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1) Two classmates are arguing about the best universities in Spain. You interrupt to give your
point of view.

2) Your mother complains because your room is untidy. Offer an explanation.

3) Your family wants to go to Seville in summer, but you don’t. Express your preferences.

4) Your parents have chosen the university where they want you to study next year. Express
your disappointment and convince them to let you choose by yourself.

5) You are going out for lunch and your mother says. “Why don’t we eat at the new Chinese
restaurant?” Respond to her suggestion.

6) Sound notifications from your roommate’s WhatsApp are stopping you from sleeping well at
night. Complain about it.

7) You are angry with your friend because she picked a different partner for a group project.
Complain about it.

8) You’ve got an old phone that doesn’t do much. Your birthday is close. Convince your parents
to buy you the cool phone that you want.

9) “I don’t know what to do after secondary school,” your cousin tells you. Suggest something.

10) Your parents are going away for the weekend and your friends are trying to convince you
to throw a party at home on Saturday night. Explain to your friends why you think this is not a
good idea and propose an alternative plan.

11) Your friend has found a 50€ note in the toilets at school; she wants to keep it. Tell her what
you think she should do.

12) You forgot your mother’s birthday. Apologise and say what you will do now.

13) You arrive home earlier than usual on a school day. Your parents are going to cook lunch.
Offer your help.

14) “I’m so sad I’ve finished school forever and we have to leave,” your friend comments.
Cheer him up.

15) “You have not done any of this term’s projects on time,” your teacher comments.
Apologize and make a promise.

16) Two friends in your class have argued. Try to help them understand each other.

17) “Why didn’t you phone or send a message? What do you want your mobile phone for?”
your parents tell you when you arrive home very late. Apologise and give an explanation.

18) Your class is discussing how to raise money for a school trip. Make some suggestions.

20) You want to take a year off before going to university, but your parents think it’s a waste of
time. Try to convince them.

21) Your friend is posting very personal photos on the social networks. Give some advice.
22) You have prepared an oral presentation in a group, but the day you have to give it you are
ill. Your group gives the presentation without you. Express your disappointment.

23) Your friend wants to buy an expensive dress for the graduation ceremony but she can’t
really afford it. Say what you think and give her some advice.

24) There is only one chocolate croissant (your favourite) left in the café; someone pushes in
front of you and orders it. Tell the person what you think.

25) You are late for an exam. Apologise to the teacher and explain why.

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