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Oriol Falivene  Geomodels-3D Geological

Best practice stochastic facies Modeling CER-Group of Geodynamics and Basin

Analysis, Facultat de Geologia, Universitat de Barce-
lona, Barcelona, Spain;
modeling from a channel-fill Oriol Falivene received his degree in geology in
2002 from the Universitat de Barcelona. Currently,
turbidite sandstone analog he is finishing his Ph.D. dissertation dealing with
reservoir-scale modeling of outcrop analogs in the

(the Quarry outcrop, Eocene Geomodels–Geodynamics and Basin Analysis Group

(Universitat de Barcelona). His areas of study in-
clude turbidite and alluvial-fan reservoir analogs.
Ainsa basin, northeast Spain) Pau Arbués  Geomodels-3D Geological Model-
ing CER-Group of Geodynamics and Basin Analysis,
Oriol Falivene, Pau Arbués, Andy Gardiner, Facultat de Geologia, Universitat de Barcelona,
Gillian Pickup, Josep Anton Muñoz, and Lluı́s Cabrera Barcelona, Spain
Pau Arbués received his degree in geology in 1987
from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He has
worked as an independent consultant for 11 years,
ABSTRACT contracting research for the Servei Geològic de
Catalunya and various oil companies. For the last
Using data from an outcrop characterization of a sandstone-rich 7 years, he has been working as a researcher in sedi-
turbidite channel fill (the so-called ‘‘Quarry outcrop’’ in the Ainsa mentology for the Geomodels – Geodynamics and
basin), several stochastic facies models were constructed at bed- Basin Analysis Group (Universitat de Barcelona).
scale resolution (cells 2.5 m [8 ft] wide and 0.05 m [2 in.] thick). Andy Gardiner  Institute of Petroleum Engi-
Several industry-standard reservoir-modeling algorithms were em- neering, Heriot-Watt University (Edinburgh), Edin-
ployed: truncated Gaussian simulation, sequential indicator simu- burgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
lation, multiple-point geostatistics, and object-based methods with Andy Gardiner graduated in 1974 from Churchill
varying degrees of complexity. The degree of similarity (i.e., re- College, Cambridge, before undertaking Ph.D. re-
alism) between realizations and the outcrop characterization was search on fluviodeltaic sedimentology at the Univer-
sity of Leeds. From 1978 to 1984, he taught in
quantified through the use of several responses: (1) static connec-
the Universities of Swansea and Liverpool, before
tivity, (2) effective permeability, and (3) recovery efficiency from spending 13 years with Robertson Research Interna-
waterflood simulations. tional, where he worked on a wide range of explo-
Differences in the responses measured from the outcrop and ration and development studies. In 1997, Andy
facies models were observed: these are mostly algorithm related, moved to Heriot-Watt University, where his research
instead of caused by soft data or different stochastic realizations. Dif- interests include reservoir modeling, using both
outcrop-derived and generic reservoir geometries,
ferences increase greatly when the permeability of the heterolithic
with the aim of examining the impact of geological
packages and mudstone beds (Ht-M) decreases and reflect the heterogeneity on hydrocarbon recovery.
methods’ ability to model the inclined and undulating Ht-M pack-
ages and beds that occur in the outcrop. These packages and beds Gillian Pickup  Institute of Petroleum Engineer-
ing, Heriot-Watt University (Edinburgh), Edinburgh,
can drape scours and sandstone beds with depositional topography
Scotland, United Kingdom
and pinch-outs, producing sandstone thinning and dead ends.
Gillian Pickup gained her B.Sc. degree and Ph.D. in
Object-based methods capable of introducing highly undulat- astrophysics from Edinburgh University, but since
ing Ht-M beds provided the most realistic models. Variogram-based then has worked on more down-to-earth subjects.
and simple object-based methods failed to capture and reproduce She joined the Department (now Institute) of Pe-
the whole length of undulating beds. Multiple-point geostatistics troleum Engineering at Heriot-Watt University in
1990 to work on a project assessing the effect of
geological heterogeneity on oil recovery. Her main
research interest is in upscaling, i.e., taking account of
Copyright #2006. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved. fine-scale structures in coarse-scale models. Re-
Manuscript received July 18, 2005; provisional acceptance December 1, 2005; revised manuscript cently, she has also started investigating the effects of
received January 16, 2006; final acceptance February 7, 2006. uncertainty in reservoir models at different scales.

AAPG Bulletin, v. 90, no. 7 (July 2006), pp. 1003 –1029 1003
Josep Anton Muñoz  Geomodels-3D Geological provided realizations with responses intermediate between vario-
Modeling CER-Group of Geodynamics and Basin gram-based and simple object-based methods and the more suc-
Analysis, Facultat de Geologia, Universitat de
cessful advanced object-based methods. The conditioning-to-hard-
Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
data capabilities of multiple-point geostatistics are higher than those
Josep Anton Muñoz is a professor of structural ge-
of the object-based methods, which give them an added advantage.
ology at the Universitat de Barcelona. He received
his Ph.D. in 1985 from the Universitat de Barcelona
and worked for the Servei Geològic de Catalunya
from 1985 to 1990, when he joined the Universitat
de Barcelona. His research interests include the INTRODUCTION
structure of thrust and fold belts, tectonosedimentary
relationships, tectonics of collisional orogens, and
construction of three-dimensional structural models. Technical Context
He is, at present, the director of the Geomodels
Research Center. Reservoir facies models improve appraisal and development wher-
ever petrophysics can be correlated with facies. Following initial
Lluı́s Cabrera  Geomodels-3D Geological
Modeling CER-Group of Geodynamics and Basin development during appraisal phase, the reservoir facies model
Analysis, Facultat de Geologia, Universitat de Bar- becomes the foundation of the reservoir management workflow
celona, Barcelona, Spain designed for efficient recovery of reserves. Generally, seismic data
Lluı́s Cabrera is a professor of stratigraphy at the provide a deterministic architectural framework, and well data al-
Universitat de Barcelona, where received his Ph.D. in low detailed facies and petrophysical description at discrete lo-
1983 and is, at present, the head of the Special cations, whereas the interwell scale of heterogeneity remains the
Research Center (CER) of 3D Geological Modeling. objective of facies modeling (e.g., Krum and Johnson, 1993; Hurst
His research interests include the application of
et al., 1999; Slatt and Weimer, 1999). Facies modeling is typically
clastic sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy, and
the three-dimensional reconstruction and modeling achieved by means of stochastic methods. These methods are useful
of sedimentary bodies to the exploration, develop- tools to build realistic equiprobable facies distributions when hard
ment, and production of coal and oil. data (i.e., well data) are not enough to capture the detailed facies
distribution (e.g., Haldorsen and Damsleth, 1990; Srivastava, 1994;
Koltermann and Gorelick, 1996; Dubrule, 1998; Webb and Davis,
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1998; Deutsch 1999). Within a cycle of execution of the reservoir
This research was conducted in the Geomodels In- management workflow, facies modeling is followed by petrophys-
stitute. This institute is sponsored by Generalitat de ical modeling, upscaling, and flow simulation. Production decisions
Catalunya (DURSI) and Instituto Geologico y Minero
are made using the results of this modeling and simulation cycle.
de España (IGME) and includes the 3-D Geological
Modeling CER (University of Barcelona). Financial Therefore, it is important to construct realistic facies models, with
support from the Ministerio de Educación y Ciéncia realism being judged by the ability of the model to predict the flow-
(Proyectos COMODES GGL 2004-05816-C02-01/BTE related responses of the reservoir.
and MARES CGL 2004-05816-C02-02/BTE) and from
the Generalitat de Catalunya (Grup de Recerca de Uncertainties in Facies Models
Geodinàmica i Anàlisi de Conques, 2005 SGR 00397)
is acknowledged. Research by O. Falivene is funded
by a predoctoral grant from the Spanish government Uncertainties involved in stochastic facies modeling can be grouped
(MEyC). Roxar is thanked for providing the IRAP into three types (Dubrule, 1994): (1) algorithm related, derived
RMS1 reservoir modeling software. Eclipse1 flow from the mathematical parameterization, assumptions, and simpli-
simulations were conducted during the O. Falivene’s fications of the modeling algorithm chosen; (2) soft data related,
stay at Heriot-Watt University. O. Falivene is indebted
derived from a poor knowledge of the values of parameter for
to H. Lewis, J. M. Questiaux, G. Carvajal, and S. Neal
for their support. The original manuscript has been input to the modeling algorithm; dealing with uncertainties re-
improved thanks to the comments by M. Sweet, lated to soft data commonly involves the use of outcrop analogs
T. Good, W. Parcell, and E. Mancini. and the consideration of several geological scenarios (e.g., Dreyer
et al., 1993; Cossey, 1994; Mijnessen, 1997; Satur et al., 2000; Dal-
rymple, 2001; Johnson et al., 2001; Larue, 2004; Larue and Friedmann,
2005); and (3) stochastic related, derived from the stochastic
nature of the algorithms, which incorporate random numbers to
generate equiprobable realizations because heterogeneity in the
facies distribution cannot be totally constrained by hard data.

