd.

Prenatal Malnutrition and Development

of the Brain


T O M K E M P E R $ A N D J A N I N A R. G A L L E R $

* Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology, Shrewsbury, MA, ~fTrinity College, Hartford, CT,
$Boston University Medical School, Boston, MA, and §Instituto de Investigaciones Biomedicas,
National University o f Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico

R e c e i v e d 17 A u g u s t 1992


KEMPER AND J. R. GALLER. Prenatal malnutrition and development of the brain. NEUROSCI BIOBEHAV REV
17(1) 91-128, 1993.-In this review, we have summarized various aspects as to how prenatal protein malnutrition affects
development of the brain and have attempted to integrate several broad principles, concepts, and trends in this field in
relation to our findings and other studies of malnutrition insults. Nutrition is probably the single greatest environmental
influence both on the fetus and neonate, and plays a necessary role in the maturation and functional development of the
central nervous system. Prenatal protein malnutrition adversely affects the developing brain in numerous ways, depending
largely on its timing in relation to various developmental events in the brain and, to a lesser extent, on the type and severity
of the deprivation. Many of the effects of prenatal malnutrition are permanent, though some degree of melioration may be
produced by exposure to stimulating and enriched environments. Malnutrition exerts its effects during development, not only
during the so-called brain growth spurt period, but also during early organizational processes such as neurogenesis, cell
migration, and differentiation. Malnutrition results in a variety of minimal brain dysfunction-type syndromes and ultimately
affects attentionai processes and interactions of the organism with the environment, in particular producing functional
isolation from the environment, often leading to various types of learning disabilities. In malnutrition insult, we are dealing
with a distributed, not focal, brain pathology and various developmental failures. Quantitative assessments show distorted
relations between neurons and giia, poor formation of neuronal circuits and alterations of normal regressive events, including
cell death and axonal and dendritic pruning, resulting in modified patterns of brain organization. Malnutrition insult results
in deviations in normal age-related sequences of brain maturation, particularly affecting coordinated development of various
cell types and, ultimately, affecting the formation of neuronal circuits and the commencing of activity of neurotransmitter
systems. It is obvious that such diffuse type "lesions" can be adequately assessed only by interdisciplinary studies across a
broad range of approaches, including morphological, biochemical, neurophysiological, and behavioral analyses.

Malnutrition and developing brain Prenatal protein malnutrition Gestational malnutrition

Nutrition and brain development Selective vulnerability of brain to malnutrition
Critical periods of brain development Malnutrition and developmental retardation Pre-brain growth spurt period
Brain growth spurt period Cellular and molecular aspects of malnutrition Effect of malnutrition insult on
neurogenesis Malnutrition and cell cycle kinetics Malnutrition effects on germinal cells in brain
Neuroplasticity following malnutrition insult Malnutrition and synaptic plasticity
Malnutrition and synaptic efficacy Malnutrition effects on hippocampal formation
Malnutrition and long-term hippocampal potentiation Malnutrition and dentate gyrus kindling
GABAergic interneuronal excitability in dentate gyrus Malnutrition and sleep-waking states
Malnutrition and hippocampal theta activity Malnutrition and theta shifting activity
Malnutrition and EEG ontogeny Malnutrition effects on dendritic spines Behavioral effects of malnutrition
Malnutrition and environmental stimulation Malnutrition effects on learning and cognition

Requests for reprints should be addressed to Dr. Peter Morgane, Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology, 222 Maple Avenue,
Shrewsbury, MA 01545.


GENERAL INTRODUCTION AND permanent and are associated with impairments of higher
DELINEATION OF THE PROBLEM mental functions, including deficits in intelligence. It is clear
THE physical, chemical, and physiological development of that abnormalities in prenatal human brain maturation result-
the brain and consequent behavior in all higher species evolves ing from malnutrition can manifest themselves as curtailed
from the continuous interaction of genetic and numerous envi- mental development and other types of developmental disabil-
ronmental factors. Included among the latter are nutritional ities. However, more numerous, and ultimately more impor-
and cultural variables, as well as disease and educational op- tant for society, are the borderline cases, i.e., those of so-
portunities. This review is intended to provide an updated called suboptimal brain development, generally referring to
integration of some broad principles, concepts, and trends the nonfulfillment of the entire genetic potential of the indi-
related to the effects of prenatal protein malnutrition on the vidual (315).
developing brain. In recent years there has been a tremendous In our rat models we have studied the effects of both mod-
increase in awa~eness of the importance of nutrition to brain erate and severe chronic protein malnutrition insult with em-
development and behavior, and the resultant upsurge in re- phasis on the prenatal period. In these studies, rats were fed
search has now provided some partial answers to major ques- one of three diets (Teklad, Madison, WI) containing 25%
tions in this field. Thus, it is now clear that: (control), 8% (moderate malnutrition), or 6% (severe malnu-
trition) casein. Females, destined for breeding, were begun
1. Nutrition plays a necessary role in the maturation and on one of the three diets 5 weeks prior to mating and were
functional development of the central nervous system, be- maintained on the respective diet through weaning of the lit-
ing concerned directly with providing energy and nutrients ters. Breeder males were fed one of the diets for 1 week prior
needed for development of cellular structures and various to mating and were maintained on the respective diet during
essential metabolic systems. the mating period. The composition of each of the diets has
2. Malnutrition adversely affects many aspects of brain devel- been detailed in our previous studies (113,202,276). In our
opment and function. early studies, litters were maintained on the diet of the mother
3. Malnutrition is but one of a critical group of environmental throughout life to examine aspects of combined pre- and post-
factors affecting the development of the nervous system. natal (i.e., concurrent) protein malnutrition (200,202). Con-
4. Some amelioration of the effects of malnutrition can oc- currently malnourished animals were designated 25/25, 8/8,
cur, depending on a host of factors, including restoration or 6/6 to indicate both the pre- and postnatal dietary regimen.
o f an adequate diet and environmental stimulation. In our more recent studies, we have focused on the effects of
5. If the malnutrition insult occurs during various critical pe- a purely prenatal protein malnutrition insult. This is accom-
riods of central nervous system development, either in the plished by cross-fostering pups at birth from mothers fed the
pre- or postnatal period, permanent effects on brain mor- 6°10 casein diet to foster mothers fed the control (25%) diet.
phology, physiology, and neurochemistry are produced These animals are designated 6/25, again to indicate both the
that impact higher nervous system functions, particularly pre- and postnatal dietary condition. This paradigm institutes
in the sphere of cognitive development (200). dietary protein rehabilitation within 24-h of birth and provides
It is important at the outset to point out that brain develop- a means of delineating the effects of purely prenatal nutrition-
ment and cognitive maturation have a reciprocal influence on ally induced alterations. We have examined these 6/25 rats in
each other. As indicated by Hudspeth and Pribram (141), young adulthood, following a significant period of dietary
biological variables are not the only factors that produce ac- rehabilitation, using a variety of anatomical, physiological,
celeration or deceleration of brain development, but cognitive biochemical, and behavioral methodologies (200). In these
experience can also stimulate brain development and further studies there was control of social context, i.e., litter size and
alter the time course of cognitive development. Of the various maternal care, by providing newborn protein-malnourished
types of malnutrition, intrauterine or gestational malnutrition rat pups with a foster mother displaying all maternal behav-
is considerably more common in developed countries than is iors and by maintaining them in standard-sized litters of eight
postnatal malnutrition. The etiology of intrauterine malnutri- pups. Reproductive success is not compromised in the prena-
tion is complex and appears to be related to factors altering tally malnourished animals, i.e., the diet did not affect gesta-
placental passage of nutrients, including poor placental blood tional or litter parameters. We should emphasize the fact that
supply to the fetus, maternal malnutrition, maternal disease, the mothers were protein deprived for 5 weeks prior to mating.
and various genetic disturbances. Hence, as noted below, the impact on fetal brain development
It has generally been held that maturation of the central was more marked than that seen in purely prenatal malnutri-
nervous system and development of optimum behavioral tion and with considerably limited fetal brain "sparing" ef-
capabilities depends on three critical factors: fects. In this regard, Zamenhof and Van Marthens (315) have
pointed out that malnutrition occurring only during preg-
1. heredity, i.e., inborn or genetic directives;
nancy is considerably less harmful than malnutrition begun 1
2. complexity and degree of environmental stimulation; and
month prior to mating and continued throughout pregnancy.
3. adequate and balanced nutrition (285-287).
Thus, the level of maternal nutrient reserves at the beginning
It is also clear that the genetic directives can only be carried of pregnancy is an important factor in determining the out-
out if the nutritional status of the mother is adequate and if, come of malnourished pregnancy. Rosso (232) has also em-
after birth, a stimulating and learning-directed environment is phasized that the fetal consequences of inadequate maternal
available to the offspring. Malnutrition is one of the principal intake of energy and protein during pregnancy are strongly
nongenetic factors affecting the developing brain and may influenced by the nutritional status of the mother prior to
adversely alter the organism's ability to interact and cope with conception. His data indicate that the only types of maternal
its environment (162). The effects of malnutrition on the de- malnutrition that affect brain growth are chronic severe mal-
veloping central nervous system have been studied mainly be- nutrition and combined prepregnancy and gestational malnu-
cause of the widespread incidence of infantile malnutrition trition.
and the considerable evidence that many of its effects are It is clear from our own studies, as well as an examination

of the literature, that these types of malnutrition insults do ments, and in changes in connectivity and synaptic plasticity
not result in an obviously abnormal anatomical shape of the that can only be assessed by quantitative anatomical studies
brain, focal pathologies equivalent to clear-cut definable mac- and functional analyses (10). As discussed below, these latter
ro- or microscopic lesions (Fig. 1), or in gross mental retarda- anatomical and physiological parameters of modified brain
tion or psychopathology, but rather in permanent suboptimal development are best examined in brain model systems, such
development, including, in humans, so-called minimal brain as the hippocampal formation, in which much of the internal
dysfunction-type disturbances and learning disabilities (7). In wiring and connectivity is understood, and which have, to
this regard, there is a long period between the end of organo- a considerable extent, already been quantitatively studied in
genesis and the end of neurogenesis during which time inter- normal animals.
ference with cell proliferation results in the loss of neurons Relative to the above concepts of how insults affect the
without resulting in gross malformations of brain structures. developing brain, some aspects of malformations need to be
Overall, this type of chronic, prenatal malnutrition appears to considered. In general, considerations of "malformations" in-
retard the acquisition o f certain learning tasks (277) and to volve distinguishing between a primary malformation as a
reduce the animal's ability to adapt to change (276). We will morphological defect resulting from an intrinsically abnormal
not discuss here those gross congenital malformations, which developmental process, and a secondary malformation result-
largely reflect extensive cell death, nor drastic changes in mi- ing from the breakdown of, or interference with, a normal
totic rates, or mass failures or severe mistimings of cell migra- developmental process. These are two separate phenomena,
tion and differentiation, which represent early ontogenetic with conditions resulting from inherently abnormal develop-
deficits and result in gross and severe abnormalities. In this ment (primary malformations) being most often genetically or
regard, the term "malformation" has most frequently been chromosomally determined, while interference with a normal
used to imply a gross deformity, whereas, in reality, it may developmental process (secondary malformations) often has a
also refer to distortions in the arrangements, numbers, and partial or total environmental basis. There are several general-
ratios of cells and circuits that can only be defined by the use izations that can be made about malformations of the brain
of morphometric techniques. In general, definitive pathology as defined above, and an understanding of them may be of
within specific brain regions is not a consistent feature of use in determining the processes by which the malformation
mental retardation or learning disabilities. Thus, we are con- occurs. First, malformations in general represent an arrest or
sidering here a "distributed" or diffuse pathology. Diffuse in- slowing of development of the brain and lead to a failure or
sults, such as malnutrition, appear to damage primarily prolif- delay of the brain to progress to the next developmental stage.
erative cell pools in the developing brain. They tend to affect Second, malformations are usually distributed along a contin-
neuronal histogenesis, in large part by delaying cell prolifera- uous spectrum of abnormality from gross distortions to small
tion, often secondary to modifications in protein metabolism imperfections or deviations in the programs of development,
(31). Chronic malnutrition, of the types used in our animal which, as noted, can only be assessed by quantitative morpho-
studies, usually results in the partial failure of basic neuronal logical methods. Third, the time in prenatal development
organizational processes, leading to some circumscribed orga- when an insult occurs appears to be a more decisive factor in
nizational defects and, in humans, to functional abnormalities determining the ultimate brain defect than the type of insult.
in the general area of altered cognitive development. Thus, Fourth, malformed brains may or may not be small in size or
derangements resulting from chronic malnutrition insults tend reduced in weight. Fifth, there is usually no direct relation
to be subtle rather than overt pathologies. They largely involve between the type of insult and the resulting distortion of pat-
alterations in cell genesis, in cellular architectronic arrange- tern or histogenic abnormality of the brain.


Malnutrition ] Molecular and biochemical "lesions"

(type, severity, in developing CNS. May be partly reversible
total duration and [ if mild and of short duration involving only pathology. [
time instituted I a limited brain component during specific
in relation to developmental period. These are largely
developmental events microstructural and biochemical
n the bra n) subeellular events.

May ultimately result in histological lesions or

marked cellular imbalances (altered cell ratios).
Produced by cellular lesions in selectively
vulnerable brain areas or by effects on
particular lines of stem cells.

FIG. 1. Schema illustrating pathophysiology of neuronal insult. As noted in text, distributed

lesions resulting from malnutrition insult are subtle and not usually directly seen at light or
electron microscopic levels. They principally involve distortions of neuron ratios, cellular
atopias due to altered migration of neurons, alterations of regressive events such as cell death,
axonal pruning, and synaptic elimination, all of which are best examined by quantitative
morphological techniques (e.g., dendritic spine counts, degree of dendritic branching, cell ratio
analyses, cell counts, etc.). These types of pathologies can only be defined by morphometric
techniques and thus represent distortions in aspects of development rather than any type of
direct focal lesion.

In regard to point three, above, the idea that there are normalities, including the failure of neurons to properly mi-
times during development when the organism is particularly grate and assemble into functional units. This is particularly
vulnerable to insult is one that underlies the entire subject of true if there is an effect on radial glial cells. For example,
the effects of early insults on the developing brain (200). This radial glia provide a mechanism for sequential stacking of
relates to the general concept of "critical periods" in develop- functionally distinct groups of neurons of the same lineage
ment, i.e., the type and magnitude of the effects of insults into radial columns. They are assembled in the telencephalon
depends on the stage of brain development at the time of the prior to the earliest migratory wave of postmitotic neurons
insult (10). In particular, the term critical periods refers to the (52). The fifth point is that there is usually no direct relation
peak period of activity of specific events such as neurogenesis, between the type of insult and the resulting distortion of pat-
gliogenesis, cell migration, cell differentiation, etc. The con- tern or histogenic abnormality of the brain. Thus, many types
cept of critical periods is based on findings that developmental of insults may produce quite similar effects on the brain, the
and organizational processes are altered most easily during type of vulnerability to any insult, toxic or deprivational, ap-
those periods when they are proceeding most rapidly. In this pearing to be closely related to the timetable of developmental
regard, brain areas tend to develop by leaps and bounds rather events at the time of the insult. In the case of neurotoxic
than as a slow, continuous process. As noted by Scott (241), injuries, however, there are many exceptions to this rule. As
an organizational process cannot have a critical period if it pointed out by Reuhl and Lowndes (223), some specific toxic
proceeds at a uniform rate; in other words, it can be modified insults can selectively affect particular brain regions, or even
as easily at one time as at any other. On the other hand, specific cell types, with relative or complete sparing of other
developmental processes cannot proceed at uniform rates and regions or cell groups, regardless of the time in development
thus all developmental processes exhibit critical periods, the during which the insult occurs. However, this does not appear
duration and significance of which depend upon the rates of to be the case with malnutrition insults.
change in these processes. Scott (241) has also pointed out Nutrition is probably the single greatest environmental in-
that the course of these rate changes takes several forms, the fluence both on the fetus and the neonate (221). An adequate
most common being that the process takes place rapidly for a supply of essential nutrients is required for the maintenance
short period of time and then ceases completely. This latter is of growth, as well as for the normal development of all physi-
true for most embryological and early developmental pro- ological functions. In general, an adequate supply of nutrients
cesses. A second form is that the process initially proceeds is essential to the fetus for three basic processes:
rapidly and then falls off to a low level, but never ceases
1. maintenance, i.e., the chemical work or work of transport
entirely, examples being social attachment processes in higher
and concentration and the mechanical work required of
animals or postnatal microneurogenesis of dentate granule
each cell for its steady-state existence;
cells. Finally, the organizing process can proceed intermit-
2. growth, i.e., the net formation of new cytoplasm, mem-
tently at elevated rates, thus allowing for the possibility of
branes, and organdies; and
multiple critical periods, as is the case of learning in higher
3. differentiation, i.e., the changing of composition with
mammalian forms. Since critical period concepts tend to dom-
characterization of specific tissues (251).
inate the field of malnutrition and the developing central ner-
vous system, it is of use to keep these types of concepts in It is clear that the process of growth requires the net input of
mind. An insult occurring prior to the critical period should energy for cell division and cytoplasmic accretion, and that
produce no untoward effects, while an insult occurring during these requirements are supplied by chemical energy. In the
the critical period should produce effects proportional to the case of the developing central nervous system, Williams and
speed of brain organization. Once the organizational process Herrup (302) have pointed out that neurons are especially
is complete, the occurrence of an insult would be expected to greedy cells, since in resting humans 18°70 of circulating oxy-
have minimal impact. In general, critical periods relate to the gen is consumed by the brain even though it comprises only
amount of plasticity that remains in the developing system at 2°7o of the total body weight. Therefore, neurons represent a
the end of the period, i.e., after a truly critical period, only very high and fixed metabolic expense, and the cost of nour-
limited plasticity remains. This is of particular relevance to ishing neurons and associated glial cells may well be a factor
the developing central nervous system since "once only" events that constrains the total size of the neuron population. It is
refer to the fact that following completion of these organiza- likely that the basic cause of developmental fetal brain dis-
tional processes they do not occur again, usually due to the turbance is ultimately malnutrition in one form or another.
absence of a host of factors essential for their occurrence. Clearly, the factors that determine brain growth and matura-
Thus, when making interspecies comparisons of the effects of tion are multiple, but all appear to affect the common path-
environmental insult, the timing of fetal growth events must way of delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the developing
always be made in relation to analogous gestational times in fetus. The factors involved in intrauterine growth retardation
order for animal models to be used to assess the human condi- can be divided into three general categories, namely fetal fac-
tion. Generally speaking, the same insult operating at differ- tors, placental factors, and maternal factors (263). Fetal fac-
ent times results in a different perturbation of brain morphol- tors include genetic defects, hypoxemia, and often involve
ogy. Regarding the fourth point above, that malformed brains agents such as drugs and alcohol that are directly toxic to the
may or may not be small in size or reduced in weight, there fetus. Placental factors include reduced size and poor placen-
may be several types of malformations produced by malnutri- tal differentiation, both clearly relatable to fetal nutritional
tion, including altered histo-architectural arrangements and deprivation. Maternal factors include malnutrition, vascular
topologies of neurons, as well as loss of neurons or failure of insufficiency, and various toxemias that affect placental devel-
neuronal migration and differentiation. In various instances opment and function. Small placental size appears to be a
abnormal ratios of neurons may result, leading ultimately to major determinant of intrauterine growth retardation involv-
distortions of either macroneuronal or microneuronal circuits. ing a reduction of intrauterine blood flow to the placenta,
Altered neuron/gliai relations may also produce various ab- thus decreasing placental transport of oxygen and nutrients to

