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Development of global Safety synergies for Space Exploration regulations and

bridging with aviation standards

Conference Paper · September 2016


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1 author:

Aline Decadi
European Space Agency


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67th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Guadalajara, Mexico, 26-30 September 2016.
Copyright ©2016 by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF). All rights reserved.


Development of global Safety synergies for Space Exploration regulations and bridging with aviation

Aline Decadi

Dependability and Safety Assurance Section, Launchers Directorate, He Space Operations BV at European Space
Agency, 52 Rue Jacques Hillairet, Paris, France,

The transportation capabilities for human-rating Space Exploration missions are emerging. Safety is a major
argument on which the agencies commit to ensure to crew a safe journey and return to Earth. Secure the mission
success requires a regulated Safety assessment process. Space Safety regulations and standards already exist in
agencies and institutions, but they do not represent a common vision, committed and shared internationally. That’s
why the elaboration of a Safety standard for human-rating Space Exploration needs to benefit from existing Safety
standards approved worldwide. The standardized process for civil airborne systems is the world's most severe civil
aviation standard, and is enriched by decades of maturation and improvement. It is expandable to Space Exploration
in term of set of methods for conducting a safety assessment process. In this frame, it represents the common Safety
orientations to be targeted by the space agencies towards the incredible evolution of the concept of Safety for
mission success.
Keywords: Safety, ARP4761, NPR8705-2B, Space Exploration, Human Rating, Transportation, Mars, Aviation

1. Introduction international consensus as a first step for the elaboration

of a dedicated global safety standard applied to space
The architecture of the Mars exploration mission transportation capabilities.
pursues two objectives: one is minimizing the mass to
send beyond Low Earth orbit; the other one is ensuring The following chapters present:
the safety during each step of the mission (launch, • The evolutions of the Space Safety Standards to
journey, approach on Mars orbit, entry, descent and analyse the relevant procedures and requirements
landing, and return including take-off, ascent, extraction useful to mitigate the hazards inherent to human-
of orbit, journey, re-entry and landing). The challenge rating Space Exploration missions,
of this two-years duration mission is to bring the failure • The assessment of the synergies between the
probability down to an acceptable level, in particular for international civil airborne standards and the
the critical functions that have catastrophic failure existing Space Safety procedures,
conditions, leading to the loss of crew/ mission (LOC/ • The evaluation of the credibility of the civil
LOM). But at the same time, it should be done without Airborne standards to be expanded and adapted to
adding complexity to the overall design in a way that Space Exploration in terms of methods and criteria
the design is compromised (e.g. the systems have to be (quantitative and qualitative)
repairable by the crew). • The analysis of the other parameters to be
Finding an international consensus on how to define considered for reaching an international consensus
the adequate safety requirements and methods of for regulating Space Exploration.
assessment, and then reach the mission objectives is
crucial because the Space Exploration endeavour is 2. Applicable Space Safety procedures for Space
based on an international interest and collaboration. For Exploration
this reason, space safety rules defined through a
common long-term safety assessment process need to be The current International Space Safety Standards are
globally shared and standardized [1]. based on several ISO (International Organization for
Space exploration could benefit from the civil Standardization). They represent the basic space policy
airborne process - the most severe, mature standard standards funded in ISO 14300:
accepted worldwide - in order for the space agencies to • ISO 14600 that covers Space Systems Safety
reach an international consensus on a space exploration requirements Parts 1-3, incl. System safety, Launch
safety standard [1]. This paper intends to compare the Site Operations, and Flight Safety Systems,
safety implementation of these two aerospace processes, • ISO 17666 that addresses Space Systems Risks
and evaluate the synergies that can easily be extended Management,
from aviation to space exploration in order to reach an

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Copyright ©2016 by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF). All rights reserved.