1004 Geohorizons
Collecting and using more hard data to build facies improved oil recovery predictions. The results pre-
models can reduce stochastic-related uncertainties. sented here will be applicable to similar facies archi-
Regarding algorithm-related uncertainties, a varie- tectures elsewhere.
ty of algorithms are available in the arena of stochastic The workflow we used involved the following steps
modeling (e.g., Deutsch, 2002). Consequently, the choice (Figure 1): (1) detailed characterization of the out-
of the optimal modeling strategy is crucial in reservoir crop; (2) resampling of outcrop characterization into
management. The optimal modeling strategy is, of course, a two-dimensional (2-D) grid; (3) extraction of soft
a balance between the amount of realism desired and data from the outcrop characterization and the gridded
practical constraints (such as the time available, computa- outcrop; (4) extraction of hard data from the gridded
tion capabilities, simplicity of the method, and costs). outcrop by selecting five vertical logs across the out-
crop; (5) building of facies models using the stochastic
Aims and Workflow algorithms; (6) computation of several flow-related re-
sponses (static connectivity, effective permeability using
This article is focused exclusively on the scientific part single-phase upscaling, and recovery efficiency from
of the balance, namely, realism. Assessment of real- waterflood simulations) for both the gridded outcrop
ism is achieved by comparing several responses from and the facies models; and (7) comparison of the results
a well-known example of reservoir analog geometry of the responses derived from the gridded outcrop
(an outcrop of a sandstone-filled turbidite channel) (which we assume is reality) with the averaged results
with the responses from several realizations produced of the responses predicted by the facies models. The
using diverse stochastic modeling algorithms. This more complex responses (single-phase upscaling and
procedure enabled us to establish which algorithm pro- waterflood simulations) required the assignation of sev-
duces the most realistic bed-scale models of the outcrop. eral additional parameters, including rock and fluid
Both pixel-based and object-based modeling methods, properties. Because the outcrop is not at reservoir con-
implemented in the industry-standard reservoir model- ditions, typical reservoir values were used, and diverse
ing packages, were compared. Soft data-related uncer- scenarios were assumed for the petrophysical values.
tainties could be neglected because soft data were ex- Results obtained demonstrate that not all the stochastic
tracted directly from the outcrop, and stochastic-related methods produce facies distributions with responses
uncertainties were reduced to a minimum by averaging similar to those derived for the outcrop characteriza-
responses from 10 realizations for each modeling ap- tion; and magnitude of the differences (but not the rela-
proach. Therefore, most of the differences observed in tive ordering) was largely affected by the petrophysical
the responses were algorithm related. scenario.
Some studies comparing several algorithms to re-
produce fluvial depositional systems at several hetero-
geneity scales have already been presented (Journel et al., GEOLOGICAL SETTING
1998; Scheibe and Murray, 1998; Seifert and Jensen,
2000). We chose an outcrop of a sandstone-filled tur- The outcrop selected for this study occurs in the Ainsa
bidite channel, the Quarry outcrop in the Ainsa basin, basin, in the southern Pyrenees, northern Spain. The
to guide our comparison because these types of res- Ainsa basin is the slope part of a lower Eocene fore-
ervoirs are increasingly important in the petroleum deep, which developed in the footwall of the Montsec
industry (Weimer et al., 2000). This outcrop has been thrust sheet western oblique ramp (Figure 2a). East-
widely used as analog for slope channel deposits such ward, the Ainsa basin was fed from a fluviodeltaic
as those located offshore in west Africa, Brazil, the complex deposited piggyback on top of the Montsec
Gulf of Mexico, and the North Sea, as well as other thrust sheet. Westward, it grades into the more basinal
areas (Schuppers, 1995). Thick-bedded sandstone beds part of the foredeep (referred as the Jaca basin). During
commonly dominate this type of channel fill, although the middle Eocene, the basin was incorporated into
other facies (e.g., gravels, conglomerates, heterolithics, the hanging wall of the Gavarnie – Sierras Exteriores
and shales) also occur. The presence of nonreservoir thrust sheet and evolved into a piggyback setting as the
facies exerts important effects on the flow-related pat- thrust front propagated toward the foreland (Muñoz
terns in these bodies. It is therefore of primary impor- et al., 1998; Fernández et al., 2004). Several turbidite
tance to reproduce them in the construction of realistic systems are preserved in the Ainsa basin slope complex,
facies models with stochastic modeling algorithms for among them the Ainsa turbidite system, which has a

Falivene et al. 1005

Figure 1. Flowchart
showing the steps under-
taken in this study. See text
for detailed description.

preserved width of 8 km (5 mi) and length of 9 km of the lowermost cycle of channel-complex develop-
(5.6 mi), and a maximum thickness of 305 m (1000 ft). ment and abandonment in the Ainsa turbidite system
The bottom of the system corresponds to an angular (Figure 2b, c). Detailed inspection of the channel-fill
unconformity, and the top is a gradual facies transition deposits is possible along a road cut and quarry face
into a mudstone unit. The system has been subdivided (Figures 2c; 3a, b). The exposed section is approximately
into three cycles of channel-complex development and 40 m (130 ft) thick and 750 m (0.5 mi) long and oriented
abandonment (Figure 2b) (Arbués et al., in press). oblique (south-southeast–north-northwest) to the mean
paleoflow (west-northwest). Mutti and Normark (1987),
Facies and Architecture of the Quarry Outcrop Schuppers (1993, 1995), Clark and Pickering (1996), and
Arbués et al. (in press) have presented sedimentological
The Quarry outcrop was chosen for this study because descriptions and interpretations for this outcrop.
of the infill characteristics and the quality and extent of The outcrop characterization by Arbués et al. (in
the exposure. This exposure corresponds to a basal part press) was used as the starting point for this study

1006 Geohorizons
Figure 2. (a) Location of the Ainsa basin (boxed area) in the Pyrenean context. (b) General architecture of the Ainsa turbidite system
restored to paleodepositional state; the system comprises three cycles of channel-complex development and abandonment (A1, A2, and
A3), and view is from the southeast. Arrows indicate paleocurrent direction. Approximate stratigraphic position of the Quarry outcrop is
shown. Vertical exaggeration is 12, and the vertical coordinates datum corresponds to a paleodepositional surface in the Ainsa turbidite
system (Fernández et al., 2004; Arbués et al., in press). Heights increase with depth. Horizontal coordinates are in meters in Universal
Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone 31. (c) Geological map of the Quarry outcrop and surrounding areas (from Arbués et al., in press).

