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Ancient History
Do NOT write in this area.

General • Reading time – 5 minutes

Instructions • Working time – 3 hours
• Write using black pen
• A Source Booklet is provided with this paper
• Write your Centre Number and Student Number at the top of
this page

Total marks: Section I – 25 marks (pages 2–7)

100 • Attempt Questions 1–4
• Allow about 45 minutes for this section

Section II – 25 marks (pages 9–17)

• Attempt ONE question from Questions 5–12
• Allow about 45 minutes for this section

Section III – 25 marks (pages 18–23)

• Attempt ONE question from Questions 13–22
• Allow about 45 minutes for this section

Section IV – 25 marks (pages 24–26)

• Attempt ONE question from Questions 23–32
• Allow about 45 minutes for this section

Office Use Only – Do NOT write anything, or make any marks below this line.
1010 15020
Section I — Cities of Vesuvius – Pompeii and Herculaneum

25 marks
Attempt Questions 1–4
Allow about 45 minutes for this section

Refer to the Source Booklet to answer Questions 2–4.

Answer the questions in the spaces provided. These spaces provide guidance for the expected
length of response.

Extra writing space is provided on page 7 of this booklet. If you use this space, clearly indicate
which question you are answering.

Your answer will be assessed on how well you:

● demonstrate historical knowledge and understanding relevant to the question
● communicate ideas and information logically
● use historical terms and concepts appropriately

Do NOT write in this area.

Question 1 (3 marks)

Outline what ancient writing reveals about the eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79.










Office Use Only – Do NOT write anything, or make any marks below this line.
Question 2 (4 marks)

What evidence does graffiti provide about life in Pompeii? Support your response using
Source A.









Do NOT write in this area.




Office Use Only – Do NOT write anything, or make any marks below this line.
Question 3 (8 marks)

To what extent do Sources B and C help historians to understand the roles of slaves and
freedmen in Pompeii and Herculaneum? Support your response using evidence from these and
other relevant sources.









Do NOT write in this area.


















Office Use Only – Do NOT write anything, or make any marks below this line.
Question 4 (10 marks)

How has new research changed our understanding of Pompeii and Herculaneum? Support your
response using evidence from Sources D and E, and other relevant sources.









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Question 4 continues on page 6

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Question 4 (continued)












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End of Question 4

Office Use Only – Do NOT write anything, or make any marks below this line.
Section I extra writing space
If you use this space, clearly indicate which question you are answering.
Do NOT write in this area.

Office Use Only – Do NOT write anything, or make any marks below this line.

Do NOT write in this area.

–8– © 2020 NSW Education Standards Authority

Office Use Only – Do NOT write anything, or make any marks below this line.

Ancient History

Section II — Ancient Societies

25 marks
Attempt ONE question from Questions 5–12
Answer ALL parts of the question
Allow about 45 minutes for this section

Answer the question on pages 2−8 of the Sections II, III and IV Writing Booklet. Extra writing
booklets are available.

Your answer will be assessed on how well you:

● demonstrate historical knowledge and understanding relevant to the question
● communicate ideas and information logically
● use historical terms and concepts appropriately

Please turn over

1011 –9–
Question 5 — Option A: New Kingdom Egypt society to the death of
Amenhotep III (25 marks)

Answer parts (a) and (b) of the question on pages 2−4 of the Writing Booklet.

(a) Describe the role of the Egyptian army in this period. 5

(b) With reference to Source F, what do temples reveal about religion in Egypt in 8
this period?

Thutmose III’s
Sed Festival Hall

Original Sacred Amenhotep II’s

Middle Lake Sed Festival Kiosk
of Ptah Kingdom
Pylon 6
Pylon 5
Pylon 4
Pylon 3

Pylon 7 Pylon 8

Source F : Plan of the temple of Karnak in the 18th dynasty

Answer part (c) of the question on pages 5−8 of the Writing Booklet.