• ISO 14624 Parts 1-7 that covers Space Systems associated with human spaceflight, and provide, to the
Safety and Compatibility of Materials. maximum practical extent, the capability to safely
recover the crew from hazardous situations [7]:
Also the United Nations Orbital Debris Coordination • Human-Rating Requirements for Space Systems,
Working Group has developed and adopted: NPR 8705-2B [3]: it defines the set of technical
• ISO 24113 The Space Debris Mitigation Principles requirements to be applied to its crewed space
and Management Procedures, and systems to reach the human-rating certification at
• ISO 27875 The re-entry Safety control for unmanned the end of the development. The key certification
spacecraft and launch vehicles upper Stages. elements to be compliant with are:
While the ISO standards are useful in establishing o The definition of reference missions for
international coordination, the problem is that they are certification,
voluntary. National laws and regulations may supersede o The incorporation of system capabilities to
them. In order for international space regulations and implement crew survival strategies for each
standards to have enforcement power, governments as phase of the reference missions,
well as voluntary standards bodies must support them. o The implementation of capabilities coming
In summary, the ultimate objective must be standards from the applicable technical requirements,
and regulations backed by international treaties that are o The utilization of safety and reliability analyses
fully agreed by all the nations involved in space to influence system development and design,
activities and implemented through national regulatory and decide on risk reduction measures such as
mechanisms. failure tolerance,
o The integration of the human into the system
There are indeed existing Space Safety Regulations and human error management,
and Standards by agencies and institutions. They have a o The verification, validation, and testing of
lot of similarities in terms of approach (e.g. they are critical systems performance,
based on Lessons Learnt and State of the Art best o The flight test program and test objectives,
practices in terms of knowledge, expertise and quality) o The system configuration management and
and process for elaborating a hazard analysis. But do related maintenance of the Human-Rating
they represent a common vision, committed and shared Certification.
globally by all of them? That’s the point. The need has • Technical Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA)
been identified, for the institutional stakeholders of Procedures for Safety and Mission Success for
space-faring countries, to jointly establish safety NASA Programs and Projects, NPR 8705-5A [4]:
consensus standards to become recommended PRA is a systematic and comprehensive
references for national regulations. In this frame, it methodology to evaluate risks associated with
seems interesting here to: every life-cycle aspect of a complex engineered
• List the Safety Regulations and Requirements technological entity (e.g., facility, spacecraft, or
applied by the main agencies and institutions in power plant) from concept definition, through
preparation of missions beyond Earth orbit, design, construction and operation, and up to
• Assess the evolutions of these Space Safety removal from service. In a quantitative risk
Regulations to better understand: assessment or a probabilistic risk assessment,
o What are the constraints inherent to live, travel consequences are expressed numerically (e.g., the
and work in deep space? number of people potentially hurt or killed) and
o Is it possible to partially mitigate these their likelihoods of occurrence are expressed as
constraints by using Safety processes and probabilities or frequencies (i.e., the number of
procedures coming from other standards (e.g. occurrences or the probability of occurrence per
aviation) that have already matured and unit time). The final result of a PRA is given in the
improved? form of a risk curve and the associated
Space transportation capabilities, such as crew • Probabilistic Risk Assessment Procedures Guide
transportation and operation capabilities defined in the for NASA Managers and Practitioners [5] is a
Global Exploration Roadmap (GER) [18], are driven by companion document of the NPR 8705-5A and
mission and safety requirements. NASA, as one of the provides further details on PRA methodology for
leaders in the Space Exploration endeavor, has aerospace applications.
elaborated NASA Procedural Requirements (NPRs) that
are key to produce human-rating space systems that These NPRs are useful to defend/ challenge design
accommodate human needs, effectively utilize human options in the frame of the decision-making process [3],
capabilities, control hazards, manage safety risk as they provide relevant data based on: examined design

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67th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Guadalajara, Mexico, 26-30 September 2016.
Copyright ©2016 by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF). All rights reserved.