(Figure 4a). In the characterization, five facies have poorly to poorly sorted, with clast size up to cobbles,
been distinguished: and include a matrix of sand. Pebble and cobble-size
clasts include rounded to subrounded limestone clasts
1. Gravelly mudstones: soft-sediment deformed ma- with extrabasinal provenance and mudstone clasts. Both
terial with a mudstone-dominated composition, but facies correspond to facies F3 of Mutti (1992) and
including lesser amounts (generally less than 5%) of represent the deposits left behind from hyperconcen-
other coarser grained sediment. This facies classifies as trated flows that were experiencing a transformation
F1 on Mutti’s (1992) scheme and, on account of its into high-density turbidity currents.
disorganized character and mudstone-dominated com- 4. Thick-bedded sandstones: consist of sandstone
position, has been interpreted as cohesive debris-flow beds thicker than 10 cm (4 in.); most sandstones are
deposits. medium or coarse grained. The thicker beds are erosively
2. and 3. Conglomerates and mudstone-clast con- based, whereas others have sharp soles but nonerosive
glomerates: two facies that are clast supported, very bases. These strata correspond to F5 and F9b facies of

Falivene et al. 1007


Figure 3. Photographs showing parts of the Quarry outcrop. The limits of the intervals identified in the outcrop characterization in Figure 4a are shown. Positions of the photographed
parts in the outcrop characterization are shown in Figure 4a. Lengths of the outcrop faces shown in (a) and (b) are nearly 80 and 100 m (262 and 328 ft), respectively.
Figure 4. (a) Quarry outcrop characterization (from Arbués et al., in press; used with permission from AAPG). (b) Schematic
bedding architecture of the C2 interval (from Arbués et al., in press). (c) Gridded and simplified characterization corresponding only
to the C2 architectural interval used as the starting point for this study. (d) Hard data used to condition the facies models.

Falivene et al. 1009

Mutti (1992), which are interpreted as deposits of both fore be important if we are to understand the range
high- and low-density turbidity currents. of possible reservoir behaviors of such sandstone-rich
5. Heterolithic packages and mudstone beds: com- bodies.
posed of packages of layered mudstones and sandstone
beds up to 10 cm (4 in.) thick; thicker mudstone beds are
also included in this facies. The elements of this facies can STOCHASTIC FACIES MODELING
be described in terms of the Bouma sequence and include
representatives of facies F9a and F9b of Mutti (1992), Input Data and General Setup
which correspond mostly to the deposits of low-density
turbidity currents; some mudstones may also have been The outcrop characterization was constructed from a
deposited by pelagic settling. photomosaic and several closely spaced field-measured
stratigraphic logs reporting on facies (texture, compo-
The outcrop can be subdivided into three archi- sition, geometry, sedimentary structures, and fossil
tectural intervals (C1 –C3, Figure 4a). Interval C1 is content). A widespread shale layer located in the mid-
composed of laterally stacked channel forms domi- dle of C2 was used as a datum to correlate the logs.
nated by nonsandstone facies. Interval C2 corresponds This enabled us to consider the general bedding in C2
to a mixed erosional to depositional channel fill (sensu parallel to the horizontal for facies modeling purposes.
Mutti and Normark, 1987). It is dominated by medium- The characterization (Figure 4a), originally recorded by
to coarse-grained thick-bedded sandstones, which were means of digitized polygons in a CAD (computer-aided
deposited above a stepped erosional surface. Interval C2 design) environment, was resampled onto a 2-D rect-
is overlain by a truncation at the base of C3, which rep- angular grid, with cells oriented parallel to the horizon-
resents an episode of cannibalistic rejuvenation. The tal. Cell dimensions were 2.5 m (8 ft) wide and 0.05 m
infill of interval C3 mainly consists of gravelly mud- (2 in.) high (256 columns and 512 rows), covering an
stones, although it includes lenses of other coarse-grained area that is 640 m (0.4 mi) wide and 25.6 m (84 ft) high
facies. (Figure 4c). To optimize the modeling procedure, the
Only the sandstone-rich interval C2 was consid- original genetic facies in the gridded characterization
ered for this study (Figure 4a). Following the work of were transformed into three modeling facies based on
Arbués et al. (in press), this interval can be further sub- genetic and petrophysical criteria (Figure 4c):
divided into C2.1 and C2.2 channel forms, separated by
a relatively minor erosive surface. C2.1 and C2.2 are 1. thick-bedded sandstone facies (Ss), with the assumed
both characterized by a multistory bedding architec- highest porosity and permeability
ture. Sandstone beds show different architectures: ero- 2. conglomerate facies (Cc); grouping the facies that
sionally confined (onlapping to the channel base), un- represent the highest energy levels in the system
confined within the outcrop extension (layered), with (mainly gravelly mudstones, conglomerates, and mud-
depositional terminations (depositional lobe geom- stone clast conglomerates), with assumed low po-
etry), and depositionally confined in the topograph- rosity and permeability
ic low alongside a lobe (accommodation geometry) 3. heterolithic packages and mudstone beds (Ht-M);
(Figure 4b). comprising the lowest energy deposits, with the as-
This geometry, with the presence of minor chan- sumed lowest porosity and permeability, consider-
nels, oblique erosive surfaces with or without shale ing the presence of beds and laminae of silt and shale
drapes, and local bed pinch-out, is also found in sev-
eral other turbidite systems in the Ainsa basin slope Selected hard data consisted of five, regularly
complex (e.g., Gerbe and Morillo turbidite systems) spaced, vertical logs extracted from the gridded char-
and may therefore be common in sandstone-rich chan- acterization (Figure 4d). These logs conditioned the
nel fills. Many of the features observed in the Quarry modeling (except in one algorithm) and were intended
outcrop occur at a scale below seismic resolution, and to reproduce an extremely well-known subsurface set-
their presence may not always be discernible in core. ting. Soft data required for conditioning the modeling
It is therefore not clear to what extent this geometry algorithms were extracted from the outcrop charac-
may occur in channelized turbidite reservoirs. An terization. These include facies proportions, variograms
understanding of the potential impact of the lateral (Figure 5), indicator variograms (Figure 6), object
variation of sandstone and shale geometry may there- parameters (Table 1), and indirectly, training images