the fetus. As pointed out by Bassett (24), placental tissue petuated and may even be cumulative over generations. To
weight, like fetal growth, is actively maintained by the rate overcome such generational effects requires combined eco-
of nutrient delivery into the fetal circulation. There is also nomic, educational, behavioral, and nutritional rehabilitation
considerable evidence for a critical time window during which extending considerably beyond the single generation.
the conceptus is able to bring about changes in the uterine
wall that are necessary to support the development of a larger MALNUTRITIONINSULTS:SOME PRINCIPLESAND DEFINITIONS
placenta and a subsequent higher rate of fetal growth. In
terms of protein malnutrition, decreased placental efficiency Overwhelming evidence indicates that fetal brain develop-
in delivering amino acids to the fetus appears to be a major ment is jeopardized in offspring of pregnant women living at
contributing factor to fetal growth retardation. Depression of or below the poverty level, not only in underdeveloped na-
amino acid uptake and transplacental transport of amino tions, but also in highly developed countries such as the
acids appear to be common factors in both malnutrition and United States (86,144,169,286). Given the high incidence of
drug effects, such as those associated with nicotine, cocaine, malnutrition and undernutrition among pregnant women, it
etc. (237). Thus, in fetal growth retardation there is a decrease is likely that a majority of infants and children in lower socio-
in all dimensions of fetal growth, indicating a common cause economic groups have sustained various degrees of prenatal
involved in the development of all fetal organs. Therefore, nutritional deprivation, usually followed by continuing mal-
among the factors to consider in malnutrition are the nutri- nutrition in infancy and early childhood. Prenatal malnutri-
tional status of the mother, blood flow to the uterus, and tion insults have not appeared to be as dramatic in their effects
the size and transport capabilities of the placenta (57,59,247). as postnatal malnutrition insults due, in part, to the overem-
Intrinsic fetal factors also influence the fetal processing and phasis by Dobbing (78,80) on the largely postnatal, so-called
utilization of nutrients, although these factors are not well "brain growth spurt" (see below). Even given a limited degree
understood. There is little question that, of all these causes, of fetal brain sparing in utero (76,77), malnutrition insult
maternal malnutrition, resulting in reduced placental growth prior to this growth spurt period (Fig. 2) can disrupt certain
and subsequent placental insufficiency, is the principal factor basic developmental and organizational features, resulting, in
in perturbed development of the fetal brain (231,233). In sum- varying degrees, to regional damage and, in particular, alter-
mary, the ultimate effect of maternal dietary insufficiency, ations in plasticity (200). Hence, prenatally malnourished
often associated with underdevelopment of the placenta, is newborns are likely to exhibit marginal development, are more
malnutrition of the fetus. susceptible to continuing nutritional insults, and are less capa-
The purpose of this review is to integrate some of our ble of adaptive functioning in the face of adversity or stress.
knowledge regarding nutrition and brain developmental Overall, their adaptive capacities appear markedly dimin-
events, with emphasis on the effects of prenatal protein mal- ished, with a concomitant reduction in flexibility and range of
nutrition. All nutrients, to a certain extent, influence matura- behavior.
tion of the nervous system, though protein appears to be the Relative to the above-mentioned general principles, it
component most crucial for development of neurological should be emphasized that the brain is a subtle aggregate of
functions. Many amino acids are precursors of enzymes, pep- many organ subsystems. These are exquisitely integrated and
tide hormones, and neurotransmitters and, in many instances, mutually interdependent, especially during early development,
are themselves neurotransmitters. They are also the precursors when a wide variety of events must occur within sharply de-
of the structural proteins that are essential for growth of body limited time frames in order for operative links to develop
tissues, including the brain. It is, therefore, obvious that the between neurons, ultimately resulting in the formation of
broad involvement of amino acids in brain functions goes functional neural circuits. Thus, failures or limitations of neu-
considerably beyond simple support of protein synthetic func- ron production, and disturbances or mistimings of cell migra-
tion (221). tions resulting in the inability to properly populate, organize,
It is also important to consider several principal factors in and laminate columns of cells, as in cortical laminae, can lead,
the definition and interpretation of the effects of malnutri- to various degrees, in behavioral and learning deficiencies
tion. The first of these is the type of malnutrition, i.e., (7,8). Alterations in these critical, largely prenatal, develop-
whether the deprivation represents an inadequacy of proteins, mental events are far more decisive in perturbing fundamental
calories, vitamins, or trace elements, among others. The sec- brain organization and development than disturbances in
ond aspect of malnutrition insult is the period in the organ- whole-brain growth spurts which, in large part, are postnatal
ism's development, either during gestation or postnatally, dur- events representing late gliogenesis and myelinization of vari-
ing which the malnutrition insult occurs. The third aspect to ous axonal systems. The basic prenatal organizational pro-
be considered is the duration of the malnutrition, while the cesses represent crucial "once only," highly time-limited events
fourth is the degree or severity of the insult (200). It is also that, once past, show little or no "catch-up" potential (76,77).
necessary to examine the influence of the malnutrition insult We would again suggest that far too much attention has been
at the molecular, cellular, systems, and cognitive levels in or- paid to gross spurts in brain weight gain, whereas more mi-
der to adequately interpret the underlying basis and ultimate croevents, including many interrelated and interacting cellular
significance of the effects. In this way the resulting behavioral, and molecular changes that occur prenatally, are of critical
learning, and cognitive disorders can be better considered in significance, especially when considering the potential for re-
terms of underlying mechanisms. habilitation and eventual prognosis.
In the human situation, in particular, it is important to Some critical definitions of terms used in this field need
stress that malnutrition has complex biological, psychological, further attention. The word "malnutrition" encompasses all
and sociological aspects. Because of these various factors, pre- forms of insufficient nutrition, particularly imbalanced food
dispositions to malnutrition and behavioral practices associ- intake, and includes a general reduction of caloric intake (of-
ated with malnutrition tend to be passed from one generation ten referred to as "undernutrition"), of proteins, carbohy-
to the next (76,77). Consequently, these effects become per- drates, lipids, various trace elements, and vitamins. In most

Rat: Pre-Brain Growth Spurt Period Rat: Brain Growth Spurt Period

~ ~

~ -
Migration and
differentiation ~

Migration and
differentiation ~
Late prenatal and early postnatal gliogenesis of oligndendroglla,
followed by m gration~ d fferantiation and formation of myelin.

Late prenatal and extended postnatal neurogenests of microneurons (granule cells of ]

de_._ntatellyrus, olfactory bulb and cerebellum), followed by migration and differentiation [

Velocity curve - Rate

whole brain weight gain

Prenatal Period Birth Postnatal Period

FIG. 2. Schema showing various prenatal and postnatal developmental events in both the pre-braln growth spurt period and brain growth spurt
period. Note that postnatal events of gliogenesis and myelinization, as well as proliferation of rnicroneurons, overlap the velocity curve of whole
brain rates of weight changes.

instances these deficiencies occur in combination, whereas in maturation of the brain or permanently stunt development, in
experimental studies of malnutrition, a specific type of malnu- varying degrees, of its component parts (200). Accordingly,
trition can be individually examined. In this regard, we em- differential vulnerability of brain areas, based mainly on the
phasize that in using animal models we can investigate the programmed timing of maturational parameters, is a key as-
effects of specific nutritional inadequacies on brain develop- pect to consider when developing neuronal models for inter-
ment. Extrapolations to humans may easily overemphasize the disciplinary studies (see below). Importantly, there are differ-
actual contribution of an individual factor, since experimental ent timings of various developmental events with respect to
conditions tend to exaggerate the role of individual factors trimester of pregnancy, birth, and the early postnatal period
that may not apply to other, more complex situations (142). in the brain of different species that must always be taken
Most workers in this field originally turned to animal models into account when extrapolating from animal models to the
to investigate the effects of early undernutrition upon learning human (Fig. 3). Clearly, in cross-species interpretations we
ability and behavior because it was thought that by using ex- must examine comparative ages, specifically in terms of matu-
perimental animals the confounding variables associated with rational events in the brain. Birth occurs at different stages
human malnutrition, i.e., combinations of social and environ- of brain development across different species and, therefore,
mental factors, could be controlled. However, the procedures interspecies comparisons must be based on stages of brain
currently used to produce postnatal nutritional deficiency in development and not on chronological age.
rodents, such as separation of the young from the mother and In various studies of malnutrition and its effects on the
increased litter size, also induce major changes in the suckling developing central nervous system, the term "retardation" has
animals' social and environmental conditions, and these also frequently proven to be misleading, as it suggests a patho-
changes may play an important part in the determination of genesis in which essentially normal, but slower, processes pre-
later behaviors (99). Early malnutrition and the variables com- dominate, thereby indicating a development that is retarded
pounded with it also affect subsequent body size, motor abil- but otherwise normal. Used in this sense, "retardation" sug-
ity, behavior toward food, ability to absorb and use food, and gests a full "catch-up" potential when the nutritional deficit is
the ability to adjust to food derivation, and responsiveness to corrected. Often, however, particular brain processes may be
environmental stimuli. Thus, the influence of early undernu- stunted to the point of cessation or irretrievably deranged by
trition may involve effects upon these other variables that can the time their "once-only" critical period of development has
affect learning performance, rather than on learning capacity passed and, in this sense, they are not simply retarded.
per se (109). It has become apparent from many studies that In the field of malnutrition insult to the brain the word
malnutrition may delay, i.e., retard, the development and "growth" is also frequently used in an unclear or overly gen-


RAT EarlyG l i o g e ~


I I t
0 7 14 21 7 14 21 28 35

BIRTH Myellnization

/~'~oneuroge n~~,,~..._~
0 3 6 9 3 6 9 12 15

FIG. 3. Schema comparing major developmental events in the brain of rats and humans. Developmental events are shown in
relation to birth, thus providing information on windows of vulnerability related to specific maturational events following
prenatal and postnatal insults. Arrows on myelinization, late gliogenesis, and microneurogenesis curves indicate their continua-
tion over extended postnatal periods.

eral manner. It is clear from most of the literature in this field functionally isolate the animal from the physical and social
that the term brain "growth" usually refers to maturational environment. Thus, it becomes behaviorally withdrawn, apa-
sequences involving an orderly succession of developmental thetic, and shows diminished social involvement with and ex-
events taking place within different brain regions. This is very ploration of the environment. Concurrent malnutrition, i.e.,
different from "growth" that basically refers only to increases in effect at the time of experimental assessment, appears to
in size a n d / o r weight, which only in toto reflect differential result in overall sensory deprivation, the effects usually not
and regional aspects of interdependent developmental pro- being restricted to a particular modality (23). Generally, the
cesses, such as the acquisition and differentiation of ceils. For animal has difficulty coping with novel situations that require
example, the velocity curves of brain "growth" developed by adaptive responses and accommodations to the new environ-
Dobbing (77,79,83) primarily represent rates of total brain mental demands. Obviously, the ability to perform various
weight change over time. Studies of total D N A content and learning tasks well is dependent on the animal's capacity to
cholesterol levels underlying these curves (76,77,84) give little attend to the specifics of the task at hand while inhibiting
hint of the regional processes underlying these changes in total irrelevant or interfering and distracting stimuli, thus allowing
brain weight. the animal to form appropriate associations and execute mo-
A few additional points need to be summarized relative to tor responses. While it is now recognized that appropriate
malnutrition insults to the developing brain. It is well docu- dietary restitution and environmental enrichment may, in
mented that malnutrition is only one of a group of factors, some cases, partially alleviate some effects of prior dietary
including social and intellectual deprivation, emotional stress, insult, this is true only in cases where the insult was not severe
and poor mother-infant relationships, that operate synergisti- and did not result, due to the timing of the insult, in inexora-
cally to inhibit brain development (23,200,289). Chronically ble effects on neurogenesis and gliogenesis, neuron and glial
undernourished animals are also usually understimulated and migration, and differentiation.
show altered social and behavioral maturation. The malnour- The use of the hippocampal formation as a model system
ished animal functionally isolates itself from learning experi- to examine the effects of malnutrition (see below) is of special
ences by essentially withdrawing from interaction with the interest, since the hippocarnpal formation plays a major role
environment (120,162,163,165,230). Postnatal malnutrition in attentional processes (140,175) and regulates the animals'
and environmental deprivation tend to work synergistically to interaction with the environment (145). In chronic malnutri-

tion insult, functional isolation from the environment ap- Among rodents, rats and mice are born before the brain
pears, in part, to be associated with altered attentional pro- growth spurt has begun, while guinea pigs have nearly com-
cesses, resulting in a relative inability to fully receive or utilize pleted this stage at the time of birth. Among primates, the
information from the environment. Again, these attentional brain growth spurt of the rhesus monkey is somewhat earlier
processes appear to relate to hippocampal activity (140,175) than in man, being largely prenatal, which accords well with
that, as indicated below, shows derangements as a result of their greater behavioral maturity at birth than that found in
prenatal malnutrition insult, Undernourished animals also ex- humans (82,83). From the point of view of their overall brain
hibit difficulty in making adaptive responses to difficult or growth spurt patterns, animals can be divided, somewhat arbi-
stressful situations. In highly nov61 situations, malnourished trarily, into prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal brain develop-
humans fall to explore their environment, showing either inhi- ers. These divisions have considerable utility in experimental
bition or aimless activity (23). Many of these effects are subtle, malnutrition as to when to apply the deprivation in relation-
such that malnourished animals may function reasonably nor- ship to the chronology of the many underlying brain develop-
maily until the deficit is unmasked by exogenous influences mental events that both precede Cure-brain growth spurt pe-
such as stress, disease, or specific pharmacological agents. In riod) and occur during the brain growth spurt period in
this regard, various anatomical deficiencies related to cerebral different species (Fig. 3).
conical thickness and glial-to-neuron ratios measured in com- Though the general utility of the brain growth spurt con-
bined pre- and postnatal malnourished animals resemble, in cept is quite limited, the vulnerable period hypothesis is useful
several ways, deficiencies resulting from sensory deprivation in several regards, namely:
or early developmental rearing in an impoverished environ-
ment. However, Bedi and Warren (30) and Bedi and Bhide 1. It links the consequences of brain insult to the timing of
(29) have found no statistically significant interactions be- the adversity in relation to the developmental, not chrono-
tween nutrition and environment for these various morpho- logical, age of the animal.
logical measures. They found that environmental enrichment 2. It specifies developmental age on the basis of brain devel-
in later life cannot restore the anatomical deficits or remove opment, regardless of species differences in the timing of
the distortions known to result and persist after a period of
undernutrition during early life. 3. It enables different species to be categorized into prenatal,
perinatal, and postnatal brain developers based on the po-
VULNERABLE PERIOD HYPOTHESIS AND BRAIN GROWTH sitions of their peak velocities of brain growth relative to
One central theme that continues to pervade the entire field 4. It gives a visual impression in each species of the propor-
of malnutrition and its effects on the developing brain is the tion of the brain growth spurt that is prenatal or postnatal
so-called vulnerable, i.e., critical, period hypothesis originally based on the relative area beneath the velocity curves on
put forth by Dobbing (76,77,80,82). This hypothesis states either side of birth (Fig. 2).
that developmental processes in the central nervous system are The brain growth spurt concept is, however, misleading in
more vulnerable to dietary, as well as other insults, during the several regards, since it gives the impression, in animal models
time of their most rapid growth rates, i.e., during the period such as the widely used rodent models, that the insult must
Dobbing terms the "brain growth spun." As shown by brain occur largely during the early postnatal period in order to
growth spurt analyses, where brain weight is plotted against most drastically affect the developing brain. In other words,
age, the brains of all species grow along a sigmoid trajectory it largely ignores the entire prenatal period in rats and the
(78). The transient, near linear phase of rapid weight increase early prenatal period in primates. In both rats and humans,
illustrated by such curves is defined as the brain growth spurt, the brain growth spurt curve does not include the early or
which represents the peak velocity of whole brain growth (Fig. middle periods of neurogenesis and neuronal migration, nor
2). There are multiple anatomical, physiological, and neuro- the period of early gliogenesis (Fig. 3). These periods cannot
chemical events underlying the brain growth spurt that are be ignored since this pre-brain growth spurt period (Fig. 2),
extraordinarily active during this dynamic developmental pe- which may be referred to as the cell division growth spurt, is a
riod. Every region of the brain, with its distinctive collection transient window of neurogenesis for the total macroneuronal
of histological units, follows an intricately planned and pre- population, which is ultimately responsible for the develop-
cisely timed developmental sequence. Each brain region, in- ment of the larger circuit formations and for the basic archi-
cluding its cellular units, fiber systems, and dendritic geome- tectronic organization of the brain.
try, passes through similar sequences of development and, in Our view, therefore, is that the brain is variously vulnera-
addition, has its own developmental timetable arranged in ble to insults during the entire period of pre- and early postna-
relation to that of other associated regions to produce an inte- tal development. Thus, there are as many growth spurts dur-
grated whole. In this sense, each brain region has its own ing these developmental periods as there are parameters to
growth spurt period. One of the major problems with the measure. To focus on a single brain growth spurt, particularly
concept of the brain growth spurt is that velocity curves of the one largely associated with the glial/myelinization phase
total brain weight gain do not reflect many pre-brain growth related to the most marked brain weight changes, can be quite
spurt critical periods (Fig. 2) such as early gliogenesis, macro- misleading. The biggest drawback of such a focused ap-
neurogensis, early glial and neuronal migrations, nor do they proach, seen most strikingly in rodent research of nutritional
encompass the multiple interrelationships of the timetables insults, has been the implication of the postnatal period as the
of growth within subregions of the developing brain. Thus, single period of maximum vulnerability to insult. In all species
velocity curves represent a very small, though highly dramatic, so far studied, the brain growth spurt begins at the time when
period of true growth (weight change) of the brain, but do most of the adult complement of macroneurons (pyramidal
not encompass other critical developmental processes that are and stellate neurons) has been reached, so that insults occur-
also highly susceptible to malnutrition insult. ring during the brain growth spurt period would not be ex-

