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Greenhouse gas emissions from riparian systems

as affected by hydrological extremes: a mini-

Jamshid Ansari, Sougata Bardhan, Morgan P. Davis, Stephen H. Anderson &

Nasruddeen Al-Awwal

To cite this article: Jamshid Ansari, Sougata Bardhan, Morgan P. Davis, Stephen H. Anderson
& Nasruddeen Al-Awwal (2024) Greenhouse gas emissions from riparian systems as affected
by hydrological extremes: a mini-review, Cogent Food & Agriculture, 10:1, 2321658, DOI:

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Cogent Food & Agriculture
2024, VOL. 10, NO. 1, 2321658

Soil & Crop Sciences  | Review Article

Greenhouse gas emissions from riparian systems as affected by
hydrological extremes: a mini-review
Jamshid Ansaria , Sougata Bardhanb , Morgan P. Davisa , Stephen H. Andersona and
Nasruddeen Al-Awwala
School of Natural Resources, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA; bAgriculture/Cooperative Research, Lincoln University of

Missouri, Jefferson City, MO, USA


Increasing atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations causes global temperature Received 5 October 2023
rising as well as extreme hydrological events. Understanding the effects of climate Revised 29 January 2024
change-induced severe hydrological events such as flooding and drought on soil properties Accepted 16 February
and subsequent GHG emissions from soil has enabled scientists to optimize different land
management and global warming potential mitigation of a system. Flooding and drought KEYWORDS
dynamics affect soil physicochemical properties and GHG emissions specifically from land use Flooding; drought; land
systems that are adjacent to streams like riparian buffers. Drivers of soil GHG emissions and use; soil moisture; global
the effect of extreme hydrological events on the GHG flux from riparian systems in three warming
climate zones (Mediterranean, temperate, and tropical/subtropical) were investigated in this REVIEWING EDITOR
review utilizing Web of Science and Scopus databases. Wet soil conditions contribute more to Tejada Manuel,
global warming (7.2 Mg CO2eq-C ha−1 h−1) than dry soils (2.1 Mg CO2eq-C ha−1 h−1) in riparian Universidad de Sevilla,
systems. Temperate riparian systems showed the greatest soil N2O emissions (0.7 mg N2O-N Spain
m−2 h−1) after flooding events/during wet seasons. The greatest CH4 (12 mg CH4-C m−2 h−1) SUBJECTS
and CO2 (15.2 g CO2-C m−2 d−1) flux from wet soils were observed in tropical/subtropical Soil Sciences;
riparian systems. Greater soil inorganic N content (NO3- and NH4+) in temperate riparian Surface Hydrology;
systems is responsible for the higher soil N2O flux during wet seasons. Intense precipitation Climate Change
events and greater soil carbon content in tropical/subtropical riparian systems contributed to
more CO2 and CH4 emissions relative to the temperate and Mediterranean riparian systems.

1. Introduction runoff ratios, and inducing heat waves (Ipcc et al.,

2021). Per decade global precipitation has increased
In recent decades, anthropogenic and natural sources
at an average rate of 0.25 cm since 1901 whereas
have driven a rise in greenhouse gas (GHG) concen-
future projections suggest some regions will have a
trations. Between 1990 and 2019, the cumulative continuous decrease in soil moisture (Mortsch et al.,
warming impact of human-added greenhouse gases 2000). Projections indicate further heightened hydro-
on the Earth’s atmosphere rose by 45%. Specifically, logical events like flooding or drought due to global
the warming effect attributed to carbon dioxide warming effects (NASA, 2021). Flooding and drought
alone saw a 36% increase during this period (Ipcc events in agricultural and other land use systems
et al., 2021). Due to the rise of GHG concentrations, affect the quantity of soil GHG production by alter-
the average global surface temperature between ing soil physical and chemical properties (Davis,
2001 and 2020 was 0.99 °C higher than 1850–1900 2018; Ussiri et al., 2009). Soil can be either a sink or
and it is projected to rise 2 °C above the pre-industrial a source of the GHGs, carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane
level by 2050 (NASA, 2021; Pathak et al., 2012). This (CH4), and Nitrous oxide (N2O) depending on varia-
warming atmosphere contributes to increased evap- tions in environmental conditions (Ipcc et al., 2021).
oration, intense precipitation, and severe weather Soil physicochemical properties such as soil tempera-
conditions, altering precipitation intensity, surface ture, water content, and soil carbon (C) and nitrogen

CONTACT Jamshid Ansari School of Natural Resources, University of Missouri, 302 Anheuser Busch Natural Resources
Building, MO 65211, USA.
© 2024 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unre-
stricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The terms on which this article has been published allow the
posting of the Accepted Manuscript in a repository by the author(s) or with their consent.

