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Writing ( ‫)الكتابه و التعبير‬

Unit 7

Persuasive letter(‫)رسالة اقناع‬

T. Hazem Okasheh Alzghoul


T.Hazem Alzghoul 0795353545
Writing: Persuasive Letter:‫رسالة اقناع‬
:‫ للقيام بذلك يلزمك أن تسمع كالمي وتقوم بما يلي‬،‫ عزيزي‬.‫ ستكتب في هذه الوحدة رسالة تقنع فيها شخص بشيء‬-
.‫ إبدا رسالتك بتحية افتتاحية تكون مناسبة سواء كانت رسالتك رسمية أو غير رسمية‬1-
.‫ أكتب سبب كتابتك وارسالك لهذه الرسالة بحدود سطرين ونص ثالثة‬:‫ في المقدمة‬2-
‫ ناقش متطلبات السؤال واحدًا واحدًا وعد إلى السؤال مرارًا وتكرارًا ألن السؤال يعطيك معلومات تلزمك‬:‫ في العرض‬3-
.‫ ال تنس انه من المطلوب منك اقناع شخص بشيء‬.‫ اجعل العرض في ثالث فقرات‬.‫وتجعلك قادر على الكتابة‬
‫ حاول أن تقدم نصيحة وتطلب من القارئ الرد عليك وأيضا اختم بكالم جميل ومناسب يوضح مدى‬: ‫ في الخاتمة‬4-
.‫ أكتب خاتمتك وأمنياتك الجميلة للقارئ‬5-
Dear Mr Hammad,
I am writing in view of the recent news that instruction in all modern languages at our
school will be cancelled as of next year. A large proportion of the student body is extremely
upset at this.
However, there are wider implications of this move to stop teaching modern languages. In
the first place, the school would lose many gifted students. This would result in falling
performance across the school.
In addition to this, the school would attract students with similar interests, which would
have a negative impact on student wellbeing. It is well-known that students develop
empathy and awareness in a nurturing, all-inclusive environment.

Most worryingly, Modern Languages is a department which is growing in popularity as

global job opportunities become more and more attainable. I am sure that you would not
wish them to be disadvantaged by having no exposure to modern language teaching.
Therefore, if language teaching must be done by way of after-school or lunchtime clubs, so
be it, but cutting this area of study completely would be detrimental to both the school and
the students.
I hope you will consider this letter when deciding the future of our school. Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Nawal Mohsen

Exercise 1: Write a persuasive letter to your friend ,Wessam, advising him to sleep enough
the night before exams giving him some tips and good reasons.

T.Hazem Alzghoul 0795353545

Exercise 2 :Write a persuasive letter to your friend, Sam, persuading him to attend an online
course, tell him about the advantages and disadvantages of online courses.
Exercise 3: Write a persuasive letter to convince students at your school to study a subject of
your choice at university. Write between 100 and 120 words.

Exercise 4 : read the quotation .Do you agree with it? Why/why not

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty.


T.Hazem Alzghoul 0795353545
Editing : Find out the four mistakes( one grammar mistake, one punctuation mistake and two
spelling mistakes)
It is say that the best way to akquire a language is to immerse yourself in it, and that’s what
we offar at Extreme English total immersion.

For students who wish to completed their uneversity studies while working at the same
time,it is also possiple in some jordanian universities to enroll onto online distance learning
programmes. In the future, this option will become available in many other universities.

These include recognising diffirent language systems and ways to comunicate within these
systems.these skills improves your chances of success in other problem-solving tasks as well. It
is said that students who study foreign languages do better, on the whole, in general tests in
maths reading and vocabulary than students who have only mastered their mother tongue.

T.Hazem Alzghoul 0795353545
Guided Writing:‫الكتابة الموجهة‬

Read the information below ,and write two sentences about the steps the government -1
should take to attract more tourists

provide the best service to tourists-

develop more unique tourist spots-
adjust the price of things in shops and restaurants -
create specific websites about the historical places in the country -


Read the information below ,and write two sentences about the benefits of learning foreign -2
- improve the functionality of your brain in several different ways
improve your decision-making skills -
- enhance your ability to use your mother tongue more effectively.
make you a better speaker and writer in your own language -


.Read the information below, and write two sentences about how to Revise for Exams-3
- draw up a revision.
- Look at all the subjects you have to do,
- change the order of the subjects in your timetable for each day
- keep your mind fresh.

T.Hazem Alzghoul 0795353545

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