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Portland State University


Dissertations and Theses Dissertations and Theses


Design of a 7-MHz Portable Direct Conversion

Transceiver with Digitally Controlled Keying
Abram Morphew
Portland State University

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Morphew, Abram, "Design of a 7-MHz Portable Direct Conversion Transceiver with Digitally Controlled
Keying" (2020). Dissertations and Theses. Paper 5548.

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Design of a 7-MHz Portable Direct Conversion Transceiver with Digitally
Controlled Keying

Abram Morphew

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of

Master of Science
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Thesis Committee:
Robert Bass, Chair
Branimir Pejcinovic
Erik Sanchez

Portland State University

Portland State University


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science

Master of Science

by Abram Morphew

This thesis outlines the design of a portable direct conversion transceiver system for
the 7-MHz (or 40m) band. This band is popular due to its propagation characteris-
tics, which allow for world-wide communication with very low power. The transceiver
utilizes a crystal-stabilized local oscillator optimized for frequency agility, low power
consumption, and an optimal drive level of +7 dBm. A low power 8-bit microcontroller
acts as an interface for either a straight key providing manual Morse code operation or
digital logic control from a personal computer. It also acts as a sidetone oscillator pro-
viding audio feedback to the operator during keying and reducing circuit complexity.
Switching field-effect transistors (FETs) were used to change from transmit to receive
with a switching speed of less than 300 microseconds and allowing for full break-in
functionality. For the transmitter portion of the design, a dual-stage power amplifier
was developed capable of power output levels greater than 30 dBm. Transmission tests
were received at several locations ranging from Calgary, Canada to Tucson, Arizona
having a maximum propagation distance of 1103.5 miles from the transmitter source.

For Bethany, Gracie, and Isabella. . .


I’d certainly like to acknowledge the contribution by my thesis advisor, Dr. Richard
Campbell, for continually fueling my already existing interest in RF applications. Much
appreciation also goes to the thesis committee members, Dr. Robert Bass, Dr. Erik
Sanchez, and Dr. Branimir Pejcinovic for their feedback and contribution to my work.

I’d also like to thank the countless amateur operators who have provided access to
their software-defined radios over the internet and the development team of the Reverse
Beacon Network. Using their tools has allowed for over-the-air testing in a way that
wouldn’t have been possible otherwise.

Lastly, I’d like to thank my partner, Bethany, for her constant and continued support
in all aspects of life. Without her, this work would never have been possible.

Table of Contents

Abstract i

Acknowledgments iii

List of Figures vi

List of Tables viii

Abbreviations ix

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Direct Conversion Receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 Research Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4 Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2 Direct Conversion Receiver 7

2.1 Receiver Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 Diode Ring Mixer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3 Local Oscillator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.4 Low-Pass Filter (LPF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.5 Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.6 Audio Amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

3 Transmitter and Switching Circuitry 24

3.1 Transmitter Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.2 Driver Stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.3 Final Stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.4 Digital Transmit/Receive Switching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

4 Receiver Module Characterization 34

4.1 Local Oscillator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.2 Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.3 Audio Amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

5 Transmitter and Switching Module Characterization 45

5.1 Power Amplifier Characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
5.2 RF Switch Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
5.3 Digital Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
5.4 MCU as a Side-tone Oscillator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

6 Results and Discussion 52

6.1 Schematic and Board Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
6.2 Board-level Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
6.3 On-Air Test Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
6.4 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
6.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

A AVR Controller Program 60

A.1 Keying Control Code for AVR Microcontroller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

B Bill of Materials 66
B.1 List of Materials Used in the Final Transceiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Bibliography 68

List of Figures

1.1 Block Diagram of a Direct Conversion Receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.2 Frequency Offset in a Direct Conversion Receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Block Diagram of the Direct Conversion Transceiver Design . . . . . . . 5

2.1 Receiver Section of the Direct Conversion Transceiver Block Diagram . 7

2.2 Commutation in a Diode Ring Mixer at the LO Frequency . . . . . . . . 8
2.3 Circuit Model of an Ideal Crystal Resonator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.4 Basic Colpitts-Clapp Oscillator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.5 Basic Colpitts-Clapp Oscillator with Crystal Resonator . . . . . . . . . 13
2.6 Voltage-Controlled Colpitts-Clapp Oscillator with Parallel Resonators . 15
2.7 5th Order Butterworth Low-Pass Filter Designed for 7 MHz . . . . . . . 17
2.8 Simplified Single-Tuned Amplifier Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.9 RLC Bandpass Filter Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.10 Simplified Dual-Stage Audio Amplifier Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

3.1 Transmitter Section of the Direct Conversion Transceiver Block Diagram 25

3.2 Simulated I-V Characteristics for a BS170 MOSFET . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.3 Simplified Schematic for a Class A Driver Stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.4 Plot of Theoretical Amplifier Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.5 Simplified Schematic of the IRF510 Final Stage Power Amplifier . . . . 31
3.6 Schematic for RF Switch Using a Common-gate JFET Amplifier . . . . 32
3.7 Pinout for the ATTiny85 8-bit Microcontroller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

4.1 LTSpice Schematic for the Local Oscillator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

4.2 Simulated FFT of Local Oscillator Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.3 Build of Local Oscillator Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.4 Measured Power Output of Local Oscillator Build . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.5 Measured Harmonic Content of Local Oscillator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.6 LTSpice Schematic for the Single-tuned Low-noise Amplifier . . . . . . . 39
4.7 Build of Low-noise Amplifier Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.8 Simulated S-parameters for Single-tuned LNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.9 Measured S-parameters for Single-tuned LNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.10 LTSpice Schematic for the Receiver Audio Stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.11 Audio Output Capture at 1 kHz into a 32Ω Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.12 Simulated and Measured Amplifier Frequency Response . . . . . . . . . 43

5.1 LTSpice Schematic of the Power Amplifier Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

5.2 Simulated and Measured Comparison of Power Amplifier Output . . . . 46
5.3 Measured Spectral Content of the Power Amplifier Output . . . . . . . 47

5.4 Measured Switching Time of JFET Transistor Switch . . . . . . . . . . 48
5.5 Schematic of MCU Transceiver Application Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

6.1 Full Transceiver Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

6.2 Full Transceiver Circuit Board Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
6.3 Transmitter Signal Received on a Software-Defined Radio . . . . . . . . 55
6.4 Stations Reporting Received Transmissions on the Reverse Beacon Net-
work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
6.5 Logarithmic Audio Spectrograph with and without Multi-stage Filtering 57
6.6 Assembled PCB Mounted in the Aluminum Enclosure . . . . . . . . . . 58
6.7 Completed Transceiver and On-air Test Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

List of Tables

2.1 Normalized Values for Butterworth Low-Pass Filters . . . . . . . . . . . 17

4.1 Simulated/Measured Comparison Table for Local Oscillator . . . . . . . 36

B.1 Bill of Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67


DC Direct Current
DCR Direct Conversion Receiver
DCT Direct Conversion Transceiver
DDS Direct Digital Synthesizer
HF High Frequency
IC Integrated Circuit
IF Intermediate Frequency
LPF Low Pass Filter
LSB Lower Side Band
LO Local Oscillator
PA Power Amplifier
RF Radio Frequency
RIT RX Incremental Tuning
RX Receive
TX Transmit
USB Upper Side Band
XIT TX Incremental Tuning

Chapter 1


1.1 Direct Conversion Receiver

Since the mid-1960s, a common activity amongst amateur radio operators is to home-

brew radio equipment capable of portable use. The desire for small, portable radios

to use while mobile or hiking saw renewed interest in the direct conversion receiver

due to its lack of multiple intermediate frequency (IF) stages and inherent simplic-

ity. Though originally developed in the 1930s, the first recorded application of direct

conversion as a technique is owed to the electronic musical instrument known as the

Theremin [1]. By the time this technique was adopted for the purpose of communica-

tions, the direct conversion receiver was practically abandoned in favor of other design

techniques until around 1961 [2]. The appeal to most amateurs at the time was that a

solid-state receiver could be constructed using a minimum number of parts with basic

construction techniques and be small enough to slip into a pocket or backpack. While

the simplicity of this topology makes it attractive, there are a number of advantages

and disadvantages to direct conversion that have to be overcome during the design


The block diagram shown in Figure 1.1 gives the outline for a direct conversion receiver

(DCR). At the heart of the DCR is a balanced product mixer. The mixer generates
Figure 1.1: Block Diagram of a Direct Conversion Receiver

the product of the incoming RF signal with the local oscillator (LO). The product of

two sinusoids can be broken down into the sum and difference of the two signals by

the following trigomometric identity [3].

cos(ω1 t)cos(ω2 t) = 1/2[cos(ω1 t + ω2 t) + cos(ω1 t − ω2 t)] (1.1)

From this identity, the output of the product mixer includes both the sum and differ-

ence of the two input frequencies. Using the direct conversion technique, the frequency

of the LO and incoming RF signal beat together to produce an intermediate frequency

(IF) in the audio range. The additional IF signal that is around twice the frequency

of the LO is discarded via a low-pass filter at the input to an audio amplifier. This

process is sometimes referred to as downconversion whereby the frequency of an RF

signal is converted to a lower frequency. Converting the incoming signal directly into

the audio range makes for a highly selective receiver front-end. This is in contrast to

superheterodyning, which converts the received signal to an intermediate frequency for

further processing. Direct conversion is sometimes referred to as zero-IF or homodyne

receiving due to its lack of an IF stage.