(N) play important roles in soil GHG production and Managing and quantifying diverse sources influ-
emission (Wang et al., 2021). encing GHG emissions from riparian systems can be
Riparian areas, recognized for providing ecosys- challenging, and there remains an insufficient level
tem services such as the removal of nutrients from of research on the quantity of GHG fluxes originating
incoming surface runoffs, are susceptible to the from these systems (Vidon et al., 2019). Understanding
impacts of climate change (Gundersen et al., 2012). the interactions between riparian ecosystems and
The frequency and duration of climate-induced broader climate change trends is crucial for effective
hydrological gradients (drought and flooding) that mitigation strategies and helps to quantify the role
have increased in recent years affect riparian soil of riparian zones in the global C and N cycles
nutrient cycle, as well as GHG emission (Aronson (Wilcock et al., 2008). Moreover, climate-specific
et al., 2019). Riparian areas adjacent to the streams approaches to address the environmental challenges
are subjected to frequent flooding due to the heavy associated with GHG emissions from riparian land
precipitation and can also be loaded with surface use contribute to implementing regional policies
runoff from adjacent agricultural land use systems aimed at optimizing agronomic activities and urban-
(Iqbal et al., 2015). Floods, droughts, and alter- ization in riparian areas. Policymakers, researchers,
ations in water levels can influence the availability and land managers need to consider these variations
of soil oxygen, which, in turn, affects the microbial when designing environmental policies and prac-
processes responsible for greenhouse gas produc- tices, especially in the context of climate change.
tion (Ansari et al., 2023a; Aronson et al., 2019). The This review aimed to investigate, (1) the soil physico-
variability in greenhouse gas emissions from soil in chemical properties that play a crucial role in the
riparian systems across different climate zones could release of greenhouse gases (CO2, N2O, and CH4)
be significant because it reflects the diverse ecolog- from soil, and (2) the emission of greenhouse gases
ical and environmental conditions present in these from riparian systems vulnerable to extreme hydro-
regions (Poblador et al., 2017). Extreme hydrological logical events, such as flooding and drought, across
events influence soil nutrient storage, specifically soil different climate zones.
C and N content by altering vegetation coverage in
tropical riparian forests (Yang et al., 2022). In tropical
riparian land use, abundant rainfall leads to the for- 2. Methods
mation of oxygen-depleted soil conditions as a result 2.1. Drivers of soil greenhouse gas emissions
of higher water table levels, consequently amplifying
the release of both N2O and CH4 (Vidon et al., 2016). A literature search was conducted using ‘soil’, ‘green-
Soil moisture and carbon content can substantially house gas’, and ‘drivers’ as keywords and refined by
affect the emissions of CO2 and CH4 in intermittently the review articles on two common databases Scopus
flooded riparian systems in temperate climates (Altor and Web of Science. A total of 86 and 43 review arti-
& Mitsch, 2006; Baskerville et al., 2021). However, cles were retrieved, respectively. The common drivers
soil water stress and drought conditions in the tem- of soil GHG emissions were investigated in the col-
perate riparian forests are projected to be increased lected articles and discussed in this review. Soil C
under climate change which can contribute to the and N content, moisture, temperature, redox poten-
lower emission of CH4 and N2O (Cholet et al., 2022). tial, and pH on the production and emission of CO2,
As a result, crop coverage will be decreased in tem- N2O, and CH4 from soils were found as the most
perate zones more severely than in tropical riparian common important factors discussed in the review
systems (Porfirio et al., 2017). Flooding occurrences articles.
will decline in Mediterranean riparian systems, while
the frequency of soil moisture drought conditions is
2.2. Soil greenhouse gas flux from riparian
anticipated to increase due to rising global tempera-
tures ranging from 1.5 °C to 2.0 °C (Poblador et al.,
2017). Elevated temperatures in Mediterranean ripar- To access the studies on the soil GHG emissions from
ian systems can support substantial respiration and riparian systems, a database search was continued
nitrogen mineralization rates. As a result, the extent using ‘soil’, ‘greenhouse gas’, and ‘riparian’ as the key-
to which rewetting microbial pulses contribute to words for the 1990–2022 period, and 235, and 142
annual carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) articles were retrieved from the Web of Science and
production in Mediterranean riparian soils is currently Scopus databases, respectively (Figure 1). The out-
a subject of ongoing debate (Poblador et al., 2017). come was refined by ‘wet’ and ‘dry’ keywords which
Cogent Food & Agriculture 3