alternatives, identified key uncertainties related to the It is the world's most severe civil aviation standard, and
design options (e.g. uncertainty in system performance, is enriched by millions of flight hours each year.
or in human performance, or in understanding These ARP standards are recognised by the both
phenomena), established confidence in the analyses and U.S. and European regulations, i.e.:
the resulting design, and identified focus areas for • U.S. FAA Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR),
testing. A good example of their application is for • European Joint Aviation Requirements (JAR), which
enhancing crew safety design techniques of the Orion have been replaced by European Aviation Safety
vehicle, in particular for establishing the survivability Agency (EASA) certification standards.
requirements [6]. They are also recognized worldwide by other
agencies like in China, Brazil, and South Korea.
There is no need to start from scratch to establish a
standardized safety regulation for Space Exploration, as
a safety assessment process already exists. Nevertheless,
the need is to evaluate its potential to be the most
credible and adapted procedure for global human-rating
missions. To do so, it is possible to benefit from an
existing global standardized process that has
demonstrated its efficiency through decades of
improvement and lessons learnt: this is the case for the
civil airborne standard in place.

3. Bridge between aircraft and spacecraft safety

assessment processes internationally

We are now going to focus on the global aviation Fig. 1. SAE ARP4761 and 4754A
standards, and in particular:
• Analyze American and European standards to FAA and EASA have elaborated consistent and
assess the similarities between each other, harmonised airworthiness standards that provide
• Then, assess their similarities with the NASA equivalent criteria for:
Space Safety procedures (presented in the previous • The certification specifications of equipment,
chapter), systems and installations for:
• Finally, start assessing their potential to be o Large Aeroplanes via two equivalent U.S. and
expanded to human-rating Space Exploration (as a European standards: FAR 25.1309 [12]/ EASA
first step in the elaboration of a standardized Space CS-25.1309 [13],
Safety Regulation). o Lighter Aeroplanes via two equivalent U.S. and
European standards: FAR 23 [14]/ EASA CS-23
3.1 Standardized Safety assessment process in aviation [15].
• The associated equivalent means of compliance:
The standardized safety process, applicable for the FAA Advisory Circulars (AC)/ EASA Acceptable
civil airborne systems, is composed by the following set Means of Compliance (AMC). In particular,
of standards (as shown in Fig. 1) called Aerospace AC 25.1309-1 [16]/ AMC 25.1309 [17] describes
Recommended Practices (ARP): acceptable means for showing compliance with the
• Guidelines and methods for conducting the Safety airworthiness requirements of §25.1309. This AC/
Assessment Process on Civil Airborne Systems and AMC is fundamental as it establishes the principle
Equipment, ARP4761 [8], that the more severe the hazard resulting from a
• Guidelines for development of Civil Aircraft and system or equipment failure, the less likely that
Systems, ARP4754A [9]. It is supported by two other failure must be. Failures that are catastrophic must
main aviation standards: be extremely improbable. First released in 1982,
o Design Assurance Guidance for Airborne AC 25.1309-1 (then AMC 25.1309 in 2003) has
Electronic Hardware, RTCA/DO-254 [10], been revised to embody increasing experience
o Design Assurance Guidance for Airborne through the development of airplanes, and to address
Electronic Software, RTCA/DO-178B/C [11]. the increasing integration and computerization of
aircraft functions.
This set of standards is the set of methods for
conducting safety assessment process used worldwide. In conclusion, the Standardized Safety Assessment
process for aviation has been matured through years,