Figure 1.2: Frequency Offset in a Direct Conversion Receiver

The lack of additional IF stages and image rejection filters can also make direct con-

version systems tricky to use. Figure 1.2 shows the upper and lower side bands (USB

and LSB respectively) surrounding the LO frequency that would be generated from

downconversion process. An incoming RF signal with a frequency offset of 700 Hz

above the LO would produce a 700 Hz tone in the audio range. Changing the fre-

quency of the LO to match that of the incoming signal would produce a 0 Hz tone

or silence. This is known as zero-beating and is often used to match the frequency

of a transmitting signal so that both parties are transmitting on the same frequency.

The problem here is that two stations transmitting on the same frequency can’t hear

each other in the direct conversion system. Therefore, automatic switching between

the transmit and receive frequencies is usually desired in order for both stations to use

the same frequency to exchange information. Additionally, filtering of one of the side

bands is also a common feature of modern commercial receivers in order to prevent

the incoming signal from appearing twice as the LO changes frequency.

1.2 Motivation

There are many amateur radio operators that pursue portable operation with home-

built transceivers. A state-of-the-art transceiver loaded with features like the Elecraft

KX3 can be used as a portable transceiver and even comes in a kit form. However,

a base package sold as a kit has a base price of $1149 USD and might be a bit steep

for someone looking to experiment on the high-frequency (HF) bands. Cheaper single

band kits are available for sale from overseas distributors for under $20 USD, but

these kits often have either a lack of features or such poor performance that they

are hardly usable when it comes to contacting other people on the air. The Elecraft

KX1 was a 4-band CW transceiver that was originally sold around $400 USD, which

offered good performance, a sturdy package, and a variety of features making it ideal for

portable use in the field. However, the KX1 was discontinued in 2017 due to component

availability issues, further increasing the price gap in low-power HF transceivers [4].

QRP Labs in the United Kingdom has taken to filling this price gap with their 5-watt

QCX mono-band transceiver for $50 USD on a single printed circuit board without

any form of enclosure [5]. Due to its use of a direct digital synthesizer (DDS) and

other digital components, the QCX pulls more than 120 mA during receive. While

these middle-of-the-road designs are making a lot of progress in the realm of cost,

better power management is desired for long-duration portable use. The primary

motivation behind this research is to develop a single-band transceiver that achieves

power efficiency and the performance similar to analog direct conversion designs of the

past while incorporating cost-effective and commonly available components. This will

advance the state-of-the-art by determining if analog design blocks can be controlled

by a low-cost and power-efficient microcontroller. A block diagram for this type of

design can be seen in Figure 1.3.

Figure 1.3: Block Diagram of the Direct Conversion Transceiver Design

Referring to Figure 1.3, the diagram can be divided into an upper and lower section

compromising the receiver (Rx) and transmitter (Tx), respectively. These two sections

must be switched on and off very quickly as the key makes contact with ground. A

microcontroller unit (MCU) uses separate control busses to turn off one section before

enabling the other. A microcontroller with a clock speed of a few megahertz is necessary

in order to make this switching action happen within microseconds. An additional

feature of the Tx control bus is to supply a signal to shift the frequency of the LO

by a few hundred Hertz. This automatic frequency adjust applies the frequency offset

discussed previously and shown in Figure 1.2.

1.3 Research Objectives

While substantial research has been done previously regarding the direct conversion

technique, the overall objective of this paper is to determine if adequate performance

can be obtained by using modern low-cost digital components while also reducing

circuit complexity. Being a design for portable use, this typically implies that the

design should be lightweight and have small footprint. Being limited on size means
that circuity complexity should be reduced whenever possible in order to accomodate

space in the transceiver’s enclosure. The overall design criteria for this project are as


• Design a 7-MHz direct conversion transceiver for portable use with a 12 V battery.

• Transmitter should be capable of power output levels greater than 30 dBm.

• Receiver should be able to detect RF power levels down to -120 dBm.

• Utilize a microcontroller for precision controlled transmit/receive switching.

• Determine if adequate RF performance can be obtained using modern digital


1.4 Organization

This thesis is orgainzed into seven main chapters. The first section (Chapter 1) pro-

vides a brief introduction in to the basic principles and history behind the direct

conversion receiver along with a modular block diagram describing the entire system

design. Chapter 2 outlines the circuit topologies chosen for the receiver section of the

design, while Chapter 3 focuses on the transmitter design. Chapters 4 and 5 outline the

performance acheived from each module in the receiver and transmitter sections. The

results of the whole transeiver system are discussed in Chapter 6, along with additional

work that could be done to improve the system.

Chapter 2

Direct Conversion Receiver

2.1 Receiver Functionality

In Figure 2.1, the receiver and transmitter are divided into the upper and lower chains

respectively. Both sections share the functionality of the local oscillator thanks to a

switch controlled by the MCU. When in the Rx state, the path of RF flows into the

system from the antenna, is downconverted to the audio range, and then amplified into

a loudspeaker or low-impedance head phone set. The following sections will detail the

theory and design decisions made for each individual block of the receiver system.

Figure 2.1: Receiver Section of the Direct Conversion Transceiver Block Diagram

Figure 2.2: Commutation in a Diode Ring Mixer at the LO Frequency

2.2 Diode Ring Mixer

The real action of the direct conversion receiver (DCR) is the action of the product

mixer downconverting the RF singal into the audio range. This fairly simple trigono-

metric identity is exactly what allows the end user to “receive” a signal, and the

requirements of the product mixer dictate the design requirements for the other mod-

ules in the system. Product mixing is a result of two signals applied to any device with

square law curvature such as a diode or FET [6]. Therefore, mixers tend to come in two

varieties: active and passive. Active mixers can be developed from a single or dual gate

FETs and have some advantanges over passive mixers but can suffer from intermodula-

tion (IM) products if not designed with specific considerations [6]. An active mixer in

this application would draw additional current and would require a higher number of

components if designed from discrete components. Therefore, a Mini-Circuits ADE-1

diode ring mixer was chosen due to its small size and availability.

The ADE-1 is a class-1 doubly-balanced mixer with a +7dBm LO drive level and an

operational frequency range of 0.1 to 500 MHz [7]. A doubly-balanced mixer is ideal as

it provides superior dynamic range and with minimal intermodulation (IM) products

[8]. The electrical schematic for the ADE-1 shows (Figure 2.2) the LO acts on the

diodes as switches biasing one pair of diodes and then the other as the polarity of the

LO changes. This switching action is known as commutation, and it permits the RF

signal to pass through one half of the coupling transformer or the other, effectively

multiplying the RF signal by ±1 at the LO frequency [9]. The signal present on the

IF port is then the sum and difference of the signals present on the LO and RF ports.

A wideband termination of 50 Ω at the IF port is useful to ensure that IM products

aren’t reflected back into the mixer [10].

2.3 Local Oscillator

The local oscillator is a crucial element in virtually any radio system. As a result, nu-

merous design techniques have been developed to acheive both frequency stability and

selectivity. When choosing an oscillator circuit for this project, several considerations

were made. The initial concerns were that the LO needed to be frequency agile across

the CW portion of the 7-MHz band, frequency stable within ±5 ppm for narrow-band

tuning, and have a fairly low current draw to extend battery life for portable operation

with a 12 V battery. Additionally, the LO needed to have some voltage control capabil-

ity in order to apply the frequency offset needed between transmit and receive. Given

that the overall design was intended to work within a single band having a tuning

range of only 100 kHz, the decision was made to employ a variable crystal oscillator

(VXO) as the system LO.

Crystal resonators are typically produced from quartz. Quartz has a crystalline atomic

structure that can be deformed when acted on by a force. If that force is removed,

the quartz structure returns to is previous state almost immediately and acts as a

restoring force. When exposed to an electric field, an applied force then acts on the
Figure 2.3: Circuit Model of an Ideal Crystal Resonator

electrical charges that are trapped inside the lattice creating a physical distortion in

the material known as the piezoelectric effect. Application of an RF signal can cause

reflections inside the crystal structure that resonate at specific frequencies realtive to

phase shifts created by the crystal’s thickness. The piezoelectric property of quartz

allows it to be resonant at fundamental as well as overtone frequencies, resulting in

little energy loss and a high quality factor (Q). The atomic structure of the crystal also

winds up having a very low frequency drift temperature thanks to very small changes

that occur as the material expands and contracts [11].

In order to design a crystal osciallator, an electrical circuit aproximation of a quartz

crystal is necessary. This idealized model is shown in Figure 2.3. In the model, there

are two main paths. The bottom path contains a series RLC circuit for modeling

the fundamental resonant frequency of the crystal [12]. The fundamental frequency is

usually the frequency labeled on the outer package for ranges of 1 to 30 MHz. The

series resistance (Rs ), inductance (Ls ), and capacitance (Cs ) parameters describe the

motional characteristics related to the mechanical deformation of the crystal while

Cp represents the parallel capacitance created by the electrodes. Having both series

and parallel paths allows the crystal to be resonant at more than one frequency [13].

Overtone frequencies at odd harmonics are also possible but not necessary for the scope

of this design.

Figure 2.4: Basic Colpitts-Clapp Oscillator

Having such a high motional inductance, it is common practice to see a quartz crystal

used in place of an inductor in an LC oscillator. An LC oscillator is a type of feedback

oscillator that utilizes resonance of an inductor and capacitor to select the frequency

of oscillation. Feedback oscillators are governed by the Barkhausen stability criteria,

which require that the gain of the amplifier be greater than or equal to unity and

the input signal from the feedback path be in phase with the output [14]. To take

advantage of the series inductance that accompanies a quartz crystal, a Colpitts-Clapp

oscillator was chosen for its simplistic design.