(c) What evidence do archaeological and written sources provide about the Egyptian 12
economy in this period?

– 10 –
Question 6 — Option B: New Kingdom Egypt society during the Ramesside
period (25 marks)

Answer parts (a) and (b) of the question on pages 2−4 of the Writing Booklet.

(a) Describe the features of personal religion in this period. 5

(b) With reference to Source G, what do wall paintings reveal about women in 8
Egypt in this period?

Source G : Wall painting from the tomb of Userhat, 19th dynasty

Answer part (c) of the question on pages 5−8 of the Writing Booklet.

(c) What evidence do archaeological and written sources provide about the Egyptian 12
economy in this period?

– 11 –
Question 7 — Option C: Society in Israel from Solomon to the fall of Samaria
(25 marks)

Answer parts (a) and (b) of the question on pages 2−4 of the Writing Booklet.

(a) Describe the role of women in this period. 5

(b) With reference to Source H, what does the Jerusalem temple reveal about 8
religion in this period?

Jeroboam thought to himself, ‘The kingdom will now likely revert

to the house of David. If these people go up to offer sacrifices at
the temple of the LORD in Jerusalem, they will again give their
allegiance to their lord, Rehoboam king of Judah . . .’ After seeking
advice, the king made two golden calves. He said to the people,
‘It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem. Here are your gods,
Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt.’ . . . And this thing became
a sin; the people came to worship the one at Bethel and went as far
as Dan to worship the other.

Source H : 1 Kings 12: 26 –30

Answer part (c) of the question on pages 5−8 of the Writing Booklet.

(c) What evidence do archaeological and written sources provide about political 12
organisation in Israel in this period?

– 12 –
Question 8 — Option D: Persian society at the time of Darius and Xerxes
(25 marks)

Answer parts (a) and (b) of the question on pages 2−4 of the Writing Booklet.

(a) Describe the role of the Magi in this period. 5

(b) With reference to Source I, what do writing and inscriptions reveal about 8
Persian kings in this period?

Says Darius the king: These (are) the countries which came to me;
by the grace of Ahura-Mazda they became subject to me; they bore
tribute to me . . . (he) who was an enemy, him who should be well
punished I punished; by the grace of Ahura-Mazda these countries
respected my laws . . . Ahura-Mazda gave me this kingdom; Ahura-
Mazda bore me aid until I obtained this kingdom; by the grace of
Ahura-Mazda I hold this kingdom.

Source I : Extract from the Behistan inscription

Answer part (c) of the question on pages 5−8 of the Writing Booklet.

(c) What evidence do archaeological and written sources provide about the Persian 12
economy in this period?

– 13 –
Question 9 — Option E: Society in China during the Han Dynasty
206 BC − AD 220 (25 marks)

Answer parts (a) and (b) of the question on pages 2−4 of the Writing Booklet.

(a) Describe the features of the Cult of the Dead in this period. 5

(b) With reference to Source J, what do writing and literature reveal about Chinese 8
cultural life in this period?

If a husband be unworthy, then he possesses nothing by which to

control his wife. If a wife be unworthy, then she possesses nothing
with which to serve her husband. If a husband does not control
his wife, then the rules of conduct [establishing] his authority are
abandoned and broken. If a wife does not serve her husband, then
the proper relationship between men and women and the natural
order of things are neglected and destroyed.

Source J : Extract from Lessons for Women

Answer part (c) of the question on pages 5−8 of the Writing Booklet.

(c) What evidence do archaeological and written sources provide about political 12
organisation in China in this period?

– 14 –
Question 10 — Option F: Bronze Age – Minoan Crete (25 marks)

Answer parts (a) and (b) of the question on pages 2−4 of the Writing Booklet.

(a) Describe the features of Minoan crafts and industry. 5

(b) With reference to Source K, what do tombs reveal about death and burial in this 8

Source K : Minoan tomb

Answer part (c) of the question on pages 5−8 of the Writing Booklet.