returned 19 and 34 articles, respectively, from the 3. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from soil
Web of Science, and 38 and 42 articles, respectively,
3.1. Soil C and N content and microbial activity
from Scopus. Duplicates were eliminated. The num-
ber of studies that have been conducted on soil Soil-based fluxes of GHG are produced primarily
greenhouse gas emissions from riparian systems has through plant and microbial respiration through
increased considerably during the past three decades enzymatic oxidation-reduction processes that are
(Figure 1). Among all studies, soil GHG emissions part of the soil C and N cycle (Stohl et al., 1996). Soil
after frequently/occasionally flooded events and from C and N content, inorganic N, and C: N ratio affect
wet soil conditions (saturated soil) as well as emis- microbial activity and thus GHG emissions (Wan
sions during wet seasons were considered as emis- et al., 2015). Inorganic ions such as nitrate (NO3-) and
sions under flooding events/from wet soil. Due to ammonium (NH4+) are products of plant litter pro-
the data shortage regarding greenhouse gas emis- teins decomposition that affect soil GHG emissions
sions from dry soils, (i.e. at the wilting point), this specifically N2O emission through nitrification, in aer-
review categorizes emissions during dry seasons as obic well-aerated soils, and denitrification (reduction
emissions from dry soil. As a result, dry seasons are of NO3- to N2) under anaerobic wet soils (Dalal et al.,
considered drought events. 2003; Palm et al., 2002; Tenuta & Beauchamp, 2003).
Hourly basis emission units were converted into The runoff from agricultural or urban areas, discharg-
daily units. Whenever needed, emissions were con- ing into riparian systems, carries elevated concentra-
verted from mol into mass basis using the appro- tions of nutrients, including NO3- and NH4+, which
priate molecular weight. The area units were can potentially stimulate greater microbial activity
converted to hectares by the appropriate conver- and lead to increased emission of N2O (Ullah & Zinati,
sion factor for annual emissions. Mean values of 2006). Greater C: N ratio (36–82) results in lower N2O
N2O and CH4 fluxes were small and expressed to emission (Takakai et al., 2008), while the highest
two/three decimal places. To calculate the global emission occurs at C: N = 11 (Gundersen et al., 2012).
warming potential (GWP), the following formula Soil CO2 flux is positively correlated with soil total
was used: organic carbon and nitrogen, particulate, and dis-
solved organic C (DOC), and N (Bailey et al., 2009).
Riparian systems dominated by trees and herbaceous
vegetation can significantly enhance soil organic car-
bon (SOC) content, thereby contributing to elevated
where 27.9 and 273 are 100-year time-horizon CO2 emissions (Baskerville et al., 2021; Collins et al.,
global warming potential values of CH4 and N2O, 2017; Gacengo et al., 2009). In available C shortage
respectively, as compared to CO2 (Ipcc et al., 2021). conditions, CO2 is negatively correlated with soil N
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to com- availability (Hassler et al., 2015; Oertel et al., 2016).
pare the effect of wet and dry soil conditions on soil Increased amounts of SOC within riparian systems
GHG emissions using SAS Studio (University edition). play a role in the occurrence of methanogenesis
Treatment differences were accepted as significant at (microbial-mediated CH4 production), particularly fol-
p = 0.05 level. lowing soil anaerobic conditions triggered by

Figure 1. Selected articles on soil greenhouse gas emissions from riparian systems between 1990 and 2022 from the Web of
Science and Scopus databases.

