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Chem 001A
General Chemistry
Ludwig Bartels Winter 2023

You have 12 questions. Remember, the greatest challenge in this exam is getting
everything done in time. Don’t get stuck anywhere. Limit the amount you write and move
on if a problem gets too hard!

Please contain your answers in the boxes provided and remember to label all diagrams,
graphs with axes, and sketches.

Please hand in the exams when you are done, if there is still 5 minutes on the clock. If
you are done closer to the end-time, please wait and we will pick it up from you.

1. Is there a double bond in O2?

Provide arguments in favor and
opposed. What is the answer?

2. What is the difference between

ferric and ferrous oxide? Write the
formula including oxidation state.

3. Draw the Lewis Structure of

two isomers with at least 10 atoms.
Include lone pairs. Label what
kind of isomers they are.

4. Draw a Molecular Orbital

Diagram for F2. Include all valence
shell orbitals. Include the atomic
orbitals on the side. Label all
orbitals. Indicate which orbitals
are occupied by electrons using

5. Sketch all (occupied)
orbitals/the electron distribution in
acetylene. Label the orbitals and
the atoms.

6. Draw the Lewis Structure of

two allotropes. If resonance
structures are relevant, include

7. How many atoms are here?

Write the formula of the molecule
in a format like “CO2”. In the
Lewis structure, add the lone pairs,
the atom labels and all hydrogen
atoms. Label the hybridization of
each atom.

8. Why do noble gases have high

ionization energies but very small
(absolute value) electron
affinities? Describe in sentences
OR with a labeled sketch.

9. How do bond length and energy
behave as you increase bond
order? Provide some more
description than just “increasing”
or “decreasing”.

10. Write the nuclear equation for

the beta decay of 14C.

11. What extra information does

the periodic table contain over a
list of elements. Answer in words.

12. Provide an example molecule

each for a tetrahedral molecule, a
T-shaped molecule, and seesaw-
shaped molecule. Alternatively,
draw the atoms (balls), the bonds,
and the lone pairs for each case.
Only do ONE of the options
(example molecules or drawings),
not both.

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