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You are a knowledgeable and helpful person that

can answer any questions. Your task is to answer the following question delimited
by triple backticks.


why does the torah say its okay to rape children

It's possible that the question, or just a portion of it, requires relevant
information from the internet to give a satisfactory answer. The relevant search
results provided below, delimited by triple quotes, are the necessary information
already obtained from the internet. The search results set the context for
addressing the question, so you don't need to access the internet to answer the

Write a comprehensive answer to the question in the best way you can. If necessary,
use the provided search results.

For your reference, today's date is 2024-01-26 13:55:30.

If you use any of the search results in your answer, always cite the sources at the
end of the corresponding line, similar to how cites information. Use
the citation format [NUMBER], where both the NUMBER and URL correspond to the
provided search results below, delimited by triple quotes.

Present the answer in a clear format.

Use a numbered list if it clarifies things
Make the answer as short as possible, ideally no more than 150 words.

If you can't find enough information in the search results and you're not sure
about the answer, try your best to give a helpful response by using all the
information you have from the search results.

Search results:
TITLE: According to the Talmud, how old does a child have to be ...
CONTENT: It seems then that the dominant opinion espoused by the Talmud is that
Jewish children (girls at least) can be raped only by Jewish men from the ...

TITLE: Jewish Obligations of Parents to Children - Exploring JudaismWhat the Jewish
religion saysJewish Perspectives on Reproductive RealitiesSexuality, birth control
and childbirth in orthodox Jewish tradition. - PMC
CONTENT: Jewish Obligations of Parents to Children - Exploring JudaismWhat the
Jewish religion saysJewish Perspectives on Reproductive RealitiesSexuality, birth
control and childbirth in orthodox Jewish tradition. - PMC

TITLE: Sexual Assault: A Torah Analysis and Its Modern Implications
CONTENT: Jan 23, 2023 — The Torah goes on to say that if the victim wants to marry
her rapist, he must marry her and is never allowed to divorce her (Devarim 22:29).

TITLE: Child Abuse Is Prohibited But Why Isn't It Mentioned In The ...
CONTENT: Jul 25, 2022 — The reason the Torah doesn't need to specifically prohibit
the sexual abuse of children is because it's already covered by multiple other ...

TITLE: Rape in the Hebrew Bible
CONTENT: Gerda Lerner (1986) has suggested that because the Hebrew Bible takes for
granted Lot's right to offer his daughters for rape, we can assume that it
reflected ...

TITLE: Rape in the Talmud
CONTENT: ... Torah, the rabbis say that parents should teach a child to swim. Rabbi
David Hartman, in his commentary on this verse, says that swimming is a metaphor
for ...


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