1010 Geohorizons
(Figure 7). In terms of facies modeling, conditioning is tion (PDF). The assignation proceeds sequentially,
about posing restrictions to the modeling algorithms; following a preset path visiting the grid nodes. At
for example, honoring hard data or soft data in the fa- each node, the PDF is calculated considering both
cies model (Deutsch, 2002). Because soft data were hard data, previously simulated node values, and soft
directly derived from the outcrop characterization, un- data (variograms in the case of TGS and SIS and
certainties need not be considered, except for the case of training images in the case of MPG). Commonly, the
Ht-M undulations because their capture from the out- visiting paths are not completely random to improve
crop is not straightforward. All the algorithms were set on soft data integration (Tran, 1994). The pixel-based
up to reach the facies proportions obtained from the methods used herein differ in the assumptions made to
gridded outcrop (7% for Cc, 63% for Ss, and 30% for deal with facies categories and to compute the PDF.
Ht-M). No facies trends were set up because not all the
modeling methods are able to handle them. Truncated Gaussian Simulation
A prerequisite for TGS (Figure 8a) (Deutsch, 2002) is
Modeling Procedure the ordering of the facies, which was done following
grain size criteria (Cc, Ss, and Ht-M). The algorithm
The modeling grid had the same geometry and dimen- starts by calculating the thresholds between facies; as-
sions as the gridded outcrop. This discretization was suming a Gaussian distribution, the areas between thresh-
fine enough to capture detailed bed geometries and olds correspond to the proportions measured in the
allowed reasonable computing times when performing outcrop. The next step is to assign to each facies a value
facies modeling and response measurement. Different between their thresholds; constant values located in the
modeling algorithms, with variants, were used to gen- center of each category were used. The values assigned
erate facies distribution models (Figure 8). To obtain to the outcrop characterization and the hard data were
average results of the responses considered and reduce used to derive experimental variograms, and standardized
the effect of ergodic fluctuations (i.e., variations be- sills were used. The theoretical variogram models were
tween the different stochastic realizations), 10 realiza- adjusted to the experimental ones (Figure 5). Because
tions for each algorithm were built. the facies distribution in the outcrop is not completely
Some of the modeling algorithms were pixel-based stationary, the variogram sill did not reach the stan-
methods (truncated Gaussian simulation [TGS], se- dard deviation of the population (Kupfersberger and
quential indicator simulation [SIS], and multiple-point Deutsch, 1999; Gringarten and Deutsch, 2001). This
geostatistics [MPG]), whereas other methods were ob- trend effect was considered using nested variogram struc-
ject based (Ellipsim: Deutsch and Journel, 1998; and an tures, one of them with a very large range (Figure 5).
advanced object-based algorithm based on Lia et al., Then, a simulated field, conditioned by the theoretical
1997). Most of the algorithms (TGS, SIS, and Ellipsim) variograms (Figure 5) and the transformed hard data
used the code available in Geostatistical Software Li- (Figure 4c) was built using sequential Gaussian simu-
brary (GSLIB) (Deutsch and Journel, 1998). The MPG lation with the code provided in GSLIB (Deutsch and
algorithm used Snesim (single normal equation simu- Journel, 1998). The sequential Gaussian simulation al-
lation) code (Strebelle, 2002), and advanced object- gorithm uses kriging (Cressie, 1990) to obtain the PDF
based modeling was achieved using the implementa- in each node. To assure that the simulated field repro-
tion in the facies:composite module in Reservoir duces the input variogram, the simulation was conducted
Modeling System (RMS) (by Roxar, AS). over a larger grid, with the hard data located in the center.
Dimensions of the larger grid were set to at least 10 times
Pixel-Based Methods the variogram range in each direction. After cropping
the area of interest, the final step of the algorithm was to
All the pixel-based methods applied correspond to truncate the simulated field with the thresholds be-
stochastic, sequential, geostatistical-based facies mod- tween facies categories to obtain the facies distribution.
eling algorithms (Deutsch, 2002). These algorithms The TGS has several limitations when compared
are fast and allow direct hard data conditioning, avoid- to the other geostatistical algorithms presented here
ing iterative time-consuming solutions. Common to (i.e., SIS and MPG) because of its simplicity. This sim-
these algorithms is the fact that to obtain a simulated plicity is induced by the transformation of the facies
field or realization, a value (category) is assigned to categories to a single continuous variable and imposes
each cell according to a probability distribution func- (1) continuous facies ordering, (2) dependence on the

Falivene et al. 1011

each facies into a new variable, and the value of each
variable corresponds to the probability of finding the
related facies at a given position. Where hard data exist,
the value of the variable corresponding to the facies
present is set to 1, whereas the values of the other var-
iables are set to zero. The transformed outcrop char-
acterization and hard data were used to estimate in-
dicator variograms for each facies (Figure 6). Some
variograms (Cc and Ht-M) did not reach the standard
deviation of the variables because of the presence of
areal trends (Figure 6) (Kupfersberger and Deutsch,
1999; Gringarten and Deutsch, 2001), as observed in
the variograms used for TGS. This trend effect was
accounted for using nested variogram structures for
each indicator variogram, one of them with a very large
range. A simulated field was built, which was condi-
tioned by hard data and the theoretical variograms. In
this case, and differing from TGS, the PDF involves
kriging of new variable category. As in the case of TGS,
and to assure that the simulated facies distribution re-
produces the variograms, the simulation grid extended
well beyond the limits of the area of interest, with the
hard data located in the center. In this case, the di-
mensions of the larger grid were set to at least 20 times
the variogram range in each direction. The final simu-
Figure 5. Variograms for the transformed Gaussian variable. lated facies distribution was obtained by cropping the
Black dots correspond to the experimental variogram derived area of interest; it reproduced the original variograms
from the log data, the dashed curve to the experimental vario-
and the targeted facies proportions.
gram derived from outcrop data, and the continuous curve to
the theoretical model fitted:
Multiple-Point Geostatistics
g(h) ¼ 0:82  Exp (Rh ¼ 120 m, Rv ¼ 0:6 m)
This is a recently developed algorithm (Caers, 2001;
þ 0:18  Exp (Rh ¼ 1000 m, Rv ¼ 5 m)
Note that only the experimental vertical variogram can be ap- Strebelle, 2002; Caers and Zhang, 2004; Liu et al.,
proximated when using the hard data. Rh and Rv stand for 2004), which is not yet widely available in standard
horizontal and vertical variograms, respectively. industry reservoir modeling packages (Figure 8c, d).
We used the Snesim code, introduced in Strebelle
(2002). At each grid node, the PDF is now obtained
procedure used to assign values to the categories be- by considering hard data, previously simulated nodes,
tween thresholds (W. Xu and A. G. Journel, 1993, per- and training images. A training image is a template
sonal communication), and (3) use of only one vario- from which to find spatial configurations of facies re-
gram model to characterize the spatial variability. Facies sembling the one around the node to be simulated.
ordering is not a prerequisite when using SIS and MPG From each of the spatial configurations found in the
because these are not based on transforming facies cat- training image (which resembles the one around the
egories into a continuous variable. node to be simulated), the facies of the corresponding
homologous node is recorded. Facies records are used
Sequential Indicator Simulation to construct the PDF corresponding to the node to be
The code provided in GSLIB (Deutsch and Journel, simulated. Multiple-point geostatistics should repre-
1998) was used to generate SIS realizations (Figure 8b). sent an improvement with respect to the classical
Sequential indicator simulation is based on the indi- variogram-based geostatistical methods (i.e., TGS and
cator approach (Journel, 1983; Gomez-Hernandez and SIS) because it characterizes the spatial structure by
Srivastava, 1990). When dealing with categorical vari- considering more than two data points each time (it
ables like facies, the indicator approach transforms searches for spatial configurations, whereas variograms

1012 Geohorizons
Figure 6. Variograms for the indicator variables. Black dots correspond to the experimental variograms derived from the log
data, dashed curves to the experimental variograms derived from outcrop data, and continuous curves to the theoretical variogram
models fitted:
g (h) Cc facies ¼ 0:04  Exp (Rh ¼ 112 m, Rv ¼ 0:75 m) þ 0:025  Exp (Rh ¼ 500 m, Rv ¼ 2:5 m)
g (h) Ss facies ¼ 0:23  Exp (Rh ¼ 115 m, Rv ¼ 0:46 m)
g (h) Ht-M facies ¼ 0:16  Exp (Rh ¼ 112 m, Rv ¼ 0:46 m) þ 0:05  Exp (Rh ¼ 400 m, Rv ¼ 0:5 m)
Note that only the experimental vertical variograms can be approximated when using the hard data. Rh and Rv stand for horizontal and
vertical variograms, respectively.

only account for measures between pairs of points), ent degrees of Ht-M bed undulations (low and high
enabling the reproduction of more complex patterns. degree [see below]; Figure 7a, b). Because the modeled
The training image represents a conceptual image elements are, in many cases, longer than the modeling
of the heterogeneity to be reproduced. Although it grid, a training image four times the modeling grid
could be drawn by a geologist or directly input from an width was used to assure the reproduction of large-
outcrop characterization, training images have been scale correlations (Caers and Zhang, 2004). Training
generally derived from object-based realizations (e.g., images derived directly from the outcrop characteriza-
Strebelle, 2002; Caers and Zhang, 2004). In our model- tion could not be used because their width was insuf-
ing, we used training images extracted from advanced ficient to assure reproduction of large-scale correlation
object-based unconditioned realizations with differ- patterns.