Figure 2.4 shows a circuit diagram for a simple Colpitts-Clapp oscillator. Looking at

the circuit from the point of AC analysis, there are four main reactive components. Be-

ing an LC oscillator, resonance is achieved by a tank circuit whose frequency selectivity

is expressed by the following relationship.

f0 = p (2.1)
2π Ls Ceq

Equation 2.1 gives the expression for the resonant frequency of the tank circuit, f0 , as

a function of the inductor, Ls , and the equivalent capacitance, Ceq . Combining all the

capacitors in series results in Equation 2.2.

1 1 1 −1
Ceq = ( + + ) (2.2)
Cs C1 C2

From the point of AC analysis, C1 and C2 create a reactive voltage divider at the

emitter of the transistor. The ratio of the two capacitors control the amount of positive

feedback being directed back into the amplifier. This is convenient as the closed loop

gain of the amplifier can then be expressed by equation 2.3.

Av = (2.3)

The fundamental frequency of the crystal resonator is set by the series inductance and

capacitance values given by the model shown in Figure 2.3. The crystal model then

can be used to replace the series LC tank circuit comprised of Ls and Cs in Figure 2.4.

Being a drop-in replacement for the LC tank, it becomes clear as to why this circuit

topology is then a typical choice for a crystal oscillator. The values of Ls and Cs

can be substituted by the motional inductance and capacitance in the crystal. Since

the motional inductance is very large (likely in mH) and motional capacitance very

small (likely in fF), external components can be used to alter the resonant frequency

of the circuit, “pulling” the resonant frequency away from the intrinsic frequency of

the crystal [15]. The substitution of the crystal model and addition of external tuning

elements can be seen in Figure 2.5.

Figure 2.5: Basic Colpitts-Clapp Oscillator with Crystal Resonator and External Tun-
ing Elements

The pulling range of the crystal-controlled oscillator with the variable capacitor (Ct ) is

likely limited by the extremely small capacitance of Cs inside the resonator. Being on

the order of femtofarads, the Cs term dominates the total equivalent capacitance in the

circuit. Additionally, the inductor external to the crystal resonator (Lt ) would need

to to be a very large, high Q inductor in order to be able compete with the motional

inductuance of the crystal. By placing one or more additional crystals in parallel at

the cost of sacrificing space on the circuit board, the motional inductance is decreased

while the motional capacitance is increased [16]. This should make the external tun-

ing elements more effective at pulling the frequency and extending the pulling range.

The value of Lt and Ct will likely need to be determined either experimentally or by

component availability since the motional inductance and capacitance in the crystal is


With a suitable plan of attack developing a tuning range across the band of interest, a

voltage control method was still needed in order to allow the MCU to switch between

transmit and receive frequencies. A method for acheiving this goal would be to place

a voltage-controlled capacitor (also known as a varactor) in parallel with the tuning

capacitor, Ct . The small signal junction capacitance (Cj ) for a diode is given in

Equation 2.4.

Cj = √ (2.4)
ψ0 + VR

In this equation, Cj0 represents the intrinsic junction capacitance, ψ0 is the built-in

potential, and VR is the reverse bias voltage [17]. One method of adding voltage-control

frequency tuning to this design would be to apply a voltage to a reverse biased Zener

diode in parallel with Ct . The Zener diode in this case acts as a voltage controlled

capacitor adding parallel capacitance to the tuning ciruit. This technique has been

employed in other direct conversion transceivers using a voltage regulator and poten-

tiometer acting as an incremental tuning system for zero-beating incoming signals [18].

Figure 2.6 shows the addition of the voltage-controlled tuning elements and parallel

crystal resonators.

Having developed an outline for a tunable oscillator, there still lies the issue of load

impedance and output power. The oscillator needs to be able to drive the ADE-1 ring

mixer with a 7 dBm into the 50 Ω LO port. In keeping with a design optimal for

battery usage, the transistor needs to have a DC biasing scheme resulting in around 1

to 3 mA of current draw. An RF choke (RFC) should also be added to Vc in order to

prevent RF leakage to power supply. Voltage across an inductor can be expressed in

the following form.

Figure 2.6: Voltage-Controlled Colpitts-Clapp Oscillator with Parallel Resonators

VL = L (2.5)

Equation 2.5 states that the voltage across an inductor is the product of its inductance

times the derivative of the current with respect to time [19]. By placing a large inductor

on the order of tens of mH at VC , a high impedance of a few kΩ is presented at the

collector. If IC is modelled as the sum of the DC and AC currents, then there is the

potential for VC to exceed the power supply voltage (Vcc ), provided a transistor with

enough gain is chosen. A general purpose bi-polar junction transistor such as 2N3904

or BC547 having a β value in the 100 to 300 range would likely suffice for this purpose.

VC = Vcc + VL sin(ωt) (2.6)

This action has the potential for creating a very large voltage at the collect output

but with a high impedance. A simple technique for dropping this impedance is to

capacitively couple the output from the collector to an emitter-follower stage. Emitter

resistance for an NPN transistor can be calculated by equation 2.7 [21].

re = (2.7)

By taking the output of an emitter-follower buffer stage, a modest current around 2

mA or less should provide an output impedance around 50 Ω or lower. This should be

suitable for reaching the drive levels needed by the product mixer.

2.4 Low-Pass Filter (LPF)

Looking back at Figure 2.1, the receiver design calls for two low-pass filters. The first is

an RF filter before the LNA stage intended to attenuate out-of-band signals above the

cutoff frequency and attenuate additional harmonics from the transmitter. The second

is an audio frequency (AF) filter intended to attenuate the 14 MHz RF signal coming

out of the mixer. The RF filter was designed first to have a characteristic impedance

of 50 Ω starting with equations 2.8 and 2.9 [9]. A table of normalized filter values is

shown in Table 2.1.

L(n) = (2.8)

C(n) = (2.9)
2πf Z0

N g(1) g(2) g(3) g(4) g(5) g(6) g(7)
2 1.414 1.414
3 1.0 2.0 1.0
4 0.765 1.850 1.850 0.765
5 0.618 1.618 2.0 1.618 0.618
6 0.518 1.414 1.932 1.932 0.141 0.518
7 0.445 1.247 1.802 2.0 1.802 1.247 0.445

Table 2.1: Normalized Values for Butterworth Low-Pass Filters

Figure 2.7: 5th Order Butterworth Low-Pass Filter Designed for 7 MHz

Using the values in Table 2.1, design of the LPF is fairly trivial providing both loads

at the input and output of the filter have a characteristic impedance of Z0 . Being that

the transistors chosen for this design are mostly general purpose, datasheets supplied

by the manufacturer don’t typically include S-parameter data. Therefore, it’s very

likely that some impedance matching will need to be done experimentally to ensure

optimal performance. Figure 2.7 shows a 5th-order low-pass Butterworth filter design

with commonly-available component values.

For the audio filter, the same technique could be used for a third-order low-pass filter

at audio frequency. This is useful because the ADE-1 mixer needs to be properly

terminated with a 50 Ω load. A third-order filter should provide around 50 to 60

dB of attenuation at 10 kHz with some possible ripple in the pass band. Additional

filtering may also be achieved by inclusion in the design of the audio amplifier. Some

experimentation with component value here may be necessary to find an optimal level

Figure 2.8: Simplified Single-Tuned Amplifier Schematic

of attenuation above 1 kHz.

2.5 Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA)

The low-pass filter introduced in the previous section is a passive circuit. Undoubtedly,

there would be some loss in the the pass band of the filter even with components having

a relatively high Q value. Additionally, some attenuation for frequencies around 1 MHz

is desired since this is the range of the AM broadcast band [22]. Signals in this band

can be excessively strong and have the potentional to overwhelm the receiver. A simple

solution to this would be to use a single-tuned circuit as a low-noise amplifier to ensure

weak signal detection over the band of operation.

The single-tuned amplifier has seen use commonly as an IF amplifier in various forms of

superheterodyne receivers [23]. Design of this circuit generally begins with a resonant

RLC bandpass filter with a given center frequency and bandwidth[24]. Bandwidth

considerations can be made by choosing specific bias resistor values, thereby altering

the Q of the filter. Figure 2.8 shows a simplified schematic of this circuit topology.

Figure 2.9: RLC Bandpass Filter Circuit

From the point of an AC analysis looking at the node of the collector of the transistor,

the ratio of the voltage here to the bias current of the transistor appears as a resistance

(Rp ). The schematic can then be simplified into the components of a basic RLC circuit

like that shown in Figure 2.9. The transfer function in the s-domain is shown in

Equation 2.10.

1 s
H(s) = s 1 (2.10)
RC s2 + RC + LC

Analysis into the frequency domain produces the separate equations that are key pa-

rameterizations of a typical bandpass filter. There are the expressions of resonant

frequency (f0 ), bandwidth (BW ), and quality factor (Q), which are given in Equa-

tions 2.11, 2.12, and 2.13 [19]. A bandpass filter has two cutoff frequencies at the band

edges where the attenuation drops to 3 dB. These frequencies are the upper (fU ) and

lower (fL ) cutoff frequencies.

f0 = p (2.11)
2π Lp Cp

BW = fU − fL = (2.12)
2πRp Cp

Q= (2.13)
fU − fL

By chosing a center frequency and bandwidth, the values of Lp and Cp can be found by

picking a value for one and solving for the other. In this case, a 470 pF capacitor was

chosen initially, and the inductor value was calculated as a result. From the vantange

point of the collector, Rp is the ratio of the collector voltage (Vc ) and collector current

(Ic ). This expression is given below.

