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(Effective from June, 2019)
Emerging Trends in Contemporary Management
Course Objectives : This course presents some issues relating
to contemporary business management theory and practices . It
primarily focuses on historical development of management as
we ll some issues re levant to modern management. The objective
is to help the students glimpse some key issues relevant to
modern management practices across the globe.
Course Contents
Unit-I Schools of Manage men t Tho ugh ts and Modern
\\"'-I Management
7i;!'- Elementary Idea of Main SchooJs of Manage ment
Thoughts, Scientifi c Management School; Administrati ve
Manage ment; Neoclas sical Schools of Management;
System School of Management; Contingency Schools of
Unit-2 Managing Employ ee Motivation
f~ Employee Motivat ion : Concept of Motivation; Types
cfJ1 of Financia J and Non-F inan cial Motives ; Job
Enrichment: Concept an d Techniques; Work Life
Balance : Concept , Pos itive Effects and Managerial
Actions; Job Satisfaction : Concept and Factors.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____., IV l.,___ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
l J
·scbof,l s
• ( OtU ftU , • ·
Jntroductio11 to Mana~~•nerit V ,
.; fZI_ Development of Mana2emc"•fi c- p
,flfl (1>p t
... - - ·
. :ort
M anagement : Meanino and De r·tnih
fJ} __ _ . - ~ ·

Elementary Idea of Main Srh o"h or \

\ h d th e1r . i,d 'n-i.. 1· • f •n1orn
. ger
• Mana .. tt~'
, t ''
Thoug ts an l u1l,}Jl('. tlf l1'fl ~
( 1) Classi cal Th eory
(A) Bureaucracy

, (B) Scientific Management Thoughts V


. (C) Administrative School of Man;igcrncni

(2) Neo-Classical Theory
(A) Hawth orne Experiment
(B)' Hu man Relations Approa_ch ✓ I1J_
[5] Mo dern Theory
(A) Contingency (Situational) Approach
(B) Sys tem School Approach ✓ t vrf
(C) Quantita tive Approach
(i) Manag ement Science
(ii) Operations Management
(iii) Managem ent Information sys~em -
[6] Exercise
(I) Descriptive Questions
(II) Multiple Choice Qu estions (MCQs)
2 f Eme rg ing Tren ds in Con tem po rary Ma n~1g~m
IQf Introduction to Managemen_tnce/ of preparing. -- -,
ory,ani zi np
Man age men t is the art and scie
forc e s and urtl, ze th·~
and directing hum an effo rts to con trol the ·
materia l of natu re for the ben efit of men . ,
- Am eric an Soc iety of Mechan ical Eng inee r
In the pas t times , human nee ds and wants
were quit e limi tr.:d
enough to satisfy thcst;
and resources were also limited, which wer e
limited needs . The ir pro blem s wer e also limi
ted and its manage ment
olution in England in
was not a big problem. After Ind ustr ial Rev
in the nee ds and thes e
1760, there wer e wide and maj or cha nge s
to indu stri alizatio n
cha nge s wer e affe ctin g the whole wor ld . Due
has now bee n change d
pro duc tion star ted on a large sca le and view
wor ld into one market.
to pro fit max imi zati on. The se will turn the
co- ord ina te and
The re was a need to recr uit , sele ct , trai n and
dire ct the acti viti es to sati sfy the needs.
wha t you wanr
"Scientific Management means knowing exactly
t and cheape st way. '
men to do and see ing that they do it in the bes
- F. W. Taylor
_ e_n_t _C
,-,- -,-D_e_v_e_l_o_p_m_e_n_t_ of_ M _c_e_p_t--.1
trig ger to mak(
Ma nag eme nt does not mean jus t pre ssing
ers, ch·eck the annua
optimum use of mac hineries, to pro vid e ord
. Now we shall stud ~
accounts or to intr odu ce rules and regulations
cep ts by studyin g th,
the development pha se of Ma nag eme nt Con
contributions of a num ber of experts.
(1) Wa Jter Han Jey - England : 13 Century
Concept : Farm Management, Pio neer of Scientific
(2) Charles Babbage - England : 19 Century
Mathematician : Cambridge University
Concept : Appl ication of science and mathe
matics m th
management of indu stries.
Industr ial visits in Eng lan d and Fra nce.
(3) Ro bert Owen - England : 19 Century
Social Worker
ghts and Mod . M agemcnt I 3
Schools of Management Thou ern an
emen t an d h -- . _
Pe rs on ne l M an ag
~ Conc ep t :
an re la tio
urna n re la tio
Im po rta nc e of hu m ns an·d work ing
·· ha vio ur .
cond1t10ns on employe e's be
: l 91h Century
ffenry Towne - America
4 Ap pl ica tio n of En gine er ing an d Economr.cs for
( ) Concept : . g Industi.res ·
M an ag m
on "The En gm ·
Paper Pr esentation (1886) : Paper eer as an
. ,, . tv of
nference of Am eri can Socie ·
Economist m ~nnuaJ Co
Mechanical Engmeers .
ederick Winslow Ta ylor - America : 20 th Ce ntury.
(5) Fr
Concept : Father of Scien
tific Management
r Pr esen ta tio n (1 89 5) : "A piece rate system ". In
Pa pe
nical Engineers .
Ameri can Society of Mecha
Book (1903) : Shop Manag
Scientific Management
(1 911 ) : The Principl es of work
Contribut ion : Separation
of Planning from actual doing
Divi sion of work
ctu re
Functional Organizati on Stru
Diffe rential Piece Rate Syste
e of Hu m an El em en t in Sc ientific Management
Im portanc
like Henry Gant t, Gi breth,
Path maker for other experts
(6) Henry FayoJ - Fr an
ce : 20 th Centu ry
French Industri ali st
odern Management.
Concept : Re al fathe r of M
oy ance k (p lan ni ng an d fo re ca sting), orga mzmg,
and cont rol ling.
co-ordination, commanding
Prin ciples of Man ag ement. d
Pr esen tatio n (190 0) : In .congre ss of mining an
me tallurgy.
Ge ne ra] an d In du str ial Ad minis tration. In French ,
Bo ok (1 915) ;
"A dmin istration industrial
at Generale".
(7) Mary Parte r Follet
: 20 th Century : Social Work
· f M en t , Study . of Industrial
. o anag em
Concept ; Human side
• gemcnr
4 I Emerging Trends in Contemporary Mana
stri al ~rg~~~.
Paper presentation (1.924) : Topi c : Jndu
. . 7,at, 0
1 d tton 111 Nev.: Vn iti
conference of Burea u of pcrsonn e a m1m stra
r of Human Rel r>rkfl
(8) Elten Mayo : 20 Century : Founde
at 10
Contribution : Hawthorne Experim ents
Study of fonnal group and informal group beh
i um size farn,Jy
Henry Dennison : 20 Century : Owning med
Coocept : Motivation , Leadership and
tea mw ork, an of
industrial administration .
sc ientific aspects
Book (1931) : "Organ Engineering " focus on
of Management.
(10) Chester Barnard : 20 Century
Faculty - Hanvard Business School.
Publication (1938) : Functions of the executi
rmal organization .
Concept : Communication, leadership and info
(11) Col. Vrwick : 20 Century - Firs
th t Director of Interna tional
Institute of Management, Geneva.
on. Published by
Book (1938) : The Elements of Administrati
American Management Association
(12) Oli ver Sheldo n : 20 Century
British Lldustrial Consultant
resp ons ibility of
Concept : Principles of Management, Social
Publication (1923) : The Phjlosophy of Ma
(13) Rensis Likert : 20 Century - Dire
th ctor of Institute of Social
Research, University of Michigan.
Concept : Classification of Management styl
(1) Exploitative Autocratic (2 ) Benevo
lent Autocratic