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with a continuous harmonisation between American

regulations and European standards, and in turn Based on the identification of these critical
approved worldwide. AC 25.1309-1 describes the functions, we will compare the implementation of safety
acceptable means for showing compliance with the process in both aviation and space exploration fields,
airworthiness requirements FAR 25.1309. It recognizes and assess the similarities in terms of methodology,
Aerospace Recommended Practices ARP4754A and requirements, and criteria for evaluation of failure
ARP4761 as a global standardised process in the conditions. This comparison will be performed based on
aviation industry. This standardized aviation safety the following standards, requirements and guidelines:
process represents a relevant guideline for comparison • For Space: NASA NPR 8705-2B [3], NPR 8705-5A
with space safety process. [4] and PRA guideline [5],
• For Aviation: ARP4761 [8]/ ARP4754A [9] and AC
3.2 Comparison between aviation standards and space 25.1309 [16].
procedures/ guidelines regarding safety assessment
process 3.2.2 Common objectives for aviation and space
safety assessment
3.2.1 Functional mission failure conditions
Both Aviation standards and Space procedures/
The critical functions to be ensured within the range guidelines share major targets in terms of safety
of missions are similar between aviation and space assessment:
transportation capabilities [1]: • Define the set of mission requirements that ensure
• Transportation of the crew/ cargo including the requested level of mission safety,
collision avoidance, • Provide guidance in implementing fail-safe design,
• Environmental control and life support ensuring the with an emphasis on redundancy and monitoring,
crew survival, including eliminating common mode failures and
• Propulsion, which is vital to the safe operation at hazards (seen as the causes of the unsafe control),
any mission phase, • Implement the system safety assessment process on
• Communication, which is essential to be able to the critical functions that may have catastrophic
send orders that may have safety implications, such failure conditions,
as alarm and rescue, • Are based on safety rules coming from lessons learnt
• Power supply, which is a common mode of failure and recommendations from the past, e.g.:
conditions, o Aviation: millions of flight hours per year,
• Navigation, for the determination, at any time, of o Space: Apollo, ISS, space shuttle, exploration
the vehicle's position, velocity and attitude. missions (to come),
These critical functions are triggered through safety regarding different aspects such as design,
objectives that will be determined and fine-tuned via manufacturing, testing, instrumentation, review and
continuous trade-off taking into account many factors control. Most of them are used commonly within the
inherent to the mission scenario (as shown in Fig. 2). In global safety community as best practices. They are
this frame, the different specificities between civil particularly valuable for large and complex programs
airborne systems and space transportation systems, that require a certain codification of the lessons learnt.
which are intrinsic to their respective mission
architecture, will be considered, for example in terms of The implementation of the safety assessment
servicing (maintainability) and failures rate (reliability) process implies tools (e.g. analysis, methodology) and
[1]. criteria (to achieve certification) to cover all mission
phases from lift-off to re-entry, and also include the
launch preparation phases. Moreover, a combination of
quantitative (e.g. probabilistic) and qualitative (e.g.
failure tolerance or redundancy) technical safety and
mission requirements complement each other by
compensating for weaknesses in one or the other
analysis type [19].

3.2.3 Comparison of safety tools (e.g. analysis,

Fig. 2. Role of critical functions in Safety process While comparing aviation standards and space
(e.g. SAE ARP4761) exploration procedures, we can obtain the list of safety