Falivene et al. 1013

Figure 7. Training images used in multiple-point geostatistics. Both correspond to unconditioned realizations derived from an
advanced object-based method with a low degree of undulations for Ht-M beds (a) and with a high degree of undulations (b). Note
the change of scale with respect to Figures 4c, d, and 8.

Object-Based Methods Ellipsim

This method only handles elliptical objects with con-
The general modeling operation with object-based meth- stant orientation of their main axes, and it is not capa-
ods consists of the introduction of objects replacing ble of conditioning to hard data (Deutsch and Journel,
a background, which commonly represents the most 1998) (Figure 8e). It can only introduce objects of a
laterally extensive facies. The introduced objects can single facies in each run, so the modeling was split into
have different geometries and dimensions, reproduc- three steps: (1) modeling of Ht-M facies in a back-
ing the variability of elements in the depositional model ground of Ss facies; (2) modeling of Cc facies in a
(e.g., Haldorsen and Chang, 1986; Clementsen et al., background of Ss facies; and (3) merging of the two re-
1990; Tyler et al., 1994; Deutsch and Wang, 1996; alizations into a single one. The criteria used for merg-
Deutsch and Tran, 2002). The objects are discretized ing is that the Cc facies replaces Ht-M facies. Ellipses
according to the grid geometry; thus, each object may were considered to have their long axis parallel to the
span several cells. Objects are introduced until a set horizontal grid axis, which is parallel to bedding.
of conditions is met. Among these, facies propor- Dimensions and proportions for the ellipses were de-
tions are generally considered to be the most criti- rived from the outcrop characterization (Table 1).
cal. In addition, conditioning to hard data is frequently
achieved through the implementation of iterative pro-
cedures. Object-based methods allow the reproduc- Advanced Object-Based Algorithm
tion of more sharply bounded elements than pixel- Here, we refer to the facies:composite module in the
based ones. RMS package, which contains an algorithm to repro-
Among the many available object-based algorithms, duce complex geometries (Figure 8f– h) (Lia et al.,
we have used two different ones with different mod- 1997). In addition to the basic setups for object-based
eling capacity. In both algorithms, a background of Ss facies modeling (different shapes, dimensions, and cor-
was used because it is the most laterally extensive facies relation factors between dimensions), simulated Gaus-
into which objects of the Cc and Ht-M facies were sian fields can be used to introduce undulations of
introduced. In addition, outcrop observations indicate the object center plane and to add roughness to the top
that Cc beds have a lenticular shape and Ht-M beds are and base of each object, yielding a more realistic object
commonly planar and undulated, and it is much easier shape geometry. The simulation algorithm allowed con-
to model these geometries if Cc and Ht-M are modeled ditioning to hard data, which is achieved via an iter-
as objects placed into a background of Ss facies. ative routine based on simulated annealing.

1014 Geohorizons
Table 1. Dimensions and Proportions of the Ellipses Used in Ellipsim*

Facies Proportion Horizontal Radius Vertical Radius

Ht-M** 30 + 2% 225 m 0.16 m

Type 1 5% 25 m 0.23 m
f Type 2
Type 3
f 5%
*Deutsch and Journel (1998).
**Ht-M proportions were increased to account for the erosion after merging with Cc facies.
Three types of different Cc geometries were considered.

The basic shape for the Cc elements was set up as nectivity of the Ss facies in the horizontal and vertical
ellipses, aimed at reproducing their general lenticular ex- directions considering only face connections, both for
ternal geometry. In addition, the center plane and rough- the outcrop and the models. Each connectivity curve
ness were set up to mimic the more detailed concave- derived from a facies modeling method is the average
convex nature of the erosive bounding surfaces observed of the connectivity curves measured from 10 realiza-
in the outcrop. In the case of the Ht-M elements, rect- tions, which was required to avoid ergodic fluctuations
angles were used as the basic shape. Ht-M center plane (Figure 9).
undulations were not directly extracted from the out-
crop characterization; these are difficult to derive from
outcrop data and traditionally have not been consid- Results
ered for facies modeling. However, in our case, we con-
sidered it useful to compare different degrees of un- The vertical connectivity measured from the outcrop
dulations, aimed at reflecting the overall erosive and decreases to zero at 6-m (20-ft) separation (Figure 9a),
depositional geometry of these elements: low (Figure 8f), which is a relatively high value considering that the
medium (Figure 8g), and high degree (Figure 8h). mean Ss bed thickness is less than 1 m (3 ft), and that
Roughness was set at low values because small-scale the most apparent bedding architecture is layered.
erosive features are generally absent. Object dimensions This relatively high value is caused by local amalgam-
were also derived from the outcrop characterization. ation of Ss beds. The horizontal connectivity mea-
sured from the outcrop shows a smoother decreasing
slope toward values of 52% at 500-m (0.3-mi) sepa-
ration (Figure 9b). Factors responsible for horizontal
STATIC CONNECTIVITY disconnection are bedding geometries displaying un-
dulations and intersections of Ht-M beds. Connectivity
Static connectivity is generally used to estimate drain- curves obtained from facies distribution models, either
able volumes (King, 1990; Mijnessen, 1997; Larue and horizontal or vertical, are always higher than those mea-
Legarre, 2004), and several definitions exist (e.g., sured from the outcrop characterization (Figure 9).
Deutsch, 1998; Pardo-Igúzquiza and Dowd, 2003; The largest differences in connectivity between
Jackson et al., 2005; Knudby and Carrera, 2005). We outcrop and models correspond to TGS. Sequential
have used measures of this parameter to compare the indicator simulation also yields large differences. In the
outcrop and the facies distribution models. More spe- vertical direction, differences at 10-m (33-ft) separa-
cifically, we adopted the connectivity definition given tion reach up to 79 percentage points for connectivity
by Pardo-Igúzquiza and Dowd (2003) because it is predicted by models built using TGS and 55 percent-
more sensitive to facies distribution variation than age points for connectivity predicted by models built
others. In this definition, two cells of the same facies are using SIS (Figure 9a). These large differences are re-
connected if a continuous path of cells with the same lated to the presence of undulating Ht-M beds in the
facies exists, this path can be relatively straightfor- outcrop. These beds are not seen as laterally continu-
ward or tortuous. Then, connectivity is defined as the ous by the standard sampling methods used to derive
percentage of pairs of connected cells for a particular the experimental horizontal variograms; this has the
facies, direction, and separation. We measured the con- effect of underestimating horizontal variogram ranges.

Falivene et al. 1015

Figure 8. Example realizations for each of the facies modeling algorithms compared.

1016 Geohorizons
Figure 9. Sandstone facies connectivity curves derived from the outcrop and the stochastic methods compared. Each curve for the
stochastic methods corresponds to the average of 10 realizations.

Underestimated horizontal variogram ranges may re- used for TGS and SIS fails in both cases to reproduce
sult in the reproduction of unrealistically narrow Ht-M undulating Ht-M beds because the dip of the variogram
beds and, thus, vertically overconnected Ss beds. is constant along the simulation grid. Another factor
In the horizontal direction, differences at 500-m causing increased connectivity in TGS and SIS models
(0.3-mi) separation reach up to 31 percentage points is the tendency of the algorithm to produce small-scale
for connectivity predicted by models built using TGS noise (Journel and Deutsch, 1993; Strebelle, 2002). The
and 27 percentage points for connectivity predicted by problem with constant variogram dip might be ap-
models built using SIS (Figure 9b). This significant over- proached by introducing a variable variogram dip, as
estimation derives in part from the fact that the code has been shown by Xu (1996).

