PE3 Prelim First Aid

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1st Semester 2022-2023

Course: PE3/ First Aid & Water Safety

General Instructions:
Strictly NO permit, NO exam;
• Read and follow the instructions carefully;
• Remember to sign on the Exam Attendance Form;
• All questions and clarifications must be addressed to the proctor;
• Anybody caught in any act of cheating will receive a grade of 0;
• Write all your answers on the Blue Yellow paper.

DIRECTION: Select the best answer among the choices given. Circle the letter of your correct choice provided for this examination.

1. Immediate care given to a person who has been injured or suddenly taken ill.?
A. First Aid B. Survival C. Helping D. Charity

2. Combustion or burning in which substances combine chemically with oxygen from the air and typically give out bright
light, heat and smoke?
A.Flame B. Heat C. Fire D. Smoke

3. It is better to know _____________________ and not need it than to need it but never knew it.?
A.First Aid B. Survival C. Helping D. Charity

4. are caused by DRY HEAT?

A.Flame B. Burns C. Fire D. Scalds

5. The burns affected the Dermis and epidermis, Blister formation, looks raw, Swelling and severe pain?
A. 1st Degree Burn B. 3rd Degree Burn C. 2nd Degree Burn D. None of the above

6. The burns affected and Involves the dermis, redness, mild swelling and tenderness, pain affected?
A. None of the above B. 3rd Degree Burn C. 1st Degree Burn D. 2nd Degree Burn

7. Non-Surgical removal of the fingers, toes, hands, feet, arms, legs and ears from the body?
A. Scar B. Burn C. Amputation D. Electric Shock

8. The effect produced by the passage of an current through any part of the body and causes include contact with a "live" wire or
circuit, and occasionally occur when a person is struck by lightning?
A. Amputation B. Burn C. Fracture D. Electric Shock

9. Pain and tenderness, Inability to use the injured limb, Deformity, swelling, Bruising, Numbness and Pale, bluish skin?
A. Scar B. Burn C. Fracture D. Electric Shock

10. Provision of Initial care for an injured person and usually perform by a lay person (not limited to)
Until professional care arrives, or definitive medical treatment can be accessed.
A. Health B. Burn C. Fracture D. First Aid
1st Semester 2022-2023
Course: PE3/ First Aid & Water Safety

II. The Three (3) Importance of First Aid?

III. Explain the ABC Method?

IV. Explain the (3) Deadly & a.ka. Silent Killer here in our country?

"God able to make our paths straigt, Trust him with all your heart"
Proverbs 3,5:6

Prof. Gilbert F. Salvador RCrim, MSCJ-Crim, PhD ( C )

Program Head, College of Criminology

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