pected to dramatically affect the macroneurons or early glio- neuronal populations. As pointed out by Williams (301), the
genesis, including genesis and development of radial glia. The number of neurons in any brain region is determined by three
brain growth spurt encompasses the period of explosive multi- main factors:
plication of late forming glia (oligodendroglia) and the laying
down of myelin, as well as a major period of microneurogen- 1. the duration of the proliferative period as a whole, which
esis (e.g., genesis of granule cells of the hippocampal dentate may vary across brain regions from days to months;
gyrus, cerebellum, and olfactory bulb). Dobbing's concept of 2. the duration of the cell cycle, which varies from hours to
the brain growth spurt, for instance, fails to consider the ef- days and can vary among cell types within the same region
fects of prenatal malnutrition on dentate granule cell neuro- and between ceils of different regions; and
genesis, while our group (74) and others (147,148) have shown 3. the total number of stem or precursor cells from which a
that this postnatal neurogenesis may be markedly affected by neuronal population is derived.
prenatal malnutrition occurring well before the brain growth It is of special interest that ratios of interconnected cells are
spurt period in rats. This may result from effects on dentate also regulated in a highly precise manner by naturally occur-
granule stem cells in the primary germinal cell matrices or on ring cell death. Overall, it appears that neuron numbers are
secondary germinal matrices in the dentate gyrus. In this re- rigorously adjusted in an interactive manner by changes in
gard, Zamenhof and van Marthens (315) have pointed out proliferative potential and the extent of cell death (302). Natu-
that postnatal neuronal differentiation is likely to depend on ral ceil death is a programmed process that adjusts and fine-
neuronal protein content at birth. Thus, such prenatal nutri- tunes the nervous system, whereas the loss of cells resulting
tional insults appear to affect postnatal neurogenesis of micro- from insults represents a pathological process. Since neurons
neurons. are essential elements in circuit formation and organization, it
To reiterate our main assertion, there are many significant becomes a question of deciding how much cell loss and what
critical periods of brain development outside the brain growth type of cell loss is sufficient to impair brain function and,
spurt period defined by Dobbing. Thus, in malnutrition stud- ultimately, behavior. Also, cell losses may be disproportion-
ies, emphasis has tended to be placed on the brain growth ate, thereby resulting in altered ratios of neuronal types and
spurt period to such a degree that other critical phases of brain also glial/neuron ratios that would thereby produce various
development, not measurable by such gross parameters as types of imbalances in the brain, such as between interacting
changes in brain weight, have been largely ignored. These neuronal systems that are chemically (i.e., transmitter) spe-
considerations also bring into consideration the concept of cific. These changes may then affect relations between excit-
"brain sparing," which now requires reassessment. Dobbing atory and inhibitory systems in the brain. For example,
(76,77,82), in particular, put forward the view that the brain changes in degrees of inhibitory activity in the dentate gyrus,
is "spared" during the gestational phase of development, based resulting from activity of interneuronal GABAergic elements,
largely on the notion that the body shows a proportionately would be important to consider in relation to some of the
greater weight loss than the brain as a result of malnutrition. physiological findings in our studies described below. We
Moreover, if brain weight is calculated as a proportion of would emphasize here that it is well accepted that the ratio of
body weight, brain weight is reduced less than that of any different types of neurons within individual nuclei and ratios
other body organ system by malnutrition insult occurring dur- of neurons in interconnected parts of the nervous system are
ing various prenatal periods (306). However, decreased brain important determinants of neuronal performance (153,303,
weight resulting from strictly prenatal malnutrition in the rat 313). Based on a variety of data from several types of prenatal
is associated with a significant deficit in neuron numbers insults, Rodier (226-229) has emphasized that cell loss need
(312,314). In our studies, utilizing a 6070 casein diet, we found not be at all massive to alter critical functions in the brain.
that prenatal protein malnutrition resulted in significantly In the rodent, malnutrition that precedes the brain growth
lower brain and body weights than those obtained from ani- spurt entails prenatal deprivation (Figs. 2, 3). According to
mals raised on either an 8070 or 25070 casein diet (222). None- the predictions of Dobbing's vulnerable period hypothesis, fe-
theless, as expected, neuron losses and disarrays occurring tal malnutrition in the rat or mouse should have less of an
during this prenatal period were not reflected in gross brain effect on brain development than malnutrition occurring dur-
weight and size. Such gross weight losses are, however, seen if ing lactation (256,259). However, various studies have shown
the malnutrition insult is imposed during the more explosive that prenatal malnutrition, i.e., occurring prior to the brain
postnatal glial phase associated with oligodendrogliogenesis, growth spurt, has a marked effect on both body and brain
myelinization, and extensive cellular differentiation. Dobbing weight and, in some cases, these effects are as severe as those
(76-78,82) and Davison and Dobbing (68) have argued that resulting from malnutrition during the growth spurt period
cell loss in the brain may be meaningless in terms of behavioral itself (34,46). Bush and Leathwood (46) found that prenatal
function and mental development, and that huge numbers of protein deprivation in mice produced birth weight deficits of
cells would have to be lost to significantly impair function. 40-50%, while postnatal undernutrition led to weaning weight
There is a degree of reasonableness in these types of arguments deficits of 50-55%, so that in terms of bodily growth restric-
given the extensive amount of programmed ceil death that tion the degrees of reduction were approximately equivalent.
occurs normally during development (211,302). Dobbing's The long-term effects of prenatal deprivation on body
view of the relative unimportance of cell numbers may stem weights, regional brain weights, and regional DNA content
from the fact that extensive cell death occurs during normal were actually greater than those produced by postnatal depri-
development, but, as noted, this should be considered in a vation. These results are of interest since they indicate that
totally different context from disruptions of cell genesis or the growth restriction before the brain growth spurt may have
selective cell death that occurs as a result of developmental nearly as much effect on adult brain and body weight as mal-
insults. One aspect pertaining to brain cells that reinforces the nutrition during the growth spurt itself. As pointed out by
importance of their numbers is the remarkable precision of Leathwood (158), rather than there being a clear-cut vulnera-
regulation of neuron number apparent during development of ble period coincident with the brain growth spurt, it is also

apparent that vulnerability lasts from conception to the end affected. Malnutrition appears to more markedly affect devel-
of the growth spurt period [see also Herschkowitz and Rossi opmental brain processes that are contemporaneous with it
(139)]. Using a 6070 casein diet only during the prenatal period, and also various developmental processes that follow it. This
we routinely observe weight deficits of 15-20070 compared to latter is important, since there is no overt lesion or destruction
controls (276,279). In contrast, Stephens et al. (267), using a of brain structures that are already in place, though this does
protein/calorie restriction during the suckling period, found not imply that microlesions, including cellular disarrays and
a body weight deficit of 66% compared to controls, Smart biochemical lesions, do not compromise the functional organi-
(253,255), in reviewing the extensive literature on the effects zation of these structures. In fact, a host of minimal brain
of malnutrition on behavior, has actually concluded that ges- dysfunction, learning, and behavioral disability-type disorders
tation is the single-most vulnerable period for the effects of appear to be related to distributed brain pathologies not
malnutrition insult on later learning and memory perfor- clearly discernible as specific lesions in particular brain areas
mance. In any event, rather than considering only transient (7,8).
windows of special vulnerability, such as the Dobbing brain In general, brain development proceeds by the temporal
growth spurt period, it is clear that the entire gestational pe- unfolding of an orderly succession of events that are regulated
riod and the early postnatal period represent a continuous by processes that are both intrinsic and extrinsic to the brain.
period of special vulnerability to insults. It should be kept in mind that brain development involves an
orderly succession of events, each growing out that which
ASPECTS OF NORMAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE CENTRAL precedes it. Delay in even a few isolated neurobiological events
NERVOUS SYSTEM causes a chain reaction capable of amplifying functional er-
Before we can begin to unravel the mechanisms of develop- rors, since misdirected, mistimed, or absent developmental
mental-restricting insults on the brain, it is useful to summa- cues increasingly perturb the normally ordered progression
rize some aspects of normal brain development and their regu- toward maturation of the brain and development of highly
lating and controlling mechanisms. Thus, to interpret the complex expressions of intelligence. This development prog-
effects of malnutrition or other developmental insults on the resses regionally in a rather precisely timed series of events,
brain we must have a general understanding of normal struc- each of which becomes a critical foundation for the next devel-
ture, which includes organization in terms of cellular patterns opmental period. Retardation or cessation of developmental
of arrangement as well as embryological development, both steps thus affect the succeeding steps in development, thereby
at the cellular and molecular levels. Many of these mecha- altering the ultimate organization of the brain. We will not
nisms are incompletely understood, particularly at the molecu- attempt here to review in detail the many overlapping events
lar and cellular levels, though various recent findings are be- occurring in morphogenesis of the central nervous system,
ginning to shed light on this important area. Studies on since these have been elaborated in detail in many previous
molecular mechanisms of neural development, especially in studies (26,32,114,130,182,183,218,235,250). However, in or-
relation to growth factors and morphogens, are clearly the der to discuss and interpret how insults to the developing brain
wave of the future for understanding how changes in subcellu- affect various aspects of maturation and ultimate brain organ-
lar processes impact on brain function and behavior conse- ization, some general orientation to central nervous system
quent to insults during development. development will be outlined.
The manner in which the central nervous system develops, Various studies have indicated that the matrix cells, the
from the earliest embryological events through fetal, neonatal, precursors of neurons, show well-known patterns of prolifera-
and young adult life towards the mature adult form, is known tion kinetics (204,248). Thus, there are various peaks of neu-
to be reasonably similar in principle from one species to an- ronal replication (Figs. 3, 5) such that following organogenesis
other. There are marked species differences in gross propor- the timing of cell division in the brain becomes more regional
tions, such as the comparatively large forebrain with increas- with loss of the synchrony of cell division that is characteristic
ing cephalization in primates, which are accompanied by of earlier development (263). The nuclei of matrix cells synthe-
increasing morphological complexity. However, in general size DNA in the inner portions of the matrix layer and the
terms the broad developmental sequence of events does not matrix cells move to the surface of the ventricles to undergo
vary fundamentally among different mammalian species. mitosis. Following division of the matrix cells, many of the
Many of the functional properties of the cellular units of daughter cells remain in the matrix layer and undergo further
which nervous tissue is composed are also remarkably similar proliferation, whereas others migrate out to become neurons
in widely differing species. Rather, the only substantial differ- (248). Relative to malnutrition insult, it is important to em-
ences with regard to brain development are represented by the phasize that matrix or precursor cells are DNA-synthesizing
timing of birth in relation to the stage of brain maturation. cells and need more materials and energy for cellular prolifera-
In general, histogenesis of the central nervous system in all tion than do other cells in the cerebrum during these critical
mammals can be divided into three principal stages: stages of development. Thus, they are likely to be more sus-
ceptible to malnutrition insult.
1. organogenesis;
Another developmental aspect to consider is the impor-
2. neuron and glial production; and
tance of neuron ratios. There is considerable evidence that the
3. differentiation of immature neurons and gila (Fig. 4).
ratio of different types of neurons in specific brain areas and
Given that there are transient periods of vulnerability re- nuclear formations and the ratio of neurons in interconnected
lated to various phases of the cell cycle (248), it is important parts of the nervous system are major determinants of neu-
in any consideration of insults to the developing brain to note ronal performance (153,302,303). Zamenhof (313) has re-
that some toxic insults directly destroy progenitor cells while cently shown that combined pre- and postnatally mildly mal-
other insults, such as malnutrition, alter the proliferation rates nourished rats maintain the proportionality of cell numbers in
of neural and glial stem cells. In each case, later develop- the cerebrum and cerebellum, indicating the strong mecha-
mental processes that depend on the prior completion of nisms operating to preserve this proportionality. It is also of
events that have been disturbed will themselves be secondarily interest that neuron death appears to play a major role in the





Maternal malnutrition can }
r~ z
result in failure to conceive or
failed implantation with
z,,~ resorption


PERIOD (Period of macroneuronal (Period of microneuronal TO MATURITY IPeriod of late
(Period of histogenesis, early histogenesis, late ( Period of contin ned microneurogenesis, and late
TIME of organogenesis) gliogenesis, gliogenesis, micraneuronal microneuronal histogenesis, myelinization)
MALNUTRITION cell migration and early and oligodendroglial cellular differentiation,
INSULT differentiation) migration and synaptogenesis and
differentiation, myelinization)
myelinization and

POTENTIAL EFFECTS Abnormalities Altered genesis of Altered genesis of Altered genesis of microneurous E.s~nlially no
of M A L N U T R I T I O N of form macroneurons and radial early microneurons, cellular differentiation, permanent
INSULT on GROSS and shape gila. Disturbances of cellular differentiation, synaptogeoesis, and effects
BRAIN and CELLULAR of brain neuronal migration synaptogenesis, late myelinization
STRUCTURE gliogenesis,
and myelinlzatlon

FIG. 4. Schema of brain developmental events in relation to time of malnutrition insult indicating potential effects of malnutrition on gross
brain and cellular organization.

precise final adjustments of ratios of interconnected neurons whereas insults that change the number of descendants can
(302). As noted above, the remarkable precision of regulation operate later, when the lineages are expanding, with the earlier
of cell number apparent during the development of neuronal insults showing more drastic and marked effects. Changes in
populations strengthens the view that neuron number matters stem cell number and descendent number may be controlled
a great deal in establishing normal brain function. either by mechanisms that are intrinsic to the population or by
As opposed to most other tissues in the body, neurons in mechanisms that are extrinsic. Intrinsic mechanisms, basically
the central nervous system cannot divide after the definitive genetic directives, are not easily altered by changing the devel-
neuron is formed. On the other hand, most glial cells do retain opmental environment. Extrinsic mechanisms include the in-
this capacity to divide throughout life. Neurons, however, are fluence of the nutritive environment, hormones, and interac-
postmitotic cells that have completed their final synthesis of tions with other cells on the kinetics, commitment and survival
DNA and are incapable of reentering the cycle of cell division probabilities of stem cells and their descendants, as well as
(302). Thus, the number of neurons in different parts of the the recruitment of still uncommitted cells to differentiate into
central nervous system is, with the exception of the late divid- one of several potential subtypes. Importantly, glial cell num-
ing microneurons (e.g., granule cells of the cerebellum, olfac- bers appear to be proportionally adjusted to match the neuron
tory bulb, and hippocampal dentate gyrus), apparently deter- populations (302).
mined at early stages of development. Because mature neurons As pointed out by Williams and Herrup (302), development
have little or no capability to change type or to migrate to of the nervous system can be seen as occurring in three major,
other locations, they apparently cannot be regulated about overlapping phases. The first phase is the development of the
some optimum at maturity. The production and ultimate de- genetic nervous system, which relates to issues such as how
ployment of neurons, accordingly, has to be done precisely many neurons the stem cells are destined to produce, what
the first time as there appears to be no second opportunity targets these cells need to survive, which ceils are programmed
for these events to reoccur. The number of neurons that are to die, etc. In the second phase, the embryonic nervous system
generated can be regulated in two ways, either by altering the emerges as the genetic instructions begin to interact within a
number of stem cells or by altering the number of descendants cellular milieu. The interaction of its parts then defines the
that each stem cell produces (Figs. 6, 7). Factors that might shape and size of the nervous system. Neuron numbers are
alter the number of stem cells operate early in neurogenesis, then adjusted interactively by changes in proliferative poten-


