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Effective Time Management Techniques

1 Let's Learn Some New Vocabulary!

time management
to stick to a schedule
to meet a deadline
to prioritize tasks
to manage time effectively
urgent matters
daily routine

2 Time to Discover Some Interesting Facts!

1 Multitasking can decrease productivity by up to 40%.

2 Setting specific goals boosts time management skills.

3 Over-planning can lead to procrastination.

4 Time blocking allocates specific time slots for tasks.

5 Successful people spend 80% of their time on important tasks.

6 Time tracking apps help monitor productivity levels.

3 Let's Dive into a Dialogue!

Michael Hi, Lisa. How are you today?
Lisa Not good. I have lots of things to do but not enough time. And I keep delaying
Michael Oh, procrastination. We all do it sometimes. Why are you putting things off this
Lisa My daily routine is boring. It's hard to focus on dull tasks for long. They say "a
change is as good as a rest".
Michael True. Maybe try changing your routine a bit. Make it more fun or rewarding.
Lisa Yes, that's a good idea. I need to improve my time management skills. Sticking to
a schedule is tough for me.
Michael Have you tried setting deadlines for each task? It can make you work faster and
Lisa No, I haven't. Thanks for the advice! Work keeps throwing urgent matters at me,
so I spend too much time on one task and leave others unfinished.
Michael That's a problem. Have you thought about prioritizing tasks based on importance
and urgency?
Lisa No, but that sounds smart. I'll start doing that. Hopefully, it will help me manage
my time better.
Michael It will. Remember, just because something takes a lot of time doesn't mean you
have to do it first. Learn to prioritize and set realistic goals for yourself.
Lisa Thank you, Michael. I needed someone to remind me. I'll start following these
tips now.
Michael Happy to help. You can do it, Lisa!

4 Let's Warm Up with Some Lead-in Activities!

1 Divide the students into pairs and ask them to discuss a time when they procrastinated on
a task. Have them share the reasons behind their procrastination and what they could
have done differently to avoid it.
2 Provide the students with a list of common time management techniques such as
creating to-do lists, using a planner, setting goals, etc. Have them work in groups to
discuss and rank these techniques in terms of effectiveness. Encourage them to come up
with their own time management strategies as well.
3 Ask the students to imagine they are in Lisa's situation. Have them create a daily schedule
for Lisa that includes time for both work and relaxation. After they have completed the
schedule, ask them to share it with the class and explain why they included certain
activities at specific times.

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