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Municipal Tourism, Heritage, Cultural & Arts D Plan 2020-2024 28 Resolution No. 2023-49, Febru (Updated: April 2023) Municipality of Amulung Cagayan Province Region It AMMULUNG TOWN: The word AMULUNG came from the plant I. t's classified as a woody vine and rata flge plant that grows ‘on aground comer spreading borizontaly bit can alo cimb up to 0 fet high. Despite being considered as a etl medicine, plant ean be tol to humans and animals especially inthe ye and akin ara, Prior to year 168, Father Fray Pero ha treated some heathers ofa place called Ambayao and descended them to new villages. He went dow withthe Inians, wth thei wives, household goods reaching the village YTUGUG. ‘The indians were allowed to choose which ste to lve. Some remained in Yugug while others wert down to Cabagan, Lao lui Fotl and other vi ‘mn 2680, Father Matheo Goncaler, chosen vier ofthe Bobuyanes islands was sucesfl in his ison to reduce ‘the heathens extending his labors tothe farthest ofthe Babuyanes lands but aborted the mision due to some ‘controversies linked to im. In 2686 the father returned to Babuyanes sland te continue hs mission, i i return, he took advantage ofthe ‘veleanic eruption in Babuyan Chanel that theatened the inhabitants and deeded to oleate to ancther pace, ‘Te heathens lft with the father an formed 2 new vilagein Cagayan onthe seacoast between the two vias ‘of igulg and Nastping. Travel rom these wllage is via the Capa River by rowing 2 boat in avery long se ‘tance, The village was however suppreseed ltr by order ofthe government, adits inhabitants returned to Ba ‘buyanes. nthe next few yeurs, the ear returned to Cagayan for help, leaving Fay Dlego Pera alone and one ‘ther worker, Fray Juan de Ros who i also assigned inthe ld But scarcely have the three fathers begun thet. labors whan sickness caures the death ofthe ater vicar and his atst associate, Whereupon, ray Diego Piero retuns to Cagayan to seek more ad “Amulung has siren been tatoned inthe vicinity in 173 inhbited by Inia from other vilages of maybe In ‘ans left uring the wage af Father Mateo Goals But the numberof inhabitants i not enough to establish a Pueblo. “Amulune #8 Spanish Pueblo was evil founded by 2 decree of Governor General dated May 1, 3734, The de- {Gee was implemented in Cagayan Valley bythe Alcalde Mayor Don Manuel Romeo in December 15,1734, Don ‘Manvel Romero gave an image to Our Lay f Vitory to the inhabitants of his town, then bara of ei, The ist Church was enshrined end bull somewhat is 1746 hich was made af fist dass wood and corrugated iron set fing that ested more than a century, erected an bil he second church made of stonein ime spot with 82 yrds in length and 16 yards height was destroyed by 3 torr in 2924 According to Alealde Mayor of Cagayan, Juan Verona Velazquez, wrote in 1746 the ‘amulng st “alleviate the hardeips of the travelers" n order for Amulng t enough inhabitants. Spaniards transfered inhabitants rom diferent ilages andthe “Tugungarao, from which place came down 110 tribute’ anda greater numberof ik In February 25,180, Fr, Manuel Mora, OP wrote the travel he made from Amolung and.» quater. The travel was downstream, upstream using his service boat wth 4 that uoon leevng gue for Amulun, one nds avery hgh and wide bridge thetwo towns, tere as creck which avers usualy crosses by aft with dangers Ins document dated February 27,1877, Fr, onic Casa, OP, described the ees of ‘ras made of wood and va started in 2854 measuring 82 yards lon, 16 yards wide and 7 yards ih. ‘of sone was LL yarde long and yards wide, The convent was made of tones measuring 32 yard long and 22 {yrds wide, The Tuibunal or Municipal Hall vas made of wood measuring 40 yrds lng and 17 yards wide, There ‘vers tw warehouses for tobacco which ae made of bamboo and cogon, One measured 126 yards ong anid 13, ‘yd wide, we dhe other was 100 yard long and 42 yard lng. The school for len was of wood and was 42 Yard long and 12 yards wide. There were twenty houses made of wood mith one having 09 gtvenied ion. Ince tee nese The Pree 66 18 eb i ha ened ote Cae 18-198, ly Pa span Con the Road to Amukng, wrote the priest of ui i stone bridge of four spans, the bigest had to arches ‘overt. was the ony one of hn i the whole province The well and the stars of the bricks nea he patio ‘ofthe church were