(3) Participative (4) Democra tic

Linking Pin (Intergration of Group Membersh
an Organization.
Books : New Patterns of Management, Hum
(14) Peter F. Drucker : Mid-20 Century
Pio nee r of Modem Management
Schools of Management Th
. ought~
Concept : Innovation, Meo . an~Odc rn M .
Creativity, Org . ~Managerne - ~~en-----~ t .5
an1zat10 l nt of O
Approach etc. na Design p i11cr;r1\ c1
' rob le . ·
publications : The New S . rri S,11v,t'!g
The Engineering of Econ .
om1c Mana
The Future of Industrial M gernent
. anagernent
The Practice of Manageme t (
n 1954)
Managing for Results ( 19 64 )
The Effective Executive O967)
The Age of Discontinuity ( 1969)
Management : Tasks ' Respons1·b·i· .
1 Ihes a d p .
~ ~;;; ;~;;~M;;::"::=--:--:-:; (l 97 4)
fl Management : Meaning a d O
n efimtton
The Word 'Management' is used in · .
Therefore, it is just_ified that its meani· ~any way~ In modern times.
. . . I r1. :
ng is not umve
is used m a wide context in Economi c S . p . . rsa · ws word
. . ' oc1a1 ohttcal B .
Non-busmess areas. So it is very difficult t0 '. ' . usmess and
give a precise definition .
We have to study, business manage men t · So, before
. h
·understan dmg t e word Management' let us fir st un derstand the
. , , · '
mea_n~g of ~ommer ce . Commer ce is related to trade and business.
So 1t 1s very important to understand its meaning.
'Trade means exchange or purchase and sale of goods against
money or goods with goods. Commerce includes trade and all its
auxiliary service s like Transportation, Insurance, Banking,
Communi cation, Warehousing, Post and Telegraph; Business means any
_economic activity which is undertaken with an expectati on of profi t.
It is necessary to undertake various types of important functions and
activities to increase the profitability and efficiency of different
business units in the areas of trade, commerce and industry. That is
what is called 'Management'. The important functions that ne_ed t~ be
· · g, staffing. , directing '
· , arrangement, orgamzm
,undertaken are planrung
1s concerned
. and commum.cat1on.
. ation ·
. Business management
with all these functions.