Vc Vc
Rp ≈ ≈ (2.14)
Ic βIb

Equation 2.14 then represents a current-controlled resistance by way of the base current

of the transistor. Decreasing the base current increases the overall Q of the circuit,

making it a variable Q amplifier. By solving for a particular biasing scheme, the

parameters of the filter can now be established. An impedance transformation and

isolation of the RF signal from the collector will likely need to be added in order to

ensure a good 50 Ω match. Some frequency shift may also occur due to the internal

capacitance of the transistor, but this gives a sound method for the foundation of the

design work. Design of the input and output matching networks in Figure 2.8 will be

determined by the characteristics of the transistor over the operating frequency range

and the loading requirements of the product mixer.

Figure 2.10: Simplified Dual-Stage Audio Amplifier Schematic

2.6 Audio Amplifier

The final section of the receiver is the audio amplifier where RF downconverted into the

audio spectrum gets delivered to a speaker of some kind. The target load in this case

would be somewhere around 300 to 500 mW into a small 8 Ω speaker. In order to save

space, an NE5532 dual operation amplifier was chosen to act as a dual-stage voltage

amplifier to drive a class AB complimentary transistor output stage. A simplified

diagram of this technique is shown in Figure 2.10.

The entire audio amplifier schematic can be broken into three make sections from left

to right. The first section is comprised of an active first-order low-pass filter using the

first half of the NE5532 opamp. Utilizing the inverting input of the opamp, there are

two main equations for the design [20].

Av = (2.15)

fc = (2.16)
2πRf Cf

The voltage gain (Av ) of the input stage is set by the ratio of Rf and Rs , as shown

in equation 2.15. Equation 2.16 sets the cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter. The

filter provides additional attenuation in the audio range with a gentle slope of 6 dB per

octave combining with the passive filter between the input of the audio amplifier and

the mixer. This was included in the design to provide a way of dialing in an optimal

amount of filtering in the event more or less was needed. The output of the active

filter is then fed to a voltage-controlled mute switch that allows the MCU to mute the

audio when switching between transmit and receive.

The next stage is the second half of the NE5532, which acts as a voltage driver for

a class-AB output stage. According to the datasheet for the device, the maximum

short-circuit output current is 60 mA, which means that the opamp itself isn’t ideal

for driving a low-impedance load at the desired power level. It can, however, produce a

very high voltage gain into a high-impedance load. Utilizing two BJTs for the output

stage with a high β presents a high-impedance to the output of the opamp. A feedback

network is then taken from the output of the next stage and fed to the input. Using

Equations 2.15 and 2.16, this amplfier can also act as another active filter if additional

filtering is desired.

The output stage is a class-AB complementary symmetry amplifier stage composed

of PNP and NPN BJTs. This acts as a current amplifying device that takes the

small current output from the opamp and delivers the current to the loudspeaker or

headphones. The class of power amplifier is ultimately determined by its conduction

angle and class-AB is really a combination of two separate classes [25]. Class A is when

the conduction angle is a full 360◦ of the input signal. This means that the transistor

is biased on through the entire cycle of a sinusoidal input. Class B by comparison is

when the conduction angle is 180◦ of the input signal or half of the input signal. By

splitting the input signal into two halves, the efficiency of the amplifier can be increased.

However, a bias voltage of around 0.6 V is needed to turn the transistor on. Therefore,

Class-B operation produces noticeable distortion products in the audio range known as

crossover distortion. Class-AB is the compromise to this where the conduction angle

for both transistors is greater than 180◦ but less than 360◦ [25]. The DC bias network

shown in Figure 2.10 sets the bias so that crossover distortion products are eliminated

while also keeping efficiency in the 60-70% range. This technique should provide a very

clean audio output keeping distortion products to a minimum and providing less audio

distortion over a commercially available IC audio amplifier like the LM386 [26].

Chapter 3

Transmitter and Switching Circuitry

3.1 Transmitter Functionality

In this section, the design specification for the transmitter and switching sections of the

transceiver are outlined. This transceiver system is centered around the local oscillator

being switched between the transmit and receive circuitry. When the keyer switch is

open, the system is in receive mode and the LO is connected directly to the product

mixer. For transmit, the LO is connected to the input of the amplifier. The drive level

of the LO, however, is design to deliver +7 dBm or 5 mW of power. A desired transmit

level would be somewhere around +30 dBm (1 Watt) or greater. In order to acheive

at least 23 dB of gain, a dual-stage power amplifier design will likely be required. The

first stage will provide voltage gain using a small signal transistor while the second

stage will provide the current gains for deliviering power to a 50 Ω load.

The design techniques and theory used for switching between transmit and receive will

also be outlined in this chapter. This will include design of the RF switches them-

selves as well as discussion of control bus management with the MCU. The MCU has

multiple fuctions that tie the system together including the sidetone oscillator, which

provides keying feedback to the operator. Being a programmable MCU, a discussion

of additional features that are purely based in software is also warranted.

Figure 3.1: Transmitter Section of the Direct Conversion Transceiver Block Diagram

3.2 Driver Stage

As mentioned previously, the power amplifier section needs to first contain a small

signal voltage driver. Being a portable radio transceiver operated by battery power,

some forethought should be given to amplifier effeciency.

Pout Pout
η= = (3.1)
PDC Pout + Pdiss

Equation 3.1 is the expression for amplifier efficiency (η) where Pout is the RF power

output and PDC is the total power drawn from the power supply [27]. The efficiency of

a power amplifier is usually associated with its class of operation. A discussion of the

audio power amplifier in the previous chapter gives a description of classes A, B, and

AB in terms of conduction angle for the active device delivering power to the load. By

exploiting the conduction angle, amplifier efficiency can be increased since the amount

of time that the transistor is conducting is reduced. In turn, this decreases the power

dissipated (Pdiss ). For the design of the voltage driver, a BS170 MOSFET was chosen

Figure 3.2: Simulated I-V Characteristics for a BS170 MOSFET

due to availability, maximum Vds rating of 60 V, and power dissipation capability given

its package size. The I-V characteristics for this transistor are shown in Figure 3.2.

Using the I-V curves, loadline analysis for a class A amplifier can be performed in

order to start the design. Design of this class of amplifier starts by using two simple

equations based around the quiescent current and DC supply voltage.

Ropt = = (3.2)
Imax /2 IDC

Popt = VDC IDC (3.3)

The two expressions given for Equations 3.2 and 3.3 can be used under the assumption

that the amplifier efficiency is 50% [27]. According to the transistor datasheet, the

device can handle up to 500 mA of continous current draw and dissipate up to 800 mW

[28]. Given a 12 V power supply, Equation 3.3 can be solved for IDC and subsequently

Imax . This provides the operating conditions for the driver and a way to draw the load

line using a realistic device [29]. However, a method of matching the output impedance

to the load is still needed in order to extract the RF power. Conversion of Ropt to a

complex impedance can be performed given the following relationships.

Zopt = Ropt + jXopt (3.4)

Xopt 2 (1 − 1 )
= Ropt (3.5)

Looking at Equation 3.5, the term p refers to the efficiency factor of the amplifier. Being

class A offers 50% efficiency so p has a value of 2. From here, a complex impedance

(Z) can be calculated and matched to a complex load via a matching network [27].

Additionally, load-pull contours could also be plotted on a Smith chart and used for

matching purposes. Being a driver stage, there is an advantage in the fact that an

impedance higher than 50 Ω for driving the next stage can be used mainly since the

next stage will also be a MOSFET stage. Increasing the load seen at the output of the

driver stage to a few hundred ohms could effectively produce a larger voltage swing,

thus providing more voltage gain at the output of the next stage depending on the

drive requirements of the MOSFET. Figure 3.3 gives a simplified schematic for the

driver stage to be designed using the theoretical principles outlined in this section.

The value of R2 at the gate of the BS170 could also be reduced to lower the threshold

Figure 3.3: Simplified Schematic for a Class A Driver Stage

voltage effectively pushing the amplifier into class-AB operation if increased efficiency

is needed [30].

3.3 Final Stage

For the final RF amplifier stage, exploitation of amplifier efficiency would be desired

to reduce the power dissipated and still be able to achieve a higher output power level.

Another consideration comes from how the transmitting amplifier is switched into the

on state in that the input signal from the LO is switched on or off at the input to the

driver stage. Choice of class B or C would be a likely candidate here since the current

draw would be limited or practically zero if no signal is present at the input [32]. With

the driver configured for class-A operation, some power will be constantly dissipated

regardless of whether or not the system is transmitting. Reducing the conduction angle

will only help keep unnecessary power dissipation to a minimum in the receive state.

The design of the transceiver is intended only for CW, so linearity is less of a concern

over output power [31]. Therefore, an IRF510 power MOSFET was chosen for the final

transmitter stage. This transistor has a maximum drain-to-source voltage (Vds ) of 100

V and can sustain a continuous drain current of 4 A [33].