BRAIN AREA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
I I I I I l I I I t I I I I I I I I I i i ! I I I i I I i I I I I t i i i a i I I I

Hippocampal Formation

Hippocampus Proper
(PyramidalCells and
Dentate Gyrus
(Granule Cells)

Cerebral Neocortex

Lamina 1
Lamina II
Lamina Ill
Lamina IV
Lamina V
Lamina VI

Granule Cells
Basket Cells

Approximate Time of Origin of Neurons in Several Brain Areas in the Rat

FIG. 5. Schema showing times of origin of neurons in hippocampal formation, cerebral neocortex, and cerebellum of the rat in relation to
postconception, birth, and postnatal periods. The open-ended tracings for dentate gyrus granule cells and cerebellar granule cells indicate
continued neurogenesis during the postnatal period.

tial and degree of programmed cell death. The third phase becomes a part, not only of function in mature neuronal cir-
of development begins when the brain becomes functionally cuits, but also plays a morphogenic role during development.
organized and the animal begins to deal with its surrounding Connections develop primarily after birth and attain their
environment. During this period neuronal organization is re- specificity by pruning of dendritic and axonal branches,
fined in terms of shape, number, and distribution, with axons which, having served a purpose in brain development, are then
being rearranged or pruned, dendrites growing, branching or disposed of in the programmed chronology of development.
retracting synapses being adjusted and fine-tuned, and recep- Interestingly, as discussed below, malnutrition insult has been
tor densities being established in association with neurotrans- shown in our studies to disrupt this normal pruning process
mitter production. Relative to the development of neurotrans- (71-73). Lewis (166) has hypothesized that the effects of mal-
mitter systems, there is considerable evidence that, prior to nutrition may be to reduce the extent of normal elimination
synapse formation, monoamines may be released as a type of of otherwise redundant synapses, thereby allowing restoration
hormone serving as morphogenetic or developmental signals of the normal synapse to neuron ratio. It thus appears likely
helping to regulate neuronal proliferation, migration, differ- that so-called regressive events in brain development, such as
entiation of dendrites and axons, synaptogenesis, and even cell death, axonal and dendritic pruning, and synapse elimina-
cell death (142). Huether (142) also notes that increased for- tion, may all be altered by malnutrition. In our studies we
mation of monoamines in the malnourished brain may repre- have shown that one effect of malnutrition is to prevent the
sent an overall effect of monoamines during brain develop- normal pruning of dendrites and dendritic spines that occurs
ment in promotion of differentiation processes. Mattson and during postnatal development, and the studies of Lewis (166)
Hauser (181) stress that one of the main roles of neurotrans- indicate that the same process may occur in the case of synap-
mitters is to regulate the formation of neural circuits. They tic elimination. These processes can then be considered plastic
also appear to play a major role in synaptogenesis and adap- events aimed at ameliorating the effects of malnutrition.
tive modification of neural connections during development. Many of these types of interactions, related to environmental
Mattson and Hauser also point out that glutamate released interplay and degree of stimulation or enrichment, may con-
from entorhinal axons plays an active role in synaptogenesis. tinue throughout the life of the animal. In our studies of
Alteration of neurotransmitter activity by malnutrition thus prenatal protein malnutrition effects on the developing brain,


Populationand Cell


I ReducedProgenitorCell PopulationDuring
Prolongationof Cell CycleT

Mitotic PeriodsUntil Final Cell Division

(Hypoplasia)With P'rolongalionof
Cell CycleTime
i ~

FIG. 6. Flow chart schema indicating effects of malnutrition on neurogenesis. Note delayed cell division and prolon-
gation of cell cycle time resulting in hypoplasia of neuronal cell lines and depression of neuronal (or glial) cell numbers.

we are concerned largely with the developing embryonic/fetal release mechanisms, and specific receptors, principally occurs
nervous system. Also, the environmental interaction (third) postmigrationally. As noted, however, some neurotransmitter
phase is also of special interest in relation to degrees of reha- functions may develop during the predifferentiation phases
bilitation possible given the continued postnatal plasticity of and play morphogenic roles. Nerve cell-specific proteins, such
the central nervous system when exposed to positive environ- as the proteins involved in synaptic transmission, are devel-
mental stimulation. oped mainly during the postmigrational phase. However,
A brief summary of major developmental events in the other proteins, such as the neural cell adhesion molecules,
brain is useful for interpreting the sections that follow. The which have been extensively studied in the past decade (88-
development of individual cells (neurons and gliai cells) can 91), involved in the guiding of neurons and establishment of
generally be divided into three main phases: proliferation, mi- specific cell-cell contacts, are expressed very early in the devel-
gration, and differentiation, during which they acquire their opmental process. Cell migrations and eventual postmigratory
neuronal or glial phenotype and develop interneuronal and differentiation have been shown to he mediated by complex
neuronal-glial relations (Fig. 4). With respect to the issue of and coordinated interactions between special cell adhesion
cellular migration, young neurons must move according to a molecules on cell membranes and on the extracellular matrix.
rigid temporal schedule along specific pathways in order to Reuhl and Lowndes (223) have shown that there is a consider-
arrive at their final locations in synchrony with their afferent able relevance of cell adhesion to both neurotoxicology and
synaptic partners (219). The importance of the time factors to neuronal insults. As shown by Winick and Rosso (307) and
cannot be emphasized strongly enough, because if migration DeBassio and Kemper (69), migration of cells in the brain
were slowed by insults to the brain, young neurons might is markedly delayed by different types of malnutrition. The
arrive at their destinations too late to recognize a specific possibility exists that some of these effects may be mediated
target fiber. As to assemblies of neuronal circuits, these de- by alterations in cell adhesion molecules. Finally, the time
pend on the proliferation and differentiation of nerve cells sequence in which different neuronal and glial cell types and
being closely coordinated in time and space. Normal circuit brain regions are developed is of interest, since neurons and/
development also depends on the formation and differentia- or regions that are more differentiated secrete factors that
tion of both nerve and gliai cells occurring in an interrelated guide and control the development of yet undeveloped groups
fashion. It is clear that a major task of the developing brain is of neurons and brain regions. Factors secreted from these
to produce the correct pattern of connections during a highly regions may be in the form of proteins, peptides, and/or neu-
limited period of time. The development of transmitter func- rotransmitters, the most well-studied factor in this respect be-
tions, such as transmitter synthesizing enzymes, transport and ing nerve growth factor.

Progenitor Macroneurons
Cell (Pyramidal and Stenate Cells)

NeuroblastsUndergoing ~ 0 ~ O
Mitos~'~-'-'---'l~ 0 ~ O
Neuronal Bipotential
Lineage Neuronal
Progenitor Lineage O ~ O
Cell Cell Microneuron Microneurons
Progenitor Cell (Granular Cells)

RadialGila RadialG l i ~
ProgenitorCell Cell

IA Glial
J Progenitor
Cell Type1Aslr~c.vte
O =-(3
Mitosis Lineage ~ O e
Progenitor f Type2 Aslrocyle "
Cell O ( ProgenitorCell
Type2 Aslroc?leand
\~ 0 ~ 0
ProgenitorCell Oligodendrocyle Oligodendrocyte

FIG. 7. Schema of neural and glial cell lineages occurring during development of the brain. Glial cell lineages are based on the
studies of Cameron and Rakic (52).

MALNUTRITION AND ITS RELATION TO DEVELOPMENTAL Normal fetal growth, including that of the central nervous
EVENTS IN THE BRAIN system, depends in large part on an adequate supply of essen-
Nutritional inadequacies affect the brain's organizational tial nutrients such as amino acids, glucose, trace elements,
capacities and eventual functional capabilities in several ways. and vitamins, as well as an adequate supply of oxygen. The
First, the fundamental organizational play may be disrupted major conduit for these nutrients is the placenta, which in the
in varying degrees such that subtle alterations in topology and human becomes a functional system at approximately 12
altered cell ratios lead to failures to properly organize the weeks of gestation (94). Any conditions that impair placental
brain into a functionally integrated whole. Altered morpho- function adversely impact the nutritional status of the fetus
logical organization, changes in biochemical parameters, and (24,143,263). It is clear that factors which determine fetal
physiological dysfunctions occur, ultimately leading to disrup- growth and development are multiple and appear to affect the
tions in several aspects of behavior. Secondly, since highly common pathway of delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the
programmed overlapping and sequential developmental pro- fetus. There is evidence from both animal and human studies
cesses occur in all brain areas, distortions in their orderly that during the prenatal period there are at least two types of
development resulting from malnutrition may be exacerbated intrauterine malnutrition. The first results from a poor mater-
by alterations in the animal's interaction with the environment nal diet before a n d / o r during pregnancy, while the second
secondary to the malnutrition. Thus, with these types of mal- type of intrauterine malnutrition results from placental insuf-
nutrition, withdrawal and nonattentiveness to environmental ficiency resulting in diminished transfer of nutrients to the
stimuli may themselves impact on brain developmental pro- fetus. Rosso and Kava (233) have shown that both uterine and
cesses. Third, learning performance may be influenced by placental blood perfusion are markedly reduced in rats that
other behavioral changes, including attentional changes and were food restricted during pregnancy when compared with
altered emotionality, during ontogeny. Therefore, disruption well-fed normal animals. Human placenta data (143,305) sug-
of learning, from whatever cause, early in development may gests that maternal malnutrition affects placental growth by
affect the animal's ultimate behavioral repertoire. There is decreasing the DNA content, i.e., cell numbers. Morgan and
little question that malnutrition may produce behavioral Naismith (197), Rosso (232), and Winick et al. (308) have
changes that are incompatible with the incorporation of envi- shown that malnutrition affects fetal growth by interfering
ronmental information necessary for optimum cognitive with cell division and/or protein synthesis. In principle, the
growth and the development of social maturity. As outlined supply of amino acids is expected to have an important influ-
by Montagu (196), social malnutrition, including functional ence on protein metabolism and protein composition in the
isolation and an inadequate sensory diet, result in what he brain, since precursor availability is often the rate-limiting
terms sociogenic brain damage, which tends to compound factor in metabolic reactions. Changes in amino acid levels
brain alterations resulting from physical malnutrition. may be expected to have greater influences on protein meta-

bolism of the developing brain in which metabolic controls (286). There seems to be little question that experience-
are not fully developed than in the fully developed mature dependent synaptogenesis operates as one plausible memory
brain (156). mechanism (132,138,291). This is important given the effects
Interestingly, various types of nonnutritional, i.e., environ- of malnutrition on the hippocampal formation and the fact
mental, insults to the brain appear to produce most of their that many enduring effects of prenatal malnutrition involving
effects ultimately on nutritional status. For example, toxic learning and memory require plastic changes at the synaptic
agents may not only be directly toxic to the fetus but also to level. As discussed below, one of the physiological findings
the placenta (237). Placento-toxicity occurring regardless of we have noted is a diminution in neuroanatomical and physio-
nutritional status can thereby lead to selective fetal malnutri- logical plasticity in the dentate gyrus after malnutrition insult
tion. If we assume normal fetal utilization of nutrients, ade- (17,41,42,61,74).
quate fetal nutrition then depends on an adequate and bal- Developmental abnormalities in cell numbers, cell ratios,
anced maternal intake and a normally functioning placenta. failures in organization of neuronal assemblies, including ca-
In human studies, Fisher (94) has found that ethanol, for pacity to form and maintain neuronal circuits, may be lost
example, interferes with all three phases of fetal nutrition, forever following malnutrition insult. However, later changes
i.e., maternal supply, placental transfer (particularly amino in synaptic efficacy, including those related to increased den-
acid transfer), and fetal utilization. G a r n e t al. (115), Stein dritic arborization, increases in dendritic spines, and altered
and Susser (266), and Warshaw (294) have reported that ciga- synaptic function may result in partial amelioration of the
rette smoking is one of the most powerful determinants of effects of earlier insults to the brain. A third factor as to how
intrauterine growth retardation in the developed world, result- malnutrition affects the developing brain deals with interac-
ing in brain weight deficiencies of 150-200 g in adults. They tions of the brain with the environment, and this is of major
pointed out that the effects of cigarettes are related to de- importance. For example, enforcing activity of the central
creased nutrient intake probably secondary to alterations in nervous system during critical periods potentiates adaptive
placental blood flow. processes so the organism remains adaptable and flexible. In
Several key factors appear to play major roles in determin- this regard, learning is recognized as progressing in stages,
ing how malnutrition may adversely impact on brain develop- each of which becomes the foundation for the next develop-
ment. First and foremost is the developmental state of the mental period. By not responding to early stimulation, the
maturing brain when the insult occurs. The importance of malnourished animal becomes less able to benefit from later
timing is emphasized by the fact that many types of insults experiences. As indicated in a host of studies, a stimulating or
given at similar developmental time periods produce many of enriched environment, i.e., one that is socially positive and
the same type of brain alterations and functional abnormali- learning-driven, may, in part, compensate for some of the
ties, since they impact on a particular developmental event. A original deficits resulting from nutritional insult by altering
second factor that underlies considerable work in this field, synaptic efficacy in systems that are not irreparably damaged
particularly regarding rehabilitation of function, is the reor- by the original insult (99,196). Van Gelder (286) has pointed
ganization of the anatomical substrates of function, i.e., on out that, as postnatal maturation progresses and the genetic
the capacity of neuronal circuitry to rearrange itself following directives for neuronal development diminish, rehabilitation
neuronal insult. This restorative plasticity or capacity to adapt becomes more difficult and, with biological development
by reorganizing the brain, both anatomically and functionally, slowing down, the environmental stimulation needed to fine-
may, in part, underlie the capacity to show various degrees of tune the intellectual capacity of the brain assumes a dominant
adaptive response to neuronal insult. It is clear that neuronal importance. Malnutrition almost always occurs in a social sit-
insults, including malnutrition, alter the plastic capacities of uation where such an enriched environment is lacking and,
the brain, both in terms of pathway and circuit reorganization under such conditions, it appears that little in the way of
and, especially, by changes in synaptic efficacy. Considera- rehabilitation can occur. Nevertheless, the plastic capacities
tions of neuronal plasticity are critical in interpreting the ini- of the brain appear to be one hope for partially modifying
tial response to the original insult and, especially, in assessing the consequences of early malnutrition insult. The earlier the
later potential for amelioration of functional deficits. There is rehabilitative attempts the better, since if they occur during
little question that altered plasticity contributes to the out- the period of late gliogenesis and microneurogenesis the best
come of nutritional imbalances on the developing central ner- chance at functional rehabilitation is achieved. The main rea-
vous system. The role of neuroplasticity is not well understood son for this is that considerable microneurogenesis and some
because it acts not prior to, nor together with, but only after gliogenesis continues well into the period of postnatal develop-
the nutritionally caused defect of the developing brain. At ment (Fig. 3). Altman (7,8) has emphasized that the microneu-
present we have only limited ideas as to what extent plasticity rons or granule cells appear to be the neurons of adaptation
involving structural and functional rearrangements contrib- based on evidence that interference with numbers of these
utes to rearranging the connectivity of the brain and alters neurons during development reduces the animal's adaptive ca-
synaptic efficacy so as to ameliorate the insult-induced de- pacities in the face of novel situations and stress. He has also
rangements. This is an area of considerable concern in the noted that patterns of interaction between the developing or-
case of the hippocampal model system, there neuroplasticity ganism and its environment are particularly affected with this
in terms of fiber and circuit rearrangements and changes in system of microneurons is incompletely developed or dam-
synaptic efficacy have been so well studied. This also relates aged. Further, Altman (7) proposes that the frank brain pa-
to the issue of the mechanisms through which neuronal prop- thologies can be considered as damage of "hard wired" sys-
erties and connections are modified during learning, given tems and relate to well-defined neurological symptoms, but
that environmental stimulation may offset some of the de- that minimal brain dysfunction-type syndromes result from
rangements resulting from prenatal malnutrition. Poor envi- the quantitative reduction in the total population of late-
ronmental stimulation, i.e., narrowed environmental experi- generated microneurons without any visible brain pathology.
ences, also appears to slow learning-dependent synaptogenesis Before discussing the several specific means by which real-