flooding events (Ansari et al., 2023b). However, of soil N2O production. Soil thaw during the
enhanced soil available N could reduce CH4 uptake Spring season contributes to N2O production and
(Hassler et al., 2015), and thus, a lower C: N ratio emission (Castaldi, 2000; Goodroad & Keeney,
positively affects soil CH4 emission (Jiang et al., 2011). 1984). Soil microbial activity is stimulated by more
Ammonium is toxic to CH4 oxidizing bacteria which available nutrients released after thaw events and
could lead to a lower CH4 uptake (Müller et al., 2006). thus enhances N2O emission (Mørkved et al., 2006).
Similarly, there is a positive relationship between
temperature and CO2 emission from soil (Schaufler
3.2. Temperature
et al., 2010). Greater soil CO2 emission is attributed
Warm temperatures are in favor of soil micro- to a higher microbial decomposition rate (Lopez
bial activities. Soil respiration, nitrification and de Gerenyu et al., 2005). Low temperatures during
denitrification accelerate at temperatures between the Winter season affect CO2 emission negatively
25 °C and 35 °C (Butterbach-Bahl et al., 2013). mostly due to the lower soil microbial activity
Temperatures higher than 37 °C and lower than and root respiration (Groffman et al., 2006). Soil
-7 °C negatively impact soil microbial activities CH4 emission in wet soils (e.g. paddy soils) occurs
and GHG emissions (Brooks et al., 1997; Oertel once the soil temperature is less than 30 °C (Xu
et al., 2016). Waldo et al. (2019) found a positive et al., 2021). However, CH4 uptake increases in soils
relationship between the mean daily air tempera- under warmer and drier conditions. Increasing tem-
ture and soil N2O emission. Temperature-induced perature positively influences soil CH4 production
freezing-thawing events affect the concentration and emission due to the greater activity of biotic

Table 1. Oxidation-reduction reactions and associated optimum redox potential values (adapted from Zhang & Furman, 2021),
and optimum soil physicochemical properties (pH, water-filled pore space) contribute to the greenhouse gas (CO2, N2O, and
CH4) emissions from soil.
Reactions Process pH WFPS% Eh (mV) at 25 °C and pH = 7
CH2 O(organic compound) + O2 → CO2 + H2 O Aerobic respiration 7a 20–60b n.a
 O2 (g) + 4H2 + 4 e → 2H2O
+ −
 + −
CH2 O + H2 O= CO2 (g) + 4H + 4e

NH3 → NH2 OH / HNO → NO2− → NO3− Nitrification 7–9c 30–70d 811

 O2 (g) + 4H2+ + 4 e − → 2H2O 363
 + − + −
NH4 + 3H2 O =NO3 + 10H + 8e

NO3− → NO2− → NO → N2O → N2 Heterotrophic denitrification ∼6–7a 70–95e 746

 2NO3− + 12H+ + 10e − = N2 (g) + 6H2 O

 CH2 O + H2 O = g) + 4H+ + 4 e −
CO2 (g
NH → NH OH → NO − → NO → N O
 3 2 2 2

Nitrifier denitrification <5f n.a. n.a.

4Fe2+ + 2NO2− + 5H2 O → 4FeOOH + N2 O + 6H+

Methane fermentation ∼7g 95–100h −244

CO2 (g) + 8H+ + 8e − → CH4 (g) + 2H2O
 + −
 CH2 O + H2 O= CO2 (g) + 4H + 4e

NH2 OH + HNO2 → N2O + 2H2O Reactions involving hydroxylamine <5a n.a. n.a.
4Fe3+ + 2NH2 OH → 4Fe2+ + N2O + H2 O + 4H+

n.a., not available; Left braces group the combination of oxidation-reduction reactions.
Zhang and Furman (2021).
Schaufler et al. (2010).
Heil et al. (2016).
Oertel et al. (2016)
Säurich et al. (2019).
Hu et al. (2015).
Wang et al. (1993).
Q3 h
Moore et al. (2017) and Thiel et al. (2017).
Cogent Food & Agriculture 5

