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Proposal Title: Web Based School Management System for Wolkite Meliketsedik Primary
and Secondary school

Name of Students ID Number

1. Bizuneh Getu …………………............................. ETUBSR/1175
2. Gezu Daba …………………................................ ETUBSR/1198
3. Zinabu Segoye ………………….......................... ETUBSR/1189

Submitted to:
Mr. Ameha A.

February, 2024
Wolkite, Ethiopa.
Acronym and Abbreviation

SMS-School Management System

MySQL-My Structured Query Language

PHP-PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
WAMP-Windows, Apache, MySQL, and PHP
XAMPP-cross-platform, Apache, MySQL, PHP and Perl
DVD-Digital Versatile Disc CD-Compact Disc
List of Figures
Figure 1: Schema of Existing system.
Figure 2 Water fall Model
List of Tables
Table 1: Work plan time table
Table 2: cost estimation
Table of Contents
Acronym and Abbreviation.
List of Figures
List of Tables
Chapter one....
1.1. Introduction.
1.1.1 Motivation for the project
1.2. Background of the Organization
1.3. Existing System Description.
1.4. Problem of Existing System.
1.5. Proposed System Description...
1.6. Objectives of the Proposed System.
1.6.1. General Objective
1.6.2. Specific Objectives
1.7. Functional Requirements...
1.8. Non-Functional Requirement.
1.9. Scope
1.9.1. Scope In
1.9.2. Scope Out..
1.9.3. Feasibility Study
1.10. Limitation of project....
1.11. Methodologies and Tools.
1.11.1. Methodologies.....
1.11.2. Development Methodology
1.11.3. Tools
1.12. Significant of the Project.
1.13. Work Plan [Time Table]..
1.14. Cost.........
Chapter one
1.1. Introduction

Education system forms the backbone of every nation. School Management System (SMS) is
one of the education system that consists of tasks such as registering students, attendance record
keeping and control absentees of employees, producing report cards, producing an official
transcript, preparing and producing different reports for teachers and students, and the others.
Automation is the utilization of technology to replace a human with a machine that can perform
more quickly and more continuously. And hence it is important to provide a strong educational
foundation to the young generation to ensure the development of open-minded global citizens
securing the future for everyone. Advanced technology available today can play a crucial role
in streamlining education-related processes to promote solidarity among students, teachers,
parents, and the school staff. Education is central to development. It is one of the most powerful
instruments for reducing poverty and inequality and lays a foundation for sustained economic
growth. With this aim currently, our government has given special emphasis to the educational
sector and school improvement activities such as continuous professional development for
teachers, training and upgrading teachers and capacitating schools with manpower and
materials are among the major actions which have been taken in both primary and secondary
schools. In order to facilitate and simplify these actions, one of the major tools is to have an
automated school management system. A school management system is a large database system
which can be used for managing school's daily work.

1.1.1 Motivation for the project

The reason why we motivate to do this project is that we understand the benefits of using
computerized system for the organization and consider the technological growth. Today in this
competitive world every work has been become computerized. The manual way of working has
become very tedious, time consuming as well as very difficult. So when we got the opportunity
to make the system of web-based school management system computerized we made use of it.
In wolkite meliketsediq primary and secondary school all tasks done manually weather adding
students' information, teacher information, and fees structure any relevant information.
Manually added by one or more people, this make burden for saving information. With the
existing scenario the work become very time consuming and needed more labor and facing
several problems during work. On the other hand, as graduate students this kind of project
requires applying courses that we have been studied in federal tevet institute wolkite satellite
campus. Therefore, we are going to develop this web based school management system, by
observing and analyzing problems that faced in the daily activities of the schools and to come
up with better solution.

1.2. Background of the Organization

Asella NO.1 secondary school found in central part of Oromia Region in Asella town, which is
a capital City of Arsi Zone. The school established in 1963 E.C and 165KM away from capital
city of the country. It founded with 36 class room, 5 staffs such as director staff, vice director
staff, natural science staff, social science staff, language staff, record office staff, 1 library, 23
male teachers, 5 female teachers, 344 male students and 256 female students. This means 600
total numbers of students during foundation. The school does not have its own computerized
management system.

1.3. Existing System Description

Existing system focuses on registering of students, registering new employees, managing

students and teacher's data, exchanging of reports between the offices of the school.