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analyses and methodologies that combine existing and back to the system level is equivalent to the
techniques. System Safety Assessment (SSA) in ARP4761. It
In NASA NPR 8705-2B [3], aviation/ space aims to update the failure conditions list or FHA,
common approaches or tools for performance of this which includes rationales showing compliance with
activity include, but are not limited to: safety requirements (qualitative and quantitative).
• Traditional safety and reliability analysis techniques:
o Hazard Analysis (HA),
o Fault Tree Analysis (FTA),
o Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA),
o Damage Modes and Effects Analysis (DMEA),
o Critical Items Lists (CIL),
• Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA),
• Simulation modeling techniques (e.g. physics-based
simulations of the failure environments),
• Accident Precursor Analysis (APA).
The integration of design and safety analysis
consists in the active and iterative application of these
techniques, and in the use of the collective results from Fig. 3. FHA, PSSA and SSA
these analyses to inform design decisions. The
integrated analysis is done in a consistent manner Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and Failure Modes and
throughout the program and at the overall system level. Effects Analysis (FMEA): they are common methods in
This implies that techniques such as Hazard Analysis, both aviation and space.
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis, and Probabilistic Damage Modes and Effects Analysis (DMEA): it
Risk Analyses cannot be performed in isolation and that reveals damage modes and their domino effects to guide
such analyses should be internally consistent. The the design and operations ! it is equivalent to the
resulting assessments and rankings, along with Zonal Safety Analysis (ZSA) in ARP4761. This analysis
probabilistic safety requirements, serve to inform is usually supported by a Common Cause Analysis
decisions regarding safety enhancing measures such as (CCA), which is used to find and eliminate or mitigate
necessary failure tolerance levels, margins, abort common causes for multiple failures.
triggers, and crew survival capabilities. For Critical Items Lists (CIL): the Failure Mode
and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is performed to identify
The list of corresponding analysis and methods in the failure modes. As part of this process, critical failure
aviation standard ARP 4761 [8] is the following: modes that could lead to loss of life or loss of mission
For the Hazard Analyses (as shown in Fig. 3): are also identified. These critical failure modes are then
• The scenarios leading to the “loss of vehicle” are placed into a CIL, which is carefully examined for
assessed with estimates of their frequencies, and are programmatic control by implementing inspection
specified in terms of functional-level events ! this requirements, test requirements and/ or special design
list of dysfunctional scenarios with the assessment of features or changes, which would minimize the failure
their criticality is equivalent to the Functional modes occurrence [20] ! the control of these critical
Hazard Assessment (FHA) in the ARP4761. failure modes is monitored via a Particular Risk
• These scenarios, that involve several distinct system Analysis in ARP4761.
failures, may contain a very large number of such For Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA): this is a
combinations of failure conditions ! the list of scenario-based probabilistic risk analysis. Quite
failure conditions at system level associated to sub- generally, a scenario is prevented through prevention of
system level safety requirements is equivalent to the all of its MCSs, and each MCS is prevented through
Preliminary System Safety Assessment (PSSA) in prevention of any of its elements. The role of the PRA
the ARP4761, and the sub-system safety in the context is to quantify each risk/ MCS, by taking
requirements include DALs. into account the individual risks/ MCS that surface
• For each system failure occurring in a particular during the program/ project [5] ! this risk assessment
scenario, there may be many distinct combinations enables to define particular probabilistic safety
of component-level failures that yield that system requirements when quantitative risk assessment is
failure. These combinations are called “minimal cut deemed necessary (e.g. without sufficient experience
sets” (MCSs). The MCSs are one of the major based engineering data) and is equivalent to a Particular
outputs of a PRA. They are a basis for quantification Risk Analysis in ARP4761.
of top event likelihood and also provide qualitative Simulation modeling techniques: they are common
insight ! this assessment down to component level methods in both aviation and space (e.g. failure