nutrition insult affects the developing brain, some aspects of rived from such studies. In studies of prenatal malnutrition,
maturational distortions in the brain need to be considered. Zamenhof et al. (314) found reduced cell division in all fetal
As Lewis (166) has emphasized, direct knowledge of the neu- organs studied, including the brain, and similar changes were
ropathology of the undernourished human brain and also ani- seen in the placenta itself. It should again be stressed that the
mal brains is, to a considerable extent, rudimentary, especially magnitude of the effect on cell division appears to be directly
at the cellular and molecular levels of analysis. Nevertheless, related to the rate of cell division occurring at the time the
certain developmental considerations help in understanding insult is applied. Further, given the considerable misinforma-
how malnutrition insult perturbs developmental sequences in tion in the literature regarding fetal "sparing" following mater-
the brain. The carefully orchestrated temporal patterns of hal malnutrition, Zamenhof et al. (314) also stressed that the
primitive neuronal migration into different brain areas, the maternal-placental barrier in the rat is not effective in protect-
patterns of neuronal alignment, and position in laminated, ing the fetus from the effects of maternal protein restriction.
nucleated, and reticulately organized brain structures are criti- Relative to the issue of brain cell number, several studies
cal elements in normal brain development. Distortions in the are of particular interest. Animals subjected to prenatal mal-
coordination of these maturational processes in different nutrition alone have been shown to have a 15070 reduction in
brain components appear to be a significant factor in the ef- total brain cell numbers at birth (304). Interestingly, animals
fects of insults on the developing brain (200). subjected to purely postnatal malnutrition show a similar 15-
Some general aspects of the effects of prenatal malnutri- 20070 reduction in cell numbers at weaning (306). On the other
tion in the rat can be summarized as follows: hand, animals deprived both prenatally and postnatally show
a 60070 reduction in total brain cell number by weaning (305).
1. There are reduced numbers of cells in the placenta.
Thus, the latter produces a significantly greater effect than
2. There is reduced brain cell number at birth.
the sum of effects produced during either the pre- or postnatal
3. There are reduced numbers of brain cells at weaning.
period of cell proliferation. It then appears that the duration
4. There is an increased response to postnatal malnutrition in
of the insult is of particular importance and that prenatally
animals that were also prenatally deprived.
deprived animals not only lose or fail to generate a percentage
In general, malnutrition appears to impose a limitation on the of brain cells (approximately 15%), but that other developing
complexity of neuronal circuits and, thereby, presumably, on cells are apparently made more vulnerable by the prenatal
the ultimate functional capabilities of the brain (166). The insult, so that malnutrition continued postnataily has a greater
topology of the dendritic network following rehabilitation has effect than strictly postnatal malnutrition by itself. Addition-
been shown to be markedly different in malnourished animals ally, as emphasized by van Gelder (286), chronic nutritional
compared to that of controls (184-186). Lewis (166) notes that insufficiency in the mother before pregnancy, associated with
the effect of previous malnutrition may be to reduce the nor- underweight, results in an infant at greater risk than when
real elimination of otherwise redundant synapses. This latter malnutrition is confined only to the gestationai period, since
is in line with our studies in combined pre- and postnatal the mothers show decreased nutritional reserves and plasma
malnutrition in the nucleus raphe dorsalis (71), locus coeruleus volumes and an inadequacy of uterine and placental per-
(72), and visual cortex (73), in which we showed a failure fusion. It is clear from these types of studies that the type
of normal pruning of dendrites in malnourished animals. In of vulnerability to an insult is closely related to the total dura-
general, these findings point to the likelihood that synapse to tion of the insult, which, therefore, overlaps many timetables
neuron ratios are markedly altered by malnutrition insults. In of developmental events occurring during the period of the
our studies we have noted that the terminal two-thirds of the insult.
apical dendritic tree of dentate granule cells respond idiosyn- In particular, malnutrition appears to have especially
cratically to prenatal protein malnutrition (61,74). In our 6/ marked effects on cell acquisition in the developing brain.
25 diet model (6070 casein diet during pregnancy with cross- Effects so far demonstrated include:
fostering of the pups at birth to mothers fed a 25070 casein
1. distortion or lengthening of the cell generation cycle;
diet) study (74), we found greater effects of malnutrition on
2. reduction o f germinal cell numbers postnatally, particu-
dendritic spine number and apical dendritic branching than in
larly, in the secondary germinal matrices;
our combined pre- and postnatal malnutrition study using the
8/8 diet model (8070 casein diet during pregnancy with cross- 3. an increase in numbers of degenerate postmitotic cells in
germinal zones;
fostering to a mother on the same diet who gave birth on that
4. slightly prolonged persistence of the cerebellar external
day) (74). In our paradigms, there is no random fostering of
all pups born on the same day from the same diet groups with granular layer and subependymal cell plate;
5. permanent deficits in brain cell numbers; and
litter size standardized at eight pups. This brings into question
some aspects of restorative plastic reactivity of the outer two- 6. lasting changes in cellular composition of the brain, largely
affecting ratios of different cell types, both neuronal and
thirds of the dendritic segments of dentate granule cells given
that long periods of postnatal restoration using a 25070 casein
diet failed to ameliorate the effects of the prenatal insult. It is Some types of structural alterations may show modest degrees
of interest that the lower-order dendritic segments of dentate of recovery with dietary rehabilitation and environmental
granule cells (proximal third) are more resistant to protein stimulation, but, in general, the topological disorders tend to
deprivation than higher-order segments (distal two-thirds). It remain permanent with varying degrees of behavioral alter-
will be important in future studies to determine, as Scheibel ations. In humans, these have been found to be mostly in the
(239) has noted, whether combining nutritional and environ- sphere of attention deficits and learning disabilities.
mental rehabilitation may, to some extent, restore the plastic Studies of effects of dietary deprivations to date indicate
reactivity of the outer dendritic segments. that stem cell division processes and migrating and early dif-
In this section, we will now summarize several main find- ferentiating neurons are especially vulnerable. There is also
ings of studies concerned with how malnutrition affects the limited data regarding the issue of whether particular cell
developing brain and develop some principles that can be de- types, neurons or glia, are selectively harmed. Altman (7,8)

has provided considerable evidence that microneuronal hypo- developing human fetus if the mother's protein intake is below
plasia in animals serves as a model of human minimal brain a critical level during pregnancy.
dysfunction. In his view, minimal brain dysfunction results Each major process of brain development, including neu-
from the quantitative reduction in the total population of the rogenesis and gliogenesis (Fig. 7), migration, differentiation,
late generated microneurons without any clear pathological synaptogenesis, myelinization, and cell death involves several
"lesion" in the brain. The minimal brain dysfunction syn- sequential steps, all of which may be to some degree vulnera-
drome in rats associated with hippocampal microneuronal hy- ble to malnutrition insult (Fig. 4). As one example to illustrate
poplasia includes hyperactivity and learning disabilities (27). such possibilities, we may note the several developmental steps
Altman (7,8) points out that this may involve memory deficits, leading to myelin formation, which is so critical to the even-
attentional disorders, or abnormal response tendencies (e.g., tual maturation and function of pathways in the nervous sys-
disruption of spontaneous alternation). The syndrome of hy- tem. As pointed out by Miller (193), although a metabolic
peractivity, possibly involving decreased response inhibition, insult to one or more of these steps may potentially result in
and learning disabilities suggests certain attentional problems permanent myelin deficits, designating a precise age of special
may underlie poor discrimination learning performance in ani- vulnerability is still problematic, Also, myelinization does not
mals with hippocampal microneuronal hypoplasia. Regarding occur simultaneously in various brain areas, so that the tem-
this hypoplasia, Lewis et al. (167), Bedi (28), and our group poral heterogeneity of the whole process of myelinization var-
(74,75) have shown that prenatal malnutrition leads to a re- ies across all brain structures and regions. Perhaps even more
duction of granule cell number in the hippocampal dentate interesting is that functional systems of the brain, rather than
gyrus. Prenatal malnutrition has been shown to significantly brain areas or particular nuclear formations, as well as lami-
prolong the length of the cell cycle of brain matrix cells (248) nar or reticular organized structures, involve several intercon-
(Fig. 8) and to alter the durations of specific components of nected anatomical sites that myelinate at different rates. One
the cell cycle without markedly changing its length (168,213). or more developmental steps that culminate in myelin deposi-
Importantly, these types of studies of effects on the cell cycle tion may be affected by malnutrition. These involve glial lin-
are most likely to provide our best cellular and molecular clues eage cells, specifically oligodendroglial progenitor cells, the
as to the fundamental derangements produced by malnutri- proliferation phase of these cells, the migration and differenti-
tion, as well as other insults, to the developing brain. In this ation phase of these ceils, the expression of myelin compo-
same context, it is of interest that Trevarthan et al. (281) point nents, myelin membrane production and axon ensheathment,
out that as much as 40°70 of the potential DNA content of and, finally, the slowing and cessation of myelination related
the brain and other vital organs may never be made in the to the number of myelin lamellae and axon diameters. All of

G I Phase
(Presynthetic Phase
approx. 7.5 hours

S Phase

Normal Diet GestationalMalnutrition

(approximately18 hour cellcycle) (approximately20.5 hour cellcycle)
FIG. 8. Schema indicating effectsof prenatal/postnatal malnutrition on cellcycle time derived largely from data of
Shimada et al. (248). This figure shows malnutrition effects as delaying cell division with prolongation of total cell
cycle time. Studies by Shimada et al. (248) showed that prenatal malnutrition significantlyextended the generation
time of matrix cellsin mice with malnutrition, resultingin a 14% prolongation of the generation time of these neuron
precursor ceils,thus resultingin a decreased production of neurons. Studies in rats by Lewis et al. 068) with malnutri-
tion extending from the 6th day of pregnancy through lactationresultedin marked prolongation of the D N A synthetic
phase of the cellcycle with concomitant shortening of the G~ phase. Cell cycle times were unchanged up to the end of
the firstweek of lifeand then significantlyprolonged from day 12 to day 22. Disappearance of the externalgranular
layer was found to be delayed and cellnumbers in both germinal layers (lateralventricularsubependymal layer and
cerebellargranular layer)were significantlyreduced.

these types of critical developmental events are under the con- tion occurring in the germinal layers of the brain following
trol of several regulatory factors and are variously susceptible combined pre- and postnatal malnutrition. Such disturbances
to insults to the central nervous system. A key question in this in cell generation from the very fountainhead of neurogenesis
and other aspects of developmental events in the brain is the clearly leaves the brain permanently deficient in cell numbers
possibility for rehabilitation. For example, can the entire se- and, ultimately, in fundamental organization and circuit for-
quential process of myelinization be reinstituted beyond the mation. There is little question that alterations in the pro-
particular developmental period when it normally occurs in grammed chronology of development relates to distortions in
different neuronal pathways? As Miller (193) has pointed out, the ultimate integrative organization of the central nervous
we cannot at the present assume that all steps of arrested system, which, in turn, lead to abnormalities in brain function
development are reversible. In the case of myelinization, the and behavior.
various regulating factors in the myelinization process would
have to be added as a supplement to any dietary rehabilitation Specific Brain Model Systems: Emphasis on the Hippocampal
and, even then, we cannot be sure that a process involving Formation
steps of development could be reestablished outside the special
window of opportunity period for each process. Similar com- General concepts and anatomical changes induced by mal-
plex developmental steps, all potentially susceptible to malnu- nutrition. A general overview of the main features of the hip-
trition insult, also occur in neurogenesis, gliogenesis, neuronal pocampal formation will now be summarized, as well as as-
and gliai migration, as well as during aspects of neuronal and pects of its functional organization, as a prelude to discussing
glial differentiation. Detailed consideration of these is beyond our studies on how malnutrition impacts this structure. The
the scope of this review, but must be considered as part of the hippocampal formation is a prominent archicortical structure
overall picture. that comprises a major neuronal complex in the brain of all
mammals. It forms a division of the limbic system that com-
BRAIN MODEL SYSTEMS FOR STUDIES OF INSULTS TO THE prises a large number of neural components thought to be
CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM involved in the regulation of autonomic and somatic behaviors
and has widespread connections with many regions of the
Concept o f Selective Vulnerability forebrain and brainstem. Being the subject of intensive inves-
The use of particular brain models to study the effects of tigations in recent years at the anatomical, physiological, bio-
insults is extremely important if progress is to be made in chemical, and behavioral levels, it has become a common
understanding how insults compromise the organization and model system in which to study the consequences of a wide
function of the central nervous system. Brain models can, for variety of insults to the brain (145,200). Its role in motivation
instance, be used to provide information on how generalized and emotional behaviors, and especially in learning and mem-
or nonspecific insults such as malnutrition affect localized ory processing, has implicated the hippocampal formation as
populations of neurons. In malnutrition and many other types a key structure whose abnormal functioning reveals elements
of neural insults, there is little doubt that the pathological in animal models akin to various forms of human minimal
effects are "diffuse" in nature and are not represented by spe- brain dysfunction and mental retardation (7,8).
cifically focal centers of more intense pathologies. In the selec- With respect to the question of selective brain vulnerabil-
tion of brain areas for study, therefore, we need information ity, it should be noted that certain brain areas, in particular
on the differential severity of the effects of the insult. The the hippocampal formation, have been extensively studied by
areas most affected would then constitute the best candidates our group (17,19,20,39-42,198-200) and others (28,147,148,
for a model system. The issue of selective vulnerability arises 154,167,209) following malnutrition insult. The most produc-
even within a particular brain model system, e.g., the hippo- tive brain regions for analysis have been those neuronal sys-
campal formation. For example, there is selective vulnerability tems that are relatively well understood with regard to their
of discrete neuronal subpopulations within the hippocampal anatomical organization, including basic internal circuitry and
formation during ontogeny that reflects largely the pre- or synaptic relationships, as well as having a favorable cytoarchi-
postnatal ontogeny of the cell group (Fig. 5). Further, the tecture and local circuit organization for interpreting electro-
molecular bases for selective vulnerability, based on events physiological recordings (103,268). Various forms of neu-
occurring in short time frames, and for its variations during roplasticity lend themselves especially well to analysis in the
ontogeny are prime areas for future studies. This would per- hippocampal formation, and that is another principal reason
tain particularly to neurotrophic factors and their perturba- we use this brain area as our model system. We emphasize
tion by neuronal insults. These factors, which may be highly that synapses in malnourished animals appear less capable of
susceptible to neuronal insult, drive ceils to particular fates supporting plasticity and that our studies summarized below
and are also survival and differentiation factors (190). Neu- have the major goal of examining various forms of hippocam-
ronal death and inhibition of mitotic activity are not the only pal neuroplasticity that appear to underlie attentional pro-
expressions of vulnerability in the developing brain. Thus, the cesses and relations with the external environment (145). The
establishment of synaptic connections, the competition for hippocampal formation shows a special form of electrical
fields of innervation by axons from different neuronal popula- activity, i.e., theta activity, which may play a role in gating
tions, and programmed elimination of excess synaptic termi- information flow into and the processing of information in
nals are all normal growth processes that can be affected by the hippocampal formation. Several studies have indicated
insults to the developing brain (295). that theta activity reflects a functional state of the brain that
In large part the vulnerability of the brain results from its facilitates learning and memory formation (192,195,214). Its
complex, programmed chronology of development. Interfer- study in malnourished animals is, therefore, of considerable
ence with any part of this developmental sequence at the time interest. Moreover, long-term potentiation, a candidate mem-
of its most active periods of development may produce irre- ory storage mechanism and an example of brain plasticity,
versible effects on brain organization. For example, Bal~zs et is especially well expressed and studied in the hippocampal
al. (21) have shown an abnormally high rate of cell degenera- formation (1,14,15,43,174,208,236).

Because of its special anatomical organization, including enhanced through repeated stimulation (1,12-15,25,35,43,
lamination of its inputs and stereotyped geometry of synaptic 208,236). Within the hippocampal formation there is a deli-
relationships, the hippocampal formation offers particular ad- cate interplay of excitatory and inhibitory processes that ap-
vantages for physiological analysis. Thus, stratification of in- pear to integrate and process the information of its many
puts to the hippocampal formation allows extracellular re- synaptic inputs. The involvement of these intrinsic, as well
cording techniques to be employed, particularly field potential as extrinsic, modulatory systems that regulate the activity of
studies, which provide meaningful information about synaptic intrinsic hippocampal circuitry in high-order cognitive pro-
function (35). Of special interest is that different principal cesses and their special vulnerability to a broad range of in-
components of the hippocampal formation show markedly sults makes them important focal points for studies of behav-
different developmental histories with particular cell groups ioral and neurological insults.
showing either predominantly prenatal or postnatal neurogen- Relative to the study of malnutrition and its effects on
esis. (Fig. 5). This difference in cell ontogenesis allows for mental development, particularly learning and memory, it is
assessment of insults on particular cell groups showing maxi- of special interest to examine the ontogeny of electrical events
mum rates of neuro-ontogenesis at different times during the in the brain that are known to be related to information input
pre- and postnatal periods. However, even here, species differ- and information processing, e.g., ontogeny of long-term po-
ences are important to keep in mind. For example, it has tentiation and theta activity, among others, in the hippocam-
recently been found that approximately 80°70 of dentate gran- pal formation and related structures. For example, Myhrer et
ule cells in the rhesus monkey are generated before birth, as al. (205) have recently reported that levels of glutaminergic
compared to only about 15070 in the rat (70). In contrast to activity in the lateral entorhinal cortex are altered by differen-
the considerable and perhaps lifelong postnatal neurogenesis tial environmental stimulation and these alterations correlate
of dentate granule cells in the rat (65,265), there appears to be significantly with learning and retention of a visual discrimi-
less evidence for production of neurons in the dentate gyrus nation task. With regard to the hippocampal model system,
of the monkey after puberty (87). Thus, although there is an important example of electrogenesis is theta activity, which
some postnatal neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus in the mon- appears to play a key role in modulating hippocampal activ-
key, it appears to be less pronounced and to occur earlier ity and is clearly related to arousal and attentional states
than in the rat. An important aspect of this is that prenatal 029,140,155,175,217,239). This becomes of special interest
malnutrition in primates, including humans, may more di- since information inflow into the hippocampal formation is
rectly affect granule cell neurogenesis than in the rat, where strongly vigilance state dependent (18,309-311).
dentate granule cell neurogenesis occurs most heavily in the With respect to the vulnerability of the hippocampal for-
postnatal period. With regard to the use of the hippocampal mation to malnutrition insult, a variety of anatomical and
brain model system to study insults to the brain, it should also behavioral alterations have been reported following malnutri-
be emphasized that there are many cell types comprising the tion insult, particularly following postnatal malnutrition in
hippocampal formation, even though the two principal types the rat (53,54,93,154,167,168,209,249). Learning and spatial
are the pyramidal neurons of the hippocampus proper and memory deficits correlated with anatomical changes in the
the dentate granule cells of the dentate gyrus. Interspersed hippocampal formation have been reported following com-
throughout the hippocampal formation are also many varie- bined pre- and postnatal malnutrition (147,148). Of particular
ties of GABAergic interneurons, classified into at least five interest is the study of Lewis et al. (167) showing that prenatal
types according to the studies of Ribak and Seress (224). The malnutrition reduces the thickness of the granular cell layer
developmental characteristics of these GABA interneurons of the dentate gyrus in rats and moderately prolongs the total
have been described by Seress and Ribak (244,245), Seress et cell cycle time by substantially lengthening the DNA synthetic
al. (246), and Liibbers et al. (171). Considering only pyramidal phase and markedly curtailing the G~ phase of the cell cycle
cells and dentate granule cells is clearly an inadequate and (Fig. 8). The cell acquisition rate in the dentate gyrus was
highly limited description of the anatomical separation of shown to be markedly diminished, resulting in a severe deficit
functions in the hippocampal formation (103). in dentate granule cell numbers by the second postnatal week.
The hippocampal formation is a key component of brain Bedi (28) has also shown that following food restriction from
circuitry linking neocortical formations and lower brainstem day 16 of gestation, through lactation and into the early post-
areas. It lies in a strategic position to process information weaning period, there was a significant reduction in numbers
derived from the polymodal association areas, including the of dentate granule cells when the rats were examined at 70 to
frontal and temporal neocortical formations, and to redistrib- 220 days of age. Our group (75) has recently found a signi-
ute it to cortical and subcortical regions involved in the modu- ficantly reduced thickness and area of the molecular layer,
lation of many complex behavioral processes. Importantly, granule cell layer, and polymorph layer of the hippocampal
the hippocampal formation shows a remarkable degree of de- dentate gyrus in prenatally protein-malnourished rats. Impor-
velopmental, adaptive and restorative plasticity, and, accord- tantly, such changes may exert their effects by altering the
ingly, has been widely used as a model system to understand normal afferent and efferent relationships of the dentate gy-
the biology of neural insult, its functional consequences, and rus, which may underlie some of the functional changes seen
the extent and underlying mechanisms of neural and behav- in malnutrition. As reviewed below, our group has found nu-
ioral plasticity (16,220,293). merous physiological changes in the dentate gyrus of the hip-
The primary internal circuitry of the hippocampal forma- pocampal formation following prenatal malnutrition. These
tion, the trisynaptic circuit, is based on a series of sequential will now be summarized, as will the behavioral changes seen
synapses that relay information through its different compo- after prenatal protein malnutrition.
nents. Interneurons in the hippocampal formation, in particu- Effects of protein malnutrition on electrophysiological pa-
lar several types of GABAergic basket cells (224), serve to rameters of brain function. One major focus of our studies
modulate local synaptic transmission within the structure (Fig. dealing with the effects of prenatal protein malnutrition on
9). One of the most interesting and important properties of the developing brain has been the assessment of changes in
hippocampal circuitry is that synaptic efficacy or strength is synaptic plasticity in brain regions, such as the hippocampal

