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ATIVIDADES DE RECUPERAO LNGUA INGLESA NOME:___________________________________N:______TURMA:_____

Leia os textos e responda as questes corretamente em portugus: Jerry Smith Jerry Smith is 28 years old, and he is single. He lives in Cerritos, California. He teaches ESL at an adult education center. He works Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 3:00. On the weekend, he visits his girlfriend. Her name is Susan, and she is 27 years old. Jerry and Susan like to watch movies and walk along the beach. They also like to jog and ride bicycles. A. Questions 1. What is Jerrys last name? _____________________________________ 2. How old is Jerry? ____________________________________________ 3. Does he work on Mondays? ___________________________________ 4. Does he work on Wednesdays? _________________________________ 5. What is Jerrys girlfriends name? ______________________________ 6. How old is she? _____________________________________________ 7. What do Jerry and Susan like to do? _____________________________ B. True or False ______ 1. Jerry is a teacher. ______ 2. Susan likes to watch movies. ______ 3. Jerry and Susan are married. ______ 4. Susan is older than Jerry. ______ 5. Jerrys last name is Reyes. Grand Canyon Mr. and Mrs. Soto and their son Hector are at the Grand Canyon in Arizona. They are standing behind the railing and looking at the colorful walls of the canyon. The Grand Canyon was carved by the Colorado River many years ago. It is 277 miles long, 4 to 18 miles wide, and over a mile deep. The Sotos want to learn more about the Grand Canyon. Mr. Soto and Hector want to go on a helicopter tour, but Mrs. Soto is afraid of flying. She wants to take a bus tour around the canyon. The Soto family cant afford both tours. What should they do? B. True or False 1. ________ The Grand Canyon is in Colorado. 2. ________ Mr. Soto and Hector are afraid of flying. 3. ________ The Grand Canyon is longer than it is wide. 4. ________ The Grand Canyon is deeper than it is wide. 5. ________ Mrs. Soto wants to take a bus tour around the canyon.

1) Sobre o Immediate Future complete corretamente. a) O Immediate Future usado para__________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ b) O Immediate Future formado pelo presente do verbo _____________, pelo gerndio do verbo __________________e pelo verbo principal no _________com a partcula to. c) Para formar frases negativas no Immediate Future, basta acrescentar a partcula de negao__________ depois do verbo to be. 2) Marque as questes verdadeiras sobre o Imperative. a) O modo imperativo usado para falar do passado. b) Para se formar o imperativo basta eliminar a partcula to do infinitivo do verbo. c) O modo imperativo tambm pode ser usado na forma negativa, para isso basta acrescentar dont antes do verbo no infinitivo sem o to. d) O modo imperativo tem duas caractersticas importantes. A primeira que ele formado pelo infinitivo do verbo sem a partcula to(forma afirmativa) e a segunda que no h sujeito explcito nas frases no modo imperativo. 3) Baseado no uso da forma do imperativo, marque a alternativa incorreta: a) Dont go home. b) I dont need your help. c) Dont buy that newspaper. d) Sleep here. 4) Qual das frases abaixo representa um convite? a) Lets go home. b) Go home. c) Dont go home. d) Dont lets go home.

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