Assuming a sinusoidal input to the amplifier, a waveform analysis can be performed

to illustrate how efficiency increases with the reduced conduction angle. Using the

symmetry of the input signal, a half conduction angle (θ) can be taken over the range

where the transistor is conducting. This allows for an expression of the quiescent

current (ICQ ) in relation to a maximum current (Imax ) and the half conduction angle.

The DC and fundamental current components then can be expressed in the form of

the Fourier series of the waveform and reduced to the equations 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8.

ICQ = Imax cos(θ) (3.6)

IDC = [sin(θ) − θcos(θ)] (3.7)

I0 = [2θ − sin(2θ)] (3.8)

Referring back to Equation 3.1 in the previous section, a formula for the maxium

efficiency of (ηmax ) can then be expressed, as shown in Equation 3.9. A plot of this

expression as a function of θ can be seen in Figure 3.4 [32]. As θ then falls below 2,

the PA enters class C operation. This increase in efficiency does come at the price of

reduced gain since less and less of the input signal is being represented at the output.

From the figure then, it would seem the best course of action to bias the amplifier in

Figure 3.4: Plot of Theoretical Amplifier Efficiency

such a way to keep the conduction angle as close to the class B point without going

into class B operation.

2θ − sin(2θ)
∴ ηmax = (3.9)
4[sin(θ) − θcos(θ)]

By applying no bias to the gate of the IRF510 from the power supply, the threshold

voltage should be high enough to keep the amplifier well in the class C operation region.

The output from the driver should be able to reach output levels of 5 V or higher to

effectively turn on the transistor. However, a Zener diode connect to a ground resistor

could also be placed at the gate to provide a short time constant that varies as the

voltage changes. A voltage develops as a result of the charge stored in the junction

capacitance. This effect has the ability to alter the quiescent current over the transition

into cutoff reducing amplifier efficiency. A simplified schematic is then shown in Figure


Figure 3.5: Simplified Schematic of the IRF510 Final Stage Power Amplifier

3.4 Digital Transmit/Receive Switching

For the last section in this chapter, the method of switching still needs to be addressed

for the transceiver system to be functional. In the block diagram introduced in Fig-

ure 1.1, a number of single-pole switches can be seen connected to the MCU. These

switches need to be active RF switches with high isolation that respond to a digital

control signal. A common method of doing this would be a common-gate JFET shar-

ing the same supply bus as the MCU. Due to pricing, availability, and package size,

an Atmel ATTiny85 was chosen for the MCU. This chip can use a 5 V supply and

comes in an eight-pin dual inline package (DIP). The single-pole JFET switches then

can share the supply voltage with MCU and a control signal can effectively switch

the transistor on and off. The drain-to-source resistance of a JFET is generally deter-

mined by the approximation given in Equation 3.10, where gm represents the forward

Figure 3.6: Schematic for RF Switch Using a Common-gate JFET Amplifier

transconductance of the transistor [17]. A J310 has a typical gm of 14.1 mS even with

a minimal current draw, which translates to an impedance of around 70 Ω [34] and an

operable frequency range well into the UHF region. This makes it a good candidate

for use as an RF switch.

Rs ≈ (3.10)

Figure 3.6 shows the schematic for the RF switch. Two capacitors provide DC blocking

at the input and output of the switch. The +5V supply is connected to the drain

resistor. The CTL port is where the digital control signal connect to the MCU. As the

control signal switches between high and low states, Rg and Cg create an analog time

constant that creates a small delay as the signal switches. Component values can be

determined experimentally to minimize pops or clicks that could wind up at the output

of the audio amplifier. Rg also acts as a pull-up resistor, keeping the gate voltage high

Figure 3.7: Pinout for the ATTiny85 8-bit Microcontroller

and keeping the switch ON with a high logic value.

The ATTiny85 AVR microcontroller has an 8-pin package featuring 8 kB of in-system

programmable flash memory and six programmable I/O pins available for use as digital

control lines [35]. This allows for the creation of a transmit (TX), receive (RX),

and frequency adjust (ADJ) bus. The ATTiny85 also includes an 8-bit high speed

timer/counter with separate prescalar, which can be utilized for the sidetone oscillator

(SOSC). The switch control pin is assigned to a 10-bit ADC, which will receive two

separate voltages for the keyer and spot controls. Figure 3.7 shows the pinout and

their various functions.

Chapter 4

Receiver Module Characterization

4.1 Local Oscillator

In this chapter, the individual receiver modules highlighted in Figure 2.1 are designed

using the criteria and methods outlined in Chapter 2 and then simulated using a circuit

simulator software known as LTSpice. Once adequate performance was achieved in

the simulator, individual modules were assembled and characterized on a bare piece

of copper-clad FR4 laminate. The results for each module are given in the following


Being a critical peice of the entire transciever for both transmit and receive, the ma-

jority of the time spent on development was done with the LO. After many variations

of the simplified design given in Figure 2.6, suitable performance was obtained. The

simulated schematic shown in Figure 4.1 produced oscillations in the frequency range

but required some manipulation to produce the expected result of a crystal stabilized

oscaillator. One such idealization includes the current source (I1). This current source

acts as an impulse function and provides a short pulse of current to reduce simulation

time needed to create the oscillations. Using this technique produces a signal at the

output in less than 200 µs and required only about 10 s of processing time during the

Figure 4.1: LTSpice Schematic for the Local Oscillator

In order to acheive some level of accuracy with the non-linear devices in the circuit, a

model for the 2N3904 transistor was downloaded from ON Semiconductor’s web site.

Three physical transistors were selected and had their DC characteristics compared

with simulator. Three copies of the supplied model were then made with each having

their beta values adjusted to match the measured values of the physical ones. This at

least created similar but not identical transistors for the purposes of simulation. The

simulated fast Fourier-transform (FFT) of the oscillator output is given in Figure 4.2.

The parallel crystal resonators shown in the simplified schematic proved to be some-

what difficult to simulate in LTSpice. Therefore, pulling range and automatic frequency

offset range were determined experimentally. In fact, the value of Ls should be in the

mH instead of µH as given in Figure 4.1. By reducing the value of Ls and increasing

the value of Cs , this is basically the same tactic employed by placing multiple crystal

resonators in parallel, but the values needed to produce the oscillation in the simulator

are unrealistic and result in overly optimistic performance. In simulation, the focus
Figure 4.2: Simulated FFT of Local Oscillator Output

Parameter Simulated Measured

IDC 8.2 mA 10.6 mA
PDC 95 mW 125 mW
VP eak 935 mV 720 mV
PRF 9.71 dBm 7.15 dBm

Table 4.1: Simulated/Measured Comparison Table for Local Oscillator

was then getting the most power output and determining the functionality of the fre-

quency offset. Table 4.1 gives a comparison of measured performance metrics versus


Figure 4.3 shows the build of the LO while Figure 4.4 shows the power output of the

fundamental frequency using a 7.055 MHz crystal. One interesting thing regarding the

measured performance of the LO was how the power output changed as the frequency

was pulled. If the series inductor value was too large, the power output would drop

considerably towards the end of the pulling range. Using +4 dBm as the minimum

power output needed to drive the ADE-1 mixer, an FT37-67 toroid was wound with 30

turns and then backed off experimentally until and adequate drive level was achieved

across the tuning range.

Figure 4.3: Build of Local Oscillator Module

Figure 4.4: Measured Power Output of Local Oscillator Build

Figure 4.5: Measured Harmonic Content of Local Oscillator with Output Filter on
Agilent N9030A

A third-order Butterworth filter was placed at the output of the LO to attenuate the

harmonic content of the ouput signal. This provided a clean input signal to the ADE-1

at the fundamental frequency. Figure 4.5 shows the harmonic content of the LO up to

40 MHz. From the this measurement, the output filter provides 30 dB of attenuation

at the second harmonic and 54 dB at the third harmonic, which makes for adequate

filtering into the product mixer. Harmonics above the third harmonic are attenuated

into power levels at -70 dBm or less, which is far below any useable power level by the

mixer. This made for a fairly clean signal for driving the ADE-1 over the region of


4.2 Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA)

For the low-noise amplifier, a few different transistor models were used to develop the

design in simulation. Ultimately, the designs using the 2N3904 and BC547C devices

Figure 4.6: LTSpice Schematic for the Single-tuned Low-noise Amplifier

were built and characterized since both devices were readily available. The 2N3904

design provided the most gain over the range of operation by more than 10 dB and was

included in the final design for this reason. The schematic capture shown in Figure

4.6 shows the final design used for the transceiver system. The simulated LNA circuit

produced a quiescent current draw of around 7.3 mA for both stages with 11.5 V

applied to VCC . By comparison, the measured current on the module came in sightly

higher than the simulated current at 9.4 mA. A picture of the LNA module is shown

in Figuer 4.7.

Figure 4.8 provides a plot of the simulated S-parameters provided from LTSpice. The

plot of S21 shows gains of more than 40 dB over the range of operation. Attenuation

of the input signal at 1 MHz was less than ideal having a simulated gain of 12.9 dB.

However, the LNA starts to attenuate signals above 14.4 MHz, which contributes to

any filtering done after the antenna. The plot of S11 shows a good 50 Ω match around

7.15 MHz and the best match at 7.82 MHz, but this was less of a concern being that the

LNA doesn’t provide much power to the load. Gain was the key performance metric

Figure 4.7: Build of Low-noise Amplifier Module

Figure 4.8: Simulated S-parameters for Single-tuned LNA

utilized for the purpose of the transceiver design.

