Written Exam Sebastian Solis

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Fidelitas English Academy: Written Midterm Exam – Level 7

Name: Sebastian Solis Date: _________________________

Percentage: 10%
Total points Sections I – IV 41pts
Percentage Obt.:__________ Grade

I. Vocabulary
1 point for each correct answer 20pts

A. Complete the paragraph with the correct words from the word bank. Two words will not be

bias chaos feature purchase shade theme

When I first went to the car dealership, I felt ready to make my first big (1)

________purchase______________ since starting my new job. I had done my research, so I knew

exactly what model of car I wanted. I knew the brand, the type of material for the seats, and the

exact (2) _________feacture_________________ of blue it should be. There was not a single (3)

_____________shade___________________ of the car that I had not already decided. I thought

that I had everything all figured out. What I was not expecting, however, was the amount of (4)

____________chaos________________ that was happening in the car dealership that day. They

were having a huge sale, and hundreds of people were piling into the dealership to buy their

dream cars too. I was going to need to move fast if I didn’t want to see somebody buying my


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Fidelitas English Academy: Written Midterm Exam – Level 7

B. Match each word or phrase with its synonym. Five letters will not be used.

1. __A___ embrace A. go back; return to

2. __E___ point out B. quiet down
3. __I___ recognize C. remember
4. __J___ imply D. give permission for
5. __F___ manufacture E. get; earn
6. __N___ revert F. build
7. __K___ advance G. accept
8. __G___ style H. say something
9. __K___ assess
10._H____ perspective I. direct attention to
J. test
K.move forward

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Fidelitas English Academy: Written Midterm Exam – Level 7

C. Match each underlined word with the correct definition. Three definitions will not be used.

1. __G___ A good leader will take the initiative to start A. the ability to begin or act on
projects and encourage their team, but it is also something
the team’s job to respond to the directions.
B. job; position
2.__D___ A leader should be able to provide motivation
C. practical; logical
for their team to be successful and keep focused.
D. accept; embrace
3.__E___ If a leader does not promote teamwork among
E. reason; inspiration
its members, the group will not be able to function
well together. F. passion for something
G. idea to do something unique
4.__H___ It is a leader’s responsibility to make all team
members focus on the same goal, or they could fall H. encourage
I. challenging
5.__B___ It is not very realistic to be a perfect leader for
all types of people on a team because every
member has a unique personality and responds
differently to different leadership styles.

6.__C___ Each team member should learn to take on any

task that is given to them.

II. Pronunciation 1 point for each correct answer 8pts

A. Draw lines between the different syllables of the following words. Then underline the
syllable that should be stressed.

leadership — lea|der|ship

1. motivation - mo-ti-va-tion

2. Capable – ca-pa-ble

2. effective - e-ffec-tive

3. ethical - e-thi-cal

© 2020 Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
Fidelitas English Academy: Written Midterm Exam – Level 7

B. Cross out (draw a line through) the unstressed syllable(s) in the words.

1. Feature

2. Recognize

3. Stifle

4. Moderately

III. Vocabulary Skill 1 point for each correct answer 4pts

A. Read the definitions of the following words. Then match the underlined words in the sentences
below with the correct word form. Two forms will not be used.

Yield /jiːld/ noun; /jiːld/ verb

• noun to give up
• verb 1 to produce something, like results or profits
• verb 2 to make way and let another driver pass

Moderate /ˈmɑː.dɚ.ət/ adj; /ˈmɑː.də.reɪt/ verb

• adjective average; not too extreme
• verb 1 lose strength
• verb 2 manage or organize a public discussion

1. __D___ It’s a new experiment, but scientists are hopeful that it will yield A. yield (noun)
positive results.
B. yield (verb 1)
2. __F___ Another car almost hit us when it didn’t yield after exiting the C. yield (verb 2)
D. moderate
3. __A___ It was the speaker’s job to moderate the debate for the
E. moderate (verb 1)
F. moderate (verb 2)
4. __B___ A 2% tax was moderate, but some politicians thought a 20%
tax was needed.

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Fidelitas English Academy: Written Midterm Exam – Level 7

IV. Grammar 1 point for each correct answer 9pts

A. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.

1. Lena would never think about __________ a team leader, but she might be offered the
position after working there for five years.
A. become
B. to become
C. becoming
D. became

2. If you are looking for a good partner to start a business with, I suggest __________ for
someone whose personality matches yours well.
A. look
B. to look
C. looking
D. looked

3. He is somebody who does not want _________ a leader. Some people prefer that others
make decisions for them.
A. be
B. was
C. to be
D. being

4. If you decide __________ the election to become president, you will have a lot of support
from our city.
A. join
B. to join
C. joining
D. joinned

5. The speaker is in support of __________ to keep a small business running before trying
to start a giant corporation.
A. try
B. tried
C. to try
D. trying

B. Read the following situations and suggestions. Write two subjunctives for each situation.
(2pts each answer: 1pt grammar – 1pt mechanics)
© 2020 Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
Fidelitas English Academy: Written Midterm Exam – Level 7

Situation 1: Somebody is opening a new restaurant and wants it to look attractive to potential

1- I recommend you that your restaurant always should be attractive for the people the

restaurants need to be sticking

2- Your restaurant needs to have a good presentation for the customers so that they have

interest in eat there

Situation 2: Somebody is creating a tourism advertisement for your city and wants to show
the best parts of the city to attract tourists.

1- You should mention the most striking places in the city to highlight them for tourists

2- You could learn the history of those places to impress tourists

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