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Olingan, Dipolog City

Subject: Organization Management

Grade Level: Grade 11

I.Objective: Explain the functions, roles, and skills of a manager.

Learning across the curriculum:

1. Mathematics - Analyzing financial data and creating budgets for effective management.
2. Social Sciences - Understanding the historical development of management theories.
3. English - Developing effective communication skills for managerial tasks.

1. Show a video clip of a successful manager discussing their role and responsibilities.
2. Conduct a class discussion on the importance of effective management in organizations.
3. Share real-life examples of managers who have made a significant impact on their

Day 1.
Activity 1 - Case Study Analysis

Materials: Case studies related to different managerial functions.

Instructions: Divide the students into groups and provide each group with a case study.
They need to analyze the case, identify the functions, roles, and skills of the manager
involved, and present their findings to the class.


Criteria: Analysis of functions, roles, and skills | Presentation skills | Collaboration

Points: 10 | 5 | 5

Assessment Questions:
1. What are the functions of the manager in the given case study?
2. How did the manager demonstrate effective leadership skills?

Day 2.
Activity 2 - Role Play

Materials: Scenario cards with different managerial roles.

Instructions: Assign each student a role and provide them with a scenario card. They need
to perform a role play where they demonstrate the functions, roles, and skills of the
manager in their assigned situation.

Criteria: Role play performance | Understanding of managerial functions, roles, and skills

Points: 10 | 10

Assessment Questions:
1. What functions did you observe in the role play?
2. How did the manager exhibit effective communication skills?
Day 3.
Activity 3 - Skills Assessment

Materials: Skills assessment questionnaire.

Instructions: Provide the students with a skills assessment questionnaire that measures
their abilities in various managerial skills. They need to complete the questionnaire and
reflect on their strengths and areas for improvement.


Criteria: Completion of questionnaire | Reflection on strengths and areas for


Points: 5 | 5

Assessment Questions:
1. What managerial skills did you identify as your strengths?
2. What areas for improvement did you identify based on the questionnaire?

1. Conduct a lecture on the different functions, roles, and skills of a manager, providing
examples and encouraging student participation.
2. Facilitate a group discussion where students share their understanding of the concept and
ask questions to clarify any misconceptions.

1. Assign students to research and present on a specific management theory and its
relevance in today's organizations.
2. Organize a debate where students argue for or against a specific approach, highlighting
the functions, roles, and skills involved.
Day 4.
1. Assess students' case study analysis presentations using the provided rubric.
2. Observe and provide on students' role play performances, focusing on their
understanding and application of managerial functions, roles, and skills.
Write a reflection paper on your personal managerial strengths and areas for improvement.
Include specific examples of how you can enhance your skills in each area identified.

Prepared By: Check By:


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