Falivene et al. 1017

In contrast to TGS and SIS, MPG models tend to tained from the other algorithms, and the differences
yield connectivity curves closer to those obtained from decrease as undulation of Ht-M beds increases from
the outcrop. In vertical direction and at a separation of low to high. The differences at 500-m (0.3-mi) separa-
10 m (33 ft), differences between connectivity mea- tion are 20, 19, and 11 percentage points for the low,
sured at the outcrop characterization and connectiv- medium, and high degree of undulation, respectively
ity predicted by models built using MPG reach up (Figure 9d).
to 64 percentage points for a training image with low
Ht-M bed undulations and to 53 percentage points
for a training image with high undulations (Figure 9a). EFFECTIVE PERMEABILITY
In the horizontal direction and at a separation of 500 m
(0.3 mi), differences between the connectivity mea- The effective permeability is the permeability of a ho-
sured in the outcrop and the connectivity predicted mogeneous coarse cell, which gives rise to the same
by models built using MPG are 26 percentage points flow as a heterogeneous fine-scale model, when the
for a training image with low Ht-M bed undulations same pressure gradient is applied (Christie, 1996; Renard
and 24 percentage points for a training image with and de Marsily, 1997). The calculation of effective per-
high undulations (Figure 9b). The general improve- meability is commonly referred as upscaling and is
ment of the connectivity predictions by models built generally aimed at lowering the number of cells in a
using MPG (compared to predictions by models using model and, thus, reducing computing time for full-
SIS and TGS) is obviously related to the fact that MPG field reservoir-flow simulation. Effective permeability
captures the spatial facies distribution from multiple- is strongly dependent on facies distribution and was used
point observations, instead of from a simple two-point as a response to compare outcrop and facies models.
variogram. However, connectivity values are still far The permeability and porosity of rocks in the out-
from the outcrop. The facies models obtained with the crop may be very different from those properties in
training image incorporating a high degree of undu- actual reservoirs (Schuppers, 1993; Schuppers, 1995).
lations for Ht-M beds gave connectivities that were To produce realistic results, typical reservoir values
closer to those measured in the outcrop than the models for the different lithologies were used for the base
constructed using a training image with a low degree of case: 1000 md for facies Ss and 1 md for facies Cc and
undulation. This reveals that MPG is sensitive to the facies Ht-M (e.g., Slatt and Weimer, 1999; Slatt et al.,
presence of undulations in the training images. 2000; Stephen et al., 2001; Larue, 2004). Lower per-
In general, object-based models reproduce con- meability values for the Ht-M facies were also con-
nectivities that better fit the outcrop connectivity sidered (e.g., Dewhurst et al., 1999; Larue, 2004). For
(Figure 9c, d). The Ellipsim models present a rea- the sake of simplicity, isotropic and uniform perme-
sonably good match to the outcrop connectivity in the ability values for each facies were used.
vertical direction (differences at 10-m [33-ft] separa- Eight scale-up factors were considered (i.e., eight
tion are reduced to only 6 percentage points, Figure 9c). different sizes for coarse grid cells). Starting from the
However, differences in connectivity in the horizontal cell size of the original outcrop and facies models,
direction are much larger (differences at 500-m [0.3-mi] each successive coarser grid doubled the dimensions
separation reach up to 41 percentage points, Figure 9d). of the cells in both the horizontal and vertical direc-
The differences in horizontal connectivity are, as in the tions and, thus, reduced the total number of cells by a
case of TGS and SIS, caused by the fact that the algo- factor of 4. Effective permeabilities were calculated for
rithm does not reproduce the undulations of Ht-M each scale-up factor using the diagonal tensor single-
beds. phase upscaling algorithm implemented in the RMS
In the vertical direction and at 10-m (33-ft) sepa- package, which is based on King and Mansfield (1999).
ration, differences in the connectivity predicted by the For each scale-up factor, the mean effective perme-
advanced object-based modeling algorithm are be- ability was obtained by arithmetically averaging the
tween 7 and 19 percentage points depending on the corresponding effective permeability values found in all
degree of undulation used for Ht-M beds (Figure 9c). the grid cells. For each facies modeling method, the
These differences are similar to the ones measured for average results from 10 realizations were, in turn, aver-
the Ellipsim models. However, the horizontal connec- aged to avoid ergodic fluctuations.
tivity from advanced object-based modeling is much Because of the irregular shape of the gridded out-
closer to outcrop connectivity than the predictions ob- crop (Figure 4c), upscaling from the characterization

1018 Geohorizons
Figure 10. (a) Completed outcrop characterization to reach rectangular boundaries. The black line encircles the original charac-
terization. (b) Vertical and horizontal connectivity match of the completed rectangular characterization (dashed lines) to the original
one (solid lines).

should be restricted to a more regular area in the out- nal gridded outcrop characterization (Figure 10b). The
crop, reducing the number of coarse cells available for added portion represents one-third of the total area of
calculation and giving rise to a biased mean effective the extended outcrop.
permeability (too high), measured just from the central
and lower part of the outcrop, where amalgamated Results
beds of the Ss facies dominate. These problems were
resolved by the interpretive extrapolation of facies into The comparison between the extended outcrop char-
the void cells beyond the irregular boundaries of the acterization and models in terms of effective perme-
C2 interval to complete a rectangular grid coincident ability was conducted by examining normalized mean
with the modeling grid (Figure 10a). The irregular effective permeability. This parameter is defined as the
boundaries of the interval are partly caused by the percentage ratio between upscaled mean effective per-
outcrop discontinuity and partly by onlap and trunca- meability, measured for each scale-up factor, and non-
tion relationships with other architectural intervals upscaled mean effective permeability. It is not affected
(Figure 4a). Beds of the different facies were extended by small differences in Ss percentage and corresponds
from the gridded outcrop across the boundaries, with to the effective permeability decrease in percent, as the
trends overall parallel to bedding, and mimicking bed- scale-up factor increases. Effective normalized perme-
ding geometries observed in the outcrop. Facies pro- ability was evaluated in vertical (Kveff) and horizontal
portions and connectivity were kept equal to the origi- (Kheff) directions (Figure 11a –d).

Falivene et al. 1019

Figure 11. Normalized mean effective permeability along the vertical (Kveff) and the horizontal direction (Kheff). Apart from the
original outcrop and facies models scale (denoted as O and M scale), eight scale-up factors were used (denoted as Coarse 2  2, Coarse
4  4, etc.), cell sizes for each scale are shown in brackets. Each curve for the stochastic modeling methods corresponds to the average of
10 realizations. Line styles are the same as in Figure 9. Note the different scales used for the vertical axis of Kveff and Kheff.

1020 Geohorizons
Both pixel-based and object-based modeling meth- is not perfectly layered (Figure 11b, d). The differ-
ods provide higher normalized mean effective perme- ences in Kheff between the outcrop and the facies
ability than the extended outcrop (except TGS and Kveff models increase with the scale-up factor. The best fits
from SIS). Most differences are comprised between 1 are achieved by the algorithms capable of reproduc-
and 5 percentage points in Kheff and 1 and 10 percent- ing Ht-M beds that deviate from the mean layering
age points in Kveff. Although these differences are direction (Figures 11d, 12), i.e., the advanced object-
small, they are enough to rank the different methods. based modeling method with a high degree of undula-
The TGS and SIS modeling methods provide the poorest tions for Ht-M beds.
reproductions of outcrop heterogeneity in terms of ef-
fective permeabilities (Figure 12). Sensitivity of Kheff Permeability to Ht-M Permeability
The maximum differences in Kveff are located at
intermediate scale-up factors (Coarse 4  4 to Coarse Being aware that Ht-M beds may present substan-
16  16, Figure 11a, c). These differences decrease tial differences in permeability in subsurface settings
toward the largest scale-up factors because Kveff (Haldorsen and Lake, 1984; Dewhurst et al., 1999;
from facies models and the outcrop both decrease Larue, 2004), we tested the sensitivity of effective per-
toward the harmonic average of the original perme- meability to variations of Ht-M permeability. This anal-
ability values (2–4 md) as expected for layered systems ysis was restricted to Kheff because Kveff tends to the
(Figure 11a, c). harmonic average when the scale-up factor increases,
Regarding Kheff, values obtained from the upscaled independently of the applied modeling method. Only
outcrop deviate from the arithmetic average perme- MPG, Ellipsim, and the advanced object-based method
ability calculated from the gridded outcrop (which were considered because these are the methods yield-
correspond to 100% in terms of normalized mean ef- ing the best predictions of Kveff.
fective permeability), demonstrating that the system The sensitivity analysis was conducted for the fifth
scale-up factor (Coarse 32  32). At this scale, cells are
80 m (262 ft) long and 1.6 m (5.2 ft) thick, well in the
ranges of typical geological and simulation cell sizes.
We foresee that the resulting tendencies will be simi-
lar for other scale-up factors. The considered perme-
ability scenarios for Ht-M beds ranged between 1 and
10  5 md (which means that Ss/Ht-M permeability
ratios are between 103 and 108). Permeability assign-
ment for other facies was kept the same as in the base
Results show that the difference between outcrop
and models is strongly dependent on Ht-M perme-
ability values assigned at the outset. In the lowest Ht-
M permeability scenario, differences reach up to two
times the base case differences (Figure 13).