factors such as methanogens (e.g. Methanosaeta, WFPS = 20% by Schaufler et al. (2010). The lowest
Methanocella) and methanotrophs in flooded rice CO2 emission occurs in soil-saturated conditions at
soils (Lee et al., 2014). WFPS≥ 90% (Ruser et al., 2006). Proton consumption
by imported NO3- and Fe3+ ions through redox reac-
tions in flooding conditions could increase soil pH.
3.3. pH and redox potential
Raising soil pH and available nutrients due to flood-
Soil hydrology dynamics as affected by drying-wetting ing events increases soil enzyme and microbial activ-
events influence soil physicochemical properties like ity, soil respiration, and CO2 emission from riparian
soil pH, redox potential (Eh) and nutrient fate (Zhang systems (Moore et al., 2017; Ou et al., 2019). Moreover,
& Furman, 2021). Redox potential indicates soil oxy- translocation of oxygen from above-ground shoots
gen status and plays a key role in soil nutrient cycling into below-ground roots by riparian vegetation under
and GHG emissions (Moore et al., 2017; Zhang & flooding conditions could increase substrate oxida-
Furman, 2021). Redox potential decreases in flooding tion and CO2 emission at the cost of CH4 reduction
events and becomes negatively correlated (r = -0.25) (Nag et al., 2017). On the contrary, O’Connell et al.
with CH4 production (Moore et al., 2017). Wang et al. (2018) and Koebsch et al. (2020) reported that
(1993) observed the maximum CH4 emissions at pH short-term drought events can stimulate plant root
= 6.9. In flooding events, soil pH reduces due to the respiration and CO2 flux. However, they consider
reduction reactions and denitrification (Hansen et al., well-aerated soils with a sufficient amount of organic
2014). During denitrification, N2O as an intermediary C in which oxidation decomposition rate mediated
product is produced and increased as soil acidity and by heterotrophic microorganisms is increased and
NO3- concentration increase (Krichels et al., 2019). thus can raise CO2 flux. These uncertainties in the
Soil pH < 7 accelerates denitrification while pH relationship between extreme hydrological events
between 7 and 9 is in favor of nitrification (Heil et al., and soil CO2 emissions from riparian systems are due
2016; Oertel et al., 2016) (Table 1). Acidic soils (pH < to the differences in site-specific factors like microcli-
5) stimulate the chemodenitrification process (Hu mate, soil and vegetation type, temperature, and
et al., 2015) through which N2O is produced via oxi- microbial community diversity (Baskerville et al.,
dation of Fe2+ coupled to the reduction of NO3-, 2021; Patel et al., 2021).
nitrite (NO2-), or nitric oxide (NO). The neutral and The greatest N2O flux was observed at soil
alkaline soil stimulates soil CO2 fluxes (Wang et al., WFPS> 60% by Merino et al. (2004). According to
2010). Wang et al. (2010) reported the lowest and Yanai et al. (2003) N2O emissions accelerate at
highest soil CO2 flux at soil pH= 3.65 and 8.55, WFPS~60% while, lower N2O production occurs at
respectively. WFPS< 30% (Gao et al., 2014). Soil WFPS between
70% and 95% maximizes the reduction of NO3- into
N2O gas (Ruser et al., 2006; Säurich et al., 2019).
3.4. Moisture/flooding and drought
Due to the damage of severe flooding, degraded
Spatial and temporal variations in soil GHG efflux are riparian vegetation roots cannot remove excess N
associated with heterogeneity in soil moisture con- from soil (Ou et al., 2019; Peralta et al., 2014).
tent (Turner et al., 2008; Zhong & Makeschin, 2006). Several studies found a positive correlation between
Soil water content controls the amount of available soil N2O-N flux in riparian systems and concentra-
oxygen to microorganisms and affects soil microbial tion of NH4+ and NO3- which are imported to the
population size and therefore GHG emissions (Krichels system through surface runoff during flooding
et al., 2019). Soil water-filled pore space (WFPS) plays events (Davis, 2018; Nag et al., 2017; Xu et al.,
an important role in the rate of nutrient decomposi- 2021). Riparian forests subjected to frequent flood-
tion and mineralization, as well as GHG emissions ing emit more N2O relative to occasional flooding
from soil (Galic et al., 2019). Soil aerobic (WFPS≈ events (Jacinthe et al., 2012). Soil pH controls the
20%–70%) and anaerobic conditions (WFPS ≈ 70%– activity of N2O reductase, and the decreased soil
100%) control soil GHG production by regulating res- pH caused by flooding events inhibits the function
piration, nitrification, and denitrification (Oertel et al., of the enzyme and results in an incomplete denitri-
2016) (Table 1). fication process from N2O to N2 (Davis, 2018; Nag
Soil WFPS between 20% and 60% accelerates CO2 et al., 2017). Soil inorganic N (NO3− and NO2−) con-
emissions (Moore et al., 2017). ; Schaufler et al., centrations are responsible for nitrification-derived
2010). The greatest CO2 emission was observed at N2O products in dry soil conditions. In soils with