(c) What evidence do archaeological and written sources provide about Minoan 12
social structure in this period?

– 15 –
Question 11 — Option G: Spartan society to the Battle of Leuctra 371 BC
(25 marks)

Answer parts (a) and (b) of the question on pages 2−4 of the Writing Booklet.

(a) Describe the role of women in this period. 5

(b) With reference to Source L, what do Greek writers reveal about Spartan cultural 8
life in this period?

And there is a place called Platanistas . . . where it is customary for

the youths to fight, [and it] is surrounded by a moat . . . you enter it
by bridges. On each of the two bridges stand images; on one side an
image of Heracles, on the other a likeness of Lycurgus. Among the
laws Lycurgus laid down for the constitution are those regulating
the fighting of the youths.

Source L : Extract from Pausanias 3.14.8

Answer part (c) of the question on pages 5−8 of the Writing Booklet.

(c) What evidence do archaeological and written sources provide about the Spartan 12
economy in this period?

– 16 –
Question 12 — Option H: Athenian society in the time of Pericles (25 marks)

Answer parts (a) and (b) of the question on pages 2−4 of the Writing Booklet.

(a) Describe the role of women in this period. 5

(b) With reference to Source M, what does the port of Piraeus reveal about the 8
economy during this period?

But when Themistocles became archon, since he thought that the

Piraeus was more conveniently situated for [sailors], and had three
harbours as against one at Phalerum, he made it the Athenian port.
Even up to my time there were docks there, and near the largest
harbour is the grave of Themistocles.

Source M : Extract from Pausanias 1.1.2

Answer part (c) of the question on pages 5−8 of the Writing Booklet.

(c) What evidence do archaeological and written sources provide about Athenian 12
religion in this period?

– 17 –
Section III — Personalities in their Times

25 marks
Attempt ONE question from Questions 13–22
Answer ALL parts of the question
Allow about 45 minutes for this section

Answer the question on pages 10−16 of the Sections II, III and IV Writing Booklet. Extra
writing booklets are available.

Your answer will be assessed on how well you:

● demonstrate historical knowledge and understanding relevant to the question
● communicate ideas and information logically
● use historical terms and concepts appropriately

Question 13 — Option A: Egypt – Hatshepsut (25 marks)

Answer parts (a) and (b) of the question on pages 10−12 of the Writing Booklet.

(a) Outline the nature of Hatshepsut’s marriage to Thutmose II. 4

(b) Why did Hatshepsut promote the cults of various gods and goddesses? 6

Answer part (c) of the question on pages 13−16 of the Writing Booklet.

(c) Hatshepsut has the misfortune to be antiquity’s female leader who did everything
right, a woman who could match her wit and energy to a task so seamlessly that
she made no waves of discontent that have been recorded. For Hatshepsut, all
that endured were the remnants of her success, props for later kings who never
had to give her the credit she deserved.
K COONEY, The Woman Who Would Be King, 2014

The above source provides a view of Hatshepsut. To what extent can this 15
assessment be justified?

– 18 –
Question 14 — Option B: Egypt – Akhenaten (25 marks)

Answer parts (a) and (b) of the question on pages 10−12 of the Writing Booklet.

(a) Describe the features of the city of Akhetaten. 4

(b) What was innovative about representations of Akhenaten and the royal family 6
during this period?

Answer part (c) of the question on pages 13−16 of the Writing Booklet.

(c) In foreign policy, Akhenaten could be as aggressive as any previous or future

pharaoh; this military prowess and a desire to confront potential threats were
characteristics expected of the Egyptian ruler.
J DARNELL and C MANASSA, Tutankhamun’s Armies, 2007

The above source provides a view of Akhenaten. To what extent can this 15
assessment be justified?

Question 15 — Option C: The Near East – Sennacherib (25 marks)

Answer parts (a) and (b) of the question on pages 10−12 of the Writing Booklet.