At the beginning of each academic year which starts in September (Ethiopian New Year), the
students get registered and assigned rooms. Each class (section) of students is assigned to a
fixed room. There are two semesters per year. The first semester final examination is usually
administered during January, the second semester final examination is administered during the
end of June and consequently the results of each class of students is collected, organized,
ranked by the corresponding home room teacher and reported to each student. The teacher also
records attendance of each student on each school day which is later organized by the
attendance officer.
Transcripts are generated by the record officer. A student may request transcript when he/she
wants to transfer to other school or when he/she has completed from the school and needs to
join higher education or for some other purpose.
These problems make the school to lead a poor management system are:- loosing of teachers
and students document, difficulty to generating transcripts of students, updating employee's
data. Teachers may want to associate a student with his parent or emergency persons for
disciplinary measures which need searching of the students record in the record office. It has
been difficult to search a record from thousands of such records.
Transcripts of students are prepared manually by the record officer and teachers. Report cards
are produced by the home-room teachers. Attendance of students is also recorded by the home-
room teachers. In order to control absentees and know the number of days that a student has
been absent from the school during the school days the attendance officer has to collect the
attendance slips from the corresponding homeroom teachers and compile it which is also a time
taking process. In addition to that retrieving records of students who have graduated couple of
years ago has been a difficult task.
Teachers may want to associate a student with his parent or emergency persons for disciplinary
measures which need searching of the students record in the record office. It has been difficult
to search a record from thousands of such records and observed that students can take any
person claiming that he/she is their parent or emergency person which creates problem in
control of students.

Figure 1: Schema of Existing system

School Staff
Home room teacher
Staff teachers
1.4. Problem of Existing System

The team reviews many problems in the manual school management system for instance:
Generate many information with some level of difficulty, Do not sufficiently produce the
required reports to allow parents to view status of their children and reports for administrator
and teachers to help them upload subject material, Do not generate transcript, report card,
student admission, timetable for the schools schedule, Do not facilitate attendance record
keeping of teacher and student as well as schools material. This project work tries to fill the gap
by automating the various activities at schools. It tries to satisfy actors need and simplify the
works of administrators, teachers, homeroom teacher, record officer, student and parents. With
an automated school management system parents can easily interact with the school community
to follow up their children's achievement and play their role in the school development
processes. So, our team member tries to solve this problem as in meeting the preliminary
research project requirement for partial fulfillment for the award of degree of bachelor in
computer science and give direction of recommendation.

The identified problems of the existing system can be classified into performance
problem, information problem, economic problem, efficiency problem and.
Performance problem
➤ Delay time on searching information, because it is manually arranged.
➤ Difficulty in generating reports.
Information problem
➤ It takes long time to view the data's of students and teachers.
➤ It is difficult for searching the documents.
➤ It is very difficult to memorize the exact shelf location of documents.
➤ It is not more enough to exchange information between school members quickly.
Economical problem
➤ The management is economically affected because it is manual based system. Due to
this it consumes a large space to store all documents; it needs a huge budget to paper,
pen, shelf and other materials.
Efficiency problem

➤ Takes time to find a specific and general information of the teachers and students

1.5. Proposed System Description

The proposed system is the new system which is going to replace the manual or the existing
system. The proposed system is used to provide an efficient management system and to reduce
the system complexity. This can be accomplished by developing an automated system. The
proposed system is mainly deals with the all activities how the administrator, vice director,
students, teachers, and record officer of the school are work in their position. It is the same as
with the existing system, but the proposed system is a solution for existing system. The
proposed system must perform all functional and nonfunctional requirements. The new system
is nothing it is an implementation of the manual system by using new or automated system. It
can do the all activities performed under existing system.

This project work tries to fill the gap by automating the various activities at schools. It tries to
satisfy customers need and simplify the works of administrators, record officer and teachers.
With an automated school management system parents can easily interact with the school
community to follow up their children's achievement and play their role in the school
development processes.
✓ Registering students at every beginning of academic year
✓ Registering employees
✓ Generate student transcript.
✓ Generate student report
✓ Updating employees and students data.
✓ Search and insert student mark.
✓ All learning and teaching process activities are performing under existing system.
1.6. Objectives of the Proposed System

1.6.1. General Objective

The main general objective of this project is to design and implement a Web-based
Meliketsedqe primary and secondary school management system.

1.6.2. Specific Objectives

In order to attain the general objective, the following list of specific objectives is set:

➤ Study the existing system and identifying the problems

➤Gather requirements
➤ Study related works and literatures
➤ Analysis the requirements
➤Keep the overall records associated with property into permanent database
➤Solve data security problem
➤ Deploy the system.

1.7. Functional Requirements

Functional requirements describe the interaction between the system and its environment
independent of its implementation. It describes what the system should do.