(Cholinergic Fibers)

Feed - Forward
+ @
(GABA Projection

GABA interneuron CELL





FIG. 9. Schema of basic circuits in dentate gyrus showing the main input pathway Oaerforant path) from entorhinai
cortex to molecular layer of dentate gyrus where it forms synapses en passage on apical dendrites of dentate granule
cells and dendrites of basket cells (GABAergic interneurons). Feed-forward and feed-back inhibitory circuits are
indicated. The activity of GABAergic interneurons is modulated by several major extrinsic inputs from the medial
septum, median raphe, and locus coeruleus, which have been conclusively shown to synapse on cell bodies of the
GABAergic interneurons ( 101,102,105,133,134,240).

formation, that have been implicated in aspects of infor- synaptic plasticity by prenatal nutritional insult may provide
mation storage. Thus, we have applied electrophysiological information on how this insult affects the developing brain
techniques in an effort to gain an understanding of synaptic leading to long-term problems in attention, learning, and
activity-driven modifications in the dentate gyrus of the hip- memory. Because the paths of information flow in the hippo-
pocampal formation and their alteration by malnutrition in- campal formation are altered according to the vigilance state
sult. The two main types of synaptic modifications we have of the animal (309-311), it is of importance to examine degrees
examined are long-term potentiation and kindling. Various of facilitation and inhibition in the hippocampal formation
features of long-term potentiation indicate it to be a leading using paired-pulse techniques. Relative to gate control theories
candidate for the synaptic substrate of the suspected adaptive of information inflow, it is of interest to examine possibilities
functions of the hippocampal neural networks. Further, due that gating phenomenon, which partially underlie memory
to the basic organization of the intrinsic hippocampal cir- processes during particular behavioral states, may be altered
cuitry, such that the GABAergic interneurons synapse on prin- by prenatal malnutrition insult.
cipal cells (in this case the granule cells of the dentate gyrus), Having reviewed various aspects of how malnutrition may
and are themselves modulated by several major extrinsic sys- affect neuronal proliferation, migration, differentiation, and
tems (Fig. 9) from the medial septum (101,133,134,240), me- cell death, we will now examine the implications of some
dian raphe (102,137), and locus coeruleus (105), it is important quantitative electrophysiological studies that examine the ram-
to examine the effects of malnutrition insult on levels of inhi- ifications of such altered or aberrant development on subse-
bition on the granule cells by using paired-pulse methods. quent neural circuit function. Of particular interest, with re-
Long-term potentiation is a long-lasting enhancement of gard to the effects of malnutrition on the hippocampal
synaptic efficacy or "strength" induced by high-frequency formation, are our studies indicating reduced complexity of
stimulation, as well as by kindling. It has received consider- dendritic arborization with alterations in spine number and,
able attention as a model for memory formation since it shares thereby, synaptic connectivity (61), and changes in neuro-
several main features with the memory process, including transmitter levels (202). Recently, Chen et al. (60) reported a
rapid onset, extended duration, and further strengthening twofold increase in basal serotonin efflux from hippocampal
with repetition of stimulation. Alterations of these forms of slices in prenatally malnourished rats compared to controls.

Increased serotonin turnover in the hippocampal formation from rats of the 6/6 diet group, it appears that the prenatal
in malnourished rats has also been found by Smart et al. (261) component of the dietary insult is the crucial period involved
and Fuenmayor and Garcia (106). The results of such studies in the retardation of theta frequency maturation.
suggest that diet-induced alterations to structural and neuro- Of particular interest with respect to these results is the
chemical development should then be examined by quantita- fact that normal maturation of peak theta frequency parallels
tive electrophysiological techniques designed to measure spe- several critical anatomical and biochemical developments
cific aspects of neural circuit function in these animals. We within the hippocampal formation. For example, it is well
should note here the relative paucity of electrophysiological established that the afferent fibers that originate in the medial
studies of the hippocampal formation, especially related to septum must be functional for the generation of hippocampal
prenatal malnutrition, that exist in the literature, and the fact theta activity during REM sleep (116,131,157,212). Although
that the cross-laboratory interpretation of studies that do exist innervation of the hippocampus by the medial septum has
is hampered to some degree by the variety of dietary para- been shown to be present at birth in the rat (194), this innerva-
digms, timings of the insult, and the age and species of the tion is physiologically immature and does not approach func-
animals under study. We have applied a number of techniques tional maturity until at least postnatal day 25 (64,66,191,194).
to examine diet-induced alterations to neural circuit activity Thus, the developmental retardation of particular EEG pat-
within the hippocampal formation. The following discussion terns, especially theta rhythm, resulting from various forms
focuses on examinations utilizing several methods to assess of malnutrition may be reflective of nutritionally related de-
functions within the hippocampal formation and the possible lays in the functional maturation of brainstem reticular sys-
implications of these for behavior of the malnourished animal. tems responsible for driving hippocampal EEG patterns, as
Our animal preparations are chronically implanted with well as the septo-hippocampal theta-pacing system. The possi-
stimulating and recording electrodes at various ages from 10 ble implications of delayed theta development are discussed
postnatal days up to adulthood (Figs. 10, 11). Early studies later in this section following examination of two further stud-
investigating the effects of a combined pre- and postnatal un- ies of nutritionally related alterations to hippocampal activity.
dernutrition on the developing EEG (125,128) reported a 2- In an effort to quantitatively assess the effects of malnutri-
3-day delay in the appearance of the high-amplitude EEG tion on the efficacy of neuronal transmission within the hippo-
patterns associated with sleep behaviors from its normal ap- campal formation, some studies have examined the ability of
pearance at 10 days of age to 12 days of age (126,127). In malnourished animals to establish and maintain long-term po-
addition, a permanent change in the peak frequency of EEG tentiation (LTP) (17,41,149). LTP is defined as the use-depen-
recorded from the sensorimotor cortex was found in malnour- dent strengthening of synaptic transmission induced by short
ished animals, with the peak shifting to the higher end of the periods of appropriate activity (44). Enhancement of synaptic
frequency window (2-4 Hz) in these animals, while this peak efficacy can be quantified by measuring the increase in the
remained at the low end of the frequency (0.4 Hz) in normally population EPSP (an indication of the level of synaptic activa-
nourished animals. Our power spectral studies of the develop- tion) and population spike (an indication of the degree of
ing EEG (38,198) established that the most striking effect of population discharge) components of the extracellular field
combined prenatal/postnatal dietary protein deficiency was potential (Fig. 13). Since the first description of LTP in the
found in the maturation of the rhythmic slow activity pattern hippocampal formation (36), it has been recognized as a
(theta activity) generated from hippocampal field CA1 and model of neuronal plasticity and is a leading candidate mecha-
the dentate gyrus during REM sleep. A typical theta rhythm nism for the adaptive synaptic reorganizations underlying in-
with a mean frequency of approximately 5 Hz is apparent in formation storage in the brain (49,85,152,271). Thus, determi-
the hippocampal EEG of well-nourished animals by postnatal nation of the capacity of malnourished animals to establish
day 16. This peak frequency increases from approximately 5 and support the synaptic modifications associated with en-
to 7 Hz between postnatal days 16 to 30 (55,56). Spectral hancement of synaptic efficacy and neural transmission pro-
analysis of the EEG obtained during REM sleep has shown vides significant information related to long-term learning and
that, as normal rats mature to 45 days of age, there is a devel- memory dysfunctions reported in such animals.
opmental shift in the peak frequency of this theta activity The first study of the effects of malnutrition on long-term
from 4.4 to 6.7 Hz (38). potentiation was by Jordan and Clark (149) and employed a
Our analysis of peak theta frequency measures in combined 50% restriction of the dietary intake to the mother during
pre- and postnatally malnourished rats indicates that the de- pregnancy and lactation. They reported that, as adults, their
velopmental shift normally associated with this measure is malnourished animals were capable of establishing potentia-
markedly retarded in these animals. The degree of this retar- tion of the population spike component but that this potentia-
dation was found to depend upon the severity of the dietary tion decayed to prepotentiation levels within 6 h, while control
protein restriction (Fig. 12). Thus, the peak theta frequency animals maintained potentiation significantly beyond this pe-
obtained from animals of our 8/8 diet was found to he signifi- riod. No information regarding the EPSP component was re-
cantly slower at 14 and 18 days of age, while measures ob- ported in this study. In an initial acute study by our group,
tained from animals of both 6/6 and 6/25 diet groups were Austin et al. (17) reported that anesthetized adult animals of
found to be significantly slower at 14, 18, 22, and 30 days the 6/25 diet group responded to tetanization of the perforant
(198) than those obtained from animals fed the control (25/ with significant enhancement of both the population EPSP
25) diet. These findings indicate that a protein malnutrition and population spike components of the dentate field re-
insult, instituted during gestation and continued after birth sponse. Enhancement of the EPSP component in 6/25 ani-
(8/8 and 6/6 diet groups), results in delaying the functional mals was found to be significantly lower than that of controls
maturation of neural systems involved in the generation and/ at all time periods investigated. In addition, this measure de-
or modulation of hippocampal theta activity, and that the cayed to baseline levels significantly sooner in 6/25 animals
duration of this delay is dependent upon the severity of the compared to controls, indicating a decreased ability to main-
dietary insult. Furthermore, since the results obtained from tain EPSP potentiation in these prenatally malnourished ani-
rats of the 6/25 diet group were similar to those obtained mals. In recent studies, we have examined the developing ca-

pability of 6/25 animals to support LTP of the perforant interneurons by perforant path contacts (feed-forward inhibi-
path/dentate granule cell synapse in behaving animals (41,42). tion) and activation of the interneurons by recurrent collateral
In these studies, tetanizing trains were applied to the perforant projections (feed-back inhibition) of the granule cells (Fig. 9).
pathway and evoked field potentials were recorded from the 2) A period of enhanced granule cell excitability at IPIs be-
dorsal blade of the ipsilateral dentate gyrus at the level of the tween 50 and 200 ms. The mechanisms responsible for this
granule cell soma. Results in 90-day-old animals indicate that effect are not well understood, though it has been demon-
EPSP slope measures are enhanced to a significantly greater strated to occur in slice preparations (210), indicating that it
degree in the malnourished group, while enhancement of the depends solely on local circuitry. 3) A period of late-onset
population spike is delayed for several hours and remains sig- inhibition occurring at IPIs between 300 and 1000 ms. This
nificantly below levels attained by controls over the period late inhibitory phase appears to be mediated by a calcium-
tested. At 30 days of age, 6/25 animals show significant en- dependent potassium conductance (207,272) and does not ap-
hancement of the population EPSP, but this is accompanied pear to be GABA dependent as it is insensitive to GABA
by a reduction in the population spike measure that was main- antagonists (282,283). Since this effect can be produced by
tained over 24 h. The delayed enhancement (seen in 90-day-old orthodromic, but not antidromic, stimulation, it has been sug-
animals) and actual reduction (in 30-day-old animals) of the gested that it may involve feed-forward neurons directly acti-
population spike measure obtained from 6/25 animals in the vated by the perforant pathway (206).
face of significantly enhanced population EPSP measures sug- We have recently completed a paired-pulse study in adult
gests that systems modulating dentate granule cell excitability 6/25 animals across several behavioral states (20). The data
may be differentially effected by the malnutrition insult. In indicate that both the magnitude and duration of interneuro-
other words, for this system to show enhanced synaptic activa- nally mediated inhibition of granule cell excitability are in-
tion, as indicated by potentiation of the EPSP component of creased in these animals. Possible alterations underlying the
the field potential, without subsequent enhancement of gran- increased inhibition in malnourished rats include:
ule cell discharge, would require that the granule cells be hy-
1. increased excitability of GABAergic interneurons;
perpolarized. This hyperpolarization could be accomplished
2. reduction of GABA reuptake capacity; and
if tetanization of the perforant path/granule cell synapse in 3. alteration to extrahippocampal inputs modulating activity
6/25 animals resulted in potentiation of a population of
of the GABAergic interneurons.
GABAergic interneurons that make synaptic connections with
the granule cell soma (242,243). Such potentiation of feed- Relative to this latter, it is possible that nutritionally related
forward inhibition within the dentate gyrus has been reported alterations to systems modulating granule cell excitability play
to accompany induction of LTP in well-nourished rats (152). a significant role in the failure of malnourished animals to
In this regard, it is important to note that threshold levels of maintain LTP of the perforant path/dentate granule cell syn-
these GABAergic interneurons have been shown to be well apse, and we are presently examining these possibilities.
below the threshold for granule cell discharge (51) and, thus, The final model we have used to evaluate neuroplastic re-
capable of affecting granule cell excitability in the absence of sponse and hippocampal function following malnutrition
granule cell activation. came about from early results of our group indicating that
To investigate the possibility that alterations in local circuit malnourished animals were more susceptible to epileptiform
modulation of granule cell excitability might underlie the seizure (39,98). As a result of these earlier studies, we have
changes seen in LTP in malnourished animals, we have uti- examined the susceptibility to, and development of, hippo-
lized a paired-pulse stimulation paradigm. Application of campal kindling in malnourished animals. The kindling phe-
paired-pulse stimulations to perforant path over a range of nomenon was first described by Goddard et al. (118) and re-
interpulse intervals (IPI) results in recording two extracellular fers to the progressive intensification of electrographic and
field potentials from the granule cell population. The first behavioral responses associated with seizure activity. Kindling
response represents the basic field potential, while the second is induced by the regular application of initially subconvulsive
indicates the net effect of modulatory inputs on granule cell stimulus trains to susceptible brain structures, particularly
excitability. It has been shown in our laboratories (20,42), as those of the limbic forebrain. The effect has been shown to be
well as others (3,150,151,180,272), that by varying the IPI essentially permanent and to involve transsynaptic alterations
over the range of 10-1500 ms, a paired-pulse index (PPI), that result in a net increase in transmission along pathways
reflecting the effect of interneuronal modulation on granule activated by the stimulus (269,270). Because of the enduring
cell excitability, can be determined. The PPI is defined as the nature of the changes induced by kindling, it has also been
relationship between the population spike amplitude obtained used as a model of hippocampal plasticity (117), which may
as a result of the first pulse (PI) of the pair and that resulting be related to memory storage, i.e., for formation of an en-
from the second pulse (P2) of the pair, i.e., PPI = P2 - P~ gram or memory trace (I 19,203).
or, to present the PPI in terms of the percent change between In our initial study (39) we reported that 6/25 animals
the two population spikes, PPI = (P2 - PI/P~) x 100. Elec- exhibit seizure thresholds significantly below those of con-
trophysiological and pharmacological studies have established trois, indicating a greater susceptibility to epileptiform activ-
three specific phases to this modulation. 1) An early inhibitory ity. In contrast, 6/25 animals were found to require more than
phase occurring at IPIs between 10-40 ms. This inhibition is twice the number of kindling stimulations before developing
GABA mediated, resulting from both direct activation of the the generalized motor convulsions indicative of the fully kin-

FIG. 10. Photograph of 16-day-old behaving rat taken during chronic brain recording and stimulation procedures. Stimulating electrode is in
perforant path and recording electrode is in dentate granule cell layer. These experiments involve long-term stimulation and recording of dentate
granule cell evoked field potentials to examine the ontogeny of long-term potentiation, paired-pulse inhibition and facilitation, and kindling as
the rat develops from day 15 through early adulthood. Many of these studies are carried out across the various vigilance states of active and
quiet waking, slow wave sleep, and REM sleep in order to assess vigilance state gating of information inflow into the dentate gyrus (see text).

