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UNIT 6 TEST VZOR 4. Complete the sentences with an appropriate word.

Example: If you join a club, you often have to pay a fee.

1.Josh became a stuntman five years ago. Write
sentences about what he has done since then. Use the
present perfect. 1.If you don´t have to pay for something, it´s ………………
Example: He´s visited many interesting places. (visit)
2.´Loo´ is a usual word for…………………….. .
1.He…………………….…….lots of famous people. (meet)
3.An actor who isn´t professional is an………………………… .
2.He……………………..…..with different directors. (work)
4.In a game show everyone wants to win the
3.He……………………..…..out of planes. (jump)
star………………………… .
4.He……………………..… high mountains twice. (fall)
5.He……………………………his arm three times. (break)
5. What are they?
6.His friends……………………..…..all his films. (see)

MARK………../6 Example:

2. Complete the sentences. Put the verbs in brackets into

the correct tense (present perfect or past simple).

Example: Last summer I got a job in a supermarket. (get)

a film director
1.I……………………..…..Amy since 2003. (know)

2.They……………………..… three years ago. (come)

3.We……………………..…..Carl last summer. (see)

4.I……………………..…..Tom since his birthday. (not see)

5.I…………………… many parties when I was in Italy. (go) 1 ________________________

6.She……………………..…..for this company for five years

now. (work)


3. Complete the sentences with been or gone. 2 ________________________

Example: Monica isn´t here now. She´s gone to the shops.

1.My sister…………………… Spain twice.

2.´Where´s Frank?´ ´He´s …………………… the toilet.´

3.Have you ever…………………… Canada?

4.I´m sorry, you´ll have to come later. 3 _______________________

Sara´s…………………….to the cinema.

7.Read the letter. Are the sentences 1-8 true (T) or
false (F)?
Dear Samantha,

I´ve done something very exciting! You won´t believe!

I´ve jumped off a bridge!
4 _______________________
It was pretty high bridge, over the river Thames, but I
didn´t fall into the water. It was a bungee jump! I did it
with three friends to earn some money for our local

The people who organized it said it wasn´t dangerous,

but it felt really dangerous! When I looked down
5 ______________________ before I jumped I felt totally terrible. My whole body
was shaking! Then I closed my eyes, counted to three,
and jumped. It was great! I felt free for about five
seconds. And then I stopped, just a few meters above
the water.

When I told the people at work they didn´t believe

me. But they watched my video, and in the end, they
all gave me some money. I´ve got more than two
6 _____________________ hundred pounds for the hospital. Now I want to do
something different, like jumping out off a plane. My
friends think I must be mad. But you only live once!

What about you? Have you done anything exciting


Write soon,
6. Write the nouns for these adjectives.
Example: dangerous danger
1.successful …………………….

2.beautiful ……………………. 1.Mandy jumped into a river. …………………

3.happy ……………………. 2.She felt that the jump was dangerous. …………………

4.lucky ……………………. 3.She was scared before the jump. ………………… ……………………. 4.She opened her eyes before the jump. …………………

6.famous ……………………. 5.The jump took about three seconds. …………………….

MARK…………../6 6.She didn´t enjoy the jump. …………………

7. Someone made a video of the jump. …………………

8.Now Mandy´s thinking of doing something

different. …………………….


Správné řešení:

Cvičení 1: 1´s met, 2 ´s worked, 3 ´s jumped, 4 ´s fallen, 5 ´s broken, 6 have seen

Cvičení 2: 1 have known, 2 came, 3 saw, 4 haven´t seen, 5 went, 6 has worked

Cvičení 3: 1 been, 2 gone, 3 been, 4 gone

Cvičení 4: 1 free, 2 toilet, 3 amateur, 4 prize

Cvičení 5: 1 a criminal, 2 an actor, 3 a newsreader, 4 a DJ, 5 a sportsman, 6 a dancer

Cvičení 6: 1 success, 2 beauty, 3 happiness, 4 luck, 5 freedom, 6 fame

Cvičení 7: 1F, 2T, 3T, 4F, 5F, 6F, 7T, 7T

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