The Eclipse simulator was used to predict two-phase

flow results for the outcrop and facies models; pre-
dictions of recovery efficiency and water saturation
distributions were used to compare the outcrop and
Figure 12. Differences in the normalized mean effective per- facies models (Figures 14, 15). Horizontal water flood-
meability for each modeling method with respect to the outcrop- ing was chosen because it is a common driving mecha-
derived results. To obtain a single representative value, all the nism for producing subsurface turbidite reservoirs.
absolute differences for the scale-up factors considered were Two-phase flow simulations were conducted on
averaged. the finely gridded extended outcrop characterization

Falivene et al. 1021

jected to waterflood simulation, which was again in-
tended to make computing times reasonable. This layer
was selected because it corresponds to the best exposed
and characterized area.


For the highest Ht-M permeability scenario (1 md),

which corresponds to a low Ss/Ht-M permeability
ratio (103), all the simulations conducted on the fa-
cies models predict recovery efficiencies similar to
the outcrop; differences are less than 1 percentage
point (Figure 14a). This means that the relatively
thin-bedded character of Ht-M beds and their relative
high permeability makes them act as baffles instead
of barriers (Figure 15a, c, e, g). In this case, recovery
Figure 13. Evolution of normalized mean effective perme- efficiency is independent of the stochastic modeling
ability measured along the horizontal direction for different Ht-M
method used.
permeability scenarios. Results correspond to Coarse 32  32
When the Ht-M permeability decreases toward
scale-up factor (see Figure 11). Each curve for the facies mod-
eling methods corresponds to the average of 10 realizations. the lowest values (10  5 md), which corresponds to
Line styles are the same as in Figure 9. very high Ss/Ht-M permeability ratio (108), the simu-
lations conducted on the facies models predict recov-
ery efficiencies differing from the outcrop by as much
and on the finely gridded facies models obtained from as 13 percentage points. The facies model that pre-
Ellipsim and the advanced object-based algorithm. sents recovery efficiency closest to the outcrop values
Facies models derived from TGS, SIS, and MPG were is the one built with the advanced object-based algo-
discarded for two-phase flow simulation because of rithm with highly undulating Ht-M beds (difference is
their limited performance in the previously compared less than 4 percentage points, Figure 14b). The high
responses. Because of computing time restrictions, only sensitivity of the predicted recovery efficiencies to the
one realization was simulated from each facies model- presence of undulating and intersecting Ht-M beds is
ing method. Therefore, the uncertainty range linked to now caused by their very low assigned permeability,
ergodic fluctuations of each stochastic facies modeling which makes them act as effective barriers for oil and
method could not be statistically averaged. To choose a water displacement, capable of completely isolating Ss
representative realization, one-phase streamline-based beds, although Ht-M beds are thin (Figure 15b, d, f, h).
flow simulation was previously conducted on all the Recovery efficiencies simulated from the outcrop
realization sets. and facies models decrease with permeability as ex-
Once again, the permeability of Ht-M facies varied pected. These changes are not linear and occur mostly
between 10  5 and 1 md. The porosity was 25% for in the Ht-M permeability range of 10  2 –10  4 md
Ss and 1% for the Cc and Ht-M facies. Relative per- (Figure 14c).
meability curves were derived using typical Corey-type
functions (for formulations, see Pickup et al., 2000).
The Corey exponent was set to 3. The initial oil sat- SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION
uration was 0.895 for Ss facies and 0.4 for Ht-M and
Cc facies. Residual oil saturation was 0.3 for all facies. Summary
Oil and water viscosity was 1 cp, simulating a highly
favorable displacement. Other oil and rock properties The results show that there are differences between
and pressures were set to common reservoir values. the responses measured from the outcrop and facies
An injector was located on the left edge of the models. These differences occur despite the presence
extended gridded outcrop and the facies models, and a of closely spaced hard data, which would not normally
producer was located on the right. Only the central be available for a real reservoir. Differences are inter-
layer of the outcrop (12.8 m [42 ft] thick) was sub- preted as algorithm related, instead of caused by soft

1022 Geohorizons
data or stochastic realizations because most soft data
used for the facies modeling (except for Ht-M bed
undulations) were directly extracted from the outcrop,
and ergodic fluctuations were averaged. Although the
differences between responses measured from the out-
crop and responses related to facies models are a small
percentage (in some cases, less than 1 percentage point),
they are sufficient to provide a ranking of how well
the modeling algorithms reproduce the outcrop. This
ranking is fairly consistent, independent of both the re-
sponse measured and the permeability scenario consid-
ered (where applicable), which reinforces the algorithm-
related origin of the measured differences.
The responses produced by models built with ad-
vanced object-based algorithms are the closest to the
outcrop responses. Among these, best fits are for mod-
els built by introducing a high degree of undulation
for Ht-M beds and when the response is measured in
the horizontal direction (horizontal connectivity, hori-
zontal effective permeability, and horizontal water
flooding). Ellipsim models yield very small differences
for responses measured in the vertical direction (ver-
tical connectivity and vertical effective permeability),
with values similar to those of responses related to
advanced object-based models. However, Ellipsim mod-
els show the largest differences for responses mea-
sured in the horizontal direction, even compared to
results related to pixel-based algorithms. Responses
related to models built with MPG provide intermedi-
ate differences from the outcrop responses, which de-
crease slightly when the training image used accounts
for Ht-M beds with a high degree of undulation. Fol-
lowing in the rank are SIS models, with responses de-
parting slightly from MPG responses, and TGS models,
which give the largest differences from the outcrop.
Although different permeability scenarios were
considered for the comparison of dynamic responses
(effective permeability and water flooding), they did

Figure 14. (a) Recovery efficiency versus pore volumes

injected considering a 1-md permeability for Ht-M beds; note
that differences between the different modeling methods and
the outcrop are not significant. (b) Recovery efficiency versus
pore volumes injected considering a 10  5-md permeability for
Ht-M beds. (c) Recovery efficiency at 0.6 pore volumes injected
for different scenarios of Ht-M permeability beds. Both the
outcrop and the models are at breakthrough and producing
more than 95% water, and thus, the recovery efficiency at this
point is very close to the total recovery efficiency; frames (a)
and (b) represent extreme situations in this plot.

