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you deserve better


baby what the hell are you doing

man what you drinking with this broke

ass fo was dish water here have some

cryistal only two grand a

bottle you are going to get smacked man

well I don't think so

dude honey honey just relax okay let's

get out of here I can give you so much

more let's go no no let him

go she'll call me soon

enough honey turns me when you stand up

for me like this


this how is this possible it's fop

obviously yeah yeah or maybe you are

having an affair behind my back what the


Rose I don't

know what kind of picture is this I I


don't what are you doing I

I don't need anyone but you and have I

ever given you a reason to doubt me

H okay

I'm I'm

sorry I'm sorry I I I

overreacted maybe the croissant from

franu will make up for it


h yeah yeah sure but

only if they're with as

PR sure I I'll be back s yeah love

you hey

you let me

go got to hide behind your dogs too

scared to go

one-on-one well that would be something

but we don't have time bring him in

don't touch lift up his shirt hey

see we both fell off our bikes in the

second grade

remember how about you lying to your

friends about your first time at the

summer camp how about stealing from from

Miss Thompson remember

$20 what you going to do with that hide

it in your little box of treasure under

the oak tree in the

park how did you find out because I am

you Ben chilwell only 30 years



time travel

is is is real and very expensive so

Focus you need to dump Rose what after

you marry she will suck you dry trust me

no I it can be true your girl is a gold

digger Ben she'll make you me unhappy

you'll suffer we will suffer no no no I

I don't believe I word you




gorgeous hi are you still at the

restaurant I want to meet

you yes I have an

hour I'm waiting for



I knew you'd


gorgeous is it

Crystal it is H okay then I

want 120

bottles what else darling um a sweet the

plaza no

problem and I want to feel the

bathtu with these 120

battles and you get into the T continue

and drown you dirty old men and stay

away from me and my boyfriend why Rose

why are you with this broke loser

because because he values and respects

me and and he surprises me he brings me

flowers and he's even willing to get me

my favorite sons in the middle of the

night and he just loves me you

know no amount of money can replace

that it turns out that I'm not the one

who needs to be

saved it's your marriage I don't

understand she doesn't talk to me this

way when was the last time you said

something nice to her when did you go

out of your way to make her feel special

maybe the problem is you I mean me I

mean me in the future I mean you know

what I


mean no no no no everything's

wrong sir we have to go no please just

give me a few more hours all right I

don't want to go



I'm going

shopping I need your

card no card

Rose are you goinging to Ser another



now I'm trying to make up for all the

crap I gave you for last 20


years what's this

and I'll start with uh Fran

Russell you know I forgot how it is to

make you happy

and I

know it's

me who made this relationship a

nightmare and I want to make it

right if you give me

another if you give me another

chance I will give you another chance um

only on one

condition if these come with rasberries




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