made atthe Inter thi ofthe 180 century, under the direction of the Dominican father, Peso de San Pedro. The town of Arulung, sd Father Casas, had fourtoen barrios, two of which were tem ‘eque and Cordoba, and they had ther oom enmiis thas publ buldings and tobacco warehouses. The priest proposed the fling of the unhealhfl muddy fake that was inthe carer town. The favorit games were ‘the cards ad cocfehting, pecially afer the payment of tobacco, ‘The inhabitants of Amulung ae Ibanas and ocana. They ae farmers and traders but also engage in various ‘occupations. Ther important erops rere, cor forest products, pouty and vegetables The barns of Amulung toward the end of Spanish ule ware: Poblacion, Tana, Aboo, Pui, Afsing, An gua, Anaabuclan, Aad, Araya, Eabuian, Baccut, Bacuud, nan, Calsagul, Conception, Ondéa, Gab, ‘ugeyung,Eetsfania,urescion, Lana, Logs, Manolo, Marubbob Monte Alegre, Nangettabon an Pes ‘Amulung had its share of blessings an harsh brought about bythe Spaish er. By virtue of Royal Order ‘No. 27 dated November 27,1986, te ati, Cordobs On the westside Cagayan rec, was made a separate town. Bagge, another brio onthe Northern si, was also separated fom Arulung his same dy. uring the U.S repime,Amulang rogrsted a evidentin the construction ofa concrete Gabaldon Bling a ‘bridge during the term of Governoe Antonio Cag. Damages cause bythe Japanese were restced with the help of War damage payments Conventional Alun {alts have nt change much, bu the to, for a better tomorrow. elngon the highway trom kabel, Amuing Js wrth an overnights sty, And rest assured along the route to the town, are exaling scenery which have r= mained unchangad for hundred af yer. GREAT LEADERS, Municipality of Amulung Sens GobemaordloAnerianresenes Mund Amen ilps dependence Regine Regine pales reine a Yew oft veer Yer Ofc ‘Vicar of Fr. Antonio Cuadrado, 1897 Valentine Gannaben 1956-1959 Venanco, Morales ‘rguerreo0? I f | Pablo Gunagran 2697-1099 YoletineCanopl 1958-1963 VerencoD. Morals DonPeéronn 3699901 arn Agulo 1969-160. VerandoD. Morals ‘Don Andres Ganraben 1901-1903 fuan Soro 49681979 Roda Moraes DonPedroTagubac 29031906 cert Cana 1979-1983. an Malanug (poi Don arse Talst 19061909 ndres Aquino 1983-186 Jan Maloun DDonJosedela Cruz 1908-1912 Gaspar Gazmen 1986-1089 Wan Mlarug 1867.1859-Gabrie!Gannatan 1912-1915 lacintoCatoleo 1985-992 Ivan Malm 41865871 Eula Dichoso 1915-918 Franesco Donato 1992-1995 Juan Malamuz 418714873 Ambroce Dichoso 1915-1921 Manuel Aguino 1995-2001 ty. NicanorG de Laon {6 succession) {18781875 RaymundoTalang 1921-1925 Domingo Guyab 2001-2008 Atty. Nianor de Leon 4925-1928 Alejandro ataieo 2001-2007 Ay, NicanorC. de Leon 45282921 Antonia Cat 2007-2010 PactaN. de Loon 19311924 SshadorGacol 20102013 Ay. Neanor cde Leon Fuad Pau 20432016 Ay, NianorC de Leon | {1803-885 Valentin iggy 98 Faustino ores 2016-2018 Ay NenorC.de eon | 41885-1887 Agustin atl rete 039-2022 EpiioR Rendon 4897-1889 Juan Gannaban Comin othe Pippi 2022 fio R Rendon {1809-1891 Fernando Bacal = ‘epitanes Muncpsles a b m4 41891-1883 Pero Ligseyy ze 11991895 Juan Morales Sela ||| le 1900's Honorable lected councl ofthe Muncy erdered <8 Seretary Elo alam restarch onthe ito: 1 of Arulang thereby acovering the town as 2 publ that took pce December 18. The Muni Goel de {ted in an ordinance [crsinance No-) Beeember 15 asthe ofa found anniversary ofthe town. The eb ‘onan the sid date wen threo. onerble Congressman Manuel Mamba nated the construction of West Alan Hosp rm the propa of ‘ayor Juan Malemug The lt whee the buldng was constructed was donated by Honorable Nain Casts, pre= tnt tania councor during hate ears The constucted bulk was inaugurated or August 30, 1896 unde the minctration of At. Meanor Ce Laon, Munipl Mayor whe suceeded the leaeriip of he town upon the Cath of lected Mayor isn Malag The egal proposal rom hostal was transformed to Sub-ofe bacause tthe acne ofthe locaton, The ub-ofce aniversary was delared under Ordnance No272722 cout epstration Month under Proclamation 682, fred by former President Corazon, Aan onthe 28th of -anury 1908 decaes the month ef February of every year as Ci Registration Month « Mass Wedding eration wwe the chotan sctty because of the numerous nmber of lgtimate cicren born dung those Wart was lourched in 1996 purposely odiserinate the benefit fa lagal mariage, the legimation of thir chika