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Newspaper report

29th July 2022


Yesterday, in the middle of the afternoon, a plane Just before 3pm, on the 2nd of July, the pilot (Mr
dropped off the radar and lost contact with Air Robert Hutchins) reached out to Air Traffic Control
Traffic Control. The Boeing 347, which was carrying in response to their instructions to descend and
124 high school pupils and 12 staff members as well maintain flight level 230 (23,000ft). When ques-
as the crew, was travelling to Brazil for a geography tioned about the content of the last known conver-
trip. However, it never arrived at its destination and sation, Gates shared four gut-wrenching words:
the plane’s whereabouts – along with its passengers “Press the ditch switch. That’s the phrase that will
– are still unknown. According to sources at Air haunt me now until the end of my days on this
Traffic Control, no contact has been made with the earth. That was the last thing we heard and that
pilot or tourist passengers since 15:33 yesterday. certainly isn’t promising, is it?” Gates continued to
describe how he had heard Hutchins and his co-pilot,
The village of Albion (New Orleans) has been left Jennifer Wyatt, conversing about seeing something
devastated by the news that over one hundred of its in the water. The most recent information available
friends and neighbours are currently missing. With marks the Boeing 347’s last location in the North
many presuming the worst, this catastrophic news Atlantic Ocean, heading in the direction of Puerto
has hit the small community of 5,637 incredibly Rico.
hard. Anxiety is rippling through Albion and the
surrounding areas while everybody awaits new infor-
mation on this disastrous and unimaginable event.

After the disappearance, employees at New York Air

Route Traffic Control (ZNY) were advised to cooper-
ate with police and reveal any information that
might be vital to the investigation. New York Times
had the opportunity to talk to Mr Tom Gates, an air
traffic manager at ZNY who knows the identity of
The last known location of the Boeing 347 lies directly in the middle
the pilot. During the interview, he shared the details of the Bermuda Triangle (also known as the Devil’s Triangle)

of his worrying last moments with the Boeing 347.
Rescue crews have been searching for over 30 hours tists in New York have shared one possible explana-
for the crew and passengers (children and teachers) tion for the disappearance of the plane: hexagonal
who have been missing since their plane mysterious- cloud formations. These have been known to create
ly disappeared from the radar while flying over the air bombs with winds of 170mph (miles per hour),
infamous Bermuda Triangle on Monday. Determined and could be the answer to the mystery of this
to provide desperate friends and family with some deadly area. In accordance with Dr Farah Sullivan
form of information on the plane’s whereabouts, the (an experience meteorologist), hexagonal clouds
search crews have covered over 8,200 square miles are formed by microbursts (blasts of air which
already. “We appreciate the immense pain the com- shoot down out of the bottom of a cloud). Subse-
munity of Albion must be going through right now,” quently, they hit the ocean and create enormous
the U.S Coast Guard shared, “and we recommend waves as they start to interact with each other. He
relatives stay close to their phones for updates. They claims that recently released satellite imagery
will no doubt be the first to know.” shows the presence of bizarre cloud formations
which he believes are that of hexagonal clouds.
Among the missing are married couple Mr and Mrs
Hersham who are both teachers at Albion High This familiar area of water in the Atlantic Ocean,
School. Mrs Hersham’s beloved mother, Sophia where the Boeing 347 seemingly vanished, is
Layhem, reached out on social media to the families between Bermuda, San Juan and Miami. Over the
of those on board: “My heart aches for you all, my years, it has become a graveyard for many people

family and yours, on this tragic day and the and vessels. As to be expected, theories of yester-

crippling wait we have in front of us as we await day’s event are already spreading, including electro-

news of our loved ones. One thing I can guarantee is magnetic forces, waterspouts, methane gas and

that my beautiful daughter, Lara, and her husband, even aliens! New York City Police Department

Todd, would have done everything in their power to recommend that members of the public refrain

protect your children. I am offering accommodation from creating and listening to this hearsay. They

to all those affected by the news. Let us wait this out have advised that all updates will be delivered

together and pray for their safe return.” through them. “It is impossible to give an explana-
tion at this point because there is no debris, no

For now, the investigation continues. Lieutenant bodies and no signal,” explained DCI Jacobs. Police

Commander Roger Kenny, a spokesperson for the vehicles are now circling the village of Albion to

U.S. Coast Guard, expressed that the conditions at deliver supplies to the affected families. The search

the time were not something to be alarmed about: parties - continuing to soldier on in the hope of

“There was no indication at all of significant weath- good news - will reassemble tonight at 18:00

er which might have caused disturbance and turbu- hours.

lence.” Meanwhile, a variety of well-respected scien-

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