~ - ,,~
t..y .,

~~.: ~ ;~ ,I


died state. While it may seem paradoxical that a delay in the and brainstem, whose participation is a necessary prerequisite
rate of kindling is associated with enhanced levels of excit- for the appearance of the more severe behavioral manifesta-
atory transmission, it has been reported that depletion of nor- tions of generalized seizure. The possible mechanisms underly-
epinephrine results in lowering seizure threshold and enhanc- ing this delay in kindling development were next examined by
ing kindling rate (9,187-189). In this regard, Soto-Mayano et assessment of long-term potentiation effects and changes in
al. (264) have recently reported significant elevation of norepi- the paired-pulse index induced by kindling. In this way, we
nephrine release in prenatally malnourished rats. Thus, it is examined malnutrition effects on neuroplastic responses by
possible that the retardation in expression of the more severe evaluating several aspects of neural function simultaneously
motor manifestations of kindling may be a function of ele- as a means of determining the interrelationships between these
vated norepinephrine levels we have found in malnourished measures during neuroplastic reorganization.
animals (202). Another possibility for the retardation of kin- A number of studies have reported the occurrence of po-
dling rate in malnourished rats may result from the kindling- tentiated neuronal transmission during the course of kindling
induced enhancement of either or both feed-forward or feed- in normal animals and have suggested that a long-term poten-
back inhibitory mechanisms, i.e., potentiation of GABAergic tion-like mechanism may underlie the neuroplastic alterations
interneuron activity (Fig. 9). Potentiation of inhibitory activ- in synaptic transmission seen during kindling (122,123,
ity within feed-forward and feed-back systems modulating 176,177,269,270). Results from our analysis of dentate gran-
dentate granule cell discharge is well documented from LTP ule cell field potentials during perforant path kindling indi-
studies (50,51,92) has also been reported to accompany kin- cated that measures of both EPSP slope and population spike
dling (42,178) and has been suggested as a possible mechanism amplitude show significant potentiation in animals of both
for the apparent decrease in dentate granule cell excitability diet groups. However, the level of this potentiation was found
that occurs in kindling in normal animals (176,178). A strong to be significantly greater in animals of the 6/25 diet group
enhancement of inhibitory modulatory activity at the periph- (40). Measures of both population EPSP and population spike
ery of the seizure focus, termed surround inhibition, would amplitude obtained from 6/25 animals were enhanced contin-
tend to halt or retard the propagation of epileptic bursting uously throughout the kindling period. The results of the pop-
activity to secondary structures, such as the motor cortices ulation spike amplitude/EPSP slope measures obtained from
animals of the 6/25 diet group suggest that the potentiated
transmission measures reflect a hyperexcitability of the gran-
7- ule cell population resulting in a heightened tendency toward
the synchronized bursting activity characteristic of epileptic
Of particular interest, with respect to these findings, is the
fact that the potentiation of both population EPSP and popu-
lation spike amplitude measures obtained from 6/25 animals
decayed to prekindling levels within 2 weeks after cessation of
kindling stimulations. Such decay was not found in animals
of the 25/25 diet group and suggests that the dietary insult
has a profound effect on mechanisms responsible for the
maintenance of the neuroplastic changes associated with the
5. permanence of the kindling effect in control animals. This is
important in light of previous findings of our kindling work
(39) and again suggests that the prenatal dietary insult has a
[- more marked effect on mechanisms responsible for the main-
tenance of enhanced synaptic transmission seen in both LTP
and kindling than on those mechanisms involved in the initial
establishment of such enhancement.
Since the initial reports of Maru et al. (179) that kindling
in normal animals results in enhanced paired-pulse depression
in the dentate gyrus, a number of investigators have utilized
paired-pulse stimulation as a technique to examine changes in
14 18 22 30 local inhibitory activity at various hippocampal sites and un-
der a number of pharmacological and pathological conditions
Postnatal Age (Days) (2,282,283,290). For these reasons we included examination
of the paired-pulse index during the kindling paradigm. Re-
FIG. 12. Graphs showing development of peak theta frequency dur- sults of these studies dearly indicate that perforant path kin-
ing REM sleep at days 14, 18, 22, and 30 postnatally. Peak theta dling results in enhanced inhibition of granule cell response to
frequency measures are shown in control (25/25; solid squares), mod- the second pulse of a pulse pair in a continuous fashion during
erately malnourished (8/8; shaded box), and severely malnourished the kindling process (42). The degree of this enhanced inhibi-
(6/6; open squares) rats. *, Indicates significant differences (p <
0.01) relative to the 25o7o (control) diet group. N = 6 at each time tion was found to be significantly greater in animals that were
point for 6, 8, and 25% casein diet animals. prenatally protein malnourished. Additionally, these effects

FIG. I 1. Photograph of adult behaving rat undergoing long-term stimulation and recording procedures in the first limb of the hippocampal
trisynaptic circuit (perforant path to dentate granule cell pathway). Studies of long-term potentiation, paired-pulse inhibition and facilitation,
and kindling are carried out in these preparations. Note field potential record on oscilloscope screen indicating population EPSP and population
spike (see Fig. 13 indicating components of field potential).


population _1
spike U
onset .Is

d population spike

EPSP slo }e C
FIG. 13. Graphic representation of the evoked waveform recorded from the den-
tate granule cell population. The population EPSP slope is defined as the slope of
the line segment AI to B1. The population spike amplitude is defined as the
amplitude of the line segment C to C1. Onset and offset times are defined as the
respective turnover points A, B, C, and D.

appear to be irreversible, as evidenced by the fact that they malnutrition due to its relationship to learning and memory
were obtained in mature animals following an extended period functions (155,239,288). Theta activity is apparent in the hip-
of dietary protein rehabilitation commencing at birth. pocampal EEG during two specific behaviors, REM sleep and
The changes in synaptic and paired-pulse measures pre- active waking with voluntary movements. Hippocampal theta
sented here suggest that the prenatal protein insult results in activity recorded during REM sleep has been shown to be
altering the balance between excitatory and inhibitory activity dependent upon cholinergic innervation arising from pace-
within the dentate gyrus. These alterations result in enhanced maker cells of the medial septum (104,240). The peak fre-
susceptibility to seizure initiation, as evidenced by the lower quency of this cholinergic component of theta activity remains
kindling threshold, while inhibiting the development of motor constant during REM sleep and has been termed "tonic" theta.
manifestations and acquisition of the fully kindled state. The In contrast, the theta activity recorded during voluntary move-
more rapid rate of decay of this enhanced inhibition, observed ments has been shown to be insensitive to atropine, i.e., is
in animals of the 6/25 diet group following the kindling pro- noncholinergic, and the peak frequency of this theta rhythm
cess, suggests that these animals have a reduced capacity to (phasic theta) shifts in relation to the specific activity
maintain the neuroplastic alterations induced by kindling. As (129,159). Gray et ai. (129) have expressed the view that di-
noted, our previous work has indicated that prenatal protein rected locomotion toward a reward is associated with a 9-10
malnutrition results in an inability to maintain long-term po- Hz frequency; consumption of the acquired reward lowers
tentiation of excitatory transmission at the level of the perfor- this frequency to 6-7 Hz, and an intermediate frequency of
ant path/granule cell synapse (17). 7.7 Hz was obtained when the animal was in the goal area
Taken together, the results of our electrophysiological during nonreward situations. This intermediate frequency was
studies point to significant changes both in neural circuit func- also seen during initial exploration of the test alley. From this,
tion (paired-pulse index) and neuroplastic response (LTP and there are sufficient reasons to hypothesize that the specific
kindling) within the hippocampal formation of malnourished frequency of theta activity is significant for the processing of
rats. In the final analysis, we need to ask what implications incoming information. This is an important consideration in
these alterations have for the animal's ability to sense and light of our findings that malnutrition affects the shifting of
interact with its environment? Electrophysioiogy alone cannot theta frequency (see below).
provide complete answers to this question. But, the results One of the more interesting alterations we have seen in
summarized above do provide some insights, which form the malnourished animals relates to measures associated with
basis for developing testable hypotheses. Relative to this, hip- REM (theta) sleep in early postnatal development (38). These
pocampal theta activity is of particular interest in studies of include a significant reduction in the percent time that mal-

nourished animals spend in REM sleep prior to weaning, a indirectly, by the malnutrition insult. Since the activity of the
significant reduction in the duration of individual REM sleep GABAergic interneuron population of the dentate gyrus is
episodes, and a concomitant increase in the interval between under significant modulation by 1) feed-back activation from
REM sleep episodes. These findings occur at a time in devel- the dentate granule cells themselves, 2) extrahippocarnpal in-
opment when the animals' eyes have just opened and volun- puts arising from the medial septum (33,101,133,134,240), lo-
tary exploratory behaviors are beginning to be exhibited. If cus coeruleus (105), and median raphe (102,137), each of
the occurrence of REM theta, and more importantly the fre- which provide the basis for powerful disinhibition of granule
quency of this theta rhythm, which, as indicated above, shows cell activity, and 3) by direct activation from the perforant
a developmental retardation in malnourished animals, are sig- pathway, nutritionally induced changes in any of these inter-
nificant to the processing of information regarding the envi- actions would result in significant alterations to continued
ronment, then early interactions between the animal and its signal transmission. It is possible that the activity of one or
environment may be affected as a result of the altered theta more of these systems may be affected by the prenatal nutri-
activity. As to the relation between behavioral state and theta tional insult, resulting in changes either to signal entry, via
frequency, we have findings indicating that such theta gating gating functions, or to transmission through the hippocampal
functions are markedly altered by prenatal protein malnutri- formation. Thus, alterations in any of these modulatory sys-
tion. These data indicate that, as adults, control animals (25/ tems by malnutrition insult may change the gating function
25) exhibit a typical shift in peak theta frequency between that determines information input and processing.
active waking with voluntary movements and REM sleep. In In summary, the results of our electrophysiological studies
contrast, animals of the 6/25 diet group fail to show a signifi- to date point to an overall increase in the activity of inhibitory
cant shift in this peak theta frequency measure between these systems modulating dentate granule cell activity in prenatally
two behavioral states (199,201). These results suggest that the malnourished animals. Among the possible explanations for
prenatal dietary insult alters the ability of malnourished ani- these findings are that prenatal malnutrition results in in-
mals to modify the frequency of hippocampal theta rhythm creased excitability of GABAergic interneurons, alterations in
to match the requirements of particular behaviors. The fact GABA reuptake mechanisms, or alterations in the activity of
that the dominant frequency of atropine-sensitive theta gener- extra-hippocampal modulatory inputs synapsing on GABAer-
ated during REM is not different between dietary groups may gic interneurons. Each of these possibilities would be consis-
indicate that the septo-hippocampal cholinergic system re- tent with the findings of our LTP, paired-pulse, and kindling
mains relatively unaffected in the face of the prenatal insult. studies. Overall, our results indicate that malnourished ani-
However, the large apparent difference between diet groups mals exhibit a relative inability to maintain the long-term neu-
with respect to the theta frequency generated during active roplastic changes associated with LTP in well-nourished ani-
waking behaviors suggests that there may be alterations to mals, and that these alterations are not reversed by dietary
the noncholinergic theta generating system. In this regard, rehabilitation instituted at birth. The apparent inability of
Buzs~iki and Eidelberg (51) have postulated that the rhythmic dietary rehabilitation to reverse these effects strongly indicates
firing of GABAergic interneurons affects, in an oscillatory that nutritionally mediated alterations that occur early in de-
manner, the excitability of the principal neurons due to the velopment have far-reaching postnatal effects on the organiza-
wide ranging connections of the interneurons. This mecha- tion and subsequent functioning of brain structures, such as
nism could provide the basis for the local inhibition of princi- the dentate system of the hippocampal formation. Further
pal neurons contributing to theta activity and, at the same research efforts in this vein presently include ontogenetic stud-
time, explain why nonrhythmic projection cells also show ies to establish the age at which LTP can first be elicited and
phase-locking to the theta cycle. In any event, derangements maintained by malnourished animals, developmental studies
of theta shifting activity between the behavioral states of REM of kindling and paired-pulse responses, and interdisciplinary
and active waking could alter the neuronal gating functions studies to examine the anatomy, neurochemistry, and behav-
that modulate information flow into and through the hippo- ior associated with these models of activity-driven neuroplas-
campal formation. Also of interest in this regard is the work ticity in both the adult and developing animal.
by Vanderwolf and Baker (284) indicating that when serotonin Taken together, the results of anatomical and electrophysi-
synthesis is blocked in well-nourished animals by injections of ological studies suggest that prenatal protein malnutrition re-
PCPA, the character of atropine-insensitive theta that accom- suits in"
panies active waking is altered. The particular alteration that
1. a relative denervation at the level of the perforant path/
accompanies P C P A treatment is a shift in the peak frequency
observed in these animals during active waking. Thus, another dentate granule cell connection, especially in the distal two-
thirds of the granule cell dendritic plexus (61,74);
interpretation of our results is that prenatal dietary insult has
2. significant alterations in local circuit modulation of gran-
impacted the serotonergic innervation of the hippocampal for-
ule cell excitability (41,42); and
mation arising from the median raph¢ in a manner that pre-
3. alterations in vigilance state-dependent gating of informa-
vents the theta frequency shift seen in control animals. In
tion inflow into the hippocampal formation (20).
this regard, Blatt and Rosene (unpublished observations) have
shown a decreased serotonergic innervation of the hippocam- These factors would tend to limit hippocampal accessibility to
pal formation in prenatally protein-malnourished rats (6/25). incoming information, and to alter processing of such infor-
On the other hand, Chen et al. (60) report an enhanced seroto- mation within the hippocampal formation. The fact that mal-
nin release in the hippocampal formation in 6/25 animals. nourished animals fail to shift theta frequency during atten-
We have reported the existence of significantly higher levels tional situations lends further strength to the notion that
of presumably GABA-mediated inhibition during nontheta prenatal protein malnutrition irreversibly alters neuronal in-
behaviors (inactive waking and slow-wave sleep behaviors) in teractions such that the animal cannot fully receive or appro-
6/25 animals in adulthood (20). These results suggest that priately process information arriving at the hippocampal for-
the functional activity of the prenatally arising GABAergic mation from polymodal sensory organization structures.
interneurons may be adversely impacted, either directly or Thus, environmental information, which the well-nourished

animal uses to frame its responses and interactions with the gestational period does not result in significant delays in any
surrounding environment, may never be processed, or may be of these measures (256). Although prenatal malnutrition has
inadequately or inappropriately processed by the malnour- less obvious effects on reflex ontogeny than postnatal malnu-
ished animal. The possible ramifications of such altered pro- trition, it is clear that this situation does not hold true for
cessing are considered across a range of overt behaviors in the more complex behaviors, such as learning. In an extensive
following section. review of over 130 experiments dealing with the effects of
Neurobehavioral approaches to the study of diffuse insults prenatal, early postnatal, or postweaning malnutrition on
to the brain during development. As reviewed above, there later learning performance in rats, Smart (253,255) concluded
has been considerable interest in the possible consequences of that gestation was the single-most vulnerable period for the
environmental insults (e.g., malnutrition, toxicants, or drug effects of malnutrition. His conclusion was reached on the
exposure) experienced during early development. The effects basis that performance deficits were observed in 56°70 of the
of such insults on the brain are generally "diffuse," meaning learning experiments conducted on animals with a history of
that the insulting agent or event does not preferentially target malnutrition limited to the prenatal period, while such deficits
any one specific area or particular aspect of growth and devel- were observed in only 32070 of the experiments conducted on
opment, but rather impacts a variety of developmental pro- animals malnourished during the suckling period and 0070 of
cesses. Study of the effects of diffuse insults, especially as tests conducted on animals malnourished in the postweaning
they relate to neurobehavioral development, is particularly period.
complex and requires the adoption of carefully conceived ap- Smart's review (255) is a useful place to begin a consider-
proaches. In rodent models, the strategies that have com- ation of the "smorgasbord" approach to behavioral assess-
monly been employed can be summarized as follows: ment (i.e., the use of a range of behavioral tests) because even
when one category of behavior is under consideration, one
I. effects on physical maturation (e.g., incisor eruption,
may reach very different conclusions based on the results of
emergence of fur, eye-opening, ear-opening, testes descent,
visual discrimination tests, spatial learning tests, active avoid-
vaginal patency, etc.);
ance tests, etc. Thus, the disadvantage of the smorgasbord
2. effects on reflex development, including acquisition of be-
approach is that it can lead to a lack of reliability and consis-
havioral milestones such as startle response, pain response,
tency among the findings from different laboratories using
righting reflex, cliff avoidance, visual placing, etc.;
different behavioral tests. Eventually, this leads to a call for
3. effects on a battery of behavioral tests ("smorgasbord" ap-
standardization of test procedures and techniques as a means
proach) in order to identify types or categories of behaviors
o f reaching consensus on the precise consequences o f a diffuse
consistently affected by the insult;
neuronal insult. For example, in the later 1970s, a Collabora-
4. use of a brain model system selected on the basis of results
tive Behavioral Teratology Study was conceived in an attempt
from a battery of tests, to serve as a focus of, or a prelude
to standardize screening procedures for postnatal dysfunction
to, a multidisciplinary investigative approach; and
following prenatal toxicant or drug exposure (45). Such an
5. use of a multidisciplinary approach in order to identify
endeavor was undertaken due to the extreme lack of consis-
underlying causes of behavioral change.
tency, reliability, and sensitivity of the test methods employed
Behavioral findings can drive the other disciplines, or findings at that time for the screening of potential behavioral terato-
from other disciplines can serve to direct the focus of behav- gens. The advantages of the smorgasbord approach become
ioral tests. apparent when considering early malnutrition research. While
We will begin these discussions with a general historical beset with methodological problems and inconsistencies, such
overview of the use of these approaches in the field of malnu- as differences in mother-infant interaction between experi-
trition research. Early investigations examined the physical mental groups, and extra-nutritional factors associated with
growth and development of rat pups following malnutrition the procedures used to induce the malnutrition, etc. (112,
imposed by different methods, applied at different times with 161,216), the smorgasbord approach has been extremely use-
respect to development (e.g., prenatal, postnatal, or both), ful in identifying behaviors that are rather consistently im-
and with various durations and severity. The results of these pacted by malnutrition during development. Consistent be-
investigations have been covered in previous reviews (81, havioral findings following developmental malnutrition
200,202,254) and will not be considered in detail here. It is include:
sufficient to note that malnutrition generally results in im-
1. an increased responsiveness in food or water-getting situa-
paired growth and physical maturation, and induced delays in
reflex ontogeny. Several of these effects appear to be more tions, when subsequently deprived (136,257,259). This may
pronounced in rat pups malnourished during the suckling pe- result from an increased responsiveness to reward in gen-
eral (278);
riod than in pups malnourished only in utero (256). Thus,
prenatal malnutrition has been shown to cause a delay in the 2. an increased responsiveness (or reactivity) to painful or
aversive stimuli (100,164,172,260);
emergence of early developmental landmarks, e.g., unfolding
of the pinnae, whereas postnatal malnutrition retards later 3. disruption in home-orienting behavior (95-97,107,108,
developing ones, e.g., ear-opening (296). In terms of reflex
ontogeny, postnatal malnutrition has been found to signifi- 4. a tendency to show greater response perseveration (95,
cantly delay the appearance of the righting response (where
the animal rapidly returns to all-fours after being placed on 5. hyperactivity in long-term measures of activity, such as in
residential mazes (22,135); and
its back), auditory startle (definite startle reaction in response
to a loud sharp noise), visual placing (reaching toward an 6. increased aggression (165,273,298) and generally increased
object when suspended by the tall and lowered close to it), social interaction, such as contact between individuals
and free-fall righting (subject turns in mid-air to land on all- (275,297-300).
fours when released from a "back-downward" position). In Demonstrating behavioral deficits following a diffuse in-
contrast, it has been shown that malnutrition restricted to the sult (280), while extremely important, may still only provide