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propagation is a complex process that usually augments single reference for human-rating requirements.
generic statistical data with computer simulations). Besides, the IAASS proposal for space safety standard
Accident Precursor Analysis (APA): it provides a considers this 2 FT requirement regarding catastrophic
systematic means of analysing candidate accident hazards [21].
precursors by evaluating anomaly occurrences for their Nevertheless, over the life of programs, process
system safety implications and, through both analytical errors or other unforeseen events could still cause
and deliberative methods used to project to other controls to fail. So, the concept of Spacecraft
circumstances, identifying those that portend more Vulnerability Reduction (SVR) [6] has been envisioned
serious consequences to come if effective corrective as an opportunity to optimize design choices within the
action is not taken [5]. This aims to update the Hazard design parameters. Additional separation of redundancy
Analysis when an anomaly occurs ! this Accident or layouts of equipment to establish natural barriers
Precursor Analysis is well integrated into the FHA, were examples seen as improving the safety of design
PSSA, and SSA as the implementation of corrective without adding another layer of safety to further reduce
mitigation actions after anomalies investigation is the likelihood of occurrence. Additional considerations
equivalent, and particularly well controlled in the – to minimize weight (use smaller launch vehicles and
aviation safety process. raise performance) versus mission cost and schedule –
have also increased the need for a safety approach in
The assessment of the safety analyses between favour of more risk-based decisions making process,
Aviation (ARP 4761 [8]) and NASA Space Safety including a more engineering approach in the
procedures (NPR 8705-2B [3]) show that the establishment of proper levels of safety. NASA released
methodology for safety assessment process is similar as the NPR 8705 revision 2B [3] where the acceptable
based on the same tools in both areas. So, from the level of safety is now reached by:
methodology point of view, space transportation • Single failure tolerance (1FT), and
approach could be easily inspired by the existing • A probabilistic requirement specified in the
methods and analysis, already standardised for aviation Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) procedure [4].
and applicable to space transportation capabilities.
So, the definition of quantitative/ qualitative criteria
3.2.4 Comparison of safety criteria for safety assessment depends on various parameters
that are not only based on technical considerations, but
The assessment of dedicated criteria for failure also considers programmatic (cost/ schedule) and
conditions - for any mission scenario, system, at any management aspects for mission success (more risk-
mission phase - is way more difficult to be established based decisions making process). Moreover, several risk
by comparison of aviation standards and space mitigation strategies are available to reach the requested
procedures. As recalled in chapter 2.3 here above, the level of mission safety. That’s why; the set of safety
mission constraints are very different between civil requirements defining space exploration safety
aircraft and space transportation vehicle due to their regulations is not mature yet.
specific environment and mission architecture; this will
indeed lead to different quantitative and qualitative 3.2.5 Other parameters to be considered for safety
criteria that will be used in the definition of the overall assessment
set of safety requirements to be applied to the respective
missions. Other parameters have to be considered to reach
Considerations for defining these criteria for space international consensus regulating space exploration. An
exploration missions are in continuous evolution, independent study [22] – mandated by Commercial
demonstrating the complexity of the safety assessment Space Launch Amendments Act of 2004 – has
activity to reach a dedicated international consensus and addressed in particular the standards of safety and
regulations. As an example, it is worth mentioning that concepts of operation that should guide the regulation
NPR 8705-2 has been updated: for human space flight. In this frame, it has evaluated
NPR 8705-2 (no revision) [2] has been initially whether the standard of safety should vary by class or
released in 2003 at the time of the application of the type of vehicle, by purpose of flight, or other
human-rating requirements for International Space considerations. The main principles considered in the
Station missions. It was based on two-failures tolerance development of this analysis were:
(2 FT) to prevent hazards that could result in loss of life. • Leverage relevant experience (both internal and
It means that three independent failures would have to external) to characterize the considerations that go
occur to lead to a catastrophic consequence. This into developing standards,
deterministic approach has provided an excellent • Provide an acceptable level of spaceflight
assurance for System safety and has been for years the participant, crew, and third party safety/ casualty

