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Today I’m going to show a really simple ​SOCIAL ENGINEERING TECHNIQUE​ for
having a bunch of different girls chasing you, competing over you, constantly
hitting you up over text and begging you to come over and fuck them.

Depending on your preference, you can then:

● choose the best of the crop and make her your girlfriend
● choose a couple of different girls and make them your regular fuckbuddies
● sleep with a new girl every night

After this gains a certain amount of momentum ​it can kind of take on a life of its own
and become difficult to turn off.

For example, I now receive texts like this from different HBs on the reg:

(girl’s texts in grey, mine in blue)

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[​Notice the dates of the messages.]

So how can YOU get hot girls chasing you and sending you needy texts asking you to
hang out and (ultimately) come over and fuck them?

Well, you see, it’s really quite simple.

It’s all based on a ​little secret​ about how the female brain works…

Turn the page to find out the secret of how to be sexually irresistible to the kinds of girls
who rejected you in high school ​⇢

© Michael Haines |





The secret is this:

Women want what other women want.

Simple principle.

Lots of practical applications ­ as you’ll see in a moment.

Ever noticed how if you’re walking down the street hand in hand with a girl... you get
blatantly checked out by other girls who you’re pretty confident would ​never​ be
interested in you if you were on your own?

That’s the principle in action.

You see, feminine energy is not attracted to need.

You may have noticed by now, that women are not attracted to the men who most need

They’re attracted to the men who already have lots of other women.

Feminine energy is a lot like money in that way.

Money isn’t attracted to ​need​. Money is attracted to money. It wants to multiply ­ to

replicate itself.

Money doesn’t have a conscience, and money doesn’t take pity.

It doesn’t flow towards those who need it most. It flows towards the people who already
have it, and the more of it they have, the more money flows towards them.

© Michael Haines |


So feminine energy is the same way.

Feminine energy has no conscience.

An individual woman might have a conscience, but ​FEMININE ENERGY has no


It doesn’t flow towards the men who need it.

It flows towards the men who already have lots of it​.

Feminine energy strives to replicate itself

Feminine energy is a subset of life energy, and all life energy strives to replicate itself.

We're constantly told by the media that women hate players, that they find them sleazy
or untrustworthy and so on.

Yet, if you think hard about it, women actually have a ​genetic imperative​ to date men
who will cheat on them.

How so? Well, let me explain...

If a woman is impregnated by a ruthless player, and they have a son together,

that ​son​ will also be a ruthless player.

And carrying around half of his mother's genes, he will hypothetically impregnate
dozens and perhaps (pre-birth control) hundreds of women himself...

...thus replicating his mother's genes at a dramatically faster rate than if he wasn't a

Get it?

I'm not pulling this stuff out of my ass, by the way. Scientists call this the "sexy son

© Michael Haines |


The Sexy Son Theory

Here's Richard Dawkins explaining it better than I can:

"In a society where males compete with each other to be chosen as he-men by
females, one of the best things a mother can do for her genes is to make a son
who will turn out in his turn to be an attractive he-man. ​If she can ensure that
her son is one of the fortunate few males who wins most of the copulations
in the society when he grows up, she will have an enormous number of
grandchildren​. The result of this is that one of the most desirable qualities a
male can have in the eyes of a female is, quite simply, sexual attractiveness
itself." (Excerpt from ​The Selfish Gene​)

People are robots

Something which you're going to have to come to terms with at some point or another
is that human beings are essentially robots.

We respond automatically to certain ​triggers​. We think we're in control but we're not,
by and large.

There are programs and algorithms running at all times in our subconscious which
automatically determine how we feel, how we perceive things, and what we do.

One of these deeply embedded programs is called social proof, also known as the
herd instinct​.

Herd instinct can be engineered

Learn to understand and manipulate the herd instinct in women and you will
never want for willing sexual partners.

Women, like all people, are robots, and respond predictably to certain triggers.

In this short crash course, I'm going to show you how to trigger these "people-bots" so
that they do whatever you would like them to do.

© Michael Haines |


"Auction" dynamics
In the following pages I'm going to show you exactly how to ​engineer​ a situation in
which you're in-demand and desired by a big herd of women.

It becomes like an auction.

You've got all these women chasing you, and then you can just select the best one on
the most favourable terms.

Turn the page to discover an easy, done­for­you, step by

step method to immediately be surrounded by a big group
of hot women who are competing for your attention ​in one
week or less​ ⇢

© Michael Haines |




Here's a simple and straightforward step-by-step formula you can use ​starting today​ to
engineer a sudden abundance of women in your life.

Sound good?

OK, let’s go.

This protocol is REAL SIMPLE. Watch and learn...

Step #1: Walk to your front door now.

Step #2: Step outside, and close the door behind you.

Step #3: Go to a place where there are women.

