Tiempos Verbales - Narración - Selfmade

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Put the verbs in brackets into the suitable tense: present simple, continuous, present perfect,
past simple, continuous and past perfect.

Every time I __go____(go) to the mountain on a holiday break, I _find_______ (find) myself in
a lot of trouble. I _____was going________ (go) to the mountains for a very long time and I
_______always liked_____(like, always) the peaceful atmosphere of that place, and even
though nothing important _____was happening________(happen) in a very long time, I
remember one time last year when I ___have walking______ (walk) around the village in the
middle of the mountain range and I _________ (find) a pigeon nest on the ground. I ________
(try) to _________(find) the mother of the poor birds, but I _________ (can) find her
anywhere. I ______ (take) them to the vet and he _________ (tell) me that they _______ (be)
severely injured and ___________(would, survive) more than a couple of days. I _______
(have) to do something before that ________ (happen), so I_______ (remember) a Jack
Cousteau documentary I __________(see) a couple of days earlier. In it, Jack _________(find) a
couple of lost bear cubs who __________ (fight) over a tasty bite of a dead wolf. It _______
(look) as if they would ______ (kill) eachother. Then Jack ________ (whistle) to call their
attention, ________ (throw) some dried meat he ______ (have) on his purse, and _______
(begin) to ______(walk) towards them. The cubs__________________ (start, already) to
_______ (eat) the wolf when Jack _________(notice) they____________ (be) injured. When he
_________(try) to get closer, he _______________(decide, yet) what to do about these cubs.
Luckily, he_______________(meet) with a bear expert the night before, and he
_____________________(tell) Jack that the best way to _________ (heal) the cubs was
to_______(find) their mother.

I _________ (want, not) the birds to die, so I _________ (ask) everyone in the village if they
______________(hear) or _______(see) the bird’s mother. Nobody _______ (know) about her
except for the baker, who ______- (say) that he __________(see) a mama bird early that
morning ________ (go) south. And so, I ________ (head) south.

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