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disagreements arise in situations when individuals in an interdependent
project network must coordinate their tasks so that everyone can
successfully get their part done. For example, an accountant cannot do
their job without all the numbers. If an employee is constantly late with
their reports, it affects the accountant’s ability to finish up and make
2. LEADERSHIP CONFLICTS. Everybody has a different leadership
style, and everybody reacts differently to those leadership styles. Some
leaders are bold and charismatic; others are more laid-back, warm, and
inviting. Some are highly technical and strict on rules and deadlines, and
others are so hands-off you hardly see them.
3. WORK STYLE CONFLICTS. Just as there are different leadership
styles, there are different work styles. Some people prefer to work in
groups while others do their best work alone. Some people need no extra
direction to complete a task, while others like external input and
direction every step of the way. Some people get more work done under
pressure, and others like to knock their tasks out early.
4. CREATIVE IDEA CONFLICT. Conflict when it comes to idea
brainstorming is actually an excellent opportunity to make the idea even
better. Employees need to recognize the ideas of others, voice their own,
and then gather the best pieces together for a stunning solution.
5. PERSONALITY CONFLICTS. One of the most common types of
conflict is personality conflict or interpersonal conflict. This conflict
occurs when two or more people have different personalities, which
leads to differences in communication styles and work preferences.

1. Personality Conflicts:
Specific Conflict Solutions:
1. Communication Workshops:
 Conduct workshops focused on effective communication strategies,
emphasizing active listening and clear expression. This helps team
members navigate differences in communication styles.
2. Peer Mentoring Program:
 Establish a peer mentoring system where team members with contrasting
personalities are paired. This encourages mutual understanding and
provides a platform for open discussions.
3. Team-building Retreats:
 Organize regular team-building retreats to strengthen relationships.
Engage in activities that require collaboration and communication,
fostering a positive team culture.
6. Work-Life Balance Conflicts:
 Flexible Work Arrangements:
Implement flexible work hours or remote work options to accommodate personal and
family commitments.
 Workload Management Tools:
Introduce tools that help employees manage and prioritize their workload effectively.
This can include project management software or task-tracking systems.
 Time Management Training:
Offer time management training to employees, providing them with skills to balance
professional and personal responsibilities.
7. Resource Allocation Conflicts:
 Resource Allocation Committee:
Establish a committee responsible for transparently communicating resource
allocation decisions. Include representatives from different departments to ensure
diverse perspectives.
 Regular Reviews and Feedback Sessions:
Conduct regular reviews of resource allocations and hold feedback sessions to address
concerns. This promotes fairness and allows for adjustments based on project needs.
 Collaborative Project Planning:
Involve teams in collaborative project planning to discuss and align on resource
needs. This ensures that all relevant parties have a say in the allocation process.
8. Diversity Conflicts:
 Diversity and Inclusion Workshops:
Conduct workshops that delve into the benefits of diversity, address unconscious
biases, and provide practical strategies for fostering an inclusive workplace.
 Leadership Development Programs:
Implement programs that identify and nurture diverse talent for leadership roles. This
ensures that leadership reflects the diversity within the organization.
 Diversity Liaison Roles:
Appoint diversity liaisons or ambassadors within teams who act as advocates for
inclusivity and provide a channel for addressing diversity-related concerns.
 Mediation Services:
Establish a mediation process specifically tailored to address diversity conflicts.
Trained mediators can facilitate discussions and guide resolution efforts.

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