higher N content which are subjected to dry cli- soil moisture content (Amadi et al., 2016) and thus
mate conditions, ammonium ions are oxidized CH4 emission is reduced during drought conditions
rather than methane which could be the reason for (Keane et al., 2021). However, rewetting the soil
the higher N2O emission in drought conditions could trigger soil CH4 production in post-drought
(Aronson et al., 2019). Moreover, lower soil water periods (Keane et al., 2021; O’Connell et al., 2018).
drainage and plant N uptake in dry seasons or dry
soil conditions contribute to NO3-N accumulation
and N2O emission (Iqbal et al., 2015; Venterea et al., 4. Greenhouse gas flux from riparian
2011). Jacinthe et al. (2012) reported that within a systems under extreme hydrological events
mature riparian forest experiencing frequent flood-
4.1. CO2 exchange
ing (four to six times annually), the average N2O
flux exhibited a notably higher level compared to Wet soil conditions due to the flooding and heavy
periods of occasional floods (2 to 3 times per year) rainfall events contributed more to the soil CO2
or infrequent floods (occurring every 20 years). emission (7.4 g CO2-C m−2 d−1) relative to dry soil
Therefore, lower soil water content and shifting conditions (3.1 g CO2-C m−2 d−1) (Figure 2B). Soil CO2
from anoxic to oxic conditions in severe drought emissions from dry and wet soil tropical/subtropi-
conditions could reduce the denitrification rate and cal riparian systems (dry: 3.9 g CO2-C m−2 d−1; wet:
thus N2O emission (Liu et al., 2021). 15.2 g CO2-C m−2 d−1) were greater than temperate
Microorganisms that are involved in CH4 pro- and Mediterranean riparian land use systems (Figure
duction through the methanogenesis process are 2). The emission of CO2 from dry riparian soils was
anaerobes (Methanogen microbes) that function substantially (P = 0.007) greater in tropical/subtropi-
better under soil-saturated conditions in flooded cal climates than in temperate regions (2.1 g CO2-C
soils (Angel et al., 2012; Nazaries et al., 2013; Smith m−2 d−1) (Figure 2A). This could be attributed to the
et al., 2003). The maximum CH4 efflux rate from higher soil and ambient temperatures in tropical/
riparian forest soils under investigation by Moore subtropical regions as compared to temperate and
et al. (2017) was observed at soil saturation condi- Mediterranean climates (Table 2). A strong posi-
tions. Dry soils are CH4 sinks due to the increased tive correlation (r2=0.56) between soil CO2 emission
methanotrophic activity under improved soil aera- from a riparian system and soil temperature was
tion (Kwak et al., 2019). Riparian systems in flood- observed by Gebremichael et al. (2017). Moreover,
plain soils under saturated conditions emit more higher soil CO2 flux in tropical riparian zones could
CH4 than under normal season conditions due to be correlated with higher soil temperature, as well
the lower redox potential and oxygen diffusion as lower substrate quality of these land use sys-
(Moore et al., 2017; Peralta et al., 2014). In flooded tems (Keane et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2022) (Table
soils, methanogenic microorganisms become dom- 2). Intense precipitation events in tropical/subtropi-
inant and facilitate the breakdown of organic cal regions cause a sharp increase in soil moisture
matter. As a result, an increased presence of soil content which in turn triggers soil enzyme activity
C leads to elevated CH4 emissions in riparian sys- and microbial respiration and thus CO2 emission (Liu
tems following flooding events (Xu et al., 2021). et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2022) (Table 2) relative to
The standing water above the soil surface after temperate and Mediterranean riparian systems. Mean
flood events influences the CH4 release positively soil C: N ratio and DOC were greater by roughly 1.5
(Shi et al., 2021). The two groups of methanogens and 19 times, respectively, in Mediterranean riparian
(acetoclastic and hydrogenotrophic) play a key role systems compared to the temperate systems. This
in the biogenically produced CH4 in anoxic condi- could be the reason for the higher CO2 flux from
tions when the water stands above the soil surface Mediterranean riparian systems (dry soil: 3.3 g CO2-C
(Kollah et al., 2018). Moreover, water table depth m−2 d−1; wet soil: 3.9 g CO2-C m−2 d−1) relative to tem-
is negatively correlated with soil CH4 emission perate systems. Although soil carbon content derived
(Soosaar et al., 2011). As the water table increases, from the studies conducted on tropical/subtropical
the shift from aerobic to anaerobic conditions riparian systems was expressed in units other than
occurs, and methanogens use soil carbon sources dissolved organic carbon (DOC), Kachenchart et al.
to generate CH4 (Keane et al., 2021). In dry seasons (2012) noted that the DOC concentration in tropical
methane oxidation becomes the limiting factor in riparian systems is estimated to be roughly three
CH4 production from soil (Sha et al., 2011). Soil CH4 times higher than that reported for temperate ripar-
production is substantially correlated (r2=0.32) with ian zones. Since CO2 emission is positively correlated
Cogent Food & Agriculture 7