(a) Describe the manner of Sennacherib’s death. 4

(b) Why did Sennacherib invade Babylon? 6

Answer part (c) of the question on pages 13−16 of the Writing Booklet.

(c) One major deficiency was his [angry], vindictive, and impatient character.
When he was dominated by his feelings, he was pushed to take irrational
decisions. He was excessively proud, stubborn, and somewhat influenceable.
He was able to commit atrocities, not [for pleasure] but following the line of
traditional Assyrian warfare.
J ELAYI, Sennacherib, King of Assyria, 2018

The above source provides a view of Sennacherib. To what extent can this 15
assessment be justified?

– 19 –
Question 16 — Option D: The Near East – Xerxes (25 marks)

Answer parts (a) and (b) of the question on pages 10−12 of the Writing Booklet.

(a) Describe the manner of Xerxes’ death. 4

(b) How did Xerxes administer the Persian empire? 6

Answer part (c) of the question on pages 13−16 of the Writing Booklet.

(c) [Xerxes] has largely had a bad press from history, and even worse from the
moralists. He is remembered mainly as the king who failed to conquer Greece,
the villain of a heroic story of resistance. The memory is a partial one, and
Xerxes should equally be recognised for his achievements . . .
R STONEMAN, Xerxes: A Persian Life, 2015

The above source provides a view of Xerxes. To what extent can this assessment 15
be justified?

Question 17 — Option E: China – Qin Shihuangdi (25 marks)

Answer parts (a) and (b) of the question on pages 10−12 of the Writing Booklet.

(a) Outline the impact of Qin Shihuangdi’s death. 4

(b) How did Qin Shihuangdi attempt to achieve immortality? 6

Answer part (c) of the question on pages 13−16 of the Writing Booklet.

(c) The king of Qin was not necessarily the brains of the outfit – his advisers were
the ones who had masterminded his rise to power. The plan to install him as
the ruler of the world had commenced before he was even born . . . Ying Zheng,
the king of Qin, became the First Emperor with the help of great minds – his
ministers . . . and his experienced generals.
J CLEMENTS, The First Emperor of China, 2015

The above source provides a view of Qin Shihuangdi. To what extent can this 15
assessment be justified?

– 20 –
Question 18 — Option F: Greece – Pericles (25 marks)

Answer parts (a) and (b) of the question on pages 10−12 of the Writing Booklet.

(a) Outline the features of Pericles’ building program. 4

(b) Why did Pericles reform democracy? 6

Answer part (c) of the question on pages 13−16 of the Writing Booklet.

(c) These two aspects of Pericles’ leadership – the nature of his influence during
the time of Athens’ greatest power and his successful advocacy of going to war
with Sparta – make it imperative to ask whether, despite Pericles’ lasting fame,
his life in the end has to be judged a tragedy rather than a triumph.
T MARTIN, Pericles: A Biography in Context, 2016

The above source provides a view of Pericles. To what extent can this assessment 15
be justified?

Question 19 — Option G: Greece – Alexander the Great (25 marks)

Answer parts (a) and (b) of the question on pages 10−12 of the Writing Booklet.

(a) Outline the problems of Alexander’s succession to the throne. 4

(b) How did Alexander win the battle of Gaugamela? 6

Answer part (c) of the question on pages 13−16 of the Writing Booklet.

(c) But the man known as Alexander the Great was also one of history’s worst
monsters. He was a murderous, rage-filled, paranoid, alcoholic, religious
fanatic . . . He murdered often, at times indiscriminately. He assassinated rivals
a dozen at a time, slaughtered innocents by the thousands, and exterminated
entire tribes of people.
R GABRIEL, Alexander the Great: Monster of Macedon, 2013

The above source provides a view of Alexander the Great. To what extent can 15
this assessment be justified?