somewhat limited information. Primarily, it demonstrates tial discrimination, short-term memory (54), and Pavlovian
that the insulting agent or event has a significant impact on trace conditioning (234) underwent ontogenetic delays. These
the development of a particular aspect of behavior without, findings are all consistent with retarded development of the
necessarily, providing detailed information on the mecha- hippocampal formation. In our studies on prenatal protein
nism(s) underlying the deficit. While this may seem obvious, malnutrition, which initially focused on the behavior of the
it is surprising how few studies have attempted to go further mature rat, two findings emerged as consistent with the view
than simply demonstrating behavioral deficits. One recently that some hippocampaUy mediated behaviors are compro-
adopted approach to the problem has been to concentrate mised. These are, impaired acquisition of a differential rein-
upon well-established behavioral findings and to use drug forcement of low rates (DRL-18 s) operant schedule (277) and
probes to help elucidate possible mechanisms. For instance, increased resistance to extinction during reversal of a pre-
since malnutrition increases responsiveness, or reactivity, to viously learned alternation response on a T-maze (276). How-
aversive situations [e.g., Frankova and Barnes (100), Levitsky ever, two other behaviors that would have been expected to
and Barnes (164)] and anxiolytic drugs appear to affect neural be impaired as a result of hippocampal dysfunction have been
systems regulating aversive behavior (124), the hypothesis that notable for their lack of significant alteration following prena-
postnatal malnutrition alters later responsiveness to anxiolytic tal malnutrition. These are, working memory (276) and distal
drugs has been tested. The evidence overwhelmingly indicates cue learning in the Morris water maze (unpublished observa-
that a low protein diet during the suckling and early postwean- tions). We have previously considered the possibility that,
ing periods generally decreases the later response of rats to since our experimental rats experience the malnutrition insult
anxiolytic drugs (4-6,37). Thus, the notion that the early insult during the fetal period of development only, there is consider-
induces long-lasting changes in those neuronal systems under- able time for compensatory neuronal reorganization and ad-
lying emotional behavior is greatly reinforced. There is dearly aptation to occur during the early postnatal and postweaning
considerable work to be done to unravel the precise neurochem- periods (279). The view that insults occurring during gestation
ical, neurophysiological, and/or neuroanatomical changes gen- may be capable of considerable functional recovery is one
erating such results, but this interdisciplinary approach ap- which is widely held (225) and supported by experimental find-
pears to be most promising in this regard. In a recent study ings. For example, prefrontal lesions given to juvenile mon-
that also investigated the possibility that early malnutrition keys produce deficits in delayed spatial responses and alterna-
alters later responsiveness to drugs, Cohen et al. (62) found tions, while similar lesions given to monkeys on gestational
that a brief period of postnatal malnutrition imposed by peri- day 106 fall to produce these effects (121). It is possible that
odic separation from the dam or by rearing in abnormally some hippocampally mediated behaviors may be capable of
large litters of pups reduced later behavioral responses to mor- near normal functional development following prenatal mal-
phine- and naloxone-precipitated withdrawal. The precise ex- nutrition, e.g., distal cue learning (unpublished observations),
pression of these effects, however, was dependent upon the while others cannot, e.g., performance of DRL schedules
method used to impose the malnutrition and the sex of the (277). If this is a valid hypothesis, the question which arises is
subject. how is it that some hippocampally mediated behaviors appear
In addition to the smorgasbord approach, another key ap- unaffected in light of significant and enduring neuroanatomi-
proach to the study of the effects of pre- and early postnatal cad and functional changes while others are significantly im-
malnutrition on behavior has been to adopt particular brain pacted? Possible explanations can only be tentative, but we
model systems. This approach limits the range of available may hypothesize that observed alterations in the morphology
behavioral tests by focusing attention upon specific types or and physiology of the hippocampai formation represent a
categories of behavior assumed to be subserved by a particular combination of both pathological change and compensatory
brain area. Although there may be many brain regions that neuroplastic reorganization. It then follows that apparent be-
are impacted by malnutrition, the hippocampal formation and havioral normality may occur by alterations in the organiza-
the cerebellum have frequently been singled out as model sys- tion and, presumably, function of affected brain structures.
tems for the study of various brain insults. Significant ana- The implications of this for future studies are that behavioral
tomical deficits in the cerebellum generated by both pre- and deficits may only be revealed if the organism is challenged or
postnatal malnutrition (58,67,292) suggested that motor coor- stressed in some way. In the event that normal behavioral
dination, a behavior associated with the cerebellum, is mark- function is achieved by a limited "rewiring" of certain brain
edly impaired. Although some studies have reported data in areas, or by local compensatory changes in specific neuro-
support of the predicted motor incoordination (11,146,173) transmitter systems, these might be expected to reveal them-
other investigators found no evidence of motor dysfunction selves in terms of differentially disrupted behavioral perfor-
following malnutrition insult (110,135,252,258). Thus, at best, mance when probed with various drugs. For example, a
the results are inconsistent and fail to provide clear-cut evi- cholinergic antagonist, such as scopolamine, may impair the
dence for functional consequences of the cerebellar deficits. learning performance of previously malnourished rats more
Furthermore, claims of selective sensitivity of the cerebellum than that of well-nourished rats even in the face of equivalent
to malnutrition have recently been challenged (215). Taken performance in the two nutritional groups when no drug is
together, these findings suggest that the cerebellar model sys- administered. Thus, a behavioral deficit may be revealed that
tem may not be the system of choice for such studies. would otherwise go undetected. Another consideration for fu-
As noted above, the hippocampal formation shows signifi- ture studies is the need to investigate the behavioral effects of
cant neuroanatomical changes in response to malnutrition malnutrition continuing into the early postnatal period. Such
(61,74,148) and exhibits marked functional alterations upon a procedure may serve to reduce the opportunity for restora-
assessment of quantitative physiological measures (17,20,41, tion of behavioral function and, hence, may result in a greater
42,200,201), and shows effects on behaviors commonly impact than prenatal malnutrition alone.
thought to be hippocampally mediated. In their studies of An important point to reinforce is that with a diffuse neu-
postnatal malnutrition, Castro and Rudy (53) found that dis- ronal insult we cannot be sure that a behavioral performance
tal cue utilization in the Morris water maze, conditional spa- deficit alone reflects dysfunction within a single, circum-

scribed brain area. Behavioral performance can be influenced in developing approaches to maximize the ultimate potential
by many possible factors, e.g., motivational, perceptual, cog- of the brain.
nitive, etc., which may be related to varying degrees with the Continuing studies in animals and man are needed to iden-
functioning of numerous brain areas. Furthermore, some neu- tify and document more clearly the interacting effects between
rophysiologicai and neuroanatomicai changes do not necessar- nutrition and other environmental factors in terms of brain
ily compel behavioral dysfunction. However, the application development and behavior. The subtleties of these interrela-
of multidisciplinary approaches is most useful in those situa- tionships and their consequences for the individual and the
tions where a behavioral deficit is found to be "consistent" community need to be more precisely defined. In particular,
with dysfunction of a particular brain area. Here again, we future studies will aim at identifying underlying mechanisms
reinforce the notion of careful selection of a brain model sys- and improving means of prevention as well as treatment of
tem as an experimental approach that lends itself to multidisci- the derangements. The concept of a deprived environment
plinary investigation. Clearly, assessment of the same rats us- must continue to enter into the equation. Thus, it is now well
ing techniques drawn from a number of disciplines is most accepted that malnutrition and sociocultural factors clearly
likely to reveal significant anatomical or physiological changes act synergistically to depress both growth and development.
that correlate significantly with the behavioral changes. Al- Since malnourished animals are also frequently understimu-
though few, if any, behaviors can be localized to just one lated, intellectual and social stimulation from the environment
area of the brain, correlation analyses could offer support are essential aspects of long-term treatment. Developmental
for hypotheses of dysfunction primarily dependent upon a changes in brain potential are related not only to the structural
particular brain area. maturation of the various neural elements and their connec-
tions within the brain, but also to the emergence of organiza-
PROSPECTS AND CONCLUSIONS tional patterns that depend to a large extent on the individual's
interaction with the environment. It is thus clear that malnu-
The findings we have reviewed and discussed clearly indi- trition does not occur in isolation but rather in a context of
cate that malnutrition, especially when instituted prenatally, social deprivation. As emphasized, it is clear there are numer-
is a prime nongenetic factor influencing the developing central ous similarities between nutritional and environmental depri-
nervous system and, ultimately, intellectual performance. Nu- vation (145). Further, malnutrition produces behavior that is
trition appears to be one of the greatest environmental influ- incompatible with the incorporation of environmental infor-
ences on the developing organism. An appropriate supply of mation necessary for optimal cognitive growth.
essential nutrients is a necessity for the maintenance of growth When malnutrition insult affects the developing brain, the
in all organs, as well as for the normal development of physio- growth program of the organism can be seriously and perma-
logical functions. In humans, the disruption or distortion of nently upset, with its dimensions being replanned in a perma-
prenatal brain development due to malnutrition may result, nently altered, somewhat distorted form. As we have empha-
depending on timing and severity, in various degrees of behav- sized, the pathology of malnutrition insult does not involve
ioral dysfunction and learning disabilities. Of particular rele- focal tissue destruction or gross deformation of the brain, but
vance for society are the borderline minimal brain dysfunc- rather various irrecoverable distortions of pattern and alter-
tion-type cases, i.e., suboptimal brain development, leading ations in normal age-related sequences of brain development.
to an inability to attain the full genetic potential of the indi- Thus, distortions in the normal pattern of brain development
vidual. are detectable and affect coordinated development of cell
In examining the many effects of malnutrition insult on types and neurotransmitter systems. In view of the importance
the central nervous system, the developmental approach is of chronological programming in development in relation to
essential in furthering our understanding of the relationships the ultimate integrative organization of the brain, such organi-
between alterations in the brain and behavioral outcome, par- zational distortions rather than overt permanent lesions con-
ticularly with regard to learning and memory functions. An tribute significantly to the functional impairment. In relation
adequate understanding of these complex relationships cannot to monoamine development in the organizing nervous system,
result from any single approach but requires the integration there is reason to suspect that, even prior to synapse forma-
of various approaches in interdisciplinary projects. Obviously, tion, monoamines may be released as hormones, which then
behavioral outcome is the result of the functional integration act as morphogenetic or developmental signals that play a
of the anatomy, biochemistry, and electrophysiology of the role in cell proliferation, migration, differentiation (including
central nervous system. The brain processes underlying intelli- synaptogenesis), and cell death (47,48,181,211,302). From this
gence, learning, and memory receive, integrate, and respond it seems the nutritionally deficient fetal brain may undergo
to both endogenous and exogenous stimulation. These pro- profound developmental alterations resulting from changes,
cesses, including the various neurotransmitter interactions in particular, over-abundances of neurotransmitters, well
that facilitate their operations, derive from numerous bio- before synapses have even begun to develop (48). As to
chemical and metabolic systems in the various interacting long-term prognoses, it is important to stress that, although
parts of the brain. All of these interrelated processes are af- it is possible that distortions in the coordinated maturation
fected both by nutrition and by external stimulation. Accord- of various differentiating functions may have lasting effects
ingly, studies of the effects of deficits of nutrients and/or on behavior, the plasticity of the central nervous system ap-
stimulation on them are providing new and important insights pears to offer various possibilities for the implementation of
into their impact on the behavior of the organism. Addition- rehabilitation programs. It appears likely, based on a variety
ally, these various approaches are serving as research tools for of studies, that differentiation of brain processes, both den-
exploring the basic mechanisms underlying various aspects of drites and axons, may represent a more plastic phenomenon
learning, memory, and behavior. These many studies are not than cell genesis or migration, and thus could provide one
only contributing to the understanding of the central nervous basis for partial restoration of function following neuronal
system but also to the amelioration and prevention of its dys- insult.
function resulting from malnutrition. They are also of value A few basic concepts need some reiteration regarding in-

sults to the developing brain and their ultimate effects. In systems, there are needed in future studies to more fully assess
general, the nearer the period of fastest growth, the smaller microneuronal dysplasias and hypoplasias as possible sub-
will be the stress or insult required to produce a given ultimate strates reflecting the impact of malnutrition and other insults
defect in the adult. Further, malnutrition insult is likely to to the developing brain.
affect only those developmental processes that are contempo- In conclusion, we should stress that during the entire pe-
raneous with it, as well as some that follow it. There appears riod of brain development various rate-limiting events may be
to be only limited, diffuse lesions or distortions of structures altered by exogenous factors, in particular nutrition. Thus,
that are already in place, though the function of these may be the entire developmental period has various subcritical peri-
partially compromised. It is clear that malnutrition has ods, each of which may be perturbed by insults and, thereby,
marked effects in the immature brain that are not achievable affect the maturation of the brain. The critical period concept,
in the mature animal. Thus, it is known that the adult brain is emphasizing the vulnerability of the brain during its overall
resistant to changes, for example, in its total weight, even in growth spurt period, represents only a fraction of the develop-
the most severe malnutrition and undernutrition, provided it mental events that may be crucial to development. Hence,
has developed normally to a mature size before the insult there is a need to understand the various developmental se-
begins. The later in development that brain growth is retarded quences occurring in overlapping stages in order to interpret
before reaching adult size and weight, the more completely is final outcome. More importantly, alterations of central ner-
"catch-up" growth possible when animals are rehabilitated. It vous system development are associated with various degrees
is also clear that malnutrition imposes a definite limitation on of functional impairments, i.e., have behavioral significance.
the complexity of neuronal circuits. In particular, malnutri- Thus, the study of nutritional effects on brain maturation
tion insult, both pre- and postnatal, appears to affect largely processes is essential if prevention of long-term harmful ef-
postnatally developing microneurons in the brain and, fects on brain function is to be accomplished. Moreover, con-
thereby, alter local circuit formation and function. These lat- sideration of situations that may improve brain function once
ter are essential for establishing the delicate balances between an insult has occurred can be addressed. Finally, the long-term
inhibitory and excitatory activities in critical brain structures, importance for society is that patterns of behavior can be
such as the dentate gyrus of the hippocampal formation, the altered by malnutrition in a manner that is transmitted to
cerebellum, and olfactory bulb. Microneuronal hypoplasia, succeeding generations. These transgenerational effects are of
without any evidence of pathological effects at the light or special interest and need further consideration in future
electron microscopic levels, leads inexorably to learning and studies.
attentional disorders often mimicking the syndrome of mini-
mal brain dysfunction in man (7,8). Though we do not have ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
adequate measures for psychological processes such as atten- This research was supported by NIH grants HD-22539 and HD-
tion, cognition, information processing, etc., nor any local 23338, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.
anatomical correlates of these higher-order brain processes, The authors thank Dr. Joseph Altman and Dr. Karl Herrup for sev-
other than distributed-type lesions in several interacting brain eral helpful comments and suggestions.

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