Figure 2. Mean greenhouse gas emissions from soils under different climate and hydrological conditions (A); and mean soil
emissions (all climates) under dry-wet conditions (B). Bar charts are standard errors. Bars (±SE) followed different letters in
each hydrological condition, showing significant differences at p < 0.05. In this study, soil greenhouse gas emissions during the
dry season and after flooding events/from saturated soils are considered dry and wet soil emissions, respectively. Source: Altor
and Mitsch (2006); Hernandez and Mitsch (2006); McLain and Martens (2006); Hinshaw and Dahlgren (2016); Audet et al.
(2013); Kachenchart et al. (2012); Lopes de Gerenyu et al. (2011) (2015); Batson et al. (2015); Jacinthe et al. (2015); Mander
et al. (2015); Vidon et al. (2017); Vidon et al. (2016); Jacinthe and Vidon (2017); Gebremichael et al. (2017); Poblador et al.
(2017); Smith et al. (2017); Kaiser et al. (2018); Kandel et al. (2019); Mafa-Attoye et al. (2020); Schindler et al. (2020); Liu et al.
(2021); Wang et al. (2021); Mander et al. (2022); Zhang et al. (2022).

Table 2. Mean environmental properties in the reviewed riparian systems.

Total Dissolved
Organic C Total N organic C NO3- NH4+ Soil temperature Air temperature Precipitation
Climate C:N g kg
g kg-1
mg kg-1
mg kg mg kg-1
°C °C mm pH
Mediterranean 14:1 3.64 0.3 265.7 13.2 10.05 19.5 13.05 445 6.5
Temperate 10:1 87.94 n.a. 14.3 14.4 20.1 15 8.8 600 6.7
Tropical /subtropical 13.2 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 27 26.3 823 6.2
n.a., not available.
Source: Altor and Mitsch (2006); Hernandez and Mitsch (2006); McLain and Martens (2006); Hinshaw and Dahlgren (2016); Audet et al. (2013);
Kachenchart et al. (2012); Batson et al. (2015); Jacinthe et al. (2015); Mander et al. (2015); Vidon et al. (2017); Vidon et al. (2016); Jacinthe and Vidon
(2017); Gebremichael et al. (2017); Poblador et al. (2017); Smith et al. (2017); Kaiser et al. (2018); Kandel et al. (2019); Mafa-Attoye et al. (2020);
Schindler et al. (2020); Liu et al. (2021); Wang et al. (2021); Mander et al. (2022); Zhang et al. (2022).

with the soil DOC (Bailey et al., 2009), this could be 4.2. N2O exchange
another factor that contributes to the higher CO2
Soil N2O flux was greater under flooding events
flux from tropical riparian systems relative to tem-
(0.25 mg N2O-N m−2 h−1) as compared to dry soil
perate systems.