– 21 –
Question 20 — Option H: Rome – Tiberius Gracchus (25 marks)

Answer parts (a) and (b) of the question on pages 10−12 of the Writing Booklet.

(a) Describe the manner of Tiberius’ death. 4

(b) What role did Tiberius’ political supporters play during his tribunate? 6

Answer part (c) of the question on pages 13−16 of the Writing Booklet.

(c) Mommsen’s final judgment is that . . . [Tiberius’] reforms were based on a

sincere desire to help the poor and seek ‘the deliverance of Italy’. However,
Mommsen also argues that Tiberius violated the traditional constitutional forms
of the Republic and brought it closer to the danger of mob rule, without making
the full move towards monarchy or democracy that might have prevented the
crises of the century that followed.
A SWIDZINSKI, Tiberius Gracchus: A Study, 2008

The above source provides a view of Tiberius Gracchus. To what extent can this 15
assessment be justified?

Question 21 — Option I: Rome – Julius Caesar (25 marks)

Answer parts (a) and (b) of the question on pages 10−12 of the Writing Booklet.

(a) Outline the nature of Caesar’s relationship with Cleopatra VII. 4

(b) Why did Julius Caesar invade Gaul? 6

Answer part (c) of the question on pages 13−16 of the Writing Booklet.

(c) Caesar was a great man . . . Politically he had a huge impact on Roman history,
playing a key role in ending the Republican system of government, which had
endured for four and a half centuries . . . Few would dispute Caesar’s claim
to greatness, but it is much harder to say that he was a good man, or that the
consequences of his career were unambiguously good.
A GOLDSWORTHY, Caesar: The Life of a Colossus, 2006

The above source provides a view of Julius Caesar. To what extent can this 15
assessment be justified?

– 22 –
Question 22 — Option J: Rome – Agrippina the Younger (25 marks)

Answer parts (a) and (b) of the question on pages 10−12 of the Writing Booklet.

(a) Describe the manner of Agrippina’s death. 4

(b) Why was Agrippina exiled during the reign of Gaius? 6

Answer part (c) of the question on pages 13−16 of the Writing Booklet.

(c) . . . Agrippina’s contribution to her time seems on the whole to have been a
positive one. This does not mean, of course, that she was a paragon* of virtue
and a woman of sterling character . . . in fact, the evidence, honestly and fairly
evaluated, seems to suggest that she was a distinctly unattractive individual.

*paragon a perfect example

Agrippina – Sex, Power, and Politics in the Early Empire, 1996

The above source provides a view of Agrippina the Younger. To what extent 15
can this assessment be justified?

– 23 –
Section IV — Historical Periods

25 marks
Attempt ONE question from Questions 23–32
Allow about 45 minutes for this section

Answer the question on pages 18−24 of the Sections II, III and IV Writing Booklet. Extra
writing booklets are available.

Your answer will be assessed on how well you:

● demonstrate historical knowledge and understanding relevant to the question
● use relevant sources and interpretation to support your response
● communicate ideas and information using historical terms and concepts appropriately
● present a sustained, logical and cohesive response

Question 23 — Option A: New Kingdom Egypt to the Death of Thutmose IV

(25 marks)

(a) How important was the cult of Amun to the pharaoh’s power and authority in 25
this period?


(b) To what extent did the pharaohs establish an ‘empire’ in this period? 25

Question 24 — Option B: New Kingdom Egypt – Amenhotep III to the Death

of Ramesses II (25 marks)

(a) To what extent was Amenhotep III responsible for the Amarna ‘revolution’? 25


(b) How significant was the image of the ‘Warrior Pharaoh’ for Ramesside 25

– 24 –
Question 25 — Option C: The Ancient Levant – First Temple Period
c. 970−586 BC (25 marks)

(a) How did the geopolitical location of the Ancient Levant contribute to the 25
expansion of trade and settlement in this period?


(b) How important was the building of the First Temple to Solomon’s power and 25
authority in this period?