Step #4: Approach a woman, and start talking to her by speaking words out

of your mouth.

("Hi I'm ____" works fine.)

She will speak words at you out of her mouth in response.

Congratulations, you now know each other. Celebrate by getting a

coffee or a beer, or by going for a walk together. But that’s not all…

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Step #5: After you've hung out for a while, ask her for her number.

Here's how:

(1) ​Take your phone out and put it in her hand. (Obviously, have

screen unlocked and the phonebook open to make it easier for


(2) ​Say: "Amanda, put in your number." (Assuming her name is

Amanda, which it might not be. You're going to want to remember

her name and adjust this line accordingly. I've observed that girls

do not respond well when you call them by someone else’s name.)

(3) ​If she puts in her number, stay with her for ​at least another ten

to twenty minutes​.

This part's important: you want to cement in her mind that you

actually enjoy spending time with her - you don't just

view sex or a date with her as an ego-driven goal like most men

do. This will cut your flake rate in half, or more.

(4) ​After you part ways, send her a text ​immediately​ - i.e. within five

or ten minutes of having seen her last. Your text should look

something like this:

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"amanda, its michael, save my number in your phone becasue if

your anything like me you dont answer unknown numbers"

[Note the careless spelling and grammar - shows you don't give a


Then make reference in a playful or jokey way to something that

happened in the initial interaction. This could be mocking the girl in

a fun way for something she said or did, or just a private joke that

happened between you. (The purpose of this is, again, to create

a feeling of connection and minimise flaking later on.)

(5) ​If she doesn't give you her number, don't freak out about it.

There's going to be another girl on planet earth who will give you

her number.

Step #6: Repeat steps #1-5 a lot. Aim to get at least one phone number a

day for a week.

Or if you're less ambitious, just aim to do one approach per day -

regardless of whether you get a number or not.

If you do just one approach every day, in a month's time you will

have cold approached thirty girls. How many girls have you

approached in your life up to this point?

© Michael Haines |


Now here's the beautiful part...

Step #7: If you started Monday and got a girl's number each day you should

have five different "leads" by the time the weekend rolls around.

(That's all these are - ​leads​.)

Don't ask any of them on a date. Your goal at this point is ​not​ to

turn one of these girls into your girlfriend, but to create a

relationship​ with each of them while also ​engineering a dynamic

where they start competing over you.

So what you're going to do now is this:

At the weekend, ​text all the girls whose numbers you got telling

them that you and your buddies are going out.

Decide on a place - club, bar, whatever. It could even be

something less intense like a cinema or pool hall. Whatever works

for you.

Even better, host a small party at your house. Doesn't have to be

wild. If it's summer, you can do a barbecue. A club or bar is fine

too, though.

© Michael Haines |


WARNING​: Don't send a mass text to the girls. Customise each text by referring
to a private joke between you and the individual girl, or tease her or whatever.
This will greatly improve your response.

Step #8: When at least one girl texts back to say yes, then call up some of

your existing friends (male or female) and invite them.

You don't actually have to do this step, but it's generally just going

to be more fun if you do.

I'm going to go ahead and predict the future here: when you

indicate to your male friends that you're going to a club with a

bunch of girls, they are going to show up in droves - no questions


You are now going to find yourself in a position of magnetic

social power
What'll happen is this:

The different girls are going to show up to have fun.

Girls just want to have fun - so you use fun as the bait.

Fun in this case = a group of people going out and socialising.

Now what's critical is that the girls you approached and invited may not even be
attracted to you as this point yet.

That's fine - they don't need to be​.

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But when they show up and:

(a) see all the other girls who you "know"

(b) realise that every other girl there was invited by ​you​ (and that your friends are
just along for the ride)

...the girls will naturally begin to compete with each other for
your attention
It won't happen all at once, of course. It's a ​gradual dynamic​.

And, of course, if you can be charming and social and make the effort to talk to people
and make them feel at ease, you will accelerate the process.

● Focus on having fun.

● Be social.
● Don't pay too much attention to the girls.

...and soon they'll be eating out of the palm of your hand.



A. You've automatically positioned yourself as the leader, the alpha male, of

the group. Everyone there is there ​by your invitation​.

It's a little bit like a king. Kings used to exercise power in their kingdom
primarily through ​generosity​… by granting people gifts, land, charters,

By creating a situation of value for everyone there, you implicitly set

yourself up as the leader and master.

B. Everyone knows you ​but they don't know each other.

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Think about it.

Each of the girls knows no one there apart from you.

And your guy friends know each other but don't know the girls.

C. So as the person who knows everyone individually, you are going to

be the most ​comfortable​ and ​socially at ease​ person there by

(You can massively increase your social ease if you host this small party
in your own house, but it's not mandatory. A club or bar works well too.)

That gets communicated to girls subconsciously in a variety of subtle

ways, causing attraction.