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mitigation while minimizing overly complex, capabilities, dedicated criteria (quantitative and
cumbersome, and undefined processes and qualitative) need to be defined. In this frame, we
standards, observe a clear need for more maturation of the
• Allow for the broadest possible ranges of design, concepts at this step: several risk mitigation strategies
concepts of operations, and flight purposes/ uses, exist (mixing technical, managerial and programmatic
• Develop the standards in a manner that minimizes considerations).
the need for detailed case-by-case analyses. Agencies and industry have started iterating on these
aspects on a collaboration manner, and need to find their
The feedback from industry on these topics reveals way on how to advance innovative mission concepts,
the following key recommendations: while being compliant to stringent Certification criteria.
• Need for preventing the establishment of highly
invasive or cumbersome regulations that would Disclaimer
discourage private risk taking and investment,
• No need to attempt to perform regulation by class, or This article was prepared or accomplished by Aline
type of vehicle, or purpose of flight, due to the Decadi in her personal capacity. The opinions expressed
unavailability of sufficient relevant experience & in this article are the author's own and do not reflect the
data. It would only serve to artificially restrict view of the European Space Agency.
innovation and unique design approaches,
• Need for providing a path towards evolutionary References
improvements in regulation. Using aircraft industry
examples, more rigorous rules and regulations could [1] A. Decadi, Develop global safety synergies for long-
be implemented and enforced as the experience base range human space exploration, with focus on
matures, launch systems, IAASS, Melbourne, Florida, 18-20
• As the human spaceflight industrial base matures, May 2016
opportunities exist to refine this proposed [2] NASA NPR 8705 (no revision), Human-Rating
methodology, the related data requests and Requirements for Space Systems, NASA Offices of
documentation, and the regulations. This is Safety & Mission Assurance, 19 June 2003
analogous to the pre-FAR era of commercial [3] NASA NPR 8705-2B, Human-Rating Requirements
aircraft. Another option is to begin to enforce for Space Systems, NASA Offices of Safety &
increasing levels of crew/ mission survival and/ or Mission Assurance, 6 May 2008
apply FAR-type regulations derived from past data. [4] NASA NPR 8705-5A, Technical Probabilistic Risk
Mission assurance activities could further augment Assessment (PRA) Procedures for Safety and
these options. These options are submitted to Mission Success for NASA Programs and Projects,
discussion within Agencies, Safety Association and 7 June 2010
industry. For instance, this last option is supported [5] NASA/SP-2011-3421, The Probabilistic Risk
by IAASS that has proposed to not wait for industry Assessment Procedures Guide for NASA Managers
to get maturation for starting the elaboration a global and Practitioners, second edition, December 2011
safety. Instead IAASS promotes since years the idea [6] M. S. Buchanan, M. K. Saemisch, Enhancing
of creating an international space safety institute that Human Spaceflight Safety Through Spacecraft
can develop globally space standards [23]. Survivability Engineering, AIAA 2009-6523,
Pasadena, California, 14 - 17 September 2009
So, these other parameters have still to be discussed [7] Dr. C. H. Shivers, NASA Space Safety Standards
between the different partners (in particular agencies et and Procedures for Human Rating Requirements,
industry), in order to converge on a common approach 2009
based on the series of proposals that have emerged. [8] ARP4761, Guidelines and Methods for Conducting
the Safety Assessment Process on Civil Airborne
4. Conclusion Systems and Equipment, 1996
[9] ARP4754A, Guidelines For Development Of Civil
The aviation Safety standard ARP4761 is a valuable Aircraft and Systems, 2010
guideline for the elaboration of a Safety Assessment [10] RTCA/DO-254, Design Assurance Guidance for
process for human-rating Space Exploration, in terms of Airborne Electronic Hardware, 2000
methods & analysis, as it offers a Safety approach that [11] RTCA/DO-178C, Design Assurance Guidance for
enables to reach the requested level of Safety for such a Airborne Electronic Software, 2011
challenging mission. Nevertheless, when it comes to the [12] US FAR 25.1309-1, 1988
implementation of Safety requirements related to failure [13] EASA CS-25.1309, 2011
conditions applied to crew transportation and operation [14] US FAR 23

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[15] EASA CS-23 [21] IAASS-ISSB-S-1700-REV-B, Space Safety

[16] AC 25.1309-1, 1988 standard for commercial human-rated system, March
[17] AMC 25.1309 2010
[18] Global Exploration Roadmap (GER), August 2013, [22] Commercial Space Launch Amendments Act of 2004, Analysis of Human Space Flight Safety, 11
[19] NASA NPR 8715.3C, NASA General Safety November 2008
Program Requirements, 12 March 2008 [23] Joseph N. Pelton, The Vision: An International
[20] Identification, Control, and Management of Critical Institute for Space Safety, Space Safety Magazine, Fall
Items Lists, 2011

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