Zephyr Shiloh

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Name: Zephyr Shiloh

Level: 1
Tendency: Lawful Neutral
Languages: Common, Loxodon
Height: 8ft (250cm)
Weight: 400lbs (180kg)
Background: Acolyte
Background Perks:
- Insight, Religion
- Holy Symbol (Also my Arcane Focus)
- Shelter of the Faithful (Somewhere out in the world I possess a completely safe
space filled with scholars and fellow believers, they are all on good terms with me
and would shelter me without thinking twice)
- Lore: Zephyr's temple used to worship Ganesha, the God of Fortune, Wisdom and
Intelect. Until one day, powerful winds derivative of a ritual from a temple that
worshiped a rival god, Vayu, destroyed Zephyr's temple, leaving him as the only one
alive and all that remained were a pair of sacred chains that attached to Shiloh's
arms. Now Shiloh searches for Vayu's worshippers in order to right their wrongs,
through violence or apologies.
- Background Trait: I’ve spent so long in the temple that I have little practical
experience dealing with people in the outside world.
- Background Bond: I will do anything to redeem the temple where I served.
- Background Flaw: My piety sometimes leads me to blindly trust those that profess
faith in my god due to the loss of my fellow worshippers.
Race: Loxodon
Race Skills:
- Powerful Build. (Counts as one size larger when determining your carrying
capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.)
- Loxodon Serenity. (You have advantage against being charmed or frightened.)
- Natural Armour. (AC becomes 12+ CON modifier/If wearing armor that is lower than
Natural armor you may take the Natural value/Shields work as normal)
- Trunk. (Reach of 5 feet where I can grab, push, pull medium objects, open and
close containers/Functions as a snorkel/Can execute an Unarmed Strike.)
- Keen Smell.
Class: Cleric
Class Skills:
- Spellcasting
- Divine Domain: (Domain of Order, Spells: Command/Heroism)
HP: 11
AC: 15 (Natural Armor)
Walk Speed: 30ft
STR: 14 (+2)

DEX: 8 (-1)

CHR: 13 (+1)

INT: 13 (+1)

WIS: 15 + 1 [Race] = 16 (+3)

CON: 14 + 2 [Race] = 16 (+3)

GP: 15GP
- 5 Sticks of Incense
- Arcane Focus (Golden Prayers)
- Simple Shield
- Priest's pack (Backpack, Blanket, Candles, Tinderbox, Blocks of Incense, Censer,
5 days of rations and a waterskin that lasts 2 days shaped like a large gourd I
carry on my back)
- 2 quarterstaffs (1d8) (Chains flavor)
Proficiency Bonus: +2

- Light armor, Medium armor, Shields
- Simple Weapons
- Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
- Skills: Medicine, Religion
Spellcasting Ability: WIS
Spell Save DC: 8 + WIS (3) = 11
Spell Attack Modifier: Proficiency Bonus (2) + WIS (3) = 5
Arcane Focus: "Golden Prayers" (Golden Chains with Black Details)

Spell Slots:

- Guidance (+1d4 to any Skill Roll or Check)
- Word of Radiance (1d6, WIS Saving Throw)
- Sacred Flame (1d8, DEX Saving Throw)

Level 1:
- Cure Wounds
- Inflict Wounds (3D10 Melee Spell Attack)

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