Falivene et al. 1023

Figure 15. Water satu-
ration at 0.33 pore vol-
ume injected for two
permeability scenarios
of the outcrop and ex-
ample realizations. Note
the change of vertical
scale with respect to
Figures 4c, 8, and 10a.

not alter the ordering of the methods but did alter the largely on its origin. If the fine-grained fraction was
magnitude of the differences in the responses mea- deposited from low-density turbidity currents, it
sured. These differences increase as Ht-M permeability would show relatively high permeability. Conversely,
decreases. pelagic settling would give rise to the lowest perme-
ability because of the lowest mean grain size, lowest
porosity, high preferred grain orientation, and the low-
Ht-M Permeability est degree of bioturbation (Ethridge, 2004). As the
percentage of shale originated by pelagic settling in-
Generally, the permeability of Ht-M beds in a sub- creases distally, Ht-M permeability will be influenced
surface setting will be influenced by the permeability by their proximal or distal position in the turbidite
of the fine-grained fraction. This will, in turn, depend system, with the lowest permeability values occurring

1024 Geohorizons
in distal settings. Detailed attention should be paid to realistic facies modeling of this outcrop. However, it is
the measurement of Ht-M permeability in reservoir important to bear in mind their major drawbacks:
successions, to establish whether the use of advanced
object-based algorithms, capturing Ht-M undulations, 1. Object-based methods generally are not conditioned
is needed to predict effective permeability and water- to hard data by construction and require iterative
flooding results, or whether simpler algorithms are procedures to be conditioned. This contrasts with
sufficient. pixel-based methods, which are conditioned sequen-
tially during the modeling. The use of iterative pro-
cedures to achieve conditioning renders object-based
Ht-M Modeling and Undulations Origin methods considerably slower, especially when a high
number of conditioning data are used, and the objects
Several classical studies have addressed the importance to be placed are large compared with data spacing.
of considering the presence of shales to upscale and Moreover, if the input parameters provide too many
simulate sandstone-dominated reservoirs (Haldorsen constraints so that the algorithm does not converge,
and Lake, 1984; Begg and King, 1985; Haldorsen and artifacts may be produced, with nonrealistic discon-
Chang, 1986; Desbarats, 1987; Thomas, 1990). The tinuities near hard data. This effect can be observed
facies models in these studies used planar and perfectly in the realizations obtained with the advanced object-
horizontal shale beds. Recently, some authors working based modeling algorithm using different degrees of
in deltaic deposits have shown that although shale beds undulation for Ht-M beds (Figure 8f–h). Abrupt
should be included in the facies model, the shale- lateral facies changes near hard data are most abun-
modeling parameters are not critical to obtaining re- dant in the realizations considering a high degree of
alistic models if the shale continuity is not sufficient undulations for Ht-M beds. Tests using the advanced
to compartmentalize the reservoir (Novakovic et al., object-based algorithm without conditioning to hard
2002; Li and White, 2003). However, other authors data were also conducted to compare measured re-
have noticed that differences in sweep efficiency by sponses from conditioned realizations with responses
water flooding can be significant when shales have in- from nonconditioned realizations. The measured re-
clined geometries with respect to the draining front, sponses (see horizontal connectivity in Figure 16)
intersect with other shales, and spread over large areas did not change significantly, and the obtained rank-
(Jackson and Muggeridge, 2000; Willis and White, ings remained the same, indicating that the artifacts
2000; Larue, 2004). observed in the conditioned realizations (Figure 8f–h)
The Quarry outcrop corresponds to a turbidite did not significantly affect the measured responses
channel fill, with Ht-M beds displaying large-scale and the validity of the comparison.
continuity, compared to the above-cited deltaic exam- 2. Advanced object-based methods also need a large
ples. Because of the presence of a fine-grained fraction number of parameters to obtain reliable reproduc-
in the Ht-M beds, these should not be considered dif- tions of heterogeneity.
ferent in terms of heterogeneity from the shales in the
above examples. In the outcrop studied, realism of the The predictions obtained by MPG were not as
facies model largely depends on the possibility of re- good as the ones obtained by object-based methods
producing undulations in the Ht-M beds. with highly undulating shales because of difficulties in
The Ht-M undulations and crosscutting relation- reproducing large-scale continuous structures (Liu et al.,
ships, causing sandstone thinning and dead ends that 2004). However, future implementations of the MPG
can be observed in the outcrop, are caused by the sedi- method cannot be discarded for modeling this deposi-
mentological processes of (1) scouring by bypassing tional setting because of its ability to generate realistic
turbidity currents or construction of subtle reliefs by conditioned realizations when data density is high.
depositional pinch-outs of Ss beds and (2) subsequent
draping by finer grained sediments, which were de-
posited from low-density turbidity currents and pelagic Limitations
As pointed out by the comparisons made, object- Although the comparison of the models was in 2-D
based methods that are capable of introducing highly (limited by the 2-D nature of the outcrop) and reality
undulating Ht-M beds are the best approaches for is three-dimensional (3-D), we are of the opinion that

Falivene et al. 1025

here. At present, most facies modeling exercises based
on outcrops are restricted to 2-D because of the shortage
of 3-D data on an appropriate scale, but this may change
as new technologies (LIDAR [light detection and
ranging] and GPR [ground penetrating radar]) be-
come more widely used to obtain deterministic images
of outcrop exposures.


1. The differences observed between outcrop and fa-

cies models responses are algorithm related instead
of soft data related or stochastic related.
2. Variogram-based methods (TGS and SIS) fail to
capture the whole length of heterolithic packages
and mudstone (Ht-M) beds when they are undu-
lating and also fail to reproduce the undulations in
facies models. The MPG models are able to capture
and reproduce more continuous and undulating Ht-M
beds, but not accurately enough to reproduce the
outcrop heterogeneity in terms of the measured
responses. Object-based modeling methods that do
not account for undulations in Ht-M beds produce
Figure 16. Comparison of Ss facies horizontal connectivity
too continuous sandstone (Ss) beds, leading to over-
curves derived from: the original outcrop characterization, the
estimations of the measured responses in the hori-
completed outcrop characterization, and the conditioned and
unconditioned advanced object-based models using different zontal direction. Object-based methods introducing
degrees of undulation for Ht-M beds. Each curve for the sto- Ht-M beds with a high degree of undulations are
chastic methods corresponds to the average of 10 realizations. revealed to be the ones that provide more realistic
3. In advanced object-based facies models, the pres-
some valid lessons can be learned from this study. ence of Ht-M beds with a high degree of undulations
Values for connectivity, effective permeability, and is able to reproduce the sedimentological character-
recovery efficiency will probably increase from 2-D to istics observed in the outcrop (scouring, depositional
3-D (e.g., Desbarats, 1987), but the 2-D results con- pinch-outs, and draping), which are critical in con-
tain value in that they give at least a qualitative un- trolling the continuity of sandstone beds and repro-
derstanding of some of the modeling issues. ducing the heterogeneity observed.
The lateral variation seen at the Quarry outcrop 4. Differences found in effective permeability and wa-
would be mostly related to variations perpendicular to ter flooding are greatly increased when the perme-
paleocurrent direction because the outcrop deposi- ability of Ht-M beds is reduced; in reservoir settings,
tional setting is effectively 2.5-dimensional. Howev- this permeability may vary by several orders of mag-
er, because of the obliquity of the outcrop face to the nitude. In the case of water flooding, if the Ht-M
paleocurrent direction, the presence of some variations permeability is sufficiently high (greater than 10  4
parallel to paleocurrent direction cannot be discarded. of the Ss permeability), no significant differences are
This suggests one important conclusion of the model- found between the facies models and the outcrop.
ing and flow-simulation study: that Ht-M undulations However, for low Ht-M permeability (from 10  4 to
and crosscutting relationships have to be captured in 10  8 of the Ss permeability), differences can reach
the modeling process if the flow behavior of the out- up to 13 percentage points of recovery efficiency.
crop is to be accurately simulated, and that this is as 5. Bed-scale geometries may have a large influence on
likely to apply to the 3-D as to the 2-D models used connectivity, effective permeability, and two-phase

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