Question 26 — Option D: Persia – Cyrus II to the Death of Darius III

(25 marks)

(a) How important was Cambyses II’s reign to the development of Persia and its 25


(b) To what extent were religious policies more significant than economic policies 25
in the maintenance of the Persian empire?

Question 27 — Option E: Imperial China – The Qin and Han 247−87 BC

(25 marks)

(a) To what extent were problems of succession responsible for the fall of the Qin? 25


(b) To what extent were the empress dowagers significant to the maintenance of 25
power and authority of the Han dynasty?

Question 28 — Option F: The Greek World 500−440 BC (25 marks)

(a) How significant was the battle of Plataea to Greek victory in the Persian Wars? 25


(b) Why did the Delian League transform into the Athenian Empire? 25

– 25 –
Question 29 — Option G: 4th-Century Greece to the Death of Philip II
(25 marks)

(a) How did changes in Greek warfare influence developments in Greece and 25
Macedon in this period?


(b) To what extent was Demosthenes successful in opposing Philip II? 25

Question 30 — Option H: The Fall of the Roman Republic 78−31 BC

(25 marks)

(a) How significant was the legacy of Sulla for political developments in the late 25


(b) To what extent did the First Triumvirate play a more significant role than the 25
Second Triumvirate in the fall of the Roman Republic?

Question 31 — Option I: The Augustan Age 44 BC − AD 14 (25 marks)

(a) How did Augustus use building programs to establish and maintain his 25


(b) To what extent were imperial women significant to the maintenance of power 25
and authority in the Augustan principate?

Question 32 — Option J: The Julio-Claudians AD 14−69 (25 marks)

(a) How important was the contribution of the Praetorian Guard to the development 25
of the principate in this period?


(b) How did the role of the Senate change in this period? 25

End of paper
– 26 –

– 27 –

– 28 –
© 2020 NSW Education Standards Authority
NSW Education Standards Authority


Ancient History
Source Booklet

Instructions Detach this Source Booklet

Sources Source A (page 2)

Source B (page 2)

Source C (page 2)

Source D (page 3)

Source E (page 3)

Source A

Graffito, Pompeii

I beg you to elect Gaius Julius Polybius aedile. He brings good


Source B

Inscription on statue, Herculaneum

To Marcus Nonius Balbus, son of Marcus, praetor, pronconsul,

Marcus Nonius Volusianus, freedman of Balbus [erected this

Source C

Wall painting from Pompeii depicting slaves serving at a banquet

Source D

Excerpt from ‘The New Treasures of Pompeii’, F Lidz, in the Smithsonian Magazine,
September 2019

[Massimo] Osanna [director of the Pompeii archaeological

site] has embraced 21st-century technology . . . ‘We can now
obtain information that was once impossible to get. This is the
real revolution.’ . . . Drones produce 3-D imaging of houses
and document the dig’s progress. CAT scans sweep away old
certainties by peering into Fiorelli’s thick plaster casts and
drawing a clearer picture of victims and what happened to
them . . .

. . . The famous ‘Muleteer’, a crouched male who appeared to be

shielding his face from the fumes, turned out to have no arms.
(. . . The plaster arms were apparently ‘sculptural improvements’
added to the cast in the 20th century.)

Source E

Excerpt from ‘Hidden writing revealed on ancient scroll buried in [Herculaneum]’, E Frederick,
Science, 4 October 2019

After some processing, the images revealed previously obscured

text on the back and enhanced the readability of the words on
the front . . . Overall, the new imaging method . . . allowed the
researchers to correct some sections of Philodemus’ manuscript that
had been wrongly interpreted. For instance, one Greek word that had
previously been read as ‘charmed’ or ‘bewitched’ . . . turned out to
say ‘enslaved’ when viewed in starker contrast. Clarifications like
this can change how scholars interpret Philodemus’ portrayals of
famous thinkers.


© 2020 NSW Education Standards Authority

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