(0.03 mg N2O-N m−2 h−1) conditions (Figure 2B). N2O higher N2O flux from temperate riparian systems in
emissions from wet soils in temperate riparian sys- wet seasons and after flooding events as compared
tems (0.7 mg N2O-N m−2 h−1) were greater than ripar- to the Mediterranean and tropical/subtropical ripar-
ian systems located in tropical/subtropical (0.03 mg ian systems (Kandel et al., 2019).
N2O-N m−2 h−1) and Mediterranean climate (0.04 mg
N2O-N m−2 h−1) (Figure 2A). Soil N2O emissions under
wet soil conditions were 2 times greater than dry 4.3. CH4 exchange
conditions in temperate riparian systems. The greater
The higher soil CH4 flux was observed under soil satu-
wet soil N2O flux from temperate riparian systems
ration conditions after flooding events (12 mg CH4-C
relative to the two other climates is due to the
m−2 h−1) than from dry soils (2.6 mg CH4-C m−2 h−1).
higher soil inorganic N content (Table 2). A strong
Soil CH4 flux was greater from riparian systems in trop-
positive correlation (r2= 0.83) between soil N2O flux
ical/subtropical climate (dry: 7.7 mg CH4-C m−2 h−1; wet:
and soil NO3- concentration for a temperate riparian
22.9 mg CH4-C m−2 h−1) as compared to the temperate
system during the wet season was reported by
(dry: 0.05 mg CH4-C m−2 h−1; wet: 1.7 mg CH4-C m−2 h−1)
Jacinthe and Vidon (2017). Moreover, Kachenchart
and Mediterranean (dry: ~0.0 mg CH4-C m−2 h−1; wet:
et al. (2012) reported a positive correlation (r = 0.13)
not available) riparian systems (Figure 2A). Greater soil
between soil NH4+ concentration and nitrification
DOC along with, rainfall and WFPS accumulation in
rate in a tropical riparian system. Also, a positive cor-
tropical climate contribute to the more CH4 flux
relation (r = 0.24) between soil N2O flux and NH4+ was
(Kachenchart et al., 2012). In contrast, when the water
observed by Gebremichael et al. (2017) in a
level drops below the soil surface in dry seasons, ripar-
Mediterranean riparian system. A higher dry soil N2O
ian soils become CH4 sinks (Liu et al., 2021). Dry soil
flux in Mediterranean riparian systems (0.05 mg
CH4 flux from tropical/subtropical riparian systems was
N2O-N m−2 h−1) than temperate (P = 0.03; 0.01 mg
higher by almost 4 and 8 times relative to temperate
N2O-N m−2 h−1) and tropical/subtropical (0.013 mg
and Mediterranean riparian systems. Following summer
N2O-N m−2 h−1) riparian landuse systems could be
flooding events causing soil saturation, the elevated
attributed to the higher soil temperature during dry
dry season temperatures in tropical/subtropical cli-
seasons (Datta et al., 2011) (Table 1). Increased soil
mates, compared to temperate and Mediterranean
NH4+ oxidation due to the higher temperature in dry
regions, stimulate both CH4 production and oxidation
seasons could be responsible for the greater N2O
in riparian systems (Liu et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2022).
emission in Mediterranean riparian systems relative
Due to the greater GWP of CH4 and N2O relative
to temperate and tropical/subtropical riparian sys-
to CO2, an estimated GWP of riparian systems under
tems (Jacinthe & Vidon, 2017; Kandel et al., 2019).
severe weather conditions revealed that the wet con-
Some of the temperate riparian systems were adja-
ditions with higher soil N2O and CH4 fluxes could
cent to the agricultural fields (Audet et al., 2013;
seriously impact climate change (Figure 3) as com-
Kandel et al., 2019). Therefore, discharging NO3- from
pared to dry soil conditions. Although this was not
adjacent fertilized agricultural systems into the ripar-
the aim of this study, to estimate the overall GWP of
ian area could be another important reason for
riparian ecosystems, the net C budget of the system

Figure 3. Soil CO2 eq of CO2, N2O, and CH4 from riparian systems under dry and wet soil conditions. Soil greenhouse gas
emissions during the dry season and after flooding events/from wet soils are considered dry and wet soil emissions,
Cogent Food & Agriculture 9

including C restoration and C output (GHG emis- Disclosure statement

sions) should be evaluated in future studies. Limited
The authors declare that they have no known competing
information on the net carbon release from riparian financial interests or personal relationships that could have
systems still hinders the assessment of the sources/ appeared to influence the work reported in this article.
sinks from these ecosystems and their contribution
to the global climate.
Jamshid Ansari
5. Conclusions and future prospects Sougata Bardhan
Morgan P. Davis
Riparian areas are ecologically important transition Stephen H. Anderson http://orcid.
zones between terrestrial and aquatic environments, org/0000-0002-5664-6121
and their role in greenhouse gas emissions is an area Nasruddeen Al-Awwal http://orcid.
of active research. Riparian systems play crucial rules org/0000-0001-8172-4913
in global C cycling and can influence or be influ-
enced by climate change-induced hydrological Data availability statement
events. Several factors such as land use, vegetation
types, soil characteristics, and climatic conditions can The data that support the findings of this study are avail-
able from the corresponding author, [Jamshid Ansari],
influence the greenhouse gas dynamics in riparian upon reasonable request.
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