D. You're the guy who is the connector - the introducer - between everyone

Girls want to be with the connector.

E. Finally, to all appearances, ​you are popular with women, and appear to be
in demand​.

This is the perception of everyone there. And so it will become the reality.
Because ​perception is reality​.

Perception is reality
You may be asking at this point, "But what if the girls all talk and find out that I'm not
really 'friends' with them? That I just met them through getting their numbers?"

Well, that's actually a good thing, not a bad thing.

If you're able to walk up to girls and simply get them to join your herd, it shows you'd
be able to do that in future.

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That gives you even more value in their eyes because it makes you potentially more

Competitive dynamic

Now if you've done this right, there will be five or six girls there - and just one of you.

Of course, you'll have some of your male friends there too.

But the girls are going to be more attracted to you, because

1) they already know, trust and like you,

2) they have an existing relationship with you,
3) you were the one who set this thing up and invited everyone.

So what you'll find is that as everyone gets to know each other… as people's
boundaries and inhibitions are loosened by having a few drinks… the girls are going to
start competing for you.

The levy breaks

At first, they'll be competing for your attention. As the night wears on, they'll become
more flirtatious.

When the other girls see the first girl flirting with you, ​they'll​ start to flirt too.

And at this point you just go with the flow. You can rely on the female instinct for
one-upmanship to kick in HARD at this stage.

If one girl touches you on the arm while she speaks to you, the next one will try to get
you to dance with her.

The next one, trying to out-do that one, might start grinding on your dick on the

The next one might kiss you. And so on.

© Michael Haines |


The funny thing is, the ​less​ you do at this point, the more insane with competition the
girls will get and the more they'll try to get you to​ choose them​.

It’s all based on a simple ​un-fuck-up-able step-by-step formula​…

What’s that formula again?

1. Approach a girl. Talk for a while. Get her number.

2. Get the number of at least one other girl that week, ideally five or six

3. Invite them all out to a club, a bar or a party at your place. Mention that
your friends are coming.

4. Invite your friends too. (This step isn't mandatory, though.)

5. Sit back and watch as the girls begin to compete over you. It will be
subtle at first, then more overt. Allow the competition between the girls to
heat up like a pressure cooker. When it's boiling, simply pick and choose
the one you like the best to sleep with, date, or whatever.

6. Repeat until you have the girlfriend of your dreams. If you repeat this
sequence every week you could very, very easily wind up with an
incredibly hot girlfriend within less than a month.

Oh and by the way:

Bear in mind that if you meet a new girl each day and invite them, but ​also​ invite the
girls from previous weeks, both the competition over you and the quality of girls you
have to choose from is going to ​accelerate​.

In other words, the more girls you meet and invite out to have fun with you, the more
your sexual value is going to ​compound​.

You can bring the girls who came last week out with you this week too - and get them
to bring their friends.

© Michael Haines |


At the same time, you're also cold approaching new girls and adding them to the "lead

Running your dating life like a business

So you've got these new girls coming in and you've got these girls who know you
better, and the competition just gets more and more fierce as you have more and more
options to choose from.

This is the fruit of taking MASSIVE ACTION.

Take massive action by approaching a girl a day.

Then structure a kind of "competitive auction" situation in which all of these girls are
implicitly competing for you, and you will end up dating a girl who loves you very, very

This is how you become unstoppable.

The problem with traditional "dates"

This "party"-based approach where you invited multiple different girls you're interested
in is way better than a traditional date.

The reason can be explained in one word: ​leverage​.

In a one-to-one "date", the girl has all the leverage (i.e. power), and you have none.

The frame of any date is typically going to be one of "guy chases girl for sex - girl
decides whether or not to give him 'permission' - usually doesn’t."

1-to-1 dates ( = weakness)

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1-to-many dates (= strength)

The more girls there are, the less of an ​impact​ the behaviour of any single girl can have
on you.

For example, on a normal date, the girl knows that whatever she decides to do is going
to determine how the rest of your night goes.

If she decides to sleep with you, she's "made your night" (according to socially
conditioned thinking).

If she decides to leave, she's "rejected" you.

But if you're out with five or six different girls or more, then what any one girl does or
does not do is completely irrelevant to you.

That's called being in a position of strength. ​That's called being un-rejectable.

Subverting the “invisible script” of traditional romantic

The key to the herding formula is not just the number of girls, but the fact that they're
naturally going to be competing over you.


Because you approached each of them and got their numbers, so there's an ​implicit
understanding that you were "pursuing" them in a normal romantic way.

But when they show up and see you there with a bunch of other girls, you flip the script
on 'em.

Even if they weren't that attracted to you before, now suddenly they start thinking more
seriously about you.

You brought em down one path, and then flipped the script. You initially made it seem
like you were the pursuer, then​ interrupted that pattern.

