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Passport - is an official document issued by a government, certifying the holder’s identity

and citizenship and entitling them to travel under its protection to and from foreign countries
Ukraine - Україна
Type - тип
Country code - код країни
Document No - номер докумета
Surname - прізвище
Name - ім’я
Nationality - національність
Date of birth - дата народження
Record No. - запис №
Sex - стать
Place of birth - місце народження
Date of issue - дата видачі
Date of expire - дата закінчення сроку дії
Authority that issued

Types of passport: internal passport, international passport, official passport, diplomatic

passport, emergency passport, collective passport, family passport, ePassport.

“Date of expire” - дата закінчення строку дії - semantic calque

“Donetsk region Head Office SMS (State Migration Service)” - Головне управління ДМС у
Донецькій області - transposition, semantic calque, transliteration

Birth Certificate is the first official document in human life. The birth certificate contains
the information on the full name, the date of birth, the birthplace. Also it can include the full
name (names) of his or her parent (parents), their address and the occupation at the time of
Citizen surname, name and patronymic name - прізвище, ім’я, по-батькові

was born (year, month and date of birth in words and numbers) - дата народження
Birth place of the child: city, town, village, region - місце народження

Place of registration - назва місця реєстрації

Date of issue - дата видачі

“Date of birth” - semantic calque

“the entry whereof was made in the Birth Register on the 15th of August 1960 under No.411”
- про що було зроблено відповідний запис у реєстрі народжуваності 15. 08. 1960 під
номером 411. - grammatical replacement, calque

Marriage Certificate is an official statement that two people are married. In most
jurisdictions, a marriage certificate is issued by a government official only after the civil
registration of the marriage.
Registered marriage on - дата реєстрації шлюбу
Place of state registration - назва органу, де було зареєстровано шлюб
Body of civil registration that issued the certificate - назва органу, де було видано
Head of the body of state civil registration - голова органу реєстрації шлюбу

“Expressing mutual consent to enter into marriage, we ask you to register it in accordance
with the procedure established by law” - Виявляючи взаємну згоду на вступ до шлюбу,
просимо зареєструвати його в установленому законодавством порядку. - grammatical
(morphological) replacement (to enter - вступ), grammatical (syntactic) replacement,
calque (procedure - порядок)

Divorce Certificate is a completely different document from a divorce decree. A certificate
is not prepared by a court. Instead, your state's health department or bureau of vital statistics
issues the certificate.
The marriage between husband and wife is dissolved - шлюб було розірвано
Place of registration - місце реєстрації
Head of the branch of civil registration - голова органу
Series - серія
“The marriage between husband and wife is dissolved, whereof in Registry Book in (year)
(month) (day) there was made a corresponding record under No.” - Брак між чоловіком та
дружиною було розірвано, про що був здійснений відповідний запис у реєстрі під
номером - grammatical (syntactic) replacement (is dissolved - було розірвано),
transposition (змінений порядок слів)
The Experience Certificate is an official letter issued to an employee by the employer of the
organization when he is relieved of duties. This letter certifies the time spent by the employee
in that organization and his conduct during the job.
This is to certify that ____ is employed in our company - Засвідчує, що ____ працює у
нашій компанії
This is to certify that (mr xyz) is working in our organization from date_________to present.
- засвідчує, що ____ працює у нашій компанії з ___ по сьогоднішню дату.

“He/she was very sincere during her tenure in our organization. Her/his responsibility was
interacting with clients.and providing information regarding steel products. She/he has done a
great job.” - Він/вона була дуже щирою під час роботи в нашій організації. В її/його
обов'язки входило спілкування з клієнтами та надання інформації про
металопродукцію. Вона/він чудово впоралася з роботою. - calque (interacting -
спілкування), generalization (steel products)

Death Certificate is either a legal document issued by a medical practitioner which states
when a person died, or a document issued by a government civil registration office, that
declares the date, location and cause of a person's death, as entered in an official register of

Date of death - Дата смерті

The certifier’s name, title, signature, and license number - ім’я, підпис і ліцензійний номер
особи, що засвідчила смерть
The date of certification - дата видачі свідоцтва
The manner of death - причина смерті


Migration Certificate is the certificate of transfer of a student on roll in an institution within
the jurisdiction of another University or Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education or
any other teaching Institutes, constituent or affiliated college of the University with the
consent of the respective institutions provided the student is eligible for admission under
these Regulations otherwise.

