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Put the words in the correct order to make

1 doesn’t / Tom / like / ice cream
2 geography / at school / study / we / don’t
3 work / don’t / my parents / at the weekend
4 the piano / doesn’t / Josh / play
5 tidy / I / my / don’t / at weekends / bedroom
6 do / doesn’t / dad / the washing / my
7 and / I / play / don’t / my friends / after school /
8 from / doesn’t / Manuela / Spain / come

2. Complete the sentences. Use the present

simple negative.
1 We …………………… in London. (not live)
2 I’m sorry. I …………………… this word. (not
3 David …………………… TV in his bedroom. (not
4 My parents …………………… in an office. (not
5 Sally …………………… her bike to school. (not
6 Sam and Ben …………………… ice hockey. (not

3. Complete the sentences with the verbs below.

Use the present simple affirmative or negative.
argue do know like listen play sing walk
1 ‘What’s the capital of Peru?’ ‘Sorry, I
2 I haven’t got a bike. I …………………… to school
every day.
3 I …………………… geography and history.
They’re really interesting.
4 I like my sister, but I sometimes ……………………
with her.
5 Emma …………………… the washing, but she
does the ironing.
6 I haven’t got a phone or MP3 player so I
…………………… to music when I’m out.
7 Harry …………………… computer games because
he hasn’t got a computer.
8 Sally and Kate play the guitar, but they
…………………… in a band.

4. Complete the questions and short answers.

Use do, does, don’t and doesn’t.
1 …………………… Harry work in London?
Yes, he ……………………
2 …………………… Mario and Helen live is Paris?
No, they ……………………
3 …………………… you do the ironing?
Yes, I ……………………
4 …………………… you and Ryan like volleyball?
Yes, we ……………………
5 …………………… you go to the supermarket on
No, I ……………………
6 …………………… Catherine sing in a band?
No, she ……………………

5. Put the words in the correct order to make

questions. Then write true answers about
1 best friend / Arabic / speak / does / your
2 get up / you / on Sundays / do / early
3 wash / does / the dishes / your dad
4 go / do / you and your friends / skateboarding
5 do / at school / study / German / you
6 fast cars / parents / your / do / drive
7 rain a lot / country / does / it / in your

6. Complete the dialogue with the correct

negative or interrogative present simple form of
the verbs in brackets.
Helen Have you got a big family, Linda?
Linda Yes, I have.
Helen What 1…………………….? (your parents / do)
Linda My dad’s got a restaurant. He works there
every day, so I 2……………………. (not see) him
very much. My mum 3……………………. (not work)
in the restaurant. She stays at home and looks after
Helen 4……………………. In a big house? (you / like)
Linda No, it’s quite small. I 5……………………. (not
like) my house very much, because I haven’t got my
own room. How about you? 6……………………. a
room? (you / share)
Helen No, I don’t. I haven’t got any brothers and
sisters. It’s just my mum and me.
Linda What 7…………………….? (your mum / do)
Helen She’s a doctor. She works in the hospital, but
she 8……………………. (not like) it very much. Come
on! I can show you my room.

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