Comparing measured performance with the simulation, Figure 4.9 shows the measured

S-parameters of the LNA module as measured on a vector network analyzer (VNA).

The inductor labeled L1 in Figure 4.6 was wound manually on a T37-25 toroid and

likely produced a value slightly higher than 1.01 uH given the S21 plot shown. However,

the overall performance was still adequate for the purposes of the design, yielding

Figure 4.9: Measured S-parameters for Single-tuned LNA Using Agilent E5071C VNA

more than 38 dB of gain over the band of operation. Additionally, the measured data

shows more attenuation at 1 MHz, which is benficial at keeping strong signals in the

AM broadcast band from overloading the receiver. The plot of S11 didn’t match the

simulation results hardly at all, but performance is still likely adequate for the intended

use of the LNA.

4.3 Audio Amplifier

As mentioned in Chapter 2, the design of the audio output stage for the receiver revolves

around an NE5532 dual op-amp. A schematic of the design simulated in LTSpice is

shown in Figure 4.10. The first op-amp (labeled U2) acts as an active first-order

low-pass filter having a voltage gain of around 50 dB. The input to the second stage

is driven by the other half of the NE5532 (labeled U1), which supplies voltage gain

for the complementary-symmetry output stage created by a pair BC547 and BC557

Figure 4.10: LTSpice Schematic for the Receiver Audio Stage

Figure 4.11: Audio Output Capture at 1 kHz into a 32Ω Load Using Agilent DSO-X

transistors (Q1 and Q3 respectively). Q2 sets the bias point both Q1 and Q3 and

results in a class-AB output stage for delivering audio to the speaker or headphones.

With a 32Ω load, the amplifier provided more than 90 mW at 1 kHz. That’s enough

to exceed the threshold of pain in most earphone applications and enough to drive a

small speaker [36]. A time domain capture of the measured output from the circuit

built on the module can been seen in Figure 4.11.

Figure 4.12: Simulated and Measured Amplifier Frequency Response Normalized at 1

The plot shown in Figure 4.12 gives a comparison of the measured and simulated

frequency response of the amplifier. The output was normalized to 1 dBV at 1 kHz at

the output of the amplifier and then the frequency was swept from 100 Hz to 10 kHz.

Given the filtering on both stages, the frequency response shows a steeper roll off at

high frequencies and a lower cuttoff point in simulation when compared to the measured

response. However, the response of the amplifier provides 25 dB of attenuation at 10


The low frequency attenuation shown in Figure 4.12 is largely a result of a DC blocking

capacitors having a lower value in circuit module. Due to the high gain of the amplifier

at low frequencies, large clicks or pops created when keying the amplifier resulted in

low frequency oscillations. These oscillations could be halted pretty easily by turning

down a potentiometer between C6 and R7, but the value of C3 and C6 were reduced

from 10 µF to 1 µF to reduce gain. The values of the RC network in the feedback

path for each stage could also be adjusted to lower the gain while retaining the cutoff
frequency in the event that oscillations become a problem in the finished transciever.

Chapter 5

Transmitter and Switching Module Characterization

5.1 Power Amplifier Characterization

This section outlines the characterization of the transmitter circuitry to be used in the

transceiver. As discussed in Chapter 3, the target specification for the power amplifier

section swas to be able to deliver a continuous wave (CW) signal with a power level of

30 dBm or more power into a 50 Ω load. The amplifier was designed in such a way to

keep quiescent currents to a minimum so that a single JFET switch could be placed

between the input to the PA and the LO. This would allow the LO to drive the PA

during transmit. The JFET switch had its gate connected to a control bus so that

a microprocessor could then turn the amplifier on and off just by muting the input


The PA is composed of two sections: the driver and the final amplifier. For the sake of

testing and loading, the PA was assembled originally on a single piece of copper-clad

laminate and then tested again on the final printed circuit board. The test results

presented here are measured on the final circuit board mounted inside the shielded

enclosure, as shown in Figure 6.6. PA measurements varied between shielded and

unshielded tests. Figure 5.1 shows the schematic of the circuit simulated in LTSpice. A

comparison of the simulated and measured output in the time-domain from a Tektronix
Figure 5.1: LTSpice Schematic of the Power Amplifier Design

Figure 5.2: Simulated and Measured Comparison of Power Amplifier Output

TDS 360 digital oscilloscope is shown in Figure 5.2. From the plot of the output, the

overall power output tracks fairly well, resulting in a difference of 1.3 dB. With a supply

voltage a 11.5 V, The output power of the PA was measured at 34.7 dBm, which is

in the vicinity of 3 watts. Given a DC current of 550 mA, this gives a power-added

effeciency (PAE) of 46.5%. This varies from simulation by a large margin since the

simulator is able to get more power while consuming only 504 mA of current. This

results in a simulated PAE of 68.9%.

Figure 5.3: Spectral Content of the Power Amplifier Output Measured with Agilent
N9030A Spectrum Analyzer

Figure 5.3 displays the measured spectral output of the power amplifier. In this plot,

the overall effectiveness of the output filter in attenuating higher order harmonics can

be seen. The setup for this measurement included a 20 dB attenuator on the input

of the spectrum analyzer. Therefore, measurements in the plot are 20 dB below their

actual value. The second harmonic of the CW output signal is attenuated by 48.1 dB,

resulting in an output power of -13.4 dBm. This is in compliance with the FCC’s Part

97 emission standards for transmissions below 30 MHz [37]. Higher harmonics don’t

see as drastic of a reduction like that between the fundamental and second harmonic,

but power levels fall to or below -30 dBm and are acceptable. Power levels appear to

drop off into the noise floor beyond the seventh harmonic.

Figure 5.4: Measured Switching Time of JFET Transistor Switch on Tektronix TDS
360 Oscilloscope

5.2 RF Switch Measurements

The RF switch design using a J310 JFET transistor shown in Figure 3.6 was also

assembled on the printed circuit board and tested by measuring the PA turn-on time.

In order to examine the switching time of the transistor alone, the capacitor, Cg , at

the gate of the transistor was removed. This eliminated the short delay introduced by

the time constant created by Rg and Cg . The LTSpice simulation results measured a

turn on time of 7.5 µs and a current draw of 4 µA. This varied somewhat from the

measurements taken on a Tektronix TDS 360 digital-storage oscilloscope as shown in

Figure 5.4. The measured turn-on time was more than double the simulation results

at 14.8 µs and drawing 10 µA of current. Despite both measurements being off by a

factor of more than double, the differences are still negligible in terms of this design.

Figure 5.5: Schematic of MCU Transceiver Application Circuit

5.3 Digital Control

The final section in Chapter 3 gives the specification of a control bus for each function-

ing block of circuitry. The schematic in Figure 5.5 shows the electrical configuration

and pin assignment for the ATTiny85P MCU. Since the JFET switches have been

designed to work with a +5 V control signal, there are three pins dedicated as outputs

to enable and disable various RF switches. These are 5-volt digital logic output sent

from the MCU for manipulating the TX, RX, and SPOT CTL busses. Pin 2 (PB3) is

an input pin on the MCU connected to the 10-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC).

Using the ADC on PB3 is useful since a number of control input signals could then be

created by using different voltage levels. In the schematic, R10 acts as a pull up resis-

tor until either the SW1 or SPOT switch is connected. Placing R38 in series with the

SPOT switch allows the MCU to see two different voltages, depending on which switch

is pressed. This technique was used to create a spot feature allowing the operator to

zero-beat the incoming signal by listening on the transmit frequency.

The application of the spot feature was found to be very useful when operating on the

air. When the SPOT switch is connected to ground, a logic high signal is applied to

the SPOT CTL bus. This bus was connected first to a potentiometer and then to the

frequency control line on the local oscillator. In operation, a signal can be heard on

either the upper or lower side band of the LO frequency. The operator adjusts the

tuning knob until the calling station is on the upper side of the LO frequency. Once

the station’s tone is around 500 to 700 Hz, pressing the SPOT button on the front

of the radio switches the LO from the receive frequency to the transmit frequency.

The transmit frequency will always be above the receive frequency. The potentiometer

connected to the SPOT CTL bus then acts and a transmit incremental tuning (XIT)

control in order to best zero-beat the incoming station. Once the calling station can

no longer be heard, releasing the SPOT switch returns the LO to the receive frequency

where the station can again be heard.

5.4 MCU as a Side-tone Oscillator

In order to have audible feedback when keying the transceiver, pin 6 (PB1) was con-

nected to the MCUs internal Timer1 and configured for PWM mode to act as a side-

tone oscilltor. A 32-byte look-up table was created in the program to contain amplitude

values of a sine wave. The PWM mode of the ATTiny85 produces an output compare

match when the value of the output compare register is reached. By setting the out-

put compare register to the amplitude value of the waveform in the look-up table, the

PWM output of the pin has a varying duty cycle at the clock frequency. A 14-bit

prescalar can by applied to the clock frequency, effectively slowing down the rate of

the PWM signal. With a 32-byte waveform, the PWM frequency could be at least 32

times the audio frequency. Adding a very lossy first order audio filter on the output,

the high frequency PWM signal can be removed, leaving an 8-bit audio signal. While

this signal isn’t by any means a pure sine wave, enough filtering makes it sound good

enough for feedback purposes. A clear tone of 600 Hz is heard on the output of the

audio amplifier whenever the transmitter is keyed up.