University Registration № - університетський реєстраційий номер

“The University has “No Objection”, whatsoever, to his/her migration/admission to pursue
further studies.” - Університет «Не заперечує» проти його/її переведення/вступу для
продовження навчання. - morphological replacement (objections - заперечувати), calque


Registration Certificate means an identification card or other document issued by the

department that identifies a person as a registered qualifying patient or primary caregiver;

I hereby certify that - засвідчую, що

This is to certify that - цим засвідчується, що
Registrar - реєстратор

“Свідоцтво про право на зайняття нотаріальною діяльністю” - Registration Certificate on

the right to engage in notarial activities – omission, morphological replacement (to engage -
зайняття), transliteration (notarial)

Transfer Certificate is a certificate issued to a student on his request by the in charge of the
institution ie. College or School when the student wants to leave that institution. The transfer
certificate has in it personal details of the student mentioned in it and states the date of birth
of the student as per the record of the said institute, when and which course the student
studied in the institution, the last class passed or failed and further certifies that the said
student has paid all his dues to the institution and is not a defaulter. It also has mentioned in
the name of the mother and the name of the father and the occupation of the family as per its
Name of Pupil - ім’я учня
Date of Birth дата народження учня
Subject studied - предмети, що вивчалися учнем
Signature of Class Teacher - підпис классного керівника
“Date on which He/She was struck off the rolls to the school” - Дата, коли його/її було
виключено зі списків школи - calque, syntactic replacement (date on which - дата, коли)

A power of attorney (POA) or letter of attorney is a written authorization to represent or act
on another's behalf in private affairs, business, or some other legal matter.

operating voluntarily and being at a healthy mind and clear memory, understanding the value
of the actions - діючи добровільно і перебуваючи при здоровому розумі та ясній пам’яті,
розуміючи значення своїх дій

authorise - уповуповноважую

“To be my representative in the National technical university of Ukraine “Kyiv polytechnic

APPENDIX. - Бути моїм представником в Національному технічному університеті
України «Київський політехнічний інститут» з питання ОТРИМАННЯ ДИПЛОМУ
МАГІСТРА ТА ДОДАТКУ ДО НЬОГО. - transliteration (national - національний;
technical - технічний; Kyiv), addition (з питання)


Certificate of complete secondary education - свідоцтво про свідоцтво про повну загальну
середню освіту

This is to certify that - підтверджує, що

Appendix to the certificate - додаток до свідоцтва про повну загальну середню освіту

For educational achievements was awarded - був нагороджений за досягнення у навчанні

Subjects - предмети

Passed state qualification exams in the following subjects - здав державну підсумкову
атестацію з таких предметів
Successfully adapted program of facultative courses - успішно засвоїв програми
факультативних курсів

“For achievement in study was rewarded with medal” - нагороджений медаллю за великі
досягнення у навчанні - syntactic replacement, addition (за великі)


A graduate certificate is an educational credential representing completion of specialized

training at the college or university level. A graduate certificate can be awarded by
universities upon completion of certain coursework indicating mastering of a specific subject

The higher education establishments can award degrees:

· Junior Specialist (technical schools, vocational schools, and other education establishments
of the first accreditation level);

· Bachelor (colleges and other education establishments of the second accreditation level);

· Specialist, Master (education establishments of the third and fourth accreditation level)

In … year completed the full course of - у … році закінчив

Programm Subject Area - спеціальність
Educational programm - освітня програма
Obtained qualification - здобув кваліфікацію

“In … year completed the full course of” - у … році закінчив - omission (the full course of)

A postgraduate degree encompasses a range of qualifications that require an undergraduate
degree to be considered for entry, these include courses at Postgraduate Diploma level all the
way to a PhD.
Postgraduate degrees are taken for a number of different reasons, such as to move into
academia and research or to specialise a career path or change track entirely.
Types of Postgraduate Degree:
Master’s Degrees (in the US post-graduate means course taken after earning the bachelor's)

PhDs and Doctorates

This certificate is award to - сертифікат отримує

Who has satisfactory pursued the studies - задовільно пройшов навчання
Master gedree of - ступінь магістра
Master`s diploma with honours - диплом магістра з відзнакою

“Having completed the prescribed studies and satisfied the requirements for the degree” -
успішно завершив навчання і виконав вимоги до ступеня... - omission (prescribed),
calque (satisfied), addition (успішно)

An application is a formal request to be considered for a position or to be allowed to do or
have something, submitted to an authority, institution, or organization.