6 I Emerging Trends in Contemporary Manageme~-

·t talk about the various types of deftnit~-;-~~
Now le u5 d , . 'M give ,
management by Van.ous scholars an experts. , anagement). h~ {)h
,, ., ., ,
. the sense of 'business management .. This is bcca er1; ,~6
taken lil
. . l f management are used and appried muc h more in thUse tht at
pnnc1p es o · .
. d commerce. We shou ld keep m mind that e ar~~
of trade busmess an . . . When
. . f Management' are apphed m the areas of comthe th~ 11
'Pnnc1p1es o , • rce
. . . lled 'Business Management . Now we have to st a~d
busmess, 1t ts ca , . Udy th
definition of 'Management' to understand Busmess Management, e
Taylor's view : "Scientific Management ·
1. F. W. mean
knowing exactly what you want men to do and seeing that they do s
,, If
in the best and cheapest way. s
2 . Harold Koontz has simplified managerial functions and h· \
view is that "Management is the art of getting things done throu ~
and with people m formally organized groups. It is the an :f
creating an envzronmen t· m whzch people can pe rfo rm and
individuals could co- operate towards attaining of group goals. It is
an art of removing blocks to such performance, a way of optimizing
efficiency in reaching goals. "
3. Koontz and O'Donnell : "Management is an art of getting
things done through others. "
4. The French Industrialist and the father of Modern
Management, Henry Fayol gives the definition of Management "To
manage 'is to fore cast and plan, to organize, to command, to
co-ordinate and to control. " Thus, Fayol has stressed on Managerial
5. E.F.L. Breach gives an object-oriented definition of
Management stating "Management is a social process entailing
responsibility for the effective and economical planning and
regulation of the operation of an enterprise in fulfi llment of a given
purpose or task, such. responsibility involving (a) judgement and
decision .in determining plans and· in using data to control
performance and progress against plans, and (b) the guidance,
integration, mot~vation and supervision of the personnel composing
the enterprise and carrying out its operation. "
. 6. American Author Shri Lawrence Appley has given
importance to the human element in management stating "Management
is th e development of people and not the direction of things."
" Schools o1 .tn a.u a.g c1n ent l"hough ts. and -.. ,.
. . 1v10<le rn 1~--v1anag
. ing the me an ing of rna n en t .
'll. . ja.Jtl . . ag ern 1s pla nn in crncnt \ 7
p is the fun cti on of a M co . ..
s p;\ it
. . . an ag er _ g and
ntr o\h ng
d so iVJ.tie s
e gP ( 1) To de cid e wh at act Yo u w an t t O
k at re gu lar ti ge t done thr ongh P l
s (Z) To ch ec me int eop e
. _e rval s how
sy ste ma tic the ac ti vit ies a re be1n ac c ura te
me tho dsg co nd ucted and
(3) To de ve lop su ch wo rk
and tec hniq ucs so that
. pe op le ca n wo rk eff ec tiv el y.
,w e do not· pr od uc e ca rs, ship s, rad ios
b s an d the y ma nu fa t or shoelaces but we
e hu ma n e1 ng cu re prod , -
sbaP . h h nt is th uc ts. Th ese are th
rds na rra tin g t e um .an ele me
ca n Co rp or ati on . e organ ization, by the he a:
;; aJl Am eri
d K en ba ll 's v iew · . .
7. K en ba ll . an . . po int . "M
an agement
rh es re la ted to th . ·
. /udes al l . the ac hv . e se tt1 ng up 0
me rta nt . . 'J a business un u,
,anging fin an ce , ta ki ng im po
po 1rcy rel at ed d ecisions ,
bl .
ne ce ss ar y fa cto rs , fo rm a suita e or ga mzatio
obi liz e
m . Ad mi ni str ative Q>'JJff;1cer etc . n structu re
and als o se lec trn g th e Ch ie f . ,.
em en t m
8. Li vi ng st on.e : "M an ag ea ns to ac hie ve the
. d b.1e ch ve s eff icien tly by using z .
me and money
red ete rm in e o . ea st tz
P . ou rces. "
and makin g th e op trm um us e of res
Am er ica n So cie ty of M ec hanical Engineers.• "Management
nt ro l of th e no n- ec on om ic factors , to use the
means to ge t co
, -o rdin at e hu ma n eff or ts, pl an an d provide direction for
resources co
the benefi t of ma nk in d" .
G eo rg e R. Te rr y : "M an ag em en t is a dis tinct process .
· 10. Dr.
of p la nn in g or ga ni zin g, ac tiv at in g and controlling ,
consistin g
the use of
perfo rmed to de term in e an d accomplish the objectives by
he r re so ur ces like machines,· materials, marke ts,
human beings an d ot
money and methods. "
ts as _the Six-Ms.
Dr. Terry calls these basic elemen · s relt
· ion d to
ns to take de cis a e_
In thi s manner, Management mea d tro·lling the functions
· ·
· Ie purposes , prov1d1ng guidan · ce an con
mu Itip
th e or ga ni za tio n' s pre-determ in ed goals.
to achieve

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