If you're a "5" in looks, you could quite seriously end up dating a "9" or "10" who
is absolutely devoted to you from doing this, ​absent making any other changes to
your life​.

© Michael Haines |


Power of momentum
Now, if you take massive action and start interacting with women on a regular basis,
you're going to build what's called ​social momentum​.

You'll find that the more you interact with feminine energy, the more at ease you feel
around girls and people in general.

You'll become more confident, more bold, more daring and a lot funnier.

You'll become charismatic. You'll find yourself laughing spontaneously. You'll become
magnetic to other people.

You'll find that you actually become better-looking.

Seriously. Socialising regularly and being relaxed around people as a result will
subconsciously relax the muscles of your face, making you look more handsome.

Not that looks has anything substantial to do with attracting women if you use this
method. It's just an interesting added benefit.

Social momentum is magnetic

The more you go out, the more you approach women, the more you introduce people,
and more girls you're dating or friends with, the more you'll find yourself becoming
magnetic to men and women alike.

People are going to increasingly want a piece of you.

Men are going to want to hang out with you to get access to your female friends.

Women are going to want to date you because women want what other women want.

Start viewing yourself like a WALKING ESCORT


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Your goal in life is to provide a ​service​ to women.

Girls can choose to hang out with you or not. You don't care, because you're not trying
to get anything from them.

You're simply providing them a service in terms of fun, social opportunities, parties,
meeting people and sexual experiences with you and/or with each other.

They can decide to have sex with you, make out with you, make out with each other,
have threesomes with you or not, but it doesn't matter to you because at the end of the
day you're just providing them a service.


Start thinking of yourself like a PRODUCT

“I'd like to start by saying something about the basic idea of when you start one
of these companies, how do you go about creating value? What makes a
business valuable? And I want to suggest there's basically a very simple
formula... that if you have a valuable company two things are true. Number one,
that it creates "X" amount of value for the world. Number two, that you capture
"Y" percent of "X.” ... So to create a valuable company you have to basically
both create something of value and capture a fraction of the value of what
you've created.”

- Peter Thiel, billionaire venture capitalist and first investor in Facebook,

“Business Strategy and Monopoly Theory Lecture”

This way of getting girls is very different to the traditional dynamic of pickup.

Normal pickup is like door to door sales.

You go out and prospect and get 99 “no”s and 1 “yes”.

But what I want you to do is to start thinking about yourself not like a door to door

...and more like a modern internet company.

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Let’s take Facebook as an example.

Facebook doesn’t go door to door, searching for advertisers. (Or at least, they certainly
don’t need to).


And then because they have this gigantic herd of people, now advertisers are
BEGGING to give their advertising dollars to Facebook.

So Facebook is in the position of immense power.

You'll be doing kind of the same thing.

● You're creating immense value in terms of fun and social opportunity for the
girls you approach and bring out with you.
● You're introducing them to each other and possibly to your friends.
● You're creating a social environment in which everybody gets to interact with
each other.

And at the end of the day, you're capturing a ​fraction​ of that value by hooking up with
and/or dating the best girls there.

But the point is you’re actually creating more value for others than you’re taking.

Socialising with other people is a very important medicine, and most people don't get
nearly enough of it.

When you provide an easy avenue for girls to have fun and socialise, they become
addicted the medicine you're offering them and which only you can provide.

How to get out of the friendzone

There’s just one more thing to clear up.

You may be worried that this style of game will lead to you being stuck in the
"friendzone" with the girls you've brought out. Not so.

I think it was Richard La Ruina who said: ​The friendzone is a position of power.

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And there's a lot of truth to that.

You ​want​ to be in the friendzone.

Being in the friendzone means you have a girl who you can go out with regularly, and
meet other girls with.

She'll introduce you to her friends, and now you can go out with them.

And just as in the above examples, if you step into a club with a huge stable of hot
girls, you're going to find that you're magnetic to the other girls there.

They'll be throwing themselves at you.

And if you DO actually want to hook up with one of the girls you’re only friends with,
it’s very simple:

Just approach other girls in front of her.

She’ll start to get jealous, start to wonder why you’re hitting on other girls but not on
her, and bang -- suddenly there’s sexual tension again.


Alright, that’s all from me today.

I’m gonna go see the new Entourage movie with my buds and then maybe run a little
game afterwards ;-)

I hope you enjoyed this free gift I’ve given you.

I think that if you actually use it, it’s really going to help you get the results with
women which you’re after much FASTER than whatever you’re doing now.

This principle seems very simple on the surface, but it actually took me nearly FIVE
YEARS of “salesman”-style cold approach to figure out!

© Michael Haines |


Above all, it’s a way of maximising the EFFICIENCY of your game. More results for less

Alright, take it easy dude, I’m out.


© Michael Haines |

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