I am writing to apply for admission to the course in … - Я пишу, щоб подати заявку на
вступ на навчальний курс в …

I am writing with regard to … - Я пишу в зв’язку з …

I am writing to apply for … which I saw advertised in … - Я пишу для того, щоб подати
заявку на …, оголошення про яке я побачив в …

I enclose / have enclosed a copy of my degree / diploma … - Додаю копію

атестата/диплома про присудження наукового ступеня …

“I hope that you will consider my application …” - Сподіваюся, Ви розглянете мою заяву
… - calque (consider - розглянути), syntactic replacement (I hope - сподіваюсь)


A motivation letter is a document detailing your professional skills and reasons for applying
for a course of study, a scholarship or volunteer job. This letter accompanies your application
and supporting documents, such as a transcript of your grades or a resume. A motivation
letter is sometimes called a "statement of purpose" or a "motivational letter".

position/qualification/area of study - посада/кваліфікація/галузь

to apply for a (scholarship/volunteer opportunity/place) - подати заяву на

стипендію/волонтерську можливість/місце

Thank you for taking the time to review my application - дякую за приділений вами час на
розгляд моєї заяви

“My name is … , and I am writing to show my interest in a scholarship for your Bachelor of
Science in Nursing program.” - мене звуть … , і я пишу Вам, щоб показати свій інтерес
до стипендії у вашій бакалаврській науковій програмі для медичних робітників. -
addition (Вам, для медичних робітників), morphological replacement (science - науковий)


A CV is an in-depth document that can be laid out over two or more pages and it contains a
high level of detail about your achievements, a great deal more than just a career biography.
The CV covers your education as well as any other accomplishments like publications,
awards, honors, etc.
A resume, or résumé, is a concise document typically not longer than one page as the
intended reader will not dwell on your document for very long. The goal of a resume is to
make an individual stand out from the competition.

Professional profile - професійний профіль

Core strength - сильна сторона

Professional experience - професійний досвід

Company name - назва компанії

Job title - посада

Education and training - навчання та тренінги

Additional information - додаткова інформація

“A multi-skilled, part-qualified HR professional with excellent all-round HR advisory skills
and experience.” - Багатопрофільний, частково кваліфікований фахівець з управління
персоналом з відмінними всебічними навичками та досвідом консультування з питань
управління персоналом. - modulation (HR - фахівець з управління персоналом),
morphological calque (part-qualified), addition (з питань консультування)


Labour contract - contract between labor and management governing wages and benefits
and working conditions

An employment contract is a signed agreement between an individual employee and an

employer or a labor union. It establishes both the rights and responsibilities of the two parties:
the worker and the company.

Employee - працівник

Employer - роботодавець

Duration of contract - термін дії контракту

Academic degree - академічна ступінь

“Employee shall perform such other duties as are customarily performed by other persons in
similar positions, including other duties as may arise from time to time and as may be
assigned” - Працівнику слід представити такі обов’язки як, як правило, представлення
іншими людьми, що працюють на подібних посадах, включно з іншими обов’язками,
що можуть з’являтися або бути призначені. - syntactic replacement (persons in similar
position -люди, що), compensation (що працюють), omission (from time to time)


Autobiography is one type of biography, which tells a life story of its author. It is a written
record of the author’s life. Rather than being written by somebody else, an autobiography
comes through the person’s own pen, in his own words.
An autobiography should include all the most important details of your life story. This does
not mean it should contain every tiny sliver of minutiae; a self-aware autobiographer will take
stock of certain moments in their own life that may be interesting to themselves but not to an
audience of strangers.

“Remember, an autobiography is a paper written by you that contains information about your
own life.” - Пам’ятайте, що автобіографія це документ, що містить інформацію про
ваше особисте життя. - calque (paper), omission (written by you)

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