The functional requirements of the system are:-

The system shall register student.

The system shall register employee.
The system shall create account
The system shall register course.
The system shall accept mark.
The system shall generate transcript.
The system shall search, update all the data recorded in the system
The system shall display data that searched by the user
1.8. Non-Functional Requirement

As the name suggests, non-functional requirements are requirements that are not directly
concerned with the specific functions delivered by the system. These are constraints on the
services or functions offered by the system.

The non-functional requirements of the system are described as follows.

System Security:
✔The system follow a role based security which means the access level and privilege for
each users are set by the system administrator.
✓ The system has authentication mechanism (username and password) we use hashing
algorithm because: A hashing algorithm takes an input value and transforms it to a
fixed-length output known as a "message digest", "hash value" or simply a "hash".
Hashing is one way only, which means that the only way to validate a hashed output is
to pass the original value to the hashing algorithm and compare the results. This makes
hashing perfect for storing user passwords.

Physical Security:
✓ The server and the other devices in which student record management systems
installed should kept in a secured and air conditioned rooms.
✓ The accuracy and response time of the system should be very fast.
✓ The response time should be very small i.e. not more than 5 seconds.
✓ The data and record that are saved shall be reused if needed that's stored in backup.

1.9. Scope

This project is delimited School Management System for Wolkite Meliketsedik Primary and
Secondary school. There are many limitations that the team will encounter while developing the
project, so the project team will probably plan to accomplish at least the following bulleted
functionalities that used to manage the school and allows the administrators to register the daily
required information of Students, Teachers & office staff. School Management System will
organize work inside school and the system boundary including functions like:-

➤ Insert student's information such as student name, student number, address etc.
➤ Insert section's information such as section name etc.
➤ Insert marks for each student in each subject he/she has taken.
➤ Editing student's information.
➤Retrieve any information about students.
➤ Preparing both class and exam schedules Methodologies and Tools.

1.9.1. Scope In
Scope In means what a new features that is added to the system. Our proposed system add the
following features
The administrator of the school:
➤Create account
➤Manages user accounts
➤Update user account
➤Changes password
➤View employee
➤View comment
➤Delete user
Record officer
➤Register students
➤Register parents
➤ Changes password
➤View student
➤Generate transcript
➤Generate reports
➤View comment
➤ Enter mar
➤ View student mark
➤Update student mark
➤ Generate reports
➤Change password
➤View comment
➤ Add class room
➤ Register employees
➤ Post vacancy
➤ Register course
➤ Assign Room teacher
➤ Change password
➤ Add new block
➤ View students
➤ Register pass point
➤ View comment
➤ View result.
➤ View comment
➤ View student result
➤ View comment

➤ Admin can create, delete, and update users.

➤ Teacher can upload and delete
1.9.2. Scope Out

Our project exclude the following from previous system.

➤ Paper based mark viewing
➤ Using excel to calculate student mark
➤ Storing student, teacher and other user’s information's in hard copy format

1.9.3. Feasibility Study

Feasibility studies are an evaluation and analyzing of a proposed project to determine if it (1) is
technically feasible, (2) is economically feasible and (3) is operationally feasible or not. Economic feasibility

This feasibility checks whether the system can be developed with the available funds.
Economic feasibility identifies that whether the new developing system is economically
feasible or not. The proposed system must feasible with the available fund. Operational feasibility

The new system can provide sufficient service for the students. The system is operationally
feasible as it very easy for the end users to operate it. The system must correct match with the
operation performed in existing system. Technical feasibility

This determines whether the technology needed for the proposed system is available or not. It
concerned with specifying equipment and software that will successfully satisfy the user
requirement. The aspects of this feasibility are operating System compatible.

1.10. Limitation of project

The limitation of this project described as the following:

➤ The system doesn't work if there is no electric energy
➤ Do not sufficiently produce the required reports to parents to view status of their
children in order to facilitate parent's participation in decision making.
➤ Do not generate time table for the schools.
➤ Do not facilitate attendance record keeping by the homeroom teachers.
➤ The system doesn't support online test.
➤ The system does not support online teacher's evaluating.

