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Nama : Khansa Eka Fauziyyah

Nim : 1403622065
Pendidikan Sejarah

Why English is Important to College Students

English is the most important language for students because it helps them in many ways. English
is the language of science, literature, commerce, and technology. This is why it is important for
students to learn English so that they can study in any part of the world.
1. Connect yourself with the world
English is a key skill that helps students to interact with people from other countries and
abroad. This language not only teaches you how to communicate in English but also gives
you access by using different websites on the internet.
2. Simplicity is key
English has relatively simple grammar, with simpler plurals, a straightforward verb
conjugation and it is mostly gender-neutral, making English language learning easier than
some other languages.
3. Valuable experience
Learning a new language requires a lot of time and patience. Therefore, being able to show
off this impressive skill will help you stand out to employers and boost your CV.
4. Access world class education systems and estabilishments
Many of the world’s best universities are either situated in the UK and the USA, or use
English as the main language for their courses, and English skills are therefore key when it
comes to applying.
5. Improve communication skills
Learning multiple languages can help you communicate more clearly in any language as you
learn more about how language itself works and how to use it to communicate with others in
all kinds of social, educational and professional settings.
Question :

1. Why by learning English we can add connections?

Answer : Because with English we can be more confident when talking to foreigners. Of course
this increases the chances of making friends with other people from different countries. Even in
the world of work, good English skills can also broaden connections

2. How can we get a good job for our future by learning English?

Answer : Mastering English is one of the requirements put forward by a company in recruiting
its employees. Especially if the company you are going to is a multinational company or a well-
known company. Mastery of English is considered important so that you can interact easily with
other people, especially colleagues who are foreign workers.

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