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Task Name to be checked

'Seller Appeals',
'ASIN Stamping',
'ASIN Suppression',
'ASIN Review',
'ASIN Pre-approval',
'CC Audit',
'Rule Writing',
'Custom ML',
'TCV_ Investigation',
'Risk Assessment',
'TCV_TT Handling',
'Webite Audit',
'Document Review',
'Document Review and Reinstatement',
'Temporary_ Productive task with output',
'Metrics Deep Dive',
'Process support task',
'Non-Core Team Request',
'Approval_UFSC_Doc Review',
'Approval-Document Review and Reinstatement–UPSC',
'Approval - Appeals - UPSC',
'Approval-Document Review and Reinstatement–UFSC',
'Approval - Appeals - UFSC',
'Suppression - ASIN Suppression - UPSC',
'MRP and Legal Metrology Compliance',
'Approval - Document review and reinstatement - Covid store',
'SOP Update Training',
'SOP Update Trainer',
'Refresher Training',
'Refresher Trainer',
'Skill Development Training'
Task Name to be checked
Subtask After Comment Before
PA / Seller Appeals 'Process support task',
PA / ASIN Stamping 'Seller Appeals',
PA / ASIN Suppression 'ASIN Review',
PA / ASIN Review 'Administrative activity non-task related',
PA / ASIN Pre-approval 'Meetings - non task related',
PA / CC Audit 'Projects - Process improvement',
PA / Rule Writing 'Projects Task related',
PA / Custom ML 'System Issue',
PA / TCV_ Investigation 'Tool / System - Launch & Testing',
PA / Risk Assessment 'Tool Outage',
PA / TCV_TT Handling 'NH_Training',
PA / Website Audit 'NH_Trainer',
PA / Document Review 'CrossSkill_Training',
PA / Document Review and Reinstatement 'CrossSkill_Trainer',
PA / Temporary_ Productive task with output 'Upskill_Trainee',
PA / Escalation 'Upskill_Trainer',
PA / Metrics Deep Dive 'Mentor',
PA / Process support task 'Work Allocation'
PA / Non-Core Team Request
PA / Approval_UFSC_Doc Review
PA / Approval-Document Review and Reinstatement–UPSC
PA / Approval - Appeals - UPSC
PA / Approval-Document Review and Reinstatement–UFSC
PA / Approval - Appeals - UFSC
PA / Suppression - ASIN Suppression - UPSC
PA / MRP and Legal Metrology Compliance
PA / Approval - Document review and reinstatement - Covid store
PA / NH_Training
PA / NH_Trainer
PA / CrossSkill_Training
PA / CrossSkill_Trainer
PA / Upskill_Trainee
PA / Upskill_Trainer
PA / SOP Update Training
PA / SOP Update Trainer
PA / Refresher Training
PA / Refresher Trainer
PA / Mentor
PA / Skill Development Training
Commen After

PA / Seller Appeals
PA / ASIN Review
PA / Administrative activity non-task related
Meetings - non task related
Projects - Process improvement
Projects Task related
System Issue
Tool / System - Launch & Testing
Tool Outage
PA / NH_Training
PA / NH_Trainer
PA / CrossSkill_Training
PA / CrossSkill_Trainer
PA / Upskill_Trainee
PA / Upskill_Trainer
PA / Mentor
Work Allocation

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