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Classroom Observation Checklist

Name of Teacher : ___________________________________________________

Name of Observer : ___________________________________________________

Subject : ___________________ Length of Lesson: _____________

Topic : _______________________________

Criteria: 1 – No Sign 2 – Agree 3 – Strongly Agree

1. The teacher plans effectively and sets clear objectives that are 3 2 1
a. Objectives are communicated clearly at the start of the lesson.
b. Materials are ready.
c. There is a structure of the lesson.
d. The lesson is reviewed at the end.
2. The teacher shows good knowledge and understanding.
a. Teacher has thorough knowledge of the subject content covered in
the lesson.
b. Instructional Materials were appropriate for the lesson.
c. Knowledge is made relevant and interesting for students.
3. Teaching methods used enable all students to learn effectively.
a. The lesson is link to previous teaching or learning.
b. The ideas and experiences of the students are drawn upon.
c. A variety of activities and questioning techniques are used.
d. Instructions and explanations are clear and specific.
e. The teacher involves all the students, listens to them and responds
f. High standard of efforts, accuracy and presentation are encouraged.
4. Students are well-managed and high standards of behavior are insisted
a. Students are praised regularly for their effort and achievement.
b. Prompt action is taken to address poor behavior.
c. All students are treated fairly.
5. Students’ work is assessed thoroughly.
a. Student’s understanding is assessed throughout the lesson by use of
teacher’s questions.
b. Mistakes and misconceptions are recognized and used constructively
to facilitate learning.
c. Students written work are assessed regularly and accurately.
6. Homework is used effectively to reinforce and extend learning.
a. Homework is appropriate.
b. Homework is followed up if it is set previously.
7. Medium of Instructions.
a. The teacher integrated ICT device in the lesson.
b. The instructional materials used capture the interest of the students.
c. The instructional materials used failed to get students’ attention or
motivated them.
1. If you think the teacher planned the lesson effectively and set objectives clear, please explain
how he/she managed to do it. If he/she did not plan it well or set clear objectives, what do you
think was the problem? Explain.

2. If you think the teacher showed good knowledge and understanding, please explain how
he/she did this. If he/she did not show good knowledge or understanding, how would you have
done it?

3. If you think teaching methods used enabled all students to learn effectively, please state
what kind of teaching method the teacher used. If they were ineffective, please state why they
did not help the students.

4. If you think students are well-managed and high standards of behavior are insisted upon,
please state how the teacher accomplishes it. If the teacher did not do a good job, state what
went wrong.
5. If you think students’ work is assessed thoroughly, please state how the teacher did it. If not,
please state what the problem was.

6. If you think homework is used effectively to reinforce and extend learning, please state how
the teacher did it. Did the teacher give too little, appropriate or too much homework? Explain.

7. What medium of instructions did the teacher use? Please state them in details.

Signed (Observer) : _______________________ Date: _____________________

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