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Europass-Curriculum Vitae

Informao pessoal
Surname / Name
Adress Phone E-mail Nationality Ferreira Monteiro Rosa; Paulo Jos Portugal Handset: +351 917492708 Portugal

Place of Birth Angola Date of Birth November 3th 1972

Profissional Experiency
Dates Function Since January 2006 to present Senior trader

Work and main activivities Trading: Bonds Government and Corporate, Stocks, CFD, Futures and Options), Commodities, Forex. Plataforms:Bloomberg for Bonds. NyseEuronext (Carregosa is member);Saxo bank; Credit Suisse. Employer Banco Carregosa Sector -----------------------------------------------------Dates Function Investiment Bank July 2004 to December 2004 Head of Carregosa agency in Vila Real, near Oporto.

Work and main activivities Financial adviser. Bonds and equities Trading. Employer Sector -----------------------------------------------------Dates Function Carregosa Financial Markets Juin 2001 to July 2004 Head of Central Banco de Investimento agency in Vila Real, near Oporto.

Work and main activivities Financial adviser. Bonds and equities Trading. Employer Sector -----------------------------------------------------Dates Function Central Banco de Investimento Financial Markets November 2001 to December 2004 Owner

Work and main activivities Financial Markets Reaserch, mainly bonds and equities. Employer Sector -----------------------------------------------------Dates
Pgina 1/ 2- Curriculum vitae de Ferreira Monteiro Rosa, Paulo Jos

Rosa&Amorim Consultoria de Mercados Financeiros, Lda Financial Markets Ano 2002; Ano 2003; Ano 2004
Para mais informaes sobre o Europass, consulte Comunidades Europeias, 2003 20060628

Function Work Employer ------------------------------------------------------

Financial Markets discipline Guider. Licenciate in economics Licenciate in economics Guider to fifth year (the last) and fourth year. Financial Markets Discipline. Universidade de Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD)

Dates 1999 Function Consultant Wor Consultant Employer LISCONSULT (Grupo Mello); Av. Elias Garcia, 137, 7; 1050 - 099 LISBOA. -----------------------------------------------------Dates 1996 to 2000 Work Independent Bonds and Equities trader ------------------------------------------------------


University and graduation

Licenciate in economics. Faculty of economics of Oporto University. Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto.

Personal skills
Mother Tongue Portuguese Understanding
Oral understanding Read Full Professional proficiency Full Professional proficiency Full Professional proficiency Oral interaction Full Professional proficiency Elementary proficiency Elementary proficiency Full Professional proficiency Full Professional proficiency Full Professional proficiency

Oral proficiency Full Professional proficiency Elementary proficiency Elementar proficiency

Full Professional profeciency Elementary proficiency Full Professional proficiency

English French Spanish
















Computer skills

Domain of Office software (Word, Excel and PowerPoint) learn in professional work and school.

Others Reuters and Bloomberg to the financial markets. Drive Licence

level B (A normal Car) Article of analisys Jornal Negcios: Crdito habitao March 25th 2010.One page. Article of analisys Dirio Econmico: taxas Juro, Sentimento e EmpregoMarch 15th 2010. 2 pages. Article of analisys Vida Econmica:Warrants influenciam as aces April 15th 2010. page. Article of analisys Dirio Econmico:Comprar? Vender? Manter? O que fazer? April 2010.1/3 page. Article of analisys Jornal Pblico: Aforradores e especuladores de dvida portuguesa. 16/11/2010 Article of analisys American Chamber of Commerce:Major Adjustment in Democracy.Juin 2011 4 Article of analisys: The public debts crisis; The flat yield curve; chronicle of an announced crisis; T-Bonds yields Paradox. ATM Mercados Capitais 2011 Weekly Financial page in A Voz de Tras-Os-Montes, from 11/2002 to 11/2004. Worker in weekly newsletter of Central Banco Investimento from 2001 to 2004. Radio Universidade: Daily (8h30 and 5h pm) Financial Markets Update, from 02/2002 to 11/2004. Rdio Fundao: Daily (8h30m and 4h40m pm) Financial Markets Update, since January 2006. Rdio Antena Minho: Dirio (s 10h e s 17h) Financial Markets Update, since January 2006. Financial markets briefings to Reuters, JNegcios, JNotcias, France Press. TSF and Renascena. Member of the Portuguese Order Tcnicos Oficiais de Contas, profissional n 63801. Since 2000. Member of the Portuguese Order of Economists, profissional n 9539. Since 2001. Married. Two Daughters. Military service. Frequency in 2000/2001 of MBA in Financial Analisys, taught by IESF. Oil painting, reading and sport (football and Swimming).

Aditional information Opinion Article Jornal Negcios: Dubai: O paraso perdido? December 9th 2009.One page.

Pgina 2/ 2- Curriculum vitae de Ferreira Monteiro Rosa, Paulo Jos

Para mais informaes sobre o Europass, consulte Comunidades Europeias, 2003 20060628

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