eeterng cules of indgert status. k was eeboted atthe Munlal Gmnatum by Municipal Mayor Neanat Cde eon, turning 320 cousles ro lgay marie! couples, The wed was al ree of charge bya resouin ofthe Muna Councils. sbsequent, the etmaton oftheir children followed. decase ofthe suces of he mass Wedlg snd the beefs it evs te constivents, lt became part ofthe culture, In February 20:9, Tou Sector ofthe muni aly acted the sid ecto which wa he fst mass weddhngsebated nthe town's famous tourism ,Pni> fan fale. February 2020, ass wedding was conducted in Abolo~Angulay River Sank herbonk wedding) 2021 rats wedaine wa lured it four tes, ln Dugyur er sie, Daa Gymnas, ro Farm and Resort, Baya> bat. n 2022 ass wedding was celebrated in two cues, Good Saratan farm and Resort Located in Etta, ‘ang, Cag oan and Noma us loming Bel lcated in Nagase, Amulung, agra. Summary of RSBSA Master ist pe Barangay dat source MAO) 1.4 TOPOGRAPHY TOPOGRAPHY: The Municipality of Am lung is characterized by complex geo raphcal features with mixed broad al luvial plain, low ving ils and sur rounding mountains ranges of Bagea0 fon the east and mountain ranges of n> to Nilo on the west, est, North and South of the Poblacion are lands with ‘et rele. some parts are undulating and raling lands. °° See 1.5 LAND USE = LAND USE: Amulung comprises of — 26,451.21 hectares land area (cadastral aes = ‘survey, PENRO). Based from the data Secs F ‘given by the Municipal Agriutturist Office of Amulung, allocated area for is * ‘farming is 19,870.07 hectares. Approxi- Tee mately 12,558 hectares are cultivated ae 2 ‘and utllzed. Iteomprises about 51.35% ff the total land area or ony 63:20.% of the allocated farm area, 11.35% of the Farm lan is ile. Part of the land area comprises of natural resources and for est ands, mountains and hls with war ACCESSIBILITY: The Municipality of Amulung is oat 2488 klometes of Cagayan’ capital town, Tags ao Gy. Is reachable 30 to 45 minutes by land, Tuguearao Cy ia fast deelping cy thats fil acs ty te transportation and acommadstion. From the nalonal alta Manila Tapuearso cul be eich oy sand land transport. Tguogarao airport has tre (5) schedules daly rom Mana with oly an hour oat ‘rave and vanspot has the largest number whic, departing schedules eery 45 minutes daly. The stance ‘om Mana to Tuuegarao tr 56795 klometers which cold be reached at dengestance of 488 klemeters and approximately 10 to 12 hours. Most of te publ we buss travel rom Man to Apar and as far asthe sae Region th stopover in Tugugara ly. These uses pase through te Raa! Highway ofthe Meni pay flan Ster aonb as rao aa ram Tgp iy Apart area The mala vansportion of Amulung to reach eter Barangays swith the use of toe and “some butfew isthe ple ue je. Wester par of he Municipality oul be reached in two wap: ave ers ‘uguegao to Solana road by pole ve jp ant or by talng the Nstonal Higher. tp a Bogan Bridge in Barangay Anquiray, Amul fora ery fn tor to Baangey Abo front 10 minutes. Teles ae ae veapeat walt the othe side ofthe er tocar oth erent Barangays fe westerns part of the Muna ty. by 25 the Eat and Wt orion ce Mniilty wl coma ne hough the campeon fs hom ridge. Tien paso wrth jet of Congress op aa. Todt, the teporey sel bie Is partion: slnanthudied nets prey tudes nd eres rom Mona to Tuguegaros: Victory Liner From kama Terminal (5:20 awis:1s Pano PM) ‘itor tne rom Cuboo (5:30 AM; 830 /AM; 21:30 AM; 2:00 P00 Ps 7:00, 9.00 My 21:00 m4 28:59 4) Soa From Mana to Apari/Sonzaga/Sta Ane {SV Forida Bus ro Sampaloe (2:30 PM to 30:30PM diy) rom Baguio to Avar/For/ Paster alin J, Datin Bu ne, in Tree Tran, Gril Tran ‘ram tees Reion to Tuaveonareo ‘GM, GV Fords ner \VAN TRANSPORT AVAILABLE AT ANYTIE INAULROUTES Pease Brgherar Amiga Sane mip tom te nest Iman vb 0 er age hare Sew at es 20 On of eae or bn aden the malty: Somerton snd ener ‘fl crate eee ot Se edee ee cins ‘eine pepe tet sch a laa, aon and Pippin fed ce to he agus erry ate {heen Te mk tA pon he mosis ft fa catalan Sera Nee Thee evita cote + (ess f they Seon an orainysioe Seat he dinate wo Sed oncom The enor ‘Sse emcirted 092) Ganea mor wed sens 4 Wontaet memos = 16 Inet thelr iw hey saat ote sate oe ve an avrg ay gh eb ee: month of he yeti My ‘een an as gh of AS Cet svn san om Nove te ebony of he month avg oa eee ee aes foe —f ao es wate Se = a as icine

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