English Speech Bullying

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Kylene Marynelle Abas

Adresses, greeting, opening:

Honorable teacher Mr. Nandi Kusnindar S.Pd,., respected audiens, and everyone here today.
Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu.

First of all I’d like to thank the Almighty God it is because of him we are able to attend this class.
Secondly may salawat and salam always be delivered to our Prophet Muhammad SAW. who had brought
us from the darkness to this bright modern era that we live in today.

And last but not least I’d like to thank my English teacher for giving me this opportunity to
speech in this class.

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. My name is Nazmi. I would like to take this opportunity to
give a speech about bullying.


“Word scar. Rumours destroy. Bullies kill.”- Sydney Adams. From the term it self, what comes to mind
when you try to visualise bullying? Well, let me ask you. Have you ever felt being stepped on? Have you
ever felt not included and deeply insecure? Have you ever felt really scared with your knee trembling
whenever went to school, and don’t know what will come from the corner? Have you ever felt how
everyone just think of you as someone disgusting? You might think that there are not bullies in any place
of this country, but there is.

Bullying is a worldwide problem and can defined as being characterised by intentionally aggressive
behavior that creates major problems to our society.

Over 3.2 Millions student experience some form of bullying each year. Bullying is a person who feels
more dominant over someone they see as weaker than them. Not just weaker physically but also

Bullying is making someone feel bad about who they are by means of them. Can be on internet, at
school, after school on your walk home, on the bus, the workplace, by neighbors, maybe even in your
own house hold. Whatever the reason the bully chooses to bully for, someone could be bullied because
there are different. They might not seem like they are hurting, But inside they could be.

Bullying is everywhere, it has causes, effect and fortunately solutions. They could possibly be bullying
because of peer pressure from Friends. Lots of bullies have been bullied in the past, And now are
seeking revenge Because they want to show others what it feels.

Jealousy is one of reasons of bullying. They may see it as a way to get attention, or to make people
afraid of them. Another reason, some people is having issues at home, and they want to vent out all
their emotion at the person they are bullying.

Stress is one on the effect of bullying. They can suffer from depression as well and not being able to
fight back. People who have been bullied are more likely to commit suicide or harm to themselves
because they can no longer cope with being oppressed every single day. Would you be more careful of
what you say?

Bullying is an absurd thing that people need to stop doing, it is awful, hurtful and makes no absolute
sense. That are so many ways and things we can do to stop bullying. However, the most we can do is “be
kind to one another”.


Finally, ladies and gentlemen that’s all for my speech. I hope we all learned something new from
it and enjoyed it.


Thank you very much for your attention. Waasalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu.

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