1.11. Methodologies and Tools

1.11.1. Methodologies

We are going to do a thorough research and inspection to gather the right amount of data
needed to develop this system either directly from the client or by research methods. The
methodologies some specific methods we will use to collect this data include:

·➤ Interviewing: This is one of data collection method that enables to gather

information from the organization directly in the form of asking question and getting
answers for those questions. So, our team uses this method to gather information by
asking the director, co-director, teachers and students of the school some basic

➤ Observation:-This is also another data collecting method. In fact we have also used
this observation method to gather data. This method enables us observing and
understanding how the teaching and learning process is done. In doing so; we have
got some manual material from school

1.11.2. Development Methodology

A system development methodology refers to the framework that had used to structure, plan,
and control the process of developing the system. There are different types of system
development methodologies.

From these we had selected waterfall system development method. Because, Waterfall model is
simple to implement and also the amount of resources required for it are minimal when
compared to the others. In this model, output is generated after each stage, therefore it has high
visibility. The client and project manager gets a feel that there is considerable progress.
The waterfall model serves as a baseline for many other life-cycle models.

➤ To analyze our project/system we had use UML diagrams and language/model. Such as use
case, sequence diagram, activity diagram
➤ To design, we had used an object oriented methodology because it was consistent underlying
representation throughout the development process.
➤ It uses a clear structure.
➤ The progression of the waterfall model is intuitive
➤ The waterfall model determines the end goal early.
➤ The waterfall model keeps a project to a specific timescale. The waterfall model keeps a
project to a specific timescale.

The phases of the waterfall model are predictable and don't overlap.

Waterfall model
In Codation
Operation/ deployment
Figure 2 Water fall Model

1.11.3. Tools Software Tools

➤ Wamp/Xampp/MySQL: - to create and design the database which is used to store the

➤ Browsers: -since our system is web based, it's a very necessary requirement.

➤ HTML, PHP and CSS: using for static part of the website and for the style of the website.
➤ Microsoft Word: - it is very useful because it takes less time to write and format the text,
communicate effectively smart diagram and chart tools, quickly assemble document. By
looking its useful properties we use Microsoft word to type our project work to get all the
above benefits of it.

➤ Microsoft PowerPoint:-use to present the document in abstract forms. We use it to present

our presentation in short and brief way. Hardware Tools

We have used and are using different hardware tools to develop our project.

➤ Computer: -computer is a machine capable of doing many things. We use it to type on it

and install all software and programming language.
➤ Flash Disk and CD Hardware: used for the movement of data from one machine to
another. We use both of the devices when we move our data from one machine to
➤ Stationery: Stationery like paper, pen and so on that were need. All these are necessary
things that we need to do and use.
➤ Disks (CD, DVD): necessary for the movement of relevant data and for backup and
recovery mechanism.
➤ Network cable: since our system is web based, it is very necessary requirement. It also
helps us to extract relevant information about our project from internet.

1.12. Significant of the Project

Now a days we are living in an information age, so everything is changed from the manual
system to automated system, which makes everything simple, interactive, time saving and
requires less storage space for allocating resources. The manual system has so many drawbacks
like as stated above. So automating the system has significances like:-
➤ Improve the capability of the student, and teacher.
➤ provide more timely and update information.
➤ Reduce work load on the employees
➤ reduce the costs and time consumption.
➤ Time consuming activities (tasks) will be reduced.
➤ Reduce man power & material budget allocations.
➤ Management: The manager can be easily managing the employees.
➤ Administrator: Administration can take summary reports whenever they need from
the system.
➤ Vice director: the director can easily perform school activity like teaching and
learning activities.
➤ Record Officer: There is no need for the record officer to record student redundantly.
➤ Student: The student can easily access school information and can easily
communicate to their teachers.
➤ Teachers: teachers can easily communicate with their student and also with parent.
➤ Parents: parents can follow their students activity in the school and check whether
students are attend the class or not.
➤ Manage school and effective communication between teachers, and students
➤ complete automation of all operations
➤ Centrally stored information with zero redundancy
➤ possible best resource optimization and Automated attendance management for
➤ Better organization of school activities

1.13. Work Plan [Time Table]

Table 1: Work plan time table
Activities 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-14 15-20 21-23
Choosing title


1.14. Cost

Cost estimation has a great impact for the successful accomplishment of the project. The costs
associated with each items required have been estimated. This will help us to limit the
constraints related to cost while project is conducted. From the beginning up to the end of this
project we planned the following cost list.

Table 2: cost estimation

Type Item Quantity Price per Item Total Item

Hardware Pc 2 25000 birr 50000 birr

Flash 3 340birr 1020 birr
Stationary Print 2 30birr 90 birr
Pen 2 15birr 30birr
Paper 30 0.75birr 22.5birr
Transportation Transport 10 10 100
Miscellaneous Mobile card 5 10 50
Total 7 24 12,230 51,312.5 birr
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