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2023/24 REALITY UNLEASH YOUR DATING POTENTIAL WITH THE HELP OF ATTRACTION UNLEASHED MASTER ATTRACTION WITH OUR EXPERT GUIDANCE AND SUPPORT AS YOU MEET, ATTRACT, AND BUILD INTIMACY WITH YOUR DREAM GIRL. You're not alone in feeling overwhelmed by the breadth of information and advice on dating, attraction, and pickup. While the internet has made it easier to access these resources, it can be daunting and confusing to determine what works and what doesn't. We get emails constantly from guys like you who have tried the techniques of online gurus only to be disheartened when they fail to work in real-life scenarios, especially when faced with the complexity of social dynamics and the presence of other people. The dating world can be lonely and intimidating without proper guidance and support. We've felt that too, and we're here to offer our knowledge and expertise and take you under our wing. Our goal here is to be with you every step of the way as you master the art of attraction and start relationships with women you truly desire. Imagine having the winning game plan and the skillset to meet, attract, and build a relationship with the woman of your dreams. Instead of blind experimentation and many years of setbacks and roadblocks, you'll be able to approach and captivate the very highest-quality women in no time. We'll take you to cities replete with the world’s most beautiful and desirable women so you can enjoy the ultimate dating experience. In one short trip, we'll transform you from a lost and frustrated dater to someone who has not only gained a new ability but finally found themselves. Let us lead you to a life of love and abundance. Improving your dating life can feel more like a wish than a goal. But with the right help, your path will be filled with love, laughter, and happiness Our team, led by Mystery and Beckster, has helped thousands of men from across the globe to achieve their goal of finding and keeping their ultimate dream girl. Some now have families and live a life of togetherness and intimacy with a partner they'd never have met. Imagine the start of your journey, surrounded by beauty and decadence, with personalized support and real-time, real-world feedback from the undisputed masters of attraction. Our commitment is to help you become the confident, charming, and irresistible man that you deserve to be and every wornan desires. So, don't wait any longer. Become our new wingman and get your first taste of paradise. Sincerely, ze Author, lecturer, TV personality, pro PUA, and international cultural icon, entertainer Erik von Markovik is the host of VHI's The Pickup Artist, the author of The Mystery Method: How To Get Beautiful Women Into Bed, and the world’s foremost expert in the art and science of social dynamics. Also known as ‘Mystery’, he exploded onto the underground pickup scene in the late 1990s with his ground-breaking contributions to the art, which earned him international prominence when his exploits were documented in Neil Strauss’ 2005 bestseller The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists. He has since been covered by various media outlets including, but not limited to, CNN, The New York Times, and The Conan O'Brian Show and has made numerous special appearances — not least at the Playboy Mansion. An industry leader and the first-ever pickup instructor to offer live, in-field training, Mystery has taught the Venusian Artform to thousands of men from all around the world and a who's who of the most renowned and celebrated PUAs who have ever walked the planet. These days, Mystery teaches a tweaked, updated, and near-to-perfected version of his original 3-phase process, which remains the benchmark that other coaches aspire to. He calls this new system ‘Mystery 2.0’. Becksler As the earliest Pickup Artist in the UK and founding instructor at the very first School of Seduction, Beckster has been at the forefront of the dating and relationship industries for well over 25 years now. During that time, he also trained thousands of students from all around the world and launched the careers of most of the other well-known and well-respected dating coaches to come out of the UK. In fact, it is fair to say that Beckster is somewhat of a legend in the PUA community; sought out by contemporaries who want to reach the next level and those in the media who knew that when the pressure is on and the cameras are pointing right at him, he will still deliver the goods — for himself and his students. To this end, he has been featured in publications such as The Sunday Times, FHM, and Mayfair and on major channels and streaming services such as the BBC, National Geographic, Netflix, and Amazon Prime. Beckster's style is a potent combination of the God-given abilities he modeled from ‘naturals’ while running one of London’s largest promotions companies and the routines and gambits he's learned from his 25 years of training in the art of the pickup. He calls it ‘Supernatural Game’. + EXPERIENCE WORLD-CLASS PICKUP IN ACTION * OVERCOME FEAR AND APPROACH ANXIETY * LEARN THE PHASES OF THE COURTSHIP MODEL * MASTER THE 5 KEYS TO PROFICIENT PICKUP * LEARN THE 5 Cs OF SUPERNATURAL GAME * LEARN HOW TO STIMULATE AND CAPTIVATE + LEARN HOW TO TRIGGER PRIMAL ATTRACTION + RECEIVE INSTANT FEEDBACK LIVE AND INFIELD + DEVELOP YOUR OWN STYLE AND MATERIAL + RECEIVE CONTINUED ADVICE AND SUPPORT MYSTERY & BECKSTER’S PHILOSOPHY & METHODOLOGY Mystery is regarded as the first and still the only pickup artist to develop a comprehensive, evidence-based system for attracting beautiful women. He wrote ‘Mystery Method: How to Get Beautiful Women into Bed’ in 2007, and this method, rooted in evolutionary psychology, remains relevant and effective almost two decades later. Beckster has his own brand of ‘cheeky chappie’ pickup that incorporates NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) with high-impact super-routines and gambits that straddle the line between direct and indirect styles of game. Once combined, you'll have a powerful mixture of mindsets, tactics, and strategies to help you in alll situations — the very best of both worlds. STRUCTURE Structure is vital when it comes to learning pickup, and without a solid foundation in the structure of pickup, it's easy to get lost while trying to adopt a ‘natural game’. Mystery wrote the book on structure, literally, but while reading books, browsing online, and watching videos can provide you with a basic understanding of the structure, there is no replacement for getting out there and learning it live infield. INSTANT FEEDBACK The key to rapid progress in pickup is instant feedback. During your training, Mystery and Beckster will observe your sticking points in real-time and provide guidance on improving your interactions with the next group. This instant feedback will skyrocket your results in a very short space of time. Mystery and Beckster also believe in the value of personalized instruction, which is why their training groups are always kept small and intimate. RESULTS Between them, Mystery and Beckster have coached and mentored some of the biggest names in the dating industry, including Neil Strauss, Adam lyons, Matt Hussey, and RSD's Tyler Durden. Their teachings have profoundly impacted countless pickup artists and enabled thousands of everyday gentlemen to achieve success in their dating lives and beyond. 3 3 MASTER THE THEORY It's essential you have a clear understanding of how the courtship timeline of meeting, attracting, and seducing works. We'll guide you safely through the theory and make sure everything clicks. In this respect, you'll always have the opportunity to ask questions if youre unsure about something, and we'll ensure you're prepared, proficient, and ready to interact with groups of people in any social gathering. Attract Build Comfort Seduce THIS INCLUDES Every love story is made up of scenes or phases. To become a proficient pickup artist, you have to know what phase you're in, the right time to move to the next phase, the exact things to say (and do) to move into the next phase, and the body language and general way of being that will maintain her attraction for you and keep you out of the friend zone. We will prepare you for the night ahead so your interactions will flow as seamlessly as possible, and you can get all the practice and experience you need to evolve.

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