Chapter 6

Results and Discussion

6.1 Schematic and Board Layout

This chapter primarily deals with the construction and board-level testing of the

transceiver system as a whole. A small 3.5 by 4 inch aluminum enclosure houses

the double-sided printed circuit board (PCB), which contains all the transceiver cir-

cuitry. The footprint of the board has the dimensions of 3.5 by 3 inches in order to

make space for the controls and connections needed on the front and back panels. The

schematic capture and PCB layout was drafted in EagleCAD and are shown in Figures

6.1 and 6.2 respectively. PCB manufacturing was done by Osh Park, and assembly

began on arrival. The first fully assembled transceiver unit was actually stolen after

being field tested and left overnight in a vehicle. A second assembly was built, which

provided most of the data presented in this document.

6.2 Board-level Testing

Initial bring-up of the board started by assembling the LO circuitry so that voltage

measurements of its output could be taken and troubleshooted before adding addi-

tional components. The original board layout had only two crystal resonators and was

adapted to include four in a later revision. Due to time constraints, the routing around
Figure 6.1: Full Transceiver Schematic

Figure 6.2: Full Transceiver Circuit Board Layout

the resonators is rather crowded. From frequency measurements of the LO, there must

be some amount of board capacitance either from the traces or ground relief as the

highest frequency possible from the LO was lower than the markings on the crystal by

4 to 5 kHz. Some care had to be taken in order to achieve a reasonable tuning range

with a constant power output over the band.

Some adjustments also had to be made to the PA in order to reduce LO leakage on

the output of the antenna port. The isolation of the JFET switch was such that a

Figure 6.3: Transmitter Signal Received on a Software-Defined Radio in Corinne, Utah

small signal was appearing at the input to the BS170 driver stage. At the antenna,

power levels of around 10 dBm were originally observed. A small reduction in the bias

voltage on the gate reduced LO leakage to a negligible level (around -20 dBm) while

also causing a 1.4 dB drop in overall output power. Ideally, a redesign of the bias

control and an improvement in RF isolation of the JFET switch could aid in reducing

the LO leakage, but the power amplifier did see a small boost in efficiency since the bias

reduction slightly reduced the overall DC current. The power reduction also aided in

some other issues where the high output signal during transmit could damage various

unshielded components on the board.

6.3 On-Air Test Results

Testing the transceiver over the air proved to have its own challenges. Having done

most on-air testing in a major metropolitan area, there are several sources of electro-

magnetic interference (EMI) resulting in heavy noise at times. Additionally, finding

space to deploy an antenna for the 40 m band is also challenging. On-air tests were

performed with either a wire dipole or long wire tuned for an approximate 50 Ω match.

Figure 6.4: Stations Reporting Received Transmissions on the Reverse Beacon Network

The Reverse Beacon Network was extremely useful for observing the propagation of

test transmissions, as shown in Figure 6.4. The furthest distance reported from Tucson,

Arizona at a distance of 1103.5 miles from the source of the transmission. Additionally,

SDR receivers in Utah and California provide access via the internet allowing for re-

mote operation. Figure 6.3 shows a capture of the transceiver being received on 7.038


Reception tests involved recording the audio output signal with a digital recorder so

that frequency analysis could be performed. In Figure 6.5, two sections of separate

audio recordings can be seen as a logarithmic spectrogram. The spectrograph on the

left side of the figure shows received audio without the various low-pass filters. The

right side of the figure is an audio recording with the filters in place and a clear drop-

off in signal strength around 3.6 kHz. This tracks well with the frequency response of

the amplifier shown previously in 4.12. Some stations can still be seen in the filtered

audio capture, but the increased attenuation at higher frequencies adds to the overall

selectivity of the receiver.

Both spectrographs in Figure 6.5 capture a number of distant stations. The strong

Figure 6.5: Logarithmic Audio Spectrograph with and without Multi-stage Filtering

signal around 690 Hz on the left side is station call sign N5AW in Burnet, Texas at a

distance of 1660 miles from Portland, Oregon. On the right, station N7IV in Minot,

North Dakota shows up around 549 Hz coming in from a distance of 1023 miles. When

tested in remote areas, some stations were strong enough that the volume had to

be adjusted to more comfortable levels despite less-than-optimal antenna deployment

during test.

6.4 Future Work

Overall, the final build on PCB, as shown in Figure 6.6, performed very much in line

with individual module tests. However, some minor component changes had to be

made in order to improve general operability of the system. The value of the DC

blocking capacitor at the input to the audio section was adjusted from 10 µF to 0.1

µF to reduce oscillations. Due to leakage of RF back into the mixer during transmit,

a strong impulse results as a loud pop on the audio output. When the system is first

Figure 6.6: Assembled PCB Mounted in the Aluminum Enclosure

powered on or has not been keyed up in a while, the pop is still very apparent even with

this modification, and a very low frequency oscillation can result in some situations.

Additional design work could be done here to improve the interaction between the

output of the mixer and input of the amplifier.

Additionally, switching between the two pairs of crystal resonators produced some odd

results with respect to frequency tuning range. When comparing the pulling range of

both sets, the pair of resonators with the lower frequency consistently had more than

double the tuning range of the pair with the higher frequency. The lower frequency

pair also seemed to have more stability issues towards the bottom end of the tuning

range. In order to combat this problem, four crystals of the same frequency were

used and connected in parallel. This provided more frequency stability and consistent

power output from the LO while offering 15 kHz of tuning range (7.026 MHz to 7.041

MHz). While this is acceptable in terms of operation, having frequency agility across

the entire CW portion of the 40m band would be preferable.

Figure 6.7: Completed Transceiver and On-air Test Station

6.5 Conclusion

Figure 6.7 shows the transceiver system configured for on-air testing. Many stations

have been received under less-than-optimal conditions given the location in a major

metropolitan area, and the transmitting signal was received by stations more than a

thousand miles away. The addition of the MCU to a predominantly analog environment

within the direct-conversion system did not result in any adverse effects and provided

precision control to the TX, RX, and LO sections of the transceiver. With a 11.5 V

supply to simulate the average voltage of a 12 V battery, the transceiver pulls 45 mA

of current during receive and 520 mA of current during transmit. This level of current

draw makes it ideal for portable use with AA alkaline batteries or rechargable batteries

capable of producing a 12 V supply.

Appendix A

AVR Controller Program

A.1 Keying Control Code for AVR Microcontroller

[C++ Code for AVR]

# include < avr / io .h >
# include < avr / interrupt .h >

# define cbi ( sfr , bit ) ( _SFR_BYTE ( sfr ) &= ~ _BV ( bit ))

# define sbi ( sfr , bit ) ( _SFR_BYTE ( sfr ) |= _BV ( bit ))

# define TX 0 // TX enable pin

# define RX 2 // RX enable pin
# define SOSC 1 // Side - tone oscillator output pin
# define SW 3 // input switch pin
# define ADJ 4
# define N 10 // N periods in monopulse mode

long sw = 1024;
bool trig = LOW ; // monopulse trigger status
bool tx = LOW ; // flag for TX enable
bool keyer = LOW ; // flag for start of key press
int mode = 0;
int dit = 50; // delay time for dit in ms
int dash = 150; // delay time for dash in ms
int mute = 0.11; // delay time for mute in ms
unsigned long hold = 5 e6 ; // max hold value
unsigned long pause = 1 e7 ; // pause between IDs
unsigned long start = 0; // start time
unsigned long last = 0; // time of last ID ;
long c = 0; // count variable for mode change
int index = 0; // index for side tone PWM value

uint8_t waveTable [] = {
// --- SINE WAVE (32 Samples ) - - -//
128 ,152 ,176 ,198 ,218 ,234 ,245 ,253 ,255 ,253 ,245 ,234 ,218 ,198 ,176 ,152 ,
128 ,103 , 79 , 57 , 37 , 21 , 10 , 3 , 1 , 3 , 10 , 21 , 37 , 57 , 79 ,103

void setup () {
// Control Pins
pinMode ( TX , OUTPUT );
pinMode ( RX , OUTPUT );
pinMode ( SOSC , OUTPUT );
pinMode ( ADJ , OUTPUT );

// Input Pins
pinMode ( SW , INPUT );

cli ();
/* --- TIMER1 CONFIG --- */
TCCR1 = 0 b11100001 ;
GTCCR = 0 b00000000 ;
TIMSK = 0 b01000000 ;
PLLCSR = 0 b10000111 ;

/* --- TIMER0 CONFIG --- */

TCCR0A = 0 b00000001 ;
TCCR0B = 0 b00000001 ; // last 3 bits set prescalar for Timer0

OCR1C = 255;
OCR1A = 128;
sei ();

// unmute RX
digitalWrite ( RX , HIGH );
digitalWrite ( TX , LOW );
digitalWrite ( ADJ , LOW );

void loop () {
// perform function based on mode
sw = analogRead ( SW );
switch ( mode ) {
case 0:
if ( sw < 100) {
// key the TX
digitalWrite ( RX , LOW ); // mute RX
dela yMicro second s ( mute ); // short delay
digitalWrite ( ADJ , HIGH ); // set ADJ to TX freq
digitalWrite ( TX , HIGH ); // begin TX
} else if ( sw < 900) {
// monitor audio on TX freq
digitalWrite ( ADJ , HIGH ); // set ADJ to TX freq
} else {
// return to RX operation
digitalWrite ( TX , LOW ); // stop TX
digitalWrite ( ADJ , LOW ); // return ADJ to RX freq
dela yMicro second s ( mute ); // short delay
digitalWrite ( RX , HIGH ); // unmute RX
break ;

case 1:
if ( last == 0) {
id ();
} else if (( micros () - last ) > pause ) {
id ();
break ;

case 2:
if ( sw == LOW ) {
pulse ();
break ;

trig = LOW ; // monopulse trigger reset


ISR ( T IMER1_ COMPA_ vect ) {

if ( sw < 100){ // start up the side tone oscillator
if ( index < 32) {
OCR1A = waveTable [ index ];
index ++;
} else {
index = 0;
OCR1A = waveTable [ index ];
} else {
OCR1A = 128; // turn off side tone

ISR ( T IMER0_ COMPA_ vect ) {

sw = analogRead ( SW );
if ( sw < 100) {
if ( keyer == HIGH ) {
modeChk ();
} else {
start = micros ();
keyer = HIGH ;
trig = HIGH ;
} else {
keyer = LOW ;

void modeChk () {
if (( micros () - start ) > hold ) {
if ( mode < 2) {
mode ++;
} else {
mode = 0;
start = micros ();
stat ();
delay (1000);
void pulse () {
// pulse TX on and off N times
digitalWrite ( RX , LOW );
delay ( mute );
for ( int n = 0; n < N ; n ++) {
digitalWrite ( TX , HIGH );
dela yMicro second s (500);
digitalWrite ( TX , LOW );
dela yMicro second s (500);
delay ( mute );
digitalWrite ( RX , HIGH );

void stat () {
digitalWrite ( RX , LOW );
delay ( mute );
// tap out mode number in morse code
for ( int n = 0; n < mode ; n ++) {
digitalWrite ( TX , HIGH );
delay ( dit );
digitalWrite ( TX , LOW );
delay ( dit );

for ( int n = 0; n < (5 - mode ); n ++) {

digitalWrite ( TX , HIGH );
delay ( dash );
digitalWrite ( TX , LOW );
delay ( dit );

void id () {
// tap out ID for K2NXF

// K
digitalWrite ( TX , HIGH );
delay ( dash );
digitalWrite ( TX , LOW );
delay ( dit );
digitalWrite ( TX , HIGH );
delay ( dit );
digitalWrite ( TX , LOW );
delay ( dit );
digitalWrite ( TX , HIGH );
delay ( dash );
digitalWrite ( TX , LOW );
delay ( dash );

// 2
digitalWrite ( TX , HIGH );
delay ( dit );
digitalWrite ( TX , LOW );
delay ( dit );
digitalWrite ( TX , HIGH );
delay ( dit );
digitalWrite ( TX , LOW );
delay ( dit );
digitalWrite ( TX , HIGH );
delay ( dash );
digitalWrite ( TX , LOW );
delay ( dit );
digitalWrite ( TX , HIGH );
delay ( dash );
digitalWrite ( TX , LOW );
delay ( dit );
digitalWrite ( TX , HIGH );
delay ( dash );
digitalWrite ( TX , LOW );
delay ( dash );

// N
digitalWrite ( TX , HIGH );
delay ( dash );
digitalWrite ( TX , LOW );
delay ( dit );
digitalWrite ( TX , HIGH );
delay ( dit );
digitalWrite ( TX , LOW );
delay ( dash );

// X
digitalWrite ( TX , HIGH );
delay ( dash );
digitalWrite ( TX , LOW );
delay ( dit );
digitalWrite ( TX , HIGH );
delay ( dit );
digitalWrite ( TX , LOW );
delay ( dit );
digitalWrite ( TX , HIGH );
delay ( dit );
digitalWrite ( TX , LOW );
delay ( dit );
digitalWrite ( TX , HIGH );
delay ( dash );
digitalWrite ( TX , LOW );
delay ( dash );

// F
digitalWrite ( TX , HIGH );
delay ( dit );
digitalWrite ( TX , LOW );
delay ( dit );
digitalWrite ( TX , HIGH );
delay ( dit );
digitalWrite ( TX , LOW );
delay ( dit );
digitalWrite ( TX , HIGH );
delay ( dash );
digitalWrite ( TX , LOW );
delay ( dit );
digitalWrite ( TX , HIGH );
delay ( dit );
digitalWrite ( TX , LOW );
delay ( dash );

// new word
digitalWrite ( TX , LOW );
delay ( dash );

delay ( mute );
digitalWrite ( RX , HIGH );

last = micros (); // store current time at end of ID

Appendix B

Bill of Materials

B.1 List of Materials Used in the Final Transceiver

Qty Value Description Price Cost

1 78L05 5V Voltage Regulator $0.67 $0.67
5 100 nF KEMET Ceramic Capacitor $0.26 $1.30
2 100 uF KEMET Ceramic Capacitor $0.26 $0.52
2 10 nF KEMET Ceramic Capacitor $0.26 $0.52
1 10 pF KEMET Ceramic Capacitor $0.26 $0.26
6 10 uF KEMET Ceramic Capacitor $0.26 $1.56
1 150 pF KEMET Ceramic Capacitor $0.26 $0.26
11 1 nF KEMET Ceramic Capacitor $0.26 $2.86
4 22 nF KEMET Ceramic Capacitor $0.26 $1.04
1 330 pF KEMET Ceramic Capacitor $0.26 $0.26
1 33 nF KEMET Ceramic Capacitor $0.26 $0.26
9 470 pF KEMET Ceramic Capacitor $0.26 $2.34
1 680 pF KEMET Ceramic Capacitor $0.26 $0.26
3 1N4148 Fast Switching Diode $0.10 $0.30
1 12 V Zener Diode (12 V, 1 Watt) $0.24 $0.24
1 5.6 V Zener Diode (5.6 V, 1 Watt) $0.24 $0.24
1 11 V Zener Diode (11 V, 1 Watt) $0.26 $0.26
2 2N3904 ON Semiconductor NPN Transistor $0.20 $0.40
3 J310 InterFET N-Channel JFETs $3.27 $9.81
1 ADE-1 Mini Circuits ADE-1+ Level 7 Mixer $5.49 $5.49
1 ATTINY85-20P Atmel ATTiny85-20PU $1.20 $1.20
4 BC547 ON Semiconductor NPN Transistor $0.20 $0.80
1 BC557 ON Semiconductor PNP Transistor $0.21 $0.21
1 BS170 Fairchild N-Channel Enhancement MOSFET $0.45 $0.45
1 30 pF Trimming capacitor $4.54 $4.54
2 7.055MHz Crystal Resonator $1.13 $2.26
1 IRF510 Vishay N-Channel Enhancement MOSFET $0.88 $0.88
1 3mm LED $0.10 $0.10
1 NE5532N Dual Operational Amplifier $0.57 $0.57
2 100kA 100k Logarithmic Potentiometers $1.57 $3.14
1 10 1/8W Leaded Metal Film Resistor $0.01 $0.01

5 100k 1/8W Leaded Metal Film Resistor $0.01 $0.05
1 10MEG 1/8W Leaded Metal Film Resistor $0.01 $0.01
6 10k 1/8W Leaded Metal Film Resistor $0.01 $0.06
1 150k 1/8W Leaded Metal Film Resistor $0.01 $0.01
2 1MEG 1/8W Leaded Metal Film Resistor $0.01 $0.02
4 1k 1/8W Leaded Metal Film Resistor $0.01 $0.04
1 2.2 1/8W Leaded Metal Film Resistor $0.01 $0.01
4 2.2k 1/8W Leaded Metal Film Resistor $0.01 $0.04
1 2.7 1/8W Leaded Metal Film Resistor $0.01 $0.01
1 220k 1/8W Leaded Metal Film Resistor $0.01 $0.01
1 22k 1/8W Leaded Metal Film Resistor $0.01 $0.01
1 240k 1/8W Leaded Metal Film Resistor $0.01 $0.01
1 270k 1/8W Leaded Metal Film Resistor $0.01 $0.01
2 33k 1/8W Leaded Metal Film Resistor $0.01 $0.02
1 4.7k 1/8W Leaded Metal Film Resistor $0.01 $0.01
2 470k 1/8W Leaded Metal Film Resistor $0.01 $0.02
2 51 1/8W Leaded Metal Film Resistor $0.01 $0.02
1 680k 1/8W Leaded Metal Film Resistor $0.01 $0.01
1 SMA SMA 50 Ohm End Launch Jack Receptacle $3.74 $3.74
2 SPST Push-button SPST Switch $3.17 $6.34
1 3.5mm Stereo (TRS) 0.25 Inch Phone Jack $1.10 $1.10
2 FT37-23-12T Inductor wound on a T37 Toroid $0.49 $0.98
1 FT37-23-18T Inductor wound on a T37 Toroid $0.49 $0.49
1 FT37-67-12T Inductor wound on a T37 Toroid $0.49 $0.49
1 FT50-J-25T Inductor wound on a T50 Toroid $3.64 $3.64
1 T37-6-19T Inductor wound on a T37 Toroid $0.80 $0.80
1 T37-6-24T Inductor wound on a T37 Toroid $0.80 $0.80
3 T37-6-26T Inductor wound on a T37 Toroid $0.80 $2.40
1 T37-6-27T Inductor wound on a T37 Toroid $0.80 $0.80
1 PCB Printed circuit board $11.44 $11.44
1 Enclosure uxcell Aluminum Project Box 124x88x38mm $13.27 $13.27

Table B.1: Bill of Materials

Total Cost: $89.67


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