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My life project

The act of the person

The person is a being endowed
with reason, self-aware and
possessive of own identity. the
person means the most perfect
of all nature. All person during
the life is forming its character
and showing his attitude in front
of the family, in the center
education, work and society in
● My attitude as a person is reflected in the way
that I act, that is, the behavior in the ways of
doing things.

● • In the chore of society must see reflected the

dignity of the person, as such, with all its
capabilities and potentials, their actions in the
Freedom and conditions

All human beings have the ability to think and act

according to his own will.
Freedom allows us to decide if we want to do something
or not people carry out our acts freely, but also we are
responsible for the consequences, whether positive or
negative, For example: when we choose to go out or not
go to recess, or when we express our desire to participate
in student government, among others.
Conditioning is the interpretation that I make at each
moment and it has a positive or negative effect on my
behavior patterns.
is a value that is in the conscience of the person which allows him to reflect,
manage, guide and assess the consequences of their actions.
We can demonstrate that we have that value when we make decisions about
consciously and assume responsibility for our actions.

By the way we make decisions we can classify them into:

1. Individual: if we make the decisions, without anyone intervening.
2. Shared: when family, friends, and others are involved.
3. Collective: when several people meet to make decisions that interests
everyone, for example: solving the problem of community drinking water..

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