Student Behavior Contract

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Journey Theater Arts Group

Student Behavior Contract & Code of Conduct

Journey’s Mission Statement:
Growing youth in character, confidence and creativity in a Christ centered community.

Journey’s Values & Objectives:

• Placing the maximum worth on people and treating each individual with respect and
• Developing character values in individuals
• Supporting the family unit through the direct involvement of each family member’s
talents, interests and abilities.
• Providing a quality product without compromising a wholesome environment.
• Being a godly role model promoting the awareness of a higher accountability.

Because Journey places value on the above-mentioned things, we require every student
participant to adhere to the following expectations for creating a harmonious and unified

Behavior Expectations
• Only cooperative behavior and respectful interactions with Class Coordinators, Show
Coordinators, Artistic Team Members, Teachers, parents, other students and facility
representatives is allowed.
• There is zero tolerance for any behavior that may be considered harassing, intimidating or
bullying. Actions, words, jokes, or comments that are likely to humiliate, shame or
threaten are not allowed.
• There should be no bringing or discussing inappropriate materials or sharing intimate
details from one’s personal life. All ages of students should be made to feel comfortable
by topics discussed.
• Only honoring language will be used. Profanity is prohibited.
• Student conduct should be respectful to the property guidelines. No roughhousing or
running is allowed and we expect students to follow directions for behavior in common
areas. Any damage done to the property will be replaced or repaired at the expense of the
parent/guardian of the student.
• Modest, full coverage clothing is required. Refer to the Dress Code
• No weapons, drugs, alcohol or tobacco are allowed at Journey activities.
• Lingering or overt physical contact or expression of affection is not allowed.
• Cellphone use is not permitted at classes, camps, rehearsals, performances, 321 Movie
Night or other JTAG supervised activities. If a student needs to contact their parent, the
Class Coordinator, Show Coordinator or Director can help.
• Stay in designated and supervised areas for the entire time one is called for rehearsal or
show. Leaving the facility during the Journey activity is not allowed
• Protocols for check in, check out, and cleaning duties (if assigned) must be followed.

Work hard, listen well, stay focused, limit chatter, and maintain positive attitude and
• Be ready to start classes and/or rehearsals on time and arrange for pick up on time.
• Come prepared with all required materials (script, pencil, water bottle, make-up, show
• Attend all classes, rehearsals and/or performances that you are called to unless you have
pre-arranged your absence with the Class or Show Coordinator.

Offensive or harassing behavior toward anyone for any reason is inappropriate and will not be
tolerated. This type of behavior is grounds for immediate dismissal from Journey activities at
the discretion of the Executive Director and/or the Journey Representative in charge.

To correct misbehavior:
1.) Supervising Adult will talk to the student and give them specific direction for achieving
2.) Supervising Adult, if not the Class or Show Coordinator, will consult with the
Coordinator who will then talk with the student about how to achieve success. This may
include temporary withdrawal from class or rehearsal activities.
3.) The Class or Show Coordinator will have a conference with the student and their parent
or guardian to address continued misbehavior and to discuss consequences and
4.) The Class or Show Coordinator will consult with the Area Director or Executive Director
who may be asked to mediate and initiate consequences. This may include dismissal
from classes or the show with a potential required suspension from involvement.

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