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It was the middle of the night, and the city was quiet. A boy named Kelly was patrolling in the city with
his favorite bike, then suddenly a huge man showed up! Kelly was shocked and shouted "ahhhhh" and he
turned his bike the opposite way and ran, he went to their garage and he picked up his Rocket Launcher
and as soon as he came back the huge man disappeared. It was 7:00am in the morning, then Kelly woke
up and he found out that he was just dreaming, Kelly said "Oh god that dream was insane!" Kelly went to
his friends and he told his friends about the dream he had last night, Jhowen said "Your dream was weird
man" and Noel said "That was crazy bro" and his Japanese friend named Zenichi Nagata said "なんて
こった、あなたの夢は奇妙だった(anata no yume wa kimyōdatta/oh my god your dream was weird)",
after telling his friends about his dream, he suddenly felt exhausted and went home, Soon after that, he
felt like something is following him then when he looked back, no one was there, then he went to his
father named Greg, he told his father about the dream he had last night then his father said "Oh come on
son, that was just a dream, and remember, dream can't happen in real world" and Kelly replied "I know
dad but that dream is just really scary, can I sleep with you tonight?" and his dad said "No!" qnd Kelly
went to their garage and he noticed something strange with his bike he said "wait, where did this scratch
came from?" then he looked at his arm and he noticed some scars and he said "Where did I get These
scars?!" then he came back to their house and played some video games. It was 8:00pm in the evening
and his father entered the room and told his son to go to sleep then he looked at his father's face and
noticed something familiar, as soon as he goes to sleep he heard a strange noise outside and he went to
check his father and saw his father was missing! Then he went to their garage and picked up his bike and
he went to check where the strange noise is coming from. He had no choice but to patrol the whole city
with his favorite bike, it was quiet and the streets are clean but then he saw the huge man in his dreams,
but this time it's in real life now. He had Deja Vu and Kelly doesn't know what to do and he said "I don't
wanna run away just like what I did in my dreams, I wanna fight." He didn't get off his bike and he pulled
out his upgraded airsoft gun that his father gave him and he shot the huge man in his foot and the huge
man didn't feel a thing. then Kelly used his upgraded bike to attack the huge man then the huge man
tripped! And he can't get up, his head was bleeding. And he came closer to the huge man and suddenly
Kelly cried. He found